We made EVERYTHING you could possibly make from GOAT'S MILK

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we have too much milk right now I knew when those goats bred all at the same time we would have just tons of milk to use up if I don't use it up soon it's all gonna go bad the good news is there's a lot of things that I can make from goat's milk bad news is still have to milk this morning so we're gonna have even more milk we were on here we were free and running never bothered about what could be coming every day we dance the life was smiling we were young you notice that I cleaned the milking station oh my god I start with you yes oh nice now so some under magic Tibet or something oh it's always moms [Music] well like always guys kevin is nowhere to be found when it's time to milk Luna I know I took off her collar because it was rubbing on her neck let's all watch while lidia tries to get there you go around background you know what to do you've done this a million times did you see the milk ok Lunas utter in the morning gets so huge it's like a balloon the way you touch it so we have to let the babies let them out of their cage let them eat first before we can do anything else I you've only got three left yep guys Oakley and Harvey are gone they already went to their homes yesterday and the new owners didn't want to be filmed so we couldn't really show it but Harvey went to a farm to be a buck and Oakley went to a farm to be a weather which means they're gonna have a vet castrate him and then he's just gonna be a pet it's a good situation for both of them because as you guys know Harvey was a goat that we thought would be a really good breeding buck so it worked out but yeah they're already gone isn't that crazy so we just have three left [Music] all right you ready to push doors out of the way so Stella's so too big to go on the stand so she has to come from this side to eat and then we have hope here on the other side when she's so filled up with milk it's really hard for us to squeeze it out so that's why we have the babies eat it's our little trick making it easier to milk bye bye have a good day you have to go you open open it okay well push Doris out all right go play the goats are old enough to be weaned but when they're here longer we just lie to meet yes [Music] [Music] okay now you can come in willow jeez Louise she fights the whole time to come in and then she finally gets to come in she doesn't because she's although you know we had to go chase her down yeah ferns gonna help you out here no I scared chicken no video set off the time bone [Music] [Music] today is the day of go milk products today I'm making yogurt butter and then I'm gonna make two types of cheese mozzarella and chevre or sometimes they call it chef and then guys I'm gonna make cajeta which is a Mexican caramel oh my young so that is on the list for today let's get started [Music] mozzarella is a tricky one with goat's milk because you have to be really gentle with the curds you can't mix them up too much or heat them up too high but if you can keep that rule it's super easy to make this cheese when you stretch the mozzarella the purpose of that is to strengthen the curds and to help it kind of all melt together [Music] after the mozzarella is done all I do is wrap it up in some saran wrap stick it in the fridge and it's ready to eat we are excited this year because this is our second year for the pond we have lots of plans of things we're gonna do so we've got a bunch of plants that I've picked out that I'm hoping will do really well in the bog some that we already had plants that have grown really well so we get more of those yep and then Kevin is really excited about this new fish that he's gonna get we're not gonna do tilapia we're gonna do grass carp or white Amur it's the same thing they eat algae three times their body every day you have to get a permit for them and everything yeah it's kind of a pain but it's gonna be worth it because they're gonna eat algae butter nugget huge they're gonna get like three feet long any and they can live like twenty or thirty years so we could have these white amount of fish forever so our swimming pond season is gonna start pretty soon here in Arizona the kids and I have already got our swimsuits I don't know what kind of swimsuit Kevin's gonna be wearing I'm gonna do I [Music] chevre is a totally easy cheese to make it's just kind of weird because you have to leave it on your counter for 12 hours which you know when you have raw milk you're a little nervous to do that but the culture helps protect it and turn it into this cheese and then we're going to strain it that's one of my favorite cheese's the last part of making chevre is seasoning it and you guys this is the best part I like to use onion powder chives parsley really just anything works with this well you guys we've got three baby goats left we've got Stella byrne and hope so you guys probably already know we're keeping Stella and fern the white big nubian Lunas baby and yeah this is Stella and we're also keeping fern which is one of Tillie's offspring here you hold it because I can't you're too tall oh my okay so we have hope right now but this weekend she's actually going off to her new home and don't worry we will be taking you guys along with us on the whole journey yeah it'll be fun yogurts pretty simple I've been doing it forever so I'm making in the instant pot so that it's easy and that's it when I'm ready to store the yogurt what I like to do is prepare individual little snack packs that way we can just grab it and eat it really quick and I usually have enough left over to be able to use it for other recipes and dressings and of course I do need my cream separator when I make the butter because I needs lots of cream from the goat's milk normally goat's milk butter is completely white because they don't have that natural yellow coloring in the milk so I kind of took a shortcut and put an arrow in it which is like a natural plant-based coloring it's not really that important but it just makes it look pretty I forgot I can make buttermilk after I make butter so that's pretty cool it's an extra thing I didn't even think about today all right one likes the milk and one likes the eggs and feel stuff how fast they can drink a whole two gallons of milk all right guys Kiwi has got four days left to sit on her eggs before they should hatch yeah well what should we do then really comfortable right when she has people say that she'll accidentally step on one so what well that happens with ducks - do we need to take them away and bring them in the house right when she has a no because it's like a rumor that turkeys are stupid so I think they'll need to stay with their mom so that they can learn how to like eat and drink because if it's just humans they won't learn as well okay hope has a trick she will jump on my back and play leapfrog all I have to do is crouch down watch this there you go audience crouch down and I stand up and she stays on my back watch I can walk around like this and she just stays on my back [Music] alright guys here is the cream of the crop the guy this definitely takes the longest basically you have to stand at the stove and stir for about an hour but the reward guys is huge you get this creamy rich flavorful caramel and if you pronounce it caramel well then you're wrong this is definitely a lot of work but I think a pint of it will last us months or a couple of days so all at all we did pretty well we made mozzarella who made chevre we made yogurt sputter and finally that cat oh and we also made buttermilk I found it was actually easier to spend the whole day making all this because I got rid of a ton of milk at one time and worked out [Music]
Channel: Weed 'em & Reap
Views: 868,984
Rating: 4.918746 out of 5
Keywords: goat's milk, goat milk products, goat milk mozzarella, goat milk chevre recipe, goat milk yogurt, goat milk butter, goat milk buttermilk, goat milk cajeta, homemade goat milk, raising goats, milking goats, raising goats in your backyard, raising goats for money, raising goats for milk, backyard farm, goat farm, goat milk, milk, goat milking
Id: 21wD1s4Uvtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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