Illustrator to After Effects Workflow: Vector Icon Animation Design

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Hey what is going on Internet Josh no well from Sun duck film so in story we're gonna go ahead and create a object in Illustrator and animate it in After Effects so I'll take a give you guys a quick look of what we'll be creating and this is essentially what we're doing creating a rocket in Illustrator and animating it all in After Effects so I think it's a great tutorial because when we go and over a lot of basic concepts but if you've been keeping up with my channel recently I posted a couple of videos in the past week on creating these uh flat icons in After Effects which is very similar to what we'll be doing Illustrator here's a stroke one and a little while ago I created how to create more of a flat I con in Illustrator however the best way to do this if you want to create some sort I con for your animated videos is to kind of create them in After Effects you know these two videos right here we're both all created inside of After Effects and not illustrator and the thing about a straighter is that it's a lot more intuitive to design vectors and graphics inside of Illustrator and then bring it over to After Effects we animate it because tools and After Effects can sometimes be a little bit tedious to use so in this tutorial we're gonna properly go through how to create an object or create a vector in Illustrator and get it prepped up too so you can send it over to After Effects to animate it so we're gonna go ahead and create a rocket because I think that was kind of complex enough you know I mean it's not the most complex thing ever but you know I think you know a few elements that are a few techniques we'll talk about so it's going to in create a new document and it's just your first time ever using illustrator if you wanna create a new document go to file new and you know you can type the name of your project and we're done I can't win by 1080 because that's you know the frame size of our video alright so get to started this think about what shapes we can use to create a rocky easily maybe we use a rectangle in an ellipse so what we'll do is really rectangle here and we'll just draw out a rectangle just like this and let's go to the ellipse tool here and let's go ahead and draw out a perfect circle by clicking the point and holding down alt and shift on our keyboard to draw a perfect circle like this and then let's go ahead and kind of move this and over right right over our rectangle and it's kind of scale it down just by a little bit and you know two is perfectly aligned and let's go ahead and move this up to like right there and if we got to see that perfect intercept button and now we have our circle and rectangle then we're going to go to window and click on Pathfinder and then I'm gonna go ahead and click the unite button or the Add button and now both of our shapes are added together and now we can start kind of modeling the base of our rocket so what I'll do so what I'll do is I'll go to the direct selection tool here and I will click our point here and I'll kind of let's just drag it in just like this and then what I'll do is hit P on my keyboard and hold down alt and click this point here and kind of drill out our vertice kind of like that and then what I'll do let's go back to a and I'll draw drag this one out by a little bit and kind of a slope this out just by a touch all right and then we'll do is click our top point with the direct selection tool and maybe well do is a kind of draw just drags in just by a little bit alright and maybe I'll go ahead and click this point and drag that in just by touch as well and maybe now kind of trial that point back up like that alright so cool what we're going to do a piano keyboard to go to the pen tool and we're delete these two points here and you know maybe we'll just close this one up alright and what we're going to do is we're going to select a shape here and we're going to copy it and we're going to go to edit paste in place and then go to object transform reflect and make sure to reflect it over the vertical axis and click OK and then we're going to do is this mash this up at the top kind of like that alright and we're going to go ahead and clean this up down here so what I'll do is I'll go to the pen tool and I'll click a point here and go straight across like this and kind of just close this up just like that and then I'll select everything again and click the Add button and maybe what I'll do is I'll kind of maybe scrunch this up and you know kind of just stretch it out enough to make it look like rocket alright and that's pretty okay for our rocket base so what I'm going to do now is maybe go ahead and create some wings here and I'll go to the pen tool and kind of just go here go down to where we want the end wing to stop and we'll just hold down shift and we'll kind of draw out a perfect sort of angle like that and then what we'll do is we'll hold down alt and click this here to give her this vertice and then we'll kind of go right over here and hold down shift and kind of just like draw this out like this and now we have a wing hey alt and I'll close this up it was pretty good and what I'll do is maybe I'll click the base here maybe I'll set it to like a wider shade there and then I'll set this color right here to like my logo color which is you know this pink color and there it is and then we'll do is I'll go ahead and select this a wing here right click it go to arrange send it back and we'll go ahead and copy this go to edit paste in place and then go to object transform reflect and that's fine and then we'll go to move this over here and then