I'm Building A Zoo In Minecraft! - More New Animals! - EP09

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hey guys welcome back to another episode of building a zoo in Minecraft as usual I've been super busy between episodes first and foremost check this out we've named the Jaguars Bert and Ernie this is a little concerning I think every once in a while they take like a little bit of fall damage from the exhibit but whatever I mean it should be okay right right then I've named another hippo dam I couldn't let my wife be the only one taking taking a hippo name so now we've got Dan and Kristen as the hippos I'm gonna name as many of these as possible maybe not the birds because the birds are gonna be hard to even find and catch but definitely the Kangaroos Oh for a second there only saw three there's four I'm gonna name after you guys actually maybe not this episode probably next episode but I'm gonna take like some of the top commenters names and name the Kangaroos after you guys but the hippos I think I'm gonna name after everybody in my home so Dan and Kristen then we got Bubba Daisy and sage and if you're curious about who those three are they're my pets if you want to know more about my personal life head him to head over to a house into home the YouTube channel housed in a home we post a lot of vlogs and stuff anyway guys as I was saying lots of stuff to show you check this out boom do you see that do you know what that is that is the beginning of my reptile house now before we go over there let me show you over here I changed a couple things look at the glass I changed the glass to like a chiseled glass pane block it's you can definitely see the animals better that's what I was looking for I was hoping for some growling you can definitely see the animals better it does it I mean I hate these streaks but it's better than the exhibit glass I think just because the exhibit class is a little cloudy I also chiseled the top of those or the top of their exhibit to look like a grid or grate or I don't know what you'd call that just a wire mesh it's still glass but it just looks a lot better it looks like a the exhibit that I wanted it to look like really loving this exhibit and somebody commented that these guys are usually found in like uh snowy places so in today's adventure episode because we're going out and we're looking for animals today we're gonna go ahead and and put some snow down here and there to make it look a little bit more like their their home territory I think that guy stuck there and I wonder if that's the one Burt is the one that's taken damage okay we're gonna do something very very dangerous here extremely dangerous can I get back here afterwards no I can't this is the one I need to be yet so which one are you guys I'm your friend I'm your friend Ernie Ernie Oh Ernie's the full health one Bert is the one that's taken more damage huh okay well they're gonna be fine I'm sure they're gonna be fine just fine okay so other things to show you let's check out this rep top the beginning of the reptile exhibit these are just the viewing windows I wanted it to look like you ever go to a zoo and then you go into like the reptile exhibit and it's like super dark and humid in there I wanted to get that feeling and so this is what I've got so far I knew it I heard you I got to figure out lighting still let me show you guys in a second okay here we go I grew this tree right in the middle of the exhibit here and then I just filled the rest of the empty spaces with leaves a random placement of willow leaves I think it looks really really cool I put I hid some glowstone in there so it gives you that like gives you that vibe at nighttime this thing looks awesome I gotta tell you these are gonna be the exhibits for the reptile and amphibian house I'm gonna mix them together so we're gonna have box turtles we're gonna have probably anacondas back here one two three four five six seven eight nine one two three four five six seven eight nine okay good I wanted them to be all the exact same size and for a second there I thought this one was wider but we'll have box turtles we'll have tree frogs will have anacondas we'll have Oh giant salamanders and we'll have what was the other oh the lizard which is what we're going after today we got to find a jungle that lizard is being very very elusive so we got to find a lizard today so we're gonna have a wide variety of reptiles and amphibians in here of course the reason I made it a square is so that I can expand it if necessary so if I find more reptiles and amphibians I could just push this wall out this is gonna be the last exhibit to get built I'll push this wall out and make another two on each side and then put another one in the back there so it's gonna be nice and long this one only has one entrance and exit I love the floor this is all chiseled stone brick in case you're wondering a little very oh no sorry this is actually chiseled cobblestone and a couple variations only like two variations and then this is all stone brick obviously that you guys are very very familiar with I wish there was a mossy brick stair but there isn't so I had to use like this stuff anyway yeah the erectile exhibits looking really really good the outside again I'm gonna it's probably gonna take this sort of shape but I'm most likely gonna change the design on the outside numerous times before it's all said and done I don't need this and I don't need this another thing to show you guys I've just spent the last hour and a half or so mining I got eleven diamonds now I got a little bit more iron I got