II Chronicles ~ 29:12 to 29:36

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible we'd love to have you join us today we're gonna pick it up second chronicles chapter 29 verse 12 and after the wicked reign evil reign of Ahaz we finally have a pious or righteous king over Judah his name being Hezekiah which means strengthened of yah 25 years old when he assumed the throne of Judah and he knew what had been going wrong in the nation over the course of his father's reign his father had left yah have a completely out of the picture a has never could he knew something was wrong but he just couldn't ever put his finger on it that it was because he was worshiping the gods of the heathen nations that God was raising up so many enemies fighting against Israel well Hezekiah hit the ground running and he had two major undertakings that he his reign brought about one the religious Reformation restoring the worship of the Lord and doing away with idolatry in the land and also that then secondly to throw off the yoke of the Assyrian which brought on the invasion of cineq ribs so Hezekiah doing a good job that first thing he did was got the Levites and the priests together and said look the house of the Lord is a mess in fact is the door had been completely locked for the last year under a has his reign and he said you sanctify yourselves make yourselves clean and go in and clean out the house of the Lord and he also said to the Levites you know I have it in my mind that I want to renew the covenant with the Lord and he's getting a good start let's with that introduction pick it up in chapter 29 verse 12 we asked that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name has always father ask you to open eyes open ears this day 2nd chronicles 29 12 and it reads then the Levites arose may hath the son of a messiah and joelle the son of Azariah of the sons of the KOA thights the KOA thights being one of the three major families of the Levites and the sons of Merari another family of the Levites major family Keast the son of Abdi and Azariah the son of G Halle L and of the gershonites the third major division of the Levites joah the son of Zima and Eden the son of Joe us so we see two Levites from each of the three major families and the Khoa thoughts the gershonites and the Marah rights all had different duties in and around the first of all the mosaic tabernacle and of course now we have the Solomon's Temple which is built and they all had their responsibilities concerning the ministering and to the Lord the list goes on verse 13 and the sons of Elijah fan shimmery and G il Elijah fan one of the major divisions of the Khoa thights in fact is numbers chapter 3 verse 30 Elisha fan is listed as a prince of the kohathites and he is actually the grandson of Kohath who the family name is named after obviously and the sons of ace Zechariah and mattaniah Asaph was the one of the three musical directors under King David of course he's long deceased at this point in time were fourteen generations from Hezekiah to David and a South was around then the sons of a south when we were covering the musicians in first chronicles we learned there and they were called the sons of Asaph but there weren't biological sons they were students if you will disciples of a South here I believe the sons of Asaph it means that they are descendants of Asaph by blood Asaph was of the division of the Levites the the gershonites and of the sons of he-man here we have one of the another one of the major musical directors that are listed in in first chronicles G high L and shimmy eye and of the sons of Jeddah 'then Jeddah thorn is also called Ethan in other places in the Kings and the chronicles he is of the family of Levites known as Marah rights Shimon ayah and Uzi Al all there in all there we have fourteen listed and we see fourteen all over Hezekiah in many ways in our last lecture I pointed out that we were fourteen generations from David to Hezekiah here we have fourteen of the Levites that are singled out and named as being responsible for cleaning up the mess that's become of the Solomon's Temple fourteen in biblical numerix salvation and deliverance verse 15 and they gathered their brethren and sanctified themselves and came according to the commandment of the King by the words of the Lord to cleanse the house of the Lord the command of Hezekiah which was founded on the Word of God that's what hay has did wrong he didn't do things by the Word of God Hezekiah realized that was the problem and he's doing all he can to straighten that out in a hurry he's attempting to set things right with God and to set things right in the temple of solomon verse 16 and the priest now we've been talking about Levites which are not priests priests you had to be of the descendant of Aaron to be of the priests line went into the inner part of the house of the Lord to cleanse it and brought out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of the Lord into the court of the house of the Lord and the Levites took it to carry it out abroad into the brook kidron now this brook kidron is actually a dry Gulch it's also known as the valley of Kidron I don't know if you recall we had a young king joash when he was seven years old he took the throne and he found that his grandmother had made a huge Ashtaroth and he had that Ashtaroth cut down and stamped into powder and then it was distributed in brook Kidron and kind of makes me wonder if Hezekiah hadn't read about that and thinks that anything that is unclean should be stamped into powder and thrown into the brook kidron now the doors to the temple