I'm Never Buying Cheese AGAIN! (Amazing Cheese from our new Goats!)

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first Mill there you go Abby what are you gonna do with this first milk out now these first batches I really want to make some Chef some shove what a shove a soft go es it is commonly referred to just as goat cheese is it very soft usually comes in like a long shape [Music] obviously when I decided to do goats Abby's been studying for a year to get all prepared she found some very good Nubian goats we just picked them up today against this is our first milking first goat milking at Riverbend living is that what this one's name I'm living hello living how you doing sweetie can you say hi hi we got living and we got Isabella is a bow he's a bow hello he's a bow okay so you've got a pail there yeah yeah pour the milk in too so it doesn't stay out exposed too long is that the idea yes because it does it can collect the flavors of the barn which can make it not taste good let's keep it nice and clean all right so I'm just draining it right away just keep it clean and then gonna put a lid okay they say when you can create foam when you're milking at least with cows I sure don't know goats then then you've got your milking down you know what you're doing fast forward about two and a half months and we have now had the goats for a while and what do you think about them are you liking them I really like them I'm excited to keep on going unlike Josh and my concerns they have not gotten out once they are now trained to electric wire and they stay in very nicely so they're behaving themselves very nicely what kind of goat are they new bands Nubian goats and they're very well behaved very nice goats aren't they yes so have you made any changes to your milking program since you started milking when I first started milking I strained the milk right into the big bucket in the barn but I decided to stop doing that and I did not detect a change in the flavor of the milk and so it's just a lot faster just to pour it right in the bucket and then come down the house and strain it straighten it out right there so you're going to show us how to do that right now so go ahead you can go ahead you've got your half gallon jars you have your funnel and then in here you actually have a filter and you just pour it right on through the filter [Music] pull jars there we go now something that's really interesting about goat's milk that I find is that it is much whiter than cow's milk is have you noticed that too I have you can see it really well in the butter wow very well it feels very different but I've got to say from somebody who's skeptical of goat milk myself that this tastes really good it has like a little more minerally quality a little bit salty to it but besides that I think it tastes really good especially when it's fresh I can almost not tell the difference so today you're going to show us how to make an herbed Chev out of your goat cheese and you've been doing quite a bit of this since you've gotten the goats do you make cheve once a week twice a week three times a week round twice to three times a week two to three times a week okay so we've been getting a lot of practice ready to jump in yep the chef we're making today has fresh herbs infused into it so I'm out here in the herb garden to collect some and I'll start with some thyme here just a little bit it doesn't need too much next right here I have the oregano which I find has really good flavor and it's really tasty some basil and last of all a little bit of sage there we go Abigail is going to take us through the different ingredients that we need for making our Chef well first we need to start with half a gallon of goat's milk ah half a gallon of good fresh raw goat's milk now that one's chilled that's not the one we just poured is it important for me it to be chilled or can it just be any goat's mouth a lot of people just do it fresh from the goats fresh from the goat okay there you have to heat up lot fat yeah that would be true very fast to heat up when it's already warm from the go okay so we have our milk uh one cup of house cream okay do we put that in there no butter butter fat in yes and that's just like a heavy if you ever to go to the store to get it then you'd just be getting like a heavy whipping cream yep pretty much good and then what other ingredients do we need we have our fresh herbs which I just picked which one okay also just put right in the pot okay just like that nice look at that that is a great way to infuse that herb flavor right into the milk which is so amazing tastes so good we have some white wine vinegar which we'll add in a little bit later how much is this 1 4 cup quarter cup okay and then a quarter teaspoon of salt okay any particular salt any cooking salt will work okay let's look at the supplies that we'll need we'll need a thermometer to test the temperature with thermometers when it comes to Dairy making are really important so make sure you have a really good quality one and make sure it's calibrated and working properly because this is kind of an important part of any cheese making Venture next we'll need a larger spoon to stir the milk with while we're heating it a smaller spoon which we will use to mix the salt in and test it with at the very end so good that's the part