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hello everyone and welcome to the finals of the noon chess classic it's magnus carlson versus hikaru nakamura and sorry about no videos for the past few days but we kind of had to relocate uh very suddenly but we're gonna discuss that you know in a live stream i'm planning to have one uh at maybe even tomorrow so uh you know you guys can ask some questions if you guys are interested in anything i could have recorded some videos maybe yesterday or you know but i only got to the couch here uh today like an hour ago i'm still pretty pretty sweaty from all that but i knew you guys wouldn't want any videos without meadow chilling in the background so you know i had to make the necessary adjustments so this is the first game that we're showing and since i've just moved pretty much all of my equipment i still don't know if i've plugged in everything correctly so sorry if not everything is fully operational uh hopefully that will get you know fixed with maybe the the second or the third video but that being said let's check it out and we're going to discuss the details uh at some other point in time but magnus has the white pieces and he opens with d4 we have knight to f6 by hikaru uh c6 with e6 knight to c3 and now bishop to b4 of course going for the nimzo indian defense which is a very nice attempt always with black to you know play for for more than a draw it's a very sharp opening and here uh over the course of time like e3 the traditional line and queen to c2 the classical line have been the most popular and this is what magnus goes for he goes queen to c2 goes for the classical variation uh we have castles by black and now a3 challenging black's strong dark square bishop we have captures here and now queen captures there are some games where b captures was played but um very very few queen captures is the main idea here and now black strikes in the center with d5 and black wants to get uh well black basically wants the capture on c4 get the queen on c4 and then use the queen on c4 as a tempo so he can play v6 and bishop to a6 with the attack on the queen and that's what black uses in this line to kind of develop all of his pieces so here bishop the g 5 by magnus and not d captures on c4 as planned we have queen captures and now b6 preparing the the said move but it's uh it's not a problem for white this has been played many times and while you could go for something like rook to c1 to go after the c7 pawn then white can just go h6 and they for example captures captures uh you still can't capture on c7 because the d4 pawn will be hanging and this is perfectly fine for black even even better so instead rook to d1 this is the main move here and now bishop to a6 as planned so queen to a4 now preventing the knight from being developed because the bishop would hang and h6 asking do you want to capture which would only help me develop or do you want to go back so here bishop to h4 this is best and queen to e7 for the moment uh keeping this pin because you can't really move the queen anywhere else then you allow black white to open up your king side so knight to f3 white still needs to finish development because his king is still in the center of the board we have rook to d8 and now comes e3 offering the trade of light square bishops uh we have bishop captures and now rook capture so now white will not be able to castle or rather will not be able to castle in a traditional way but of course you will be able to at the castle artificially which is what magnus is going for so here we have c5 this is always black's plan pretty much in in such lines we have d captures on c5 rook captures sunday one and now this position has been reached i think like maybe 15 times maybe 13 i don't know uh something something like that and the queen characters on d1 is the move that has always been played here and interestingly hikaru had it against shakhtar mamidyarov mamiyara of course also captured with the queen here i was in norway chess in 2018 and the the game ended in the draw but here magnus prepared something special he played king captures on d1 this has never been played and it is now as of move 16 that we have a completely new game so let's see what magnus uh will do with his king on d1 uh but you know it's a new move so very very exciting so hikaru immediately strikes with the g5 he wants to unpin here now the both the queen and knight are ready to move bishop to g3 and now queen catches on c5 you didn't want to do this uh before because then you allow white to open up your king side king to d2 now this is uh carlson's plan now he wants to bring the rook into the game and artificially castle so knight b to d7 you still need to bring your other pieces into the game very principled idea uh and now comes rook the c1 attacking the queen queen d5 check and now king the e2 and here he car went knight to c5 and this is kind of the uh the moment i think why everyone plays queen captures on d1 in that position instead of king captures because here uh it seems that the g4 is best but i guess uh you know it's not winning for black or anything it just that black might get some sort of an edge here maybe and then for example knight the e1 and then after rook the d8 it's similar like what happened in the game but then if white tries to exchange queens for example with queen to c4 then you freed up the g5 square for your queen and then you can continue pushing because nothing is really you know wrong with black's