had been closed for only in the last year of a Hazards rain but the idolatry was going on in the temple for many many years prior to the doors being shut the priests went into the inner part of the house referring to the Holy of Holies and I couldn't help but think this more when I was preparing for the broadcast that the true Reformation begins from the most inner parts for example if you find that you have gone away gotten away from the Lord and you're grown apart and you don't talk to him in prayer and you know you're not living the way that you should be and you're not receiving God's blessings because of that as well but if you want to reform yourself you have to start on the inner most part your heart your mind and and change make the changes necessary there then you move in to the other parts of the Reformation so any true Reformation has to begin on the inward parts and then grow outwards and that's what's happening here with the cleansing of Solomon's Temple verse 17 now they began on the first day of the first month to sanctify the first month on the Hebrew calendar being Abib also called niacin and on the eighth day of the month came they to the porch of the Lord to the entrance to into the temple the inner court if you will and they're not finished yet so they sanctified the house of the Lord in eight days and in the sixteenth day of the first month they made an end let's see the sixteenth day of the first month we missed something there do you know what it is about Passover that the Passover was to be held on the you count 14 days from the beginning of the first month and then an evening which is the beginning of the fifteenth day on the Hebrew calendar is the Passover so they missed the Passover which is alright because the house of God wasn't cleansed the Levites had defiled themselves and the priests by cleaning up the mess of the idolatry that had gone in and around the temple Soloman and we'll see in chapter 30 that they decide to hold the Passover in the second month Passover hadn't been held for years and years under the reign of Ahaz but we're gonna see quite a Passover held in chapter 30 by King Hezekiah verse 18 then they went in to Hezekiah the king and said we have cleansed all the house of the Lord and the altar of burnt-offering with all the vessels thereof and the showbread table with all the vessels thereof all is back in order and ready for the worship of Yahweh now this the vessels thereof we're talking about a lot of the things that a has and other idolaters had used that was designed originally for the worship of the Lord but they had defiled it by using it in the worship of bale and Ashtaroth and and the other gods small G of the heathen nations so all of that had to be replaced or if it could be cleanse then they would do that verse 19 moreover all the vessels which king a had had in his reign did cast away in his transgression have we prepared and sanctified and behold they are before the altar of the Lord now in the next several verses we're going to be talking about the rededication of the Temple of Solomon this a has in his reign did cast away it's not like he just threw them away what he did he used them in the worship of other gods he then God's which defiled them so they had to be replaced or if they could be cleansed the proceeded proper procedure to do that cleansing verse 20 then Hezekiah the King rose early I'm sure he was very excited that the temple of God had been cleansed and people could resume the worship the Lord and gathered the rulers of the city the princes and the family heads of Jerusalem and went up to the house of the Lord probably the very next day after the Levites and the priests came and pronounced that the temple was clean verse 21 and they brought seven bullocks and seven Rams and seven lambs and seven he-goats for a sin offering for the kingdom and for the sanctuary and for Judah and he commanded the priests the sons of Aaron to offer them on the altar of the Lord seven in biblical and America's spiritual perfection so you can believe too that the altar that they used was not the one that that a has had ordered Uriah the Hittite - fashioned after the altar of burnt offering to the god of resin the king of Syria when a has visited Damascus it wasn't that one it was the original of Solomon's Temple now these the seven Bullock's seven Rams and seven lambs and he goats don't be confused those would all be voluntary burnt offerings now the sin offerings though would have to be offered before the burnt offerings and if it's like if you have sin on you the burnt offerings were an approach offering to approach the Lord in other words but you can't approach to the Lord if you've got sin hanging all over you so the sin offerings would have to be made before the voluntary burnt offerings verse 22 so they killed the Bullock's and the priests received the blood and sprinkled it on the altar or toward the altar likewise when they had killed the Rams they sprinkled the blood upon the altar towards the altar again they killed also the Lambs and they sprinkled the toward or upon the altar and Leviticus chapter 4 verses 30 through 34 and also Leviticus chapter 8 verse 15 describes in more detail how the priests were to do this they didn't actually pour the blood on the altar they would take a small amount of the blood of the sacrifice and apply it to the horns on the altar and then the rest was poured out at the base of the altar verse 23 and they brought forth the he-goats for the sin offering before the king and the congregation and they laid their hands upon them the sin offerings have to be made