a little bit of gold we got to get some name tags going and we're gonna name a couple things very very shortly what are we naming you ask well well actually should I make a bunch of them right now 24 let's take it easy let's just go with four four now we're gonna name the zookeeper guys because I want to put them in here and I want to test out to see if they despawn even when named because I know in some mods even when they're named they D spawn so we got to be a little bit careful of that where are they anyway they're not here they're in this backpack uh animal trader animal trader animal trader Pacific walrus I think there's another oh it's getting dark let's see if I can grab this stuff and come back before night falls come on there's another one here I'm pretty sure zoo keeper animal feed trader okay let's just put the animal traders for now maybe take a nap first and then we'll have to name them and see if they despawn while we're out on our adventure well danged that's not where I wanted you to go there you go so you will be Jonah whoa whoa did I named you Jonah oh I see you're interested in the air oh no does that mean huh so when you name them oh oh that was weird okay okay that I thought maybe when you named them they lost their traits but I think it was just a temporary glitch let me get another net that contains nothing come here guy so this guy sells whatever this guy will be named Joey so we got Jonah we've got Jonah Jonah huh wait a second wait a second hold on if you if you name them do they become the same guy okay we've got one more guy here let's see what happens with this guy so he's got some different trades right this guy's got the puffins the Oh Ochopee the gower the cockatoo and the Grevy's zebra and you've got the same exact ones and they're both named Jonah so if I named this guy Joe will they all turn into Joe and will they all have the same animal traits so this is Joey now Joey Jonah Jonah so he's got different ones ha I wonder what happened there could it have been messed messed up when I had the guy spawn back here and then maybe I named them both accidentally or something I don't know one of you guys has to go are you the one that has the gharial at the green anaconda leopard the dolphin the leopard two leopards and reticulated giraffe ah this is terrible I wanted to gut gar Gary el Gower okay um hmm well let's see if these guys despawn regardless it's a it's an experiment really they spawn all the time so in my travels if I see any more I will definitely pick up some more in the meantime Oh somebody said hold on a second how do I do this is that now in my inventory it is so can I apparently some of these guys give you perks when you're equipped with them so now I have the the iron golem backpack equipped in I don't know if it's giving me any perks or not I don't recognize me so yeah oh the reason I was mining by the way is to find this stuff lapis lazuli I've never had a harder time finding lapis and I have no idea why the reason I wanted to do that is because check this out silk touch boom oh and efficiency and unbreaking I will take that I'm gonna make another pick actually and I hope that I get fortune or at least see if I have fortune available one two three I think I have sticks here I do alrighty let's make another one and let's see if we get like fortune or something now fortune would be great but I mean I might be asking too much fortune too I think that's better than nothing yeah let's take the fortune to pick those are gonna be a couple of very very good mining picks especially the silk touch pick when I can get some puzzle hmm maybe I should have made a shuffle what are the chances I get a silk touch shovel now I definitely need a whole set of good tools so why not use the diamond I have and and get some of that some of that good stuff how's this for some vanilla mine crafts action you guys you guys enjoying this efficiency and braking we'll just do efficiency okay efficiency and I'm braking that'll work too so I plan on making the box turtle exhibit today right in this space right I know a lot of you guys have been requesting the box turtles the poor guys have been trapped into fence since the one of the first episodes and then they all died when I actually made them a temporary exhibit with water in it they don't they don't actually like water their box turtles they like sand and dirt and leaves and stuff so yeah we will definitely have a box turtle exhibit complete today but before we can complete the box turtle exhibit I have to actually go find some lomi lomi dirt sorry what's that what's that that dirt you know that dirt Basel I want to find some puzzle and I know there's some in this direction all the way over here I've been there a couple times right here I've been there a couple times not my favorite place to be just because of how far away it is plus we want to go in a different direction today we want to go this way because why not right we're going all the way this way hopefully we find some tropical island stuff also we're hoping to find some snow stuff so I can get some some snow some snow layers for the leopard exhibit the birds are doing great in case you were wondering not any of them none of them have escaped everybody's doing fantastic look at them all in there with their their little birdy icons uh-huh uh-huh in fact this guy right here will tell you we still have three macaws four cockatoos and three toucans I think that's pretty good dan and Kristen I love that oh the first time I've seen one in the wild it may not be the first time I've seen one in the wild