we'll go ahead and send us the back again and that should be okay so right now we have a rocket and then what I'll do maybe kind of create like a wing in the front as I'll go to the ellipse tool and what I'll do is I'll kind of like drill out like a sort of an oval a very thin oval like this so then I'll go right to the pen tool I'll zoom in here and then I'll hold down alt and I will click this versity at the top and hold down alt and click diversity at the bottom so now we kind of have like this straight edge and then let's go here and kind of Center this right up which is right here and we'll have it just like that maybe I'll scale it down just by a little bit there we go all right so now we have our wings they'll move down just a little bit ok and then let's go ahead and critic the window so go to the lips tool and we'll just like draw out a perfect circle just like this and then let's go ahead and change the color to like a darker color and then it's go ahead and increase the stroke to add an outline and I'll go ahead and double click the stroke down here and I'll change the color real fast and booms go ahead and put our window you know like right here you'll make it a little bit smaller we'll bring out weighting down just a little bit more so more room so then what I'll do is then I'll go to our window and I'll copy it and then I'll go ahead and paste it in place and we'll go ahead and like make it a little bit smaller kind of like like this and then we'll turn off the stroke completely and we'll go ahead and set this to white and this will add just a little bit more detail into our rocket here and I'll copy and paste in place and we'll move it this one over here and make it a little bit smaller so now we have complete some detail on our window and we'll do so go ahead and select all three of our elements here and I'll copy and paste in place and I'll move this one up just by a little bit and make it a little bit larger maybe not so big but very close to it all right and then what else I'll do is I'll go to our pen tool here and may I'll go to like right over here and I'll click a straight point across like this and then I'll go ahead and just like click around this and close it up and I'll go ahead and change the color of this to pink and then here's the fun part let's go ahead and select make sure this is selected in the base of our rocket and let's go to the shape builder tool which is right here and let's hold down alt and let's delete the outside edge and here's the you know tip of our rocket is a different color it looks pretty cool maybe what I'll do is I'll just go here and make our windows just a wee bit smaller I can move it down and maybe I'll move our wing down a little bit more so to finish this rockets go ahead and create a flame so let's go ahead and select the pen tool I'll click a point like this and then maybe I'll use a concrete like a jagged edge just like this and then move up a little bit and then bring it down and kind of just keep it consistent I'm not going to go ahead and duplicate this and because it's just like kind of a simple element and close that up and it's not perfect but for the most part this is going to get by just fine and maybe I'll make it a little bit bigger and I'm going to make change the color to like orange or something and it'll kind of go ahead and put this underneath or go to right click go to range send it back and you know let's go ahead and crease the stroke on this move to eight points and then let's go ahead and set this color to like red okay let's go ahead and kind of make this little bit bigger and it will move it over to kind of get that in there and let's go through this back up I like the swing smaller there we go all right so now we have our rocket and I can go here and rotate it by 45 degrees and maybe we'll make you just a wee bit smaller and we'll move it over here alright so now that we're done with our illustration here what we're going to do is we're going to save our project and we're going to just title it whatever you want to title it I'll call it rocket three and then let's go over to After Effects all right so now we here we are in After Effects and I'm gonna go ahead and grab our rocket and bring it into After Effects and then going in and drop it into a new composition here which is our 1920 by 1080 and let's go ahead and right-click our layer and click on create shapes from vector layer and so now if we open up our shape layer and go to the contents we now have a separate group or separate paths for every element that we created inside of a shape layer so it's almost like we did design this here in After Effects and now we're going to have the most control over every path because it is in it because it is inside of a shape layer so that is pretty awesome and now we're gonna be able to animate this and use some awesome things so maybe the first thing I'll do just to make this easy is I'll goes like one second here and hit P on my keyboard bring up position and hey I click the stopwatch add a keyframe I'll go to zero seconds here and I'll just kind of drag this offering like this so now I'll just kind of fly in here and I know this isn't like the realistic way of to how you would probably animate a rocket but for the tutorial almost we'll go ahead and animate each of these elements to come on when our base comes in so what we're going to do is go ahead and open this up going the contents I'll hide the transform and what we need to is kind of go through and rename everything and kind of see where everything is at so these are details and this is probably a window well this is a window here so I'll kind of go here and I'll type in a window one with out doing ten