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don't press the piggy head i'm i'm gonna press the piggy head [Music] hello everybody i am kindly kian and welcome back to roblox this could quite possibly be the easiest game to win in roblox i mean see it for yourself description says you're in the middle of nowhere with piggy head don't press the piggy head easy right wrong it's just me and this piggy head and all i wanna do is press the piggy head i gotta know what happens when you press the piggy head you can't stop me from not pressing the piggy head i have to press the piggy head but just hear me out if i don't press the piggy head i win right but why do i actually win the satisfaction of knowing that i had the self-control to not press the piggy button and the peace of mind that i can just stand here forever and not press the piggy button honestly seems kind of boring so i am going to press the piggy button i have no idea what will happen when i press the piggy button so prepare yourselves for the pressing of the piggy button it's gonna happen but before i press the piggy button i want to talk to you guys about this scented candle that i got pumpkin pecan waffles it's like so many wonderful scents in one little scented candle it's unbelievable i wish that you guys could smell this because it just it it's oh man it smells so good it's just so good also very important i got these new cable management things so like i can i can tie up all the cables that hang under my desk and it just it works out really well and it's nice and clean and they don't get in the way and nothing gets tangled up i'm telling you these things are great just great and not to mention they're nice and they got that velcro listen listen to this don't you love that the sound of just a velcro it's great just lovely also the weather the weather has been great here nice and warm very very pleasant also don't forget you can use star code key when you purchase robux okay i'm gonna i'm gonna press the button i am i've been drawing this out i know you guys are probably extremely irritated i'm gonna press the button it's happening it's happening all right i gotta do it i'm president i pressed it i pressed it really is anything happening oh something's happening i don't know what oh my gosh there's meteors falling from the sky okay i'm just gonna grab these coins what the heck man piggy head who would have known that by pressing the piggy head something terrible would happen this is actually kind of cool i've survived the first onslaught of the pressing of the piggy head i'm gonna do it again let's do it again oh it's a laser of death all right you know what you don't scare me you don't scare me piggy head i'm just gonna grab these coins i'm dead i'm super dead well on the bright side i can just watch the round end from up here okay let's go press the piggy button again this is ridiculous what what do you got what do you got for me what what okay this is kind of cool it's like a platforming challenge do i have to oh my gosh i'm being chased by a giant shark head amazing okay don't look back it's just bad news yep that's bad news that is very large shark just jump across the logs and lily pads no problem okay frogger got intense my goodness okay we made it we survived and now we can see the other side of the shark what are these over here just eggs use your coins that you've collected to get these eggs i don't need your stinking eggs i'm just here to press piggy buttons that's all what what no we got repeat please tell me there's more than just three things that the piggy head does i hope that they're just completely randomized and we just happen to get the same event please don't be the laser thing it's not it's totally different oh my gosh oh my goodness almost just got pulverized by giant rock boulders very neat what will happen next let's find out there's more meteorites okay we are getting some repeats here though no okay that one i think is the only one that has killed me so far you got me you got me i have to say though i like the music that goes along with this one this is very 8-bit nintendo era all right piggy head what what oh you know what i bet you okay it's it's who is that aquaman i don't know is he's yep he's flooding the ground okay yep so that's why we need to jump on top of these platforms so that we do not drown please okay i got it am i safe is this this is the very top right please please mr aquaman king trident i i don't know who you are there's something very endearing about this game though like you just never know what you're gonna get it's well okay we we have to do some climbing it looks like rock wall climbing i like that what's oh that's lava that's yep okay uh-huh uh-huh yeah don't touch the lava it's bad it's very bad okay do you think i can make it i think i can make it i'm gonna make it i got this all right i think i'm safe here this is the highest point that you can get to the piggy head has not prevailed this time i do still need to beat the spinning laser of death without dying though that one was like super easy i mean i've been up here for for several seconds can we up the difficulty here it doesn't seem that bad oh what is happening what i don't i don't know what i'm supposed to do here oh there's logs wait okay yep yep okay so just jump over the logs is that it nope that's okay never mind never mind i i thought maybe i needed to get to that side of the roof oh you know what maybe i do see these like green cubes maybe i have to press these or pick them up or something i don't know i'm not sure i okay i did do something do i click it no don't click it okay maybe i just jump logs for the next 25 seconds i have no idea i think i am just jumping over logs until the time runs out i think that's how this works but i could be wrong have i survived no more logs that wasn't so bad let's press it again okay we got another obstacle course