but I need to take this opportunity to catch one I had oh I have a lot okay I have a lot of nets that contain nothing if I can get a couple of these guys now this guy is dangerous as well as we're gonna have to okay easy big fellow stay on his tail stay on this is how you approach these giant prehistoric dinosaur oh he's down here he might be helpless now he's looking right at me that is frightening hold on hi can you get out what about over here oh don't hit me got him the Indian Gaur real oh that's awesome hi monkeys oh your your turn is coming soon monkeys don't worry everybody's turn is come what is that oh that's why those road deers I think it is is it wrote is it roe deer did I get it right I'll take this whatever killed you did me a favor that's the roe deer be careful buddy calm down I can't believe I finally caught one of those in the wild it's been rare that's for sure uh let's put you in here I still have a bunch of things here I cannot wait for each of these exhibits you guys have no idea okay let's keep going this way there's a spider over there by the way if you're wondering where we are just east east of the zoo oh-oh I may have turned oh wow I'm going north inadvertently I actually did want to go east maybe I'll just go east now that was messed up my sense of direction is terrible even with even with a giant obvious thing a giant obvious map I get lost can I put this down sleep oh please nothing explode my face please nothing explode my face oh I caught a pied Avocet also by the way cuz I only had two and I want to do the pied Avocet exhibit next I'm not gonna put them in sort of love in the birdhouse I'm gonna put them somewhere else so we've got an extra PI data set is that a fault Oh what kind of birds are these this looks like a vulture you're a condor maybe what is it a condor the andean condor and you are what oh you're beautiful whoa what the heck is a Cantabria Kapoor Kayleigh you're a good-looking Berto and what are you another one but a different variant that is so cool oh there's some more that's the first time I've seen those guys I am NOT adding animals in between episodes I promise you this is all just animals I haven't seen yet the Condor looks awesome how the heck do you make a car Oh snowman I should take this opportunity how do you make a condor exhibit like it's just like I have to I have to read up on these guys the you have a condor hmm I guess that they're definitely gonna be meat eaters so I'm gonna need to feed it meat oh man I don't I don't like doing that I don't like destroying the landscape accidentally it's okay nobody will ever come over here I'm gonna take this opportunity to get myself some spruce cones here I think I have some back at home but not a whole lot in case you're wondering what that the get geared aerial gharial is the gharial is also known as the gay gay via land fish eating crocodile it's a it's in the crocodilian family native to sandy freshwater river banks on the plains in the plains of the northern part of the Indian subcontinent it's apparently it is um it's endangered because it's I guess it's food like fish depletion and it gets entangled and nets and stuff so oh look at this place so it's kind of cool that we found one and we're gonna try to make oh I have silk touch I can get ice now is that a giant salamander I think it is that might even be a baby but we don't want that guy yet we are gonna get some ice though but yeah the Gauri ELLs is kind of a cool animal I'm kind of pumped to build its exhibit what the heck oh here we go yeah so that's coming soon obviously I'm not gonna put him in clownfish I'm not gonna put them in the the reptile and amphibian exhibit because I feel like it needs it little area its own larger area to because it's kind of a bigger animal so we're not gonna put it inside that little building but we are gonna make it a wonderful wonderful home that it will enjoy and love forever how much of this do we have let's get a bit more whoa is that the lizard we've been looking for let's get dark - oh let's get a net out come here buddy the bandit iguana that's another lizard the one we were looking at is called the Oh what's it called oh no the fish fish you're gonna die it's a pufferfish okay I saved him let's let's camp out here overnight what's the one what what the heck is that one called trying to remember now um it's called the bacillus k-- lizard or something like that so there's two lizards the iguana okay so we got to move something out of the exhibit maybe we'll do like a separate giant salamander or I can expand it make it bigger it's always a possibility for now though we got one banded iguana we got to keep our eye out I mean it's spawned over here what biome is this actually it's just what it looks like just a gravel beach biome so I'm not sure if we'll we'll get wool Oh what-what are you doing little guy you want to play well you got some hops that's adorable okay so yeah it's bond it looks like a gravel Beach biome yeah this is a gravel beach biome so it's keeping our an eye out for more of those guys I'd love I love two or three of those and then two or three bacillus k-- lizards again I don't know if I'm pronouncing that properly oh this might be perfect for the exhibit where the heck there we go my shoes I'm running low on shears yes what are all their thorny maybe not perfect they're just thorns okay I'll grab a couple this is just regular grass right yep um I'll grab a couple just in case we need it for something else in the future but I don't think we're gonna put that in the turtle exhibit they'll get hurt maybe they