position you can just you know play play whatever you want but okay uh hikar went without us he played knight to c5 right away but now magnus says queen to c4 and now the queen doesn't really have all that uh many many good squares uh queen offer is uh uh on the board if you try something like queen to a f5 then you allow certain jumps like knight to d4 with an attack on the queen and uh it's a it's a a rapid game you don't really have all that much time uh to try this uh i still have c so sorry about that uh as i've been covering the candidates tournaments let me just quickly fix that i know you guys are always weirded out by that so just give me a second here there we go all right uh all right there we go nice all right so we've we've covered that and uh now instead of that after queen to c4 we have rook to d8 by hikaru and now comes queen captures and d5 magnus trades here and now it doesn't matter that his king is in the center of the board uh in fact it is more than welcome uh let me just uh fix something really quickly uh uh as um as i'm showing the game uh wow sorry about that as i'm showing the game i'm realizing things that i've forgotten as i haven't recorded for for the past three days but okay queen c4 we have rook to d8 magnus traits captures and now knight captures on d5 we have knight to d4 uh and now comes a5 so uh what do you play here uh we rook the c4 by magnus and now rook to d7 we have f3 taking away all of these squares from hikaru's knights and now uh we have a4 that's a very nice idea at some point if this knight moves you will always have the b3 square for your knight and well you just keep the white b2 pawn in there so it's a backwards pawn for the rest of the game it could be a very very big weakness so here we have knight to b5 by magnus and now comes f6 by hikar we have e4 chasing away this knight and now knight back to e7 and here magnus throws in bishop to c7 bishop to d6 is also very nice puts pressure on both this knight so the rook doesn't really have any uh any squares to go to uh and also you are just threatening to win a pawn with bishop captures but magnus decides to go for this pawn instead uh and it's very interesting how kikaru uh hikaru uh defends it he goes knight the g6 first now uh you can't really go after the pawn right away uh because if you go for example uh bishop captures here then knight to f4 check and this is now very ugly because this pawn is hanging and if you go defended with sun like king to f2 then you allow rook to d2 then this pawn falls and it's just a very very ugly position so magnus has to play g3 first take away the f4 square from hikaru's knight and now knight to e5 again the rook is under attack and now instead of going for this pawn so that's why maybe bishop to d6 was better now magnus decides to trade on e5 so we have characters captures and knight back to c3 we have knight to b3 finally getting to that square uh that we discussed uh and now comes knight captures on a4 grabbing that pawn and now b5 so you don't win a piece because there's always rook to c8 check king to f7 and now knight to c uh sorry uh knight to c5 offering a trade of knights uh we have rook to d2 with check king to e3 and now of course you defend the knight with rook captures and b2 this is how he car grabs the pawn rook the c7 with check king the e8 and now knight captures on e6 and now the black king isn't in a in a great position but uh the black rook on the other hand is uh well ready to gobble up a lot of pawns here so rook captures on h2 we have rook to b7 going after the b5 pawn and now knight to c1 uh magnus strikes here with f4 uh and hikaru trades here uh of course you can't you have to play f4 f4 is a must move here if you try something like rook captures on b5 rook 32 is checkmate so you have to you know take care of stuff like that so instead we have f4 and now g captures on f4 we have g captures on f4 and now rook the h3 with check going after the a3 pawn king to d2 attacking the knight now comes knight b3 check king to c2 so now the knight is in the way uh the pawn cannot be captured and knight the a5 now attacking carlson's rook rook captures on b5 and now knight to c4 uh so what do you do here uh we rook the b4 again chasing back at the knight and now knight to e3 check king d2 uh and now e captures an f4 so what do you play here here uh we have a4 starting to push this uh this past pawn uh you could go after the the pawn here but if you play knight captures on f4 then there's knight to f1 with check and if king to e1 for example you can go rook captures on a3 and now the problem is if the king captures knight then just check and you win back tonight and it's an instant draw so magnus starts pushing the pass pawn and now comes knight to g2 we have e5 and now uh you see what magnus is trying to do he's trying to create a mating net by using the knight and the pawn you'll see what what uh what his plan is but he's extremely low on the clock he has 30 seconds on the clock whereas he car has almost three minutes on the clock so here we have f3 uh hikaru is also very close to queening his pawn and now knight the g7 with check king to f8 and this king to f8 is uh not the the most precise way king to f7 is better because you simply take away this square from the pawn he cover played king to f8 and this allowed magnus this instant knight to f5 and this is now a problem uh because uh here the knight is covering these two squares if you push the pawn here then the pawn covers this square