thousand typos and try to find window two now so group sevens window - all right and then we'll go to your group eight this is mid wing alright I went ahead and renamed everything and the first going to animate maybe we'll go ahead and do the wing so I'll go to like left wing here and I'll go to our transform and I'll click the stopwatch for position and I'll move that keyframe forward in time and I'll come in like move this one off frame so now this will just animate on just like that and then what I'll do is I'll go right to our right wing and go to transform properties it click the side watch for position I'll move that keyframe forward maybe I'll move a little bit further and then I'll kind of like put this way all the way across just like this and I'll definitely stretch this out so it has a longer animation to go across and then maybe just go to like our details here and we'll transform properties and then you know maybe move it forward in time and then click the stopwatch for scale move that forward in time and put this to zero and let's go ahead and select both of our keyframes here and copy them so it'll be a lot quicker let's go to group three go to transform and click on scale here and paste the keyframes there maybe offset it by a little bit let's go to our window scale you know and paste the keyframes in there and maybe we'll go ahead and offset it backwards so now then the you know the window comes on the little specular details coming on and then you know go to group five and we'll choose pretty much the same exact thing and this is you know a good way to quickly have some animation make your videos a little bit more interesting and you know fun for everyone to watch and especially you can impress your clients so many of them to going here and just pacing in the scale real fast and I'm just talking just say stuff I guess but um yeah for most part looking pretty cool maybe I'll speed up that wing let's go to the mid wing here and it's go to transform and click on position and as keyframe for that maybe we'll go back in time and then we'll kind of move this off frame kind of like this um now go boom boom boom and then yep looking pretty good and then it's good to right wing real fast and let's try the keyframe over and then the last element here that we really need to take a look at is the flame so it's going to open that up and this one's a little bit different the reason why I like to do this in shape layers is because now we can go up to add and we can click on wiggle paths and uh well what we can do now so basically this effect will make this thing wiggle and kind of look like it's animating so what I'll do is go ahead and set this to smooth and maybe decrease the size by a little bit and maybe increase the details and maybe set the Wiggles per second to like three or four and so now as you can see this uh the flame kind of animates a little bit as if it's actually being you know is actually a real thing so it looks pretty good and then the next thing I'm going to do is go back up to ad and I'm going to go ahead and click on trim paths alright and now what we'll do is maybe at the end of our animation here I'm going to go ahead and click the stopwatch pretend move that keyframe forward in time and set n to zero percent so we see here it kind of animates on and maybe I'll do is I'll you know put the offset to like you know two hundred and you know 70 ish so now I'll kind of enemy seems trying to get it from boom so now we kind of have that animation in my drive the keyframe in alright so now pretty much everything is animating in and that looks pretty good so what I'll do to finish this off is I'll go ahead and we go to the end here right when the flame you just about comes on click a stopwatch for position move forward in time and it's just just for the regular rocket position move forward in time and then let's go ahead and just drag this off-screen so kind of like just shoot out there obviously you know it's probably the cliched thing to do but you know it looks pretty good and then you know of course to make this even more interesting hit you on our keyboard to bring up all the keyframes select all the keyframes hit f9 our keyboard to make them easy as keyframes and then of course never forget to turn on motion blur which will make things a lot more exciting and after a quick render this is what we have and it pretty much did the job you know we have this little quick animation here and it is a little bit faster than my initial demo but for the most part I believe we went through all the necessary elements of creating the stuff in Illustrator and move it over to After Effects for animation so I hope you guys learned a few things from this video if you guys have any questions please drop a comment down below or hit me but my social media networks those links are description on this video and if you're new to the channel please subscribe for more content just like this and if you guys enjoyed the video has been helpful please drop a like because it me out tremendously and guys as always thank you so much for watching this video and hopefully I'll see you soon
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 491,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, AE Tutorial, Illustrator Tutorial, Illustrator to After Effects, Illustrator to After Effects Workflow, Vector Illustrator, Designing shapes in After Effects, Path Workflow, SonduckFilm Tutorial, Illustrator Icon, Icon Animation, Vector Icon Animation, Graphic Design, Motion Design, After Effects Workflow tutorial, Illustrator After Effects Workflow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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