avoid it I don't know hi hippos nice to see you guys these guys I can definitely put in there ah now what now what I don't think I have any iron in here nope okay well we're just gonna have to make do all we really want to catch is that lizard anyway and then some pods 'el if we can find some puzzle pouch happy hey little buddy come to watch remind some overgrown stone I feel like this might be kind of cool in the leopard exhibit actually along with the along with some snow that I'm that I'm grabbing sweet sweet pods all this stuff is gonna make my box turtle exhibit look uh please I'm telling you we're gonna have we're gonna have some bra Browns combined with some green some dead leaf pile some dead shrubs maybe a couple of river cane here and there oh the river Kenema water we don't want to put water in the exhibit so maybe no River cane we're gonna have short grass gonna have a little bit of tall grass I think it's gonna look really really good I don't know how much I'll need though I'll probably Scrabble apart describe wait does that work for no okay it's silk touch I thought maybe it would work for leaves and stuff but it does not but anyway let me grab probably I would say a good a good stack of it and then we'll move I should have done silk touch on my shovel I'm not sure why I decided to do it on my pick although it wasn't available for the shovel so no harm no foul what is this thing Oh an axolotl that's another thing I can add isn't it and there's a couple of them here oh jeez I'm so sorry let me get your brother or sister I don't know that's - oh man that's another thing I got it I got it I gotta like rethink how many of these I oh man no no I'm running low okay I want three of you hopefully one of you is male and one of you is female so we can breed you if that's even possible but we got axolotls now that's all a village I should see if they have books steal some books from them so I don't have to kill as many cows a lot of you mentioned zero tick farms for the cows and pigs and stuff this is one point twelve point two I don't think uh zero tick farms work in this version of the game so I'm gonna have to actually murder them I mean you can always do like oh whoa whoa whoa take it easy there Grevy's zebra take it easy is there any more axolotls wonder how many variants there are I've got it looked like two of them were the same and then one of them was different did I kill any spiders overnight I didn't I should have made more Nets I didn't think I was gonna find this many new animals to be honest with you oh those zebras are on fire gotta get out of here get out of here that's a horrible sight to see and I don't want the fire to spread wait what kind of bushes are these I wish I had my shears dang it oh wait wait a second hi red pandas I think maybe if I go in I might get lucky I might get lucky and find a couple of iron probably not actually I don't remember the last time I found iron I mean you could find like iron leggings and chess pieces and stuff at these at these villages but not actual iron oh man oh here we go here we go that's good news right there let's see what you guys got hopefully something good in the meantime I've caught some or I've picked up some mushrooms and stuff to decorate my exhibit oh I'll take the three obsidian and the bread sure and oak saplings and no you know what I picked up below me dirt too and I don't know what I did I don't know where I got this low me dirt I wish I knew because I want more of it because I think that would be a good thing to add to the exhibit - it's a nice dark brown color I think it'd be the perfect thing that hello speaking of perfect things there's another one okay so I'm thinking maybe I'm not gonna catch this one by the way I've got the three and I need two nets for those two lizards at least two lizards that were we're looking at here so I'm gonna I'm old that might have oh wait a minute that might have some iron in I'm thinking maybe we put the axolotls in with the box turtles no we can't write the axolotl especially acquiring the box turtles or not so maybe put the axolotls in with the giant salamanders all those giant salamanders eat fish and stuff and aquatic animals what they eat in axolotl these things are adorable by the way so I don't know if it would work with the salamander either man this is complicated stuff I might have to just expand the reptile exhibit or give a couple of these guys their own exhibits like maybe the giant salamander because it's so big maybe I give it its own exhibit no probably what what are you you're a new bird do where's my book the cream-colored courser say that three times fast cream-colored coarser cream code coarser cream-colored coarser nailed it that's kind of cool - man new animals all the time I'm gonna dig down here and see if there's any iron so that we can possibly use some or get some shears and then and then continue on our dream we're still looking for like a jungle man that bacillus lizard is hard to come by look at what we have here string that is good well what happened here huh what is this a bone block I'm sorry is there a fossil under here whoa unbreaking okay okay we need to get organized here oh man all that sand would come in handy too yeah we don't need this or this or this let me look give me a second to get organized you guys don't have to watch this I come out and I see yet another new animal oh he was right behind me you are a gazelle of some sort am i right the grant's gazelle oh look at the baby gazelle Oh gazelles are cool I like gazelles can we put gazelles in with let's say giraffes and