and the king will not be able to escape you will get checkmated so here there is only one move that saves hikaru so feel free to pause the video here and try to find this the only move hikaru has not to lose this game while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on not doing anything weird like rook to h5 and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's f2 this is how you save the game and now the problem is well uh of course if you go after the knight then uh just rook the b8 check i know you guys are wondering about this king f7 and now e6 this is the problem and now if you capture it then you lose the rook and if you don't capture it doesn't really matter then we just give up the knight just e7 the pawn is nicely guarded by the knight and white is just queening there's nothing black can do here so hikaru finds it he plays f2 he spends a minute and a half here so he also got very low on time magnus played e6 now threatening checkmate but now hikaru finds the move of course not f1 queen because then this is checkmate rook to d3 with check that's the good stuff because now if you capture it then uh f1 queen uh this comes with check and now magnus is lost so after rook d3 check king to e2 was played and now of course f1 queen he car replaced everything perfectly king captures and now rook f3 check going after the knight here we have captures captures and now rook to b5 hoping for a rook trade then of course the pawn uh king and pawn end game would be winning but of course just rook to f4 magnus plays rook to a5 you want to have your rook behind the pass pawn but in front of it is also kind of good so here king e7 going after the pawn and rook a6 defending both pawns but now h5 hikaru also starts pushing his past pawn we have a5 and now rook to a4 so the problem uh for magnus is that he is up upon but his king is not in this game at all so here uh we have king to h3 now comes h4 hikaru nicely defends that pawn as well uh we have rook to a8 magnus prepares to push the pawn but now just king captures on e6 now the material is equal we have e6 king to d7 a7 and now king to c7 hikaru is going after the pawn uh we have rooked the h8 that's not an h8 rook to h8 and now of course comes rook captures on a7 magnus uh delivers check he will pick up the rook but it's not a problem just captures captures and captures and it was in this position that uh of course the game ended in a draw due to insufficient material which some of you uh probably caught a glimpse of because i accidentally showed the disposition a few minutes ago so sorry about that uh but uh yeah it will take me a few videos to get back into the uh you know into the mood uh but yeah that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it sorry about no videos for the last three days but we really had a madness with all of the moving and everything but uh i hope everything is nicely set up i will uh be improving the background uh with every video so i really you know tried my best to get everything done uh until the finals but you know it was not easy uh it's impossible to you know just move stuff from one place to another not impossible but it's you know not not very simple uh and i knew you guys would not tolerate if uh if meadows couch was not you know ready for him so so he can just chill uh but also i've acquired this very nice new camera i still i i'm still not going to use it i'm going to use it for some ideas uh for example you can see here that it's although it's very very crisp it's not a pretty sight i know but it's you know the the quality is uh you know pretty amazing this is actually mean 4k so uh if you guys ever wondered what i look like in 4k this is me uh but yeah for some announcements and uh you know for something that i will be talking about maybe discussing that is not directly related to the current situation on the board i might be using uh uh this uh this uh this camera as well uh so yeah uh like i said that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it really uh magnus did prepare with that king to d1 move but hikaru you know uh did everything uh everything precisely and he he probably could have seized a better position at some points but in the end he he found that he only moved that f2 move that ensured him a draw and after that it was just you know and he didn't take him a lot this fd movie it took him like a minute and maybe a minute and a half and you know uh because this is scary i mean uh you know people people would uh a lot of people would lose here finding f2 here is very very very very nice but yeah once again hope you guys enjoyed it sorry about no videos for the past three days but we are now back back at it uh so uh hope you guys enjoyed it once again uh i would like to thank uh andre mitrochin uh david meininger uh albert yazer uh dan madge and ishmael rivera for contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to all my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the new chess classic checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day and you know do comment if everything is okay with the sound with the setup you know i i i'm here to you know to learn uh see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 289,967
Rating: 4.9687104 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, candidates chess, candidates agadmator, agadmator giri, agadmator caruana
Id: luW--mtTPtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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