just gotta make our way up i imagine okay this time it's purple juice of death just a whole bunch of fruit punch and let me tell you dying in fruit punch it's not the way i want to go okay just just jump just be cool dodge the green things i don't know if the green things kill me but i feel like based on their placement they do uh okay ah oh oh no no no oh my gosh i thought that i needed to jump on this it appears that i need to avoid that at all costs basically okay that that makes sort of sense hey i almost have enough coins to buy that first egg let's get to 100 coins oh we're doing the same thing again okay guess what i'm gonna do i'm gonna press piggy button yeah i did it oh gosh okay dodge cars okay this is this is actually there's a lot going on here ah yeah okay policeman please don't run me over it's not cool man i survived i survived the traffic we only need 24 more coins we can do this we've seen the meteorites just dodge the shadows give me that coin give me that coin it disappeared very rude piggy button three hours later don't touch okay i mean i won't i won't touch it i kind of wanted to though if that event comes up again i'm touching it let's keep going we need 10 more coins oh i like this one this is the shark okay i now have 100 coins let's buy an egg this is gonna give me a pet are you gonna give me a pet okay what do you got what do you got albert hello albert how do i equip albert albert i don't know how to equip you sir probably should press the button that says equip yeah okay very smart i am good at video games hello albert you're just a smiling floating head welcome i'm glad that you're here do you want to press the button albert you can press it go ahead you press it you just take your finger and you just press that oh albert has no hands my bad okay i'll press it don't worry i'll burn so i kind of want to get that event where it says don't touch so i'm going to cycle through some of these and hope that we get that one again oh i have not seen this one okay rolling hills very nice oh we go fast okay gotta go fast we're sonic speed let's do it easy so many coins i like this grab all the coins get them no i failed i'm bad maybe i can try again i only have like 20 seconds left so i don't know if i can even make it but i'm gonna try maybe don't focus so much on the coins i've disappointed albert i feel really bad he wanted to see the end of this course so badly albert i won't fail you albert i only have one second left i'm still fast do i get to retain my super speed forever take that piggy button i'm using your own powers against you i'm too strong oh my gosh i'm actually i'm actually too fast i think i lost it yeah i lost it now can we press the piggy button while the piggy button is is pressed no you can't press the piggy button while the piggy button is being pressed only one piggy button press per piggy button press what please give me the don't touch event it's the logs hey a new event oh i hear 8-bit music what's happening is it gonna flood we just need to climb this weird tree i think doesn't seem so bad do i just need to get to the top before the timer runs out i can do that i think oh okay it keeps going i thought the top of the tree was the end it wasn't dang there's a lot going on here am i almost there no we didn't grab onto the ladder well we failed and by we i mean me i failed and yet again i'm sorry albert but he continues to smile you always make me happy albert thank you it's the sonic event let's go this is my chance to redeem myself and show albert the end of this course albert i'm gonna make it i did it albert i think no i didn't realize there was a jump there albert i'm so sorry on the bright side i still have super speed oh we got a new event what the heck it's like horizontal tetris i don't know what i'm supposed to do am i just supposed to stand here and not die i i think that's it i think that's actually all you do oh there okay i didn't realize that there's a giant spaceship shooting lasers at us so yeah we did it we survived i'm too good i'm too good it's time to redeem myself again albert this is for you buddy okay so remember there's a jump at the top of this hill you just gotta there you go see was that so bad and look peppa pig hanging out at the end what the heck is happening i'm in a factory of giant toilet paper rolls this music is so intense i must fight the conveyor belt of death please i've survived i've survived the factory of death we've got a new obstacle course and it kind of sounds like mario which i like i approve of this i don't have enough time i only have 10 seconds no i tried to take a shortcut it was a bad decision you don't scare me anymore shark bring it on i will fight you i'll fight you i'll fight i shouldn't have fought the shark maybe if i attack him from above that's the secret the game refuses to give me that event again but i think we all know what'll happen if we touch the thing that it said not to touch probably die but there you have it i press the piggy button so that you don't have to although if you want to you still can either way i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching i'll see you guys next time i'ma press it one more time just one more oh it's a shark [Music] foreign
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,705,074
Rating: 4.87498 out of 5
Keywords: roblox piggy, roblox peppa pig, piggy roblox, peppa pig roblox, peppa pig, roblox piggy story, peppa the pig, roblox scary, roblox, piggy, peppa, pig, roblox monsters, roblox video, no swearing, kindly keyin, roblox game, roblox meme, piggy chapter 12 skins, piggy chapter 12, parasee piggy, piggy ending, piggy conclusion, piggy mousy, roblox piggy build mode, piggy button, dont press the button, dont press the piggy head, dont press the piggy button
Id: mnG88gOYUns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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