How She Makes All Her Dairy in 2 Hours! (Homemade Cheddar Cheese, Yogurt and more)

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oftentimes when a family starts buying raw milk from a farmer or from a herd chair they get a big batch of milk in all at once one time a week and they have to figure out what to do with all of it so today i'm gonna show you how i take five gallons of milk and i turn it into all different types of amazing homemade dairy products all in about two hours of active work time [Music] this is going to be so much fun we're going to make a hard farmhouse cheddar we're going to make an easy soft cheese we're going to make buttermilk sour cream yogurt and even an actual butter all in two hours today i am not going to give you guys a two hour long video so for that i want to go ahead and start the timer right here so you can see real time exactly what's happening on your mark get set go here i have my five gallons of milk and you can see that i'm setting aside about one and a half gallons over here that i've already skimmed now i've got the cream sitting over here but these are just going to go right back into the refrigerator for my fresh drinking for the week my first step is going to be to start my farmhouse cheddar i'm going to use two gallons of milk to do this now this is cream lime milk it has not been skimmed this is going to completely fill this pot up [Music] why my milk for my cheddar is warming up i'm going to go ahead and get my butter started now i have this cord of cream that i went ahead and brought up to 62 degrees fahrenheit just by leaving it out on the counter now this is so easy you guys i'm just gonna put it in the kitchenaid back there and turn it on low we'll just let that work while we move on to the next step which is to start our buttermilk and our sour cream i'm going to go ahead and get this pasteurizing by using my instant pot not only do i want to make buttermilk but i want to make sour cream and i can do those two things at the exact same time i am going to take about a quart of milk and this is that cream lime milk i've not poured off any of the cream yet or skimmed it so this is a really rich milk already there was cream on the top but i'm going to add to this about a pint of just the cream that i skimmed off that other milk now this means that as this buttermilk cultures it's going to separate again that cream is going to rise to the top and i'm going to end up with two distinct products i'm going to end up with a buttermilk at the bottom and i'm going to end up with sour cream at the top i love this because i can do two things at once so in order to pasteurize this i'm just going to pop it in the instant pot i'm going to hit the yogurt feature hit adjust and set it to boil put the lid on put it to ceiling and just let it do its thing it's really fast now that i have everything working you heard that that's already going turned on i'm going to go ahead and pour out a half gallon of milk into this pot for an amazing fresh cheese it needs to come all the way up to 175 degrees fahrenheit and here we are at 86 degrees so we're ready to take our next step now i'm going to go ahead and turn the heat off on this farmhouse cheddar and the next step is going to be to add in the culture now today we're using our cultured buttermilk so i want to just go ahead and pour this in and give it a really really good stir it's a little daunting to have so many different things going at the same time but once you get the hang of each project it's not a big deal and you know what homemade dairy is actually really forgiving i am just gonna let this sit now for 30 minutes now i'm still waiting for the soft cheese to come all the way up to that 175 degrees so i'm gonna go ahead and start getting ready for my yogurt now i have a second instant pot insert and i'm going to go ahead and start a half gallon of yogurt so that means i just need to take a half gallon of my raw milk here or your pasteurized milk and we're going to pasteurize this buttermilk and sour cream has just finished pasteurizing and i need to cool that down really quickly so i have here a tub filled with cold water with a little bit of ice and we'll just set that right on into this pan of water and now i'm going to start the yogurt and i'm going to do the exact same thing i'm just going to put it in hit that yogurt setting adjust it to boil and let it go this is about to 172 i'm going to go ahead and turn it off because i know it's going to heat quite a bit more on this particular range setup now i'm ready to go ahead and add my other products which is going to be about two cups of our home cultured buttermilk remember we have this buttermilk we're using this as our mesophilic culture and a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice now this is going to cause this to curdle right on up so just stir it and then we're going to go ahead and let it sit for about five minutes completely undisturbed we have about 10 15 minutes left on letting our cheddar culture and we're just waiting for the butter and the yogurt so i even have breaks oh this is perfect this buttermilk is now down right to about 80 to 85 degrees so we're ready to put our starter culture in for the buttermilk buttermilk starter culture is buttermilk i have half a cup of buttermilk here i'm just going to pour it right on in give it a super super stir now the great news about buttermilk and sour cream is that they culture it room temperature that means all i'm going to do is put a lid on this and i'm going