zebras giraffes zebras gazelles that would be kind of cool if I can find an animal that would get along with the axolotl like a reptile or an amphibian then I would put them in the same exhibit as well I want to do more multi animal exhibits because I like the variety of it all look at how many gazelles are and look at how many kangaroos up there oh by the way I made some more Nets and I have four empty Nets and I still have a bunch of these guys right here look at that it 11 more string so I can make three more Nets I think I think it's three string per net so I can make three more if necessary so yeah that's good news I really want to get this box turtle exhibit done so I need to find I mean I'm Owen otherone oh and I didn't find any iron maybe we'll find some iron over there how with fur there is this tropical biome over here that I think maybe those lizards spawn at this is the Oasis maybe we'll sleep in the Oasis tonight yet another new animal that's an ostrich that is an ostrich I was very excited about the ostrich oh man are they friendly are they friendly what kind of ostrich are you you're a common ostrich okay that's pretty cool ah another new animal I cannot wait to make an ostrich egg wait the up maybe the ostrich can go in with the zebras and the gazelles and the giraffes and stuff huh they all seem to spawn out in this air I mean not the giraffes actually I haven't seen any giraffes in here but I mean I think they oh that's another one that's a that's the more common variant I think when you picture ostrich you picture this guy hi common ostrich mild mannered ostrich whoa Jason whoa geez dude what is your problem ostriches are terrible things let's get the heck out of here I still have not found a jungle biome are you kidding me oh my gosh you got to be kidding me another one a camel so cool oh ouch the bat Bactrian camel they all similar variant zero female it looks like they're all variant zeros here at least yep tamed with the onion there's another animal I could put with the Zebras and the gazelles and all the other animals that I've mentioned and maybe those guys too that's awesome that's awesome camels look at these oh they're graceful creatures aren't they oh my gosh okay I'm gonna continue a little bit while a little a little bit while a little while longer I'm really not having much luck I mean I'm way out I am way out like I am way out I am way out I should probably start heading back to be honest you know what I'm gonna do that I'm gonna head south whoa whoa whoa I'm gonna head south and then I'm gonna make my way back in uh still generating new terrain so that I might get lucky and find find myself a a jungle high toucans well you were a very colorful toucan hopefully I'll find one man that basilis the silicic basilisk fastest basilisk lizard I don't know what it's called look at that ravine that is cool too let's see oh nothing knocked me in please that would be disastrous if I fell in there oh I believe that's eucalyptus wood we got to get we got to get one of those seeds for sure I think there's something what is back there is that still eucalyptus yeah it looks like it might still be eucalyptus definitely want some eucalyptus wood this wood is actually very very colorful maybe we can like use it in some exhibit perhaps the the lizard exhibit that we're trying to catch here we go this is what I'm talking about I am running out of inventory space though there's the acacia see there it is eucalyptus capsule is that really all we got just the just the two and we got a bunch of eucalyptus wood um oh these the apparently I think it's these plants that smell really really bad and then I put them in exhibit and a couple of you were like uh you might want to take that out because those plants stink that's okay guys that's okay well oh that's bamboo okay so I don't know what spawns here it doesn't look like very much spawns here I think I saw something that's a tiger yikes uh yeah I don't see anything else really it looks like the eucalyptus forest goes way over this way it does it does I definitely want to go check out that bamboo forest though it's a koala I love koalas soon buddy soon what's this well it's a frog I thought it was the lizard that we've been looking for there's a lot of frogs here actually they're adorable um let's go that way we're still kind of on our way home but kind of keeping an eye out for anything and everything I really like this biome ax actually this is so calm and relaxing alright let's go towards the bamboo very cool oh this is a different kind I was gonna say I think I have bamboo but I have like these are bamboo pieces but there's actual bamboo shoot' seeds and I think that's what I'll take home with me let's try another one here wonder what spawns in this biome Oh Manas biomes of Plenty is such a great mod such a great mod how it's not vanilla minecraft is beyond me there is no chutes on that one huh is if we have to let go after the tall ones the more mature ones that's a big boy come on give me some shoots give me the shoots give me the shoots no I don't want that I just want to shoot okay well we got to I guess we could make something happen from that maybe we should walk into the bamboo forest a little bit might be able to find what we're looking for so it says that those lizards spawn in jungles and mutated jungles whatever that means and I'm thinking the mutation I think I think they refer to like any biomes of Plenty mods that are sort of based on junk not based on jungles but adjacent to jungles I think maybe they call those the mutated what the heck why can't I get