I want to do we need a glass bowl to catch the way when we're straining it a cheesecloth and something to hold the cheese above the way I just use a metal strainer okay perfect first step is to get your or milk and your cream into the pot with your herbs so they can start infusing put your heat on to medium high and we're going to heat that up to what temperature 185 degrees okay that is Fahrenheit keep your thermometer handy do you have to stir while you do that you want to stir every few minutes to prevent skin from forming obviously if this has just come out of the refrigerator this step is going to take a few minutes so give yourself a few minutes and stir your milk every so often pigs check the temperature we are at 180 degrees 180 okay so it's time to pull out those herbs oh they smell really good I wish you guys could smell this because it smells very Herby in here with all of these fresh herbs in that milk so I'm sure that flavor has gotten into the cheese now I can see why you left them all whole because it makes it a lot easier to get them out yes definitely if they were in little little bits there's a few little ones does it matter if you get a few little bits in there nope they're fine we're just going to add to the flavor of the cheese it's gonna be good what do you do next well we want to get to 185 before I put in vinegar but we're there so we're there okay so next step is to put in our white fish should we turn the heat off at 185 not yet not yet okay just a minute okay put it in and then just stir it in with seven quick Strokes and you're gonna see this change pretty quickly in fact if you see right now it's already curdling next step is to turn it down low for two minutes and just kind of very gently Stir It every couple of seconds for two minutes wow that's changed a lot already [Music] it's been two minutes and I've kept on stirring this these cheese curds and I have some nice calculation here coagulation nice cheese curd sitting at the top okay and so next step is to take it off heat and let it sit for 10 minutes oh so just let it sit in there for 10 minutes okay heat off there we go that's it okay so the cheese is done sitting for 10 minutes so our next step is to put it in our cheesecloth and strainer and to let it strain so this is a pretty easy cheese to make this is not very hard it's a really easy cheese to start with heads up you can also use cow's milk for this it does not have to be goat's milk however it's not going to have the same flavor as the good goat's milk Chef will but you can do this exact same thing with cow's milk and yes you can use store-bought pasteurized cow's milk to make this same thing you can't make all the different cheeses with pasteurized store-bought milk but you can make this one so you should be able to go to the store and grab these ingredients and go ahead and make your own soft cheese it's pretty amazing this particular spoon is a slotted spoon that is just for cheese making and it is really really handy for moments like this now you could have course also pour off your Chev right on through if you have a big enough container but don't forget to keep your weight you can do all sorts of great things with it you might be surprised how good it tastes just plain now with the herbs in it maybe maybe not but put it in smoothies use it as a base for your soup you can do all sorts of different things with it what do we do now salt uh first we're just gonna let this drain for 10 minutes okay before we salt it yes okay okay so our cheese has been draining for about 10 minutes now and you can drain it longer if you want it to be you know crumblier and drier you could even just straighten it off a little less if you wanted it to be really moist and spreadable but this gives us a nice kind of spreadable solid cheese right okay so the next step is to go ahead and get this into a bowl you could put this into a mold if you wanted to make a really pretty like shape out of this how much salt are we putting in about a fourth of a teaspoon fourth of a teaspoon now it would be really common to see a chef rolled into a log maybe rolled into like black pepper or herbs on the outside and then refrigerated that way until it gets a little more solid and then then you can slice it and put it on salads or all different things today we're just kind of making it loose and then we're gonna taste it because it smells so good you can do all different things with this is there anything else how do you like to eat this I think it's really good on pizza homemade pizza it is incredibly good just dolloped onto homemade pizza oh I like it like that too it's also really good just on crackers yes okay ready to try it oh that is so good that is absolutely delicious hey if you're interested in making your very own dairy products at home check out this video right here where I make a whole bunch of dairy products everything that our family needs for one whole week in about two and a half hours we'll see you there
Channel: Homesteading Family
Views: 40,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, Homesteading Family, chevre cheese pronunciation, chevre cheese use, chevre cheese recipes, chevre cheese culture, chevre cheese dip
Id: AjWnOKwRn-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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