to let it sit out at warm room temperature all night now i'm going to go ahead and pour it into a half gallon jar if you're doing one of these big batching days and there's a lot going on the kitchen make sure you label it so you know what it is sour cream buttermilk now we are all done with the sour cream and buttermilk for today we're ready to set this aside let's move back to this fresh cheese gosh you guys i wish you could smell this it smells so good we are all ready to go ahead and take the next step of that now that is going to be to strain it off and i am going to pour this right on through this is just going to take a few minutes here to sit and then we're going to be ready to salt it and to put it in a beautiful little bowl you guys it doesn't get any easier than that look at that your own absolutely amazing fresh cheese you can see this isn't that big of a deal it doesn't take that much work to go ahead and start making all of these great things i still have another break here where i could go wash a few more pots because by the time i'm done i want a clean kitchen i want to be able to go ahead and put my feet up okay well our timer just went off for our culturing we're going to be using half a teaspoon of rennet pour this right in while stirring we're going to let this sit completely undisturbed for another 30 minutes with the lid on the yogurt in the instant pot just went ahead and beefed at me so i'm gonna get it out and i'm gonna put it in the ice bath i'm going to take the next steps of preparing for my cheddar cheese right now while i still have quite a few minutes of break time the butter's working away it's taking a little longer than normal today that is the reality when you're working with a rock cream it's not always predictable now we're ready to go ahead and stir in our yogurt starter culture so i have that half cup of really active yogurt this is from last week's yogurt making here in the house and then we're going to go ahead and incubate this and i like to incubate my yogurt for about 10 hours i like it nice and strong and a little bit tangy the big important thing with yogurt is that we need to make sure it stays in that optimal temperature range all the way for that whole amount of time there are a lot of different ways to manage this the easiest that i have found the most simple is right back in the instant pot [Music] i'm just going to go ahead and turn this to yogurt and i'm going to turn it up to the 10 hour mark and there you have it i am all done now with the yogurt until probably tomorrow morning when i check this there it goes i need to jump into my next step which is cutting the curds and cooking the curds so i have my press set up right here and i have gone ahead and quick sterilized my mold and my follower and gone ahead and done the same for my curd knife the cheesecloth has been boiling now checking to clean break is when we know that the rennet has set our cheese enough and we're ready to move on to the next step and clean break is really really important to know how to do so let's take a look i'm going to take the end of my thermometer and i'm just going to poke this right on in at a 45 degree angle and then i'm going to pick straight up now watch what that did i can see that when that split it split in a nice clean line and the way that's filling that in is actually nice and clear it's not all milky it does not have a lot of proteins left in it another way you can do this is just to pull away from the edge and see if your cheese or your milk your curds here will actually pull all the way from the edge and look at that it's just one big solid mask so you can see that it's really pulling nicely away from the edge that means that we have achieved clean break and we are ready to move on to the next step of cutting our curds this is where our knife comes in handy we're just going to go ahead and cut the curds into about a half inch cubes now that's not as easy done as it said because they like to move around while you're cutting [Music] we're gonna let this sit for about five minutes to heal in that time i'm gonna go ahead and take this cheesecloth and just drape it into my form here here is the longest part of cheese making and that is stirring and cooking the curds now these curds have been healing or sitting without being disturbed for about those five minutes and now we're going to very very gently start stirring them and very gently starting to heat them we want to bring this pot of curds and whey up to about 100 degrees in approximately 25 minutes you want to start off really gentle both in your stirring and in your heating and then slowly you can become a little bit more aggressive but you do want it to be as even as possible this is a great time to put on an audiobook or listen to your favorite music and just relax in the kitchen [Music] oh and i didn't tell you the butter is now finally done and ready for the next step but of course now i've got my hands full so it's just gonna sit there and wait for me until i have a break in this process which will be closer to 25 minutes that's just fine i had hoped it would be done earlier it's usually done a little earlier but that's all right we'll work with it while i'm standing here stirring i wanted to tell you guys all about my brand new master class practical homemade dairy it's where i take you through all of the steps every single step to using your great milk whether it is store-bought milk or it is raw milk whether it's straight from a cow or a goat or a sheep or whether it's