How to Make REAL Italian Ricotta at Home

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previously on pasta grammar i learned that what we have here that what we call ricotta isn't even just bad ricotta it literally is by definition not ricotta maybe one day we can try to make our own and i really wish i had a way to have goat ricotta all the time [Music] it's quite early but i don't really care because i don't think i've ever been this excited to make a video [Music] you ready ever since i had my first ricotta in italy i've become completely obsessed it is so delicious and so unlike anything i've ever found here in the u.s we've tried to look for the good stuff we've been to specialty markets we've gone to italian markets doesn't even come close then we went to sicily and my further obsession with goat ricotta began i think it's the most amazing workout i've ever had it's the best for cannoli in my opinion is i know italians always give me a hard time for how i say ricotta i don't know which is silly or me saying ricotta with my normal natural american accent or me trying to trying to say ricotta [Music] leave a comment down below which makes me sound sillier ricotta or ricotta i never made ricotta in my life because when i was in italy when i lived in italy i didn't need i had always a person came to my home and gave me fresh ricotta for very little money then without pearl we traveled a lot around italy and we saw a lot of people making the real regatta we try to learn from them how to make it so we decided that it was time also for us to try but first we need some milk [Music] okay i think this is the place arrived [Music] guys we are here at the fiore di capra goat farm which we only heard about because thanks to you you guys recommended it to us this is alethia the owner here and she's helping us out to find some goat milk today we breed la mancha dairy goats and they're great for a good butter fat and they're very quiet have an excellent disposition and that's why i chose them i just love them if anyone's local to tucson you sell your milk at the heirloom farmers market on sundays right every sunday morning 8 to 12 during the summer and 9 to 1 during the winter so you don't have to drive all the way out here we just really wanted to meet the goats you can if you like but you don't need to [Music] we got our milk i have my milk [Music] now that we have our milk it's worth talking a little bit about how ricotta is made in theory ricotta is made from the whey that's left over after you make cheese so in order to make ricotta you first have to make cheese it can be almost anything and sort of depends on what kind of milk you use for instance if you're using cow milk or buffalo milk maybe you make mozzarella if you're using sheep milk you make some kind of pecorino all of those cheeses are made in essentially the same way you start by heating up your milk to a certain temperature then you add the rennet rennet is made actually by scraping the inside of an animal's stomach this is why traditional italian cheeses technically aren't vegetarian now all the cheese places we saw in italy they use the actual pure rennet it looks like this kind of funky grimy sludge they would wrap it up in a little cheesecloth and literally just sort of whisk it through the milk that's one problem because we're not going to be able to find actual pure rennet once the rennet is added to the milk after about 45 minutes to an hour the cheese curds will set it's literally magic just like cheese rises to the top of the milk at this point they do a process called breaking the kaliata you'll actually break apart those curds and in fact depending on how much you break them that will largely determine what kind of cheese you get those broken curds are then collected and that is the actual cheese depending on how you process it you'll get different kinds of cheese so for instance you can take that and you can age it and make like something like parmigiano or pecorino or you can kind of work with it in hot water and make mozzarella now what you have left over is the whey usually to increase the yield you actually add a little bit more milk into the whey you also add salt at this point and then you re-cook the whey re-cook ricotta get it you literally just heat it up and the ricotta rises to the top it's actually quite simple in theory these are the ingredients that we need to make our ricotta we need raw milk someone can ask but can i use pasteurized milk technically yes it will be the same for sure not and if someone is concerned about raw milk remember that we italians eat ricotta more or less every day and we have one of the is a life expensive expectancies expectancy we live longer than most of the people in the world so couple of quick things about raw milk a lot of states in the u.s actually have completely banned the sale of raw milk for human consumption uh i'm gonna flash on the screen a website where you can source raw milk for your pets if you're lucky enough to live in a state that allows the sale of raw milk i would highly recommend checking out local farms farmers markets you can usually find it also a lot of the states that don't allow the sale of raw milk you actually can get it if you're part of a cow share agreement so anyway it's worth checking out chances are you can probably find some ultra pasteurized milk can now can never work so skip it renounce don't use it don't make ricotta with that milk our milk today is got milk but you can use sheep milk cow milk buffalo milk i don't know alligator they do milk if they do milk you can use also alligator milk so you can use every milk you want this is animal remnant now we didn't see in italy use the liquid one so this will be for us also a discover a try do you can use vegetable rednut yes i never saw anybody in italy use vegetable red but for what i know it can work here there is written that we need to dilute it in a purified water so that's why we have here some water and then last but not least salt because we need to salt our ricotta so first we gotta make cheese what kind of cheese do you want to make i'm going to make primo sale that is a traditional sicilian calabrian cheese it's a fresh cheese and it's delicious so i can't wait also to have my primo salad because we have to add milk into the whey later we're actually not gonna make cheese with all of our milk we're gonna set aside about 25 of it for later one quarter of it for later [Music] so what temperature do we need to heat it up to 37 degrees celsius which means 98 point something for a night i'm good at this according to the instructions of this rennet that we got it seems like about a quarter teaspoon of this dissolved in five teaspoons of this will set the amount of milk that we're using that ratio that amount might change depending on what kind of rent you get for instance there are