I'M IN THIS GAME! - Wormax.io (size matters)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nintendoom1 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video was sponsored by le land. ALL Hail to the Greatest gamer ON THIS PLANET Thats right ! It's me! I'm back baby!! TO PLAY A VIDEO GAME (Felix relax) YOU GUYS THOUGHT I DON'T PLAY GAMES WELL THAT'S BEACUSE I'M TOO GOOD AT IT YALL JUST CRY (Felix what the fuck are you saying please stop screaming) YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME FOR NOT PLAYING GAMES CUZ I'LL RIP YOUR ASS I'LL RIP YOUR MAMA'S ASS I'LL RIP YOUR DAD'S ASS AND NOW I'M GONNA RIP (Um) YOU ALL IN WORMAX AHHH --- oHHHHHH you may be familiar with this game before, it has a lot of--- ---UHH similarity to all the games, but it has a lot of new features like: qUESTS dIFFERENT ABILITIES--- this game has 3 DIFFERENT SKILLS bOOSTERS --- you can play MULTIPLIER WITH YOUR FRIENDS (that you dont have-- sorry) RaTiNgS --- META GAME ARTIFACTS! HELL YEAH!!!!1!! And,THE BEST PART: You can select custom skins. That's supposed to be me? hell Yeah. Hey it's got the brofist! *giggles* Oh I don't-- I don't think this is me, but it's cute so I'm gonna go with it :D I MEAN I'M THE BEST GODDAMN (What ;;) ALIVE!1111! I'M GONNA TAKE OVER THIS PLANET BRO!!!!!!!1 Hell yeah, so now I have this skill. Which does what what it's to boost, okay? Cool. *Music stops* And Then later on I unlock new skills WE ARE GOING TO NUMBER ONE!!!!! I AINT STOPPIN UNTIL THE PEWDS IS PASSED POPPEN (Felix what the hell) bOi number one! go-go NUMBER ONEEEEE Fuck I just lost everything what happened there? oH mINE MiNE *evil laugh* No, no! Ok so now we have two more skills I can stop. I'm going to guess what that one does, I'm not going to try it right now and then yeeee- I can probably go through other people, but PRRREAAA SUCK A DICK PENGUIN Sorry! I take this game way too seriously. IM KILLING IT I AM KILLING IT AT THIS GAME! I was BORN TO PLAY THIS GAME I AM THIS GAME! -- I am the one the way to tun (??) DONT NEED A GUN TO GET RECPECT UPON THE STREET Get out of my way get out of my goddamn way. die! That's RIGHT! no mercY!!!! ANOTHER ONE 49 We go in for number ONEEEEE "PEWDIEPIE DOESN'T PLAY GAMES!" tHAT'S BEACUSE I'M TOO GOOD AT IT I'M TOO GODDAMN GOOD AT IT I was born inside a-- stop. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SH--- *sad music r.i.p pewds* That's ok- that's a minor inconvenience. We will get back to the top. We can also play that game PRRRRREEEAAA SUCK MY SNAKE -- SUCK IT Hey, wait a minute that guy has my skin! Well, it's not really me is it? BUT whatever PPPPRRREEEAAAA--Fuck A Small Setback don't you worry! We are going to number one no matter what! OKAY So there's items in the game as well-- wHOA look at that BOI HELL YEAH MEN Can I get another one of those pLEASE? To be honest This is Hella tight, man, I Need to start using my skills. I think that's the problem. Oh, you just got oUtPlAyEd well I'M SO SORRY THE HELL DID U JUST DO? OH NO, y'all gets UNPLAYED WHAT'S UP I now respect-- *Weird noise* (Goodbye people I can't do this anymore I hope that I helped :) ) NO. OH you try to do it fast make on me the greatest message They're gonna promise, whoo. Oh Shit look at that dog what the hell in it? Oh, what was that boy? Oh, no, you got trapped no? No, he got fred someone do something No No, please oh, it's a tragedy. Oh, no. He got crap oh, no Oh, no, you can't do that. You can't do that boss No now, why they hit stop ha ha doctor. Yes, fuck It's so desperate oh my God. It's a goddamn Some goddamn warfare out there. Oh my God I am now on Xbox sick Hi, guys, would you guys like to get eat then? triple feeding That's right. You live inside me now You live inside me. Oh You think you're Gonna live? Alright will cute. Oh, let's go. Yeah Brah triple, what happened here? Oh No, I let one escape I'll wait they all died oh No, jun. Do not jun do judo just end your life, please Ain't got time for it jun. De. There's no way out Judo just stopped Jindo please Jindo come on man. You're being a super lame right now Jindo now Joe you know The way out and now you know not beautiful dudu just nG life the vegetation, thanks Rick You know you know come on being a super lame right now even though ah King more like suck my ass Got'em goddamn, this is intense. Oh my God. Yes This is awesome. Yeah, more power unlimited Bow Oh, no, you got friends. No. No is that Rare I? am the one dangerous dangerous Well, I use the ability I use the ability that are the mega nice kick You can hit stop and you will stop immediately. It's the youthful ability oh My God everyone is dying Everyone died ha ha ha ha ha ha Sorry, sorry guys these are all my babies Oh, they keep coming. How was that? What are they doing? Oh, no? They keep dying on me. What are they doing? seventeen baby You just got friends in the Pootie plant That's right boy. It means it means that what did you go to pisa and suck my feet. Oh yeah boy Yeah Oh, no, buddy, you did get? What what how? Yes, give me all these rewards, okay? All right, I'm Gonna have to change in to my Pewdiepie skin Boy you too. Oh my God out laid out blade mother out out played you've all been outplayed sons of Becak outplayed I am a snake I am a snake, I am a Goddamn Snake I Am a snake I am oh god, I'm getting trapped. I'm getting crap. I'm getting truck. Oh No, oh, no, you made an oopsie. Oh, oh Then your plea They'd not talk don't kill me. I like they owe I have returned There is only one hope for me let to ever become number one Help me pierce. Help me get to number one that's right everyone in this game. You can buy artifacts choose an artifact to Buy I will buy the radioactive thing which does so that if they attack me if I die they can't grow any more Wow, did you know that Piers Morgan? Wow I must kill at least Pierce Morgan For no reason ever find me oh, I see I see you on the map. Hey, right hello Yeah, you could technically just feed me. Thank you Right yeah, I'll see you feed me pic. Please feed me Feed me pierce you should oh wow what are you doing? Is that's me careful. Wow, okay like a golden dragon Hey That's crime here You crazy
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,902,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wormax.io, wormax, snake, game, online, free
Id: rjnE80-ezV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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