any more bamboo shoots or bamboo seeds bamboo shoots yeah that's strange anyway let's whoa there's a hippo in here oh there's a bunch of it oh there's a bunch of hippos and here a little baby simple pebbles - okay let's be careful with the hippos it's kind of avoid them oh there's a lot of hippos here I think I found the hippo biome maybe I'll put a couple of these in the hippo exhibit couple bamboo shoots if I can get at least a couple more come on I am officially home I did not find what I was looking for on the way back although I did find this dried sand and I think that'll look good in the box turtle exhibit exhibit as well so these guys did not spawn that's good news another bit of good news they have new trades available uh this is not the trades he had before I don't think I'm gonna go ahead and buy one of these guys Oh No oh you got to be kidding me ah come on okay I got one of these guys now let me go another piece of glass he just drops it and maybe I should put like a well that's not a permanent area for the night where's my I don't have any more of that glass I'm sure I did here we go like glass now we're gonna try a different experiment I'm not gonna name this guy speaking of which these guys still have the same traits but they're now named properly Jonah Oh oh that is really weird so it does say Joey above his head as you can see but it says Jonah available trades and then this says Joe and he is Joe and he's got different trades and they were gonna spawn this guy and he's not is it because they're sharing like the same block or something that they have to be separated that's another thing to figure out we'll figure it out we will I promise you okay let's start on this box turtle exhibit I am super pumped this poor these poor little guys I haven't had a proper exhibit since the beginning and I've been meaning to do it since the beginning let's get over there and get get started we'll start with the lowest point of the exhibit first so we're gonna actually replace some of this stuff with probably the dried sand that we just found so we want to make it look like this is like the bottom of a dry riverbed so this is what we'll do well place the dried sand down here maybe we'll have two more here okay and then the exhibit stops there perfect next we want lomi dirt or coarse dirt or where is that where is it at this stuff I did I wasn't able to find more lomi dirt by the way but anyway we'll get some pods old we'll get some coarse dirt and regular dirt we've got course silty dirt available so we're going to put that down like so and then probably mix in the pods allor start mixing in the pods well here I didn't really want that there but that's okay then we've got regular course dirt as well so we're gonna start mixing that as well and now what I think I want to start doing is bringing it up a tad so that the the box turtles have kind of a spot to climb up and then back here we're gonna have like trees and logs and stuff it's gonna look like the bottom of a tree but not really the bottom of a tree is just you know deck or deck or more of this stuff you know what's great about the the dirt though if we put regular dirt down don't think it'll turn into grass let's see how this looks from here yeah box turtles come down okay that's good check this out I love this well it's it's kind of like late in the game though meaning late in the game meaning like it's it's later on there's like a chunky dirt texture that I really really like and now I can't really tell which one it is here let's just do this right click dirt is that the only one I have left dirt chunky that's the one that's the one I really like this dirt texture dang it right here okay that's good that's fine we got a lot of puzzle maybe let's put some more Fazal down here so messed that up again just so it's a little bit more noticeable okay I think these turtles are gonna be happy so this is the divider between the next exhibit I'll I'll put something I'll fill that in soon now we got to make it look like there's trees growing in the back here and I think I have to change this which sucks because this is my exterior wall hmm maybe I'll just no that's fine that's fine I'll change it what do you guys think about a heat lamp back there is that is that too much I mean I have all these guys you won't be able to see these torches by the way when you're looking into the exhibits so maybe we don't we can we can figure that out later actually I don't like the way that looks although we can't chisel it huh I mean I'm not particularly fond of any of these really there's a lot of options oh that's kind of cool oh I like that okay maybe we'll leave that well maybe cover it with something like I don't know it just doesn't seem right for now let's take it out but I like this design if we can even put it on the ground or so or maybe have like a pole sticking out and put it in the corner that could be cool not a pole sorry like a metal bar anyway this is what we've got so far nice little exhibit we've only got two box turtles it doesn't need they don't need that much space they're kind of slow movers we're gonna put a little bit oh you can't put the grass on that that's okay we'll do this we'll do this we'll put a little bit of the taller grass back here then we have some shrubs like so okay how's that looking really good really good we have green leaf piles why did I do that we have green leaf piles which we'll put in various places I think just around there that should be good maybe put a lot of leaves down here though right this is where leaves tend to fall right they find the