like rennet tablets that you can dissolve in water just be sure to check the actual kind that you get we will put a link to this one down below though so once it reaches temperature you turn off the heat and add the rennet right yes and mix very well so our period is ready [Music] and now we wait 45 minutes one hour another quick thing i should mention before we proceed you will also need some of these cheese making basket things they're very cheap but you will need them what are you drinking i'm drinking a milkshake what's it made with milk banana strawberries cardamom and cinnamon did you use any of my precious goat milk once i had a toma [Music] are you nervous no i'm just waiting i'm nervous i'm impatient i have a lot riding on this you have what a lot riding on this riding okay it's been 45 minutes let's see if anything happened it doesn't look like much happen [Music] oh okay something definitely happened so what are you doing you're just kind of slicing it up i'm slice right now what we call kaliada how do you call this in english curds curds then we wait because the caliada needs to separate a little bit from the weight wait [Music] so we wait about five minutes so now what i'm going to do is uh finish to break the kaliada i will not break it very very thin in a small card cuddle i think the word you're looking for is pieces pieces because we learned that depending on how big or small you cut it you can have an injured cheese or a fresh cheese and because we are going to make a fresh cheese i will cut them but not in a very small small piece the only reason we're not making an aged cheese is because here in arizona it's very dry and very hot uh basically we don't have a place to age cheese but if you have a cool humid place you could make aged cheese [Music] so this is the consistency that we are looking for now we need to collect our broken canada and put here [Music] bye now i need to press it a little bit to take out some the way because still i have some caliata in the pot i need to make some more room [Music] yeah we definitely want to keep that ac also because our first goal is to make ricotta on cheese today after we press the cheese we let it drain for about 20 minutes then we flip the cheese we keep pressing and let it drain for one hour one hour a month then we put the cheese in what we call salamo yeah that is a mixture of water and salt and then we let it soak the salt for about one hour and then it's ready the answer is so how do you say soft after you press the cheese so if you don't want to do this for you for eat at least do for your hands yeah i've heard goat milk is really good for your skin do you remember cleopatra vaguely rings a bell she used to make bath usually in milk of a donkey female donkey with a female donkey let's use goat milk i'm jogging use it for ricotta have you ever had donkey milk ricotta i don't know maybe no new mission guys does anyone know a donkey farm in arizona ricotta time yes nice rick at the time i'm pouring some milk back in the pot we are really stretching the limits of this pots capacity yes maybe we needed a bigger pot but that's okay until now we are safe some salt so at this point we're literally just re-cooking the whey you don't even really need a thermometer although it's good to keep an eye on it but basically as you slowly heat up the whey once it once it reaches a certain temperature usually around 185 degrees fahrenheit then the ricotta will literally form and rise to the top yes we hope we hope it's coming up [Music] almost there [Music] almost there oh there it is yes now we will collect it so this is a very delicate moment because it's pretty hot so if you do this at home carefully [Music] we got a bunch of ricotta this is our first got tarpon now let's just hope it tastes good i'm sure it will be delicious now we let it rest for about five minutes just time to lose the water [Music] [Applause] is good i can tell you you will need to try by yourself the moment we've been waiting for for a very long time [Music] it's not just good it's perfect it tastes exactly exactly like what we get in italy exactly i just realized something though ava we've been so focused on making the ricotta we didn't really think about what we're gonna do with it we can make pasta like with some menduya or something yes after but once we have the real ricotta do we cover the ricotta yeah we can make a pizza but then we have to wait for the dough do we do we have any cannoli shells left over look at like a cake is it enough for a cake we could do the coffee thing [Music] so this is one of our favorite things to do with ricotta it's just ricotta mixed with a little bit of sugar and a little bit of ground coffee normally that's it to spice things up a little bit eva crumbled some amaretto cookies and chocolate chips on top just to make it a little bit more how do you say fashion more cool fancy more fancy it's super good especially with the real thing bon appetito not only is it perfect amazing delicious ricotta it's also goat ricotta which makes it even better maybe it takes time because you needed milk because you need to eat by yourself but guys do it because it has completely another taste another consistency you can do so many other things with this that you can't imagine it's worth trying to make at least once just to see what the difference is at least once a week guys thank you so much for watching and a big thank you to you all for helping us source goat milk here in tucson especially to our friend marla before we go a quick shout out to a pasta grammarian in action we made a beautiful looking plate of spaghetti ala nerano if you haven't seen our zucchini video where we made that recipe you can check it out up here also check out our merch in the link down below we appreciate you taking a look it helps support the show all right guys we'll see you next time do we just throw this away no with this you can make the bread you can make the pizza you can make the pasta and you can make the cereal you can make a cake and if you have pigs they will love this you can imagine how good will be your new year after your pigs will be will drink this so no we don't waste it
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 229,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade ricotta cheese, how to make ricotta, ricotta, ricotta cheese, homemade cheese, cheese making, at home, ricotta cheese recipe, how to make ricotta cheese at home, traditional ricotta, italian ricotta, goat ricotta, sheep ricotta, vegetarian ricotta, ricotta recipe, homemade ricotta, home made ricotta, primo sale, how to make cheese, italy, italian food, italian cheese, cheese, eva, ava, harper, recipe, milk, real ricotta, real ricotta cheese, goat farm
Id: plwBjXNzzMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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