gone through the farmer or through the grocery store and turning it into all sorts of amazing dairy goodies that you can make in your home i teach you step by step in detail every single one of the things that we've done here today give you all of the recipes but i also teach you how to do a ton more things everything from flavored coffee creamers to feta cheese to a chef to parmesan cheese how to age it how to press it how to brine it or stretch it whatever the cheese is i take you through all the steps of it and i show you how to do it in a really practical way that makes it very doable in a really busy lifestyle and i show you all the diy tricks like how to make your own cheese presses how to rig a cheese cave in your own home and i show you how to use the existing products if you're in a place in life that you can just go ahead and buy the things that work really easily check the link in the description to learn more about this class and hey if you are a homesteading family subscriber then i'm going to give you a really really special deal so click the link below these curds are ready to move on to the next stage now i'm going to go ahead and i'm just going to let these curds settle for about five minutes all this is going to do is i'm going to allow them to drop all the way down and hey that butter is finally done so we're going to grab that butter and go up to the sink and wash it really quickly washing your butter is really important because you have to get all of that buttermilk out otherwise it'll go bad really really quickly i'm just gonna run cool water right on into this from the sink at this point it's usually best just to go ahead and use your hands so you can really get in there we want to wash this until it comes all the way clear just squishing it and squeezing it [Music] let's go ahead and get this beautiful butter out on a plate now you could just put that in some saran wrap and store it right in the refrigerator and look at that you guys that is not what you buy from the grocery store can you see how creamy and beautiful that is this is so incredibly delicious the flavor is going to absolutely blow you guys away these curds have settled on down so i'm going to come on over here to where i have my stock pot set and i'm just going to very carefully pour off that way now we're down just to the curds with a little bit of whey on it and that is just perfect we're ready to go ahead and take our two tablespoons of salt and add them into the pot and stir them in so we're just gonna mix that in and go ahead and get our clean hands right on in just to stir it around right into the mold there we go oh these look so amazing can you believe that we are right at about two hours right now of work time and we've made yogurt buttermilk sour cream we've made a soft cheese we're just about to wrap up our hard cheese and look that's just not that hard okay we're just gonna tuck him in here and get ready for our first pressing there you have it we have our hard cheddar let it sit on full weight about 55 pounds of pressure for overnight or until it's done and then we will come check on it tomorrow my yogurt has been incubating overnight and my cheese has been pressing overnight too and the buttermilk and sour cream and i don't know if you guys can see how incredibly thick this is this is so amazing there's a little line here that i can tell the difference between the sour cream and the buttermilk this is amazing it is absolutely not runny at all today's work in the kitchen is just gonna take us a few minutes here look at that okay so now we have this beautiful super thick buttermilk that's left in here and we have this great sour cream ready to go i'm gonna label that and then get them both into the refrigerator this yogurt has been sitting well over that eight hours or that ten hours because i went ahead and just did it overnight but you know what it's fine we don't need to worry about it being perfect and can you see how thick this yogurt is you guys homemade yogurt does not have to be runny it doesn't have to be super sour this is absolutely amazing yogurt now for the cheese now this has been pressing overnight look at this you guys this is our very own block of cheddar cheese this is amazing now we're going to age this cheese this is a raw milk so we want to age it for at least 60 days look at all of this amazing stuff today it's going to take me no more than what five minutes at the most and i've got all of these great dairy products in about two hours of active work on one day with a little bit of follow-up on the next few days if you want to learn how to do these things make sure you click the link in the description so that you can make this amazing dairy in just a little bit of time every week you can learn every step of the way check out the practical homemade dairy master class you will not be sorry you did
Channel: Homesteading Family
Views: 256,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, Homesteading Family, Food Preservation, cheese making, cheddar cheese, cheese curds, how to make cheese at home, how to make cheddar cheese, raw milk, cheese press, how to make cheddar cheese at home, squeaky cheese, cheddar cheese (cheese), making cheddar cheese, how to make homemade cheese, easy homemade cheese, easy quick cheese recipe, homemade simple cheese, cheese making at home, cheese making process, cheese making for beginners, homemade dairy
Id: tNuxAmJd4qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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