How to use the 3D Camera Tool in After Effects!

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hey what's going on guys this is Mike and in this mo box video we're going to be taking a look at perspective using a camera and After Effects with this tool you could do a number of different things you could change it up a field you can easily add blur to objects so we'll just going to name this tutorial 9 which I believe is the tutorial we're on we're going to keep this down to maybe 5 seconds 60 frames a second 1080p looks good the background could be black whatever so we're just going to create a background layer layer new solid and we're going to make it kind of look just off-white just to give it some character hit OK and let's go ahead and actually just lock this layer so we can't mess with it and we'll before we lock it we should probably rename it to background and then we'll lock it that way we can't grab it and drag it and accidentally move it so we're going to create some circles here so basically I'll just give you a kind of a rundown of exactly how this tool works and exactly kind of what you could do with it so right here you'll notice that this when I hover over this little cube it says 3d layer allows the layer to be multiplied or manipulated in three dimensions so I made three circles and I'm just going to turn that on for all three of these so when you notice here is that you can move it in the X&Y but you can also move it in the Z direction it's kind of hard to see from this view but down here you could actually change the view so you could do two views two views vertical four views whatever and it kind of shows you the object in all of the dimensions so that could be useful which we will use so if you notice in the beginning I showed kind of like it the perspective changing and as the camera moves you kind of Planets come into view so what we'll do here is I'll just kind of show you how I did that so we're going to I guess change the color of all these so we have a red one we'll make a I don't know it's almost black one and then we'll make maybe I don't know what's a good color maybe a dark kind of bluish color like that and we'll just kind of space these out a little bit it like that so another layer we're going to need to use is a camera layer so you just go up to layer new wou layer new camera and there's a lot of tools here that people that that film all the time will know about but basically all you need to know is that if the camera is pointed here this is this is what it what you'll see in the camera lens and then there's also a focal length so you might be able to see here but the focal length might be pulled forward meaning things in the background are blurry things of the front or blurry but things at that focal length will be in focus so we'll just hit OK this stuff looks fine to me some things that people like to do maybe change the node but but this is this is fine for this on basic tutorial so I'm just going to clear this notification okay so I'm going to come over here again I'm going to change the view to two views and I'm going to take this this sphere or this well it's actually just a circle and I'm going to drag it out to maybe right there so basically what we just did is let me make this a little bit more clear as you can see on the right hand side is as I drag this out in the Z direction it changes its position towards the camera and we can actually see it in the camera so let's say we take this object and we move it to let's say right there they're both in focus and the reason why this is this is in still in focus is because we need to do some do some editing to this camera here so when we open it up we can see the camera options and we want to turn depth of field on and what that does is essentially it creates a depth of field slider and you can change the distance here oh so that's the focal distance and the aperture and the aperture affects how much how much blur you get when it when it when it's not in focus if it's all the way down you don't get any blur if it's all the way up you get more blur so basically now what what you could do is essentially if you come back down to to view and you move the camera you could you you see here on this I'm going to zoom in here a little bit is that whoa don't want to change out the y-direction it's kind of hard to do it from this far away but you could see that as I move the camera farther and closer things come in and out of focus and you could do this oh by the way it's in focus because the focal length is at the back of the camera but if I change the focus distance you could also kind of get an effect there let's say there's two objects really close you just want to change the focal distance you don't necessarily have to move the whole camera but to get motion to make it appear that that you know the planets are in space or the circles are in space you need to move you're going to want to just move the whole camera so that's kind of a rundown of exactly what you get when you when you set this up so I'm going to move this this planet all the way out here and it doesn't necessarily have to be that far away I'm just going to move this one maybe right there you notice that this is kind of glitchy I don't know in this version of After Effects why it is so glitchy but it but it just is so we're going to move this camera back we want we want this to be in full focus what you could do is here on the right or on the left you can zoom in and kind of see just how InFocus is it is and it looks pretty good so what we're going to do is we'll create a keyframe here and we'll create a keyframe over here for focus distance know position we want this camera to move so we'll do p on the keyboard and now we can change the position so we'll go to one second and we'll change this position so the blue panic planet comes into in a focus and you can see here that I'm going to zoom in just a little bit and just kind of play with the position just a tad just so we kind of get it to be exactly where we need it to be and by the way if you hold ctrl it gives it's a lot more precise when you slide this so what I'm doing I'm just clicking this and sliding it when I hold if I don't hit ctrl it goes like that what if I hold ctrl it goes more like that so I'm just heads-up so you can see there that whoa what's going on the camera flipped I don't know why the camera flips the camera always flips from the first frame so what I do is I basically set this up and I'm just going to copy these keyframes here whoa control C control V and I move the camera back and then I'll just I'll just fix the camera at the very end again I'm kind of an unexceptional motion graphics guy but but these are just things that I've learned and they should help you but that's something I noticed I don't know why that camera flips so basically once I fix it I'm just going to come to this first keyframe delete the keyframe and you'll see that things are still like broken so I'm going to copy this keyframe and I'll paste it there and then I'll just move the camera back and you see how it's how it's glitching like that I don't know why it does that I'll be honest I don't I believe that it that it's just an issue with After Effects or my ability to use After Effects so after I paste that there it should be fine and it is so that's just basically one simple tool you could add some smoother to this so I could just highlight them right click easy easy easy and that should kind of give you some clean motion in and out by the way another trick and want to let you know is that when you sometimes need to come into one view this could be changed to front and you don't want that you want to make sure it's on active camera because when you go to render it it doesn't work it just doesn't work so that's how that works and by the way you could change the blurriness on here just by coming here and messing with all these if you're a camera dude you'll know what most of these mean and you can get a lot more use out of this but I just want to make make this aware that you could use that you could actually use as see if when I change the blur amount that also that also affects it but so does the aperture so I don't know they just have different effects by the way it's if you notice when I raise the aperture up it kind of almost looks like a square you could change that by changing the aperture size an octagon kind of makes it more circular because there's eight sides and then you can even make it rounder look by the way this takes a long time to render so that's just a quick look at do it using perspective tools with the camera and After Effects anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video hope it helped anyways guys it's been Mike thanks for watching you
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 1,337,573
Rating: 4.9248357 out of 5
Keywords: ae camera, camera after effects, how to use camera in after effects, how to use the camera tool in after effects, camera tool, how to add a camera in after effects, after effects camera movement tutorial, after effects camera, 3D camera tool, camera after effects zoom, 3d camera, how to use perspective in after effects, ae camera blur, after effects camera blur, after effects, tutorial, camera after effects 3d, camera after effects depth of field, focus, text, 3d, zoom, depth, mobox
Id: Axa38beTBvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2015
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