lowest point where's that water either way we're cutting some down here oh I just overshot that growler over over wrote that grass that kind of sucked more leaf piles this looks like a nice little box turtle exhibit if you ask me you know what we should do actually with the with the smooth stone put some put some rocks down aka buttons will have a butan there can you see from back there yeah you can let's have a butan right here and then we'll have another butan here a little tiny rocks we also have some toadstool mushrooms that we can put I guess I'm gonna put one right here and then I'll put I hope these are not poisonous to our little friends I can't put it on the sand the dried sand back here though and then I have some flat mushrooms we'll put one of those guys there that is a nice exhibit guys also this light that we're seeing right now coming through that is not gonna come through when everything's covered up and it looks kind of like I like the feeling in here it does feel like a reptile slash and phibian exhibit so let's release the box turtles but first we got to find out what they eat for kibble I don't think I have any left over it's a turtle kibble turtle turtle hypno is it it might be frog cable actually let's put one down I think they're up here no down here box turtle box turtle look at that buddy I know you're gonna be able to climb out in a second your escape artists it needs tortoise kibble of course what an idiot glass pane streaks I think that's the one I think that's the one we use let me put most of the these are really hard to place by the way because they're practically invisible okay that's good that's good let me I'm gonna give myself a little bit of space to get in and out right there so when we place the turtles down or the box turtles the tortoises then it won't it won't be too bad we need to put this down this feed box can I put it oh jeez um let me think let me think let me think probably here is good enough it's kind of hidden I gotta have access to these rooms though for this for this one by the way there's these exhibits or the reptile reserves I think I'm gonna have access from the back like I'm gonna put a door in each exhibit it's gonna be employees all only of course and I'm gonna have a door that kind of leads into the exhibit where I can go and feed the Turtles speaking of which I don't know what they eat but we'll find that out in a second I think carrots is one of them I know a lot of you guys said Kerris wasn't one but I think carrots is one so we got oh the tire swing right let's put that there good a nice long tire swing for the boys it's kind of touching the floor I didn't really want it to do that let me fix that real quick the problem I don't think you can I don't think you can can I like right shift right come on now it breaks dang it let's try this again much better perfect now the tire swing is against the wall kind of doesn't really make much sense but neither does do turtles enjoying tire swings so let's not worry about it contains box turtle here you go buddy Oh what I had no idea this was a thing oh that is awesome anyway oh you are now in love with me already that was fast where's your friend right here is your friend hopefully your friends looks different it does look different there you go pal box turtles enjoy oh wait do not enjoy just yet I need to know what you guys eat so all kinds of meats we've got potatoes see look at that I told you guys carrots no seeds though so I'm gonna get some a stack of potatoes and carrots for you guys and I'll be right oh you know what actually I have them right here what am I saying I'm carrying around the travelers backpack I've got potatoes I've got carrots I've got more potatoes and I've got more potatoes wait more carrots there we go stack you guys up with good stuff where's the other turtle okay they're both in there I think when I go for another adventure I'm gonna keep what these box turtles look at this guy are you kidding me these box turtles are not having a good time with me was it maybe still on my shoulder because when I went over here it sounded like it was damaged on this side of my face but then I saw it ah this is that's a bummer that is a bummer man dude you cannot come here can you see them down here it's kind of a weird maybe I shouldn't have brought it down a little I guess you can get up here but it's kind of strange I might bring these all the way down like I'm kind of afraid okay let's try so if I did this oh right there's you see that they're invisible oh no no he's gonna try to get out look at he's just eying um I think I think we'll be okay we'll be okay I'm kind of bummed out the guy died right away guys what is with me a box turtles yeah I think I might have to bring the glass all the way down to make it completely visible here not sure how I feel about that cuz I kind of like the way these exhibits look all consistent and stuff I don't know maybe maybe we won't have to maybe you guys will let me know in the comments and that's gonna be it for this episode we had an adventure we saw a bunch of new animals and we made a box turtle exhibit finally but one of the turtles died right away we are not having much luck with turtles hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless I'll see you in the next one buh bye you
Channel: VintageBeef
Views: 325,460
Rating: 4.9553356 out of 5
Keywords: mindcraft zoo, ftb, vintage beef, zoo, minecraft mods, modlist, minecraf, minecraft zoo videos
Id: 8YGIBc354sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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