first now the sin offerings and were to be eaten by all the males in the priesthood including the the younger priests or members of the sons of Aaron and by consuming the sin offering it was as though the priest was serving as a an intercessor for the people taking their sins upon themselves by consuming the the sin offering and this placing of their hands on the offering is also transferring the sins of the people which the the priests are symbolically holding on themselves and placing it on the sin offering much as Jesus Christ took our sins upon himself is what this is all about transferring the sin away from the individual cleansing them and that's what we wash our blood in today the blood of Jesus Christ verse 24 and the priest killed them and they the sacrifices made reconciliation with their blood upon the altar to make an atonement for all Israel no all Israel not just Judah for the king commanded that the burnt offering in the an offering should be made for all Israel here we see the compassion of King Hezekiah not only concerned about his subjects the people of Judah he's also concerned about the ten northern tribes which were split away from Judah at this time and that's that's that's a wonderful thought and when we get to chapter 30 in our next lecture you're gonna see that not only is this great Passover that Hezekiah held for Judah and Benjamin but he's going to invite those of the ten northern tribes to come to Jerusalem and participate in the Passover some of them laughed his messengers to scorn some of them came and celebrated the Passover now we've been talking a lot here about sacrifices and of animals and blood offerings and there's a lot of blood for sure but I feel responsible - especially for our younger students to point out that we don't offer animals to cover our sins any longer if the blood of bulls and goats could cleanse people from sin how much more the blood of Jesus Christ Hebrews chapter nine will back up what I'm saying what God wants today is our love and Amos chapter six verse six it states that I don't want your no worries at Hosea 6:6 I believe I think I misspoke there but anyway it states that the blood he doesn't want your sacrifices anymore he wants your mercy which should be translated your love and then it goes on to say I don't want your burnt sacrifice it's more important for me that you have knowledge of the Word of God that's how we show God that we love Him today not through animal sacrifice but by studying the letter he wrote to us the Bible verse 25 and he set the Levites these being the Levitical singers or musicians in the house of the lord with cymbals with saul trees and with harps according to the commandment of David and of GAD the King seer this is a another word for a prophet and Nathan the prophet for so was the commandment of the Lord by his prophets the prophets GAD and Nathan communicated what the Lord one had done to King David and he had established that in first chronicles verse 26 and the Levites stood with the instruments of David the symbols psalteries and harps and the priests with the trumpets the sons of Aaron with the silver trumpets we first hear of the silver trumpets I believe in numbers chapter 10 and these silver trumpets were used for many things as you can imagine when Israel came out of Egypt it was scattered out over a pretty large area of geography and they communicated using these silver trumpets when Moses wanted to summons the leaders of the houses or the tribes the princes of the tribes for a council they had a certain tone that they would blow on these silver trumpets when it was time to break camp and move out there were signals that would tell first one set of camp that which consisted of three tribes to pack up and move out and then another and another and another until all of them had broken camp but here the silver trumpets are used by the priests to call attention to the Lord what's going on here below the Lord knew and the Lord was happy 27 and Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offering upon the altar first the Senate offering then the burnt offering and when the bird offering began the song of the Lord at the same time that the burnt offering the song of the Lord began also with the Trump and with the instruments ordained by david king of israel praising the lord in song and many of you I know enjoy praising the Lord in song at church as we sing hymns as well verse 28 and all the congregation worshiped and the singers sang and the trumpeter sounded and all this continued until the burnt offering was finished from the very beginning that the offering was made to the very end 29 and when they had made an end of offering the King and all that were present with him bowed themselves and worshiped that's what the Lord wanted from a has and did not get his name is jealous we learned in Exodus chapter 34 verse 14 you have no other gods before me my name the Lord speaking is jealous and that's jealous with a capital J God wanted Judah and a has to worship him a has never could put his finger on what the problem was because he was worshiping other gods the age-old lesson in the chronicles you can seek the Lord and find him or if you forsake him he will indeed forsake you but they knelt and worshiped the Lord what a time of joy for Hezekiah to see all of his people responding after the years and years under a has the idolatrous ways and the people being turned away from worshiping the Lord now Hezekiah is leading the people directing the people to worship the Lord and I'm sure it's a time of joy verse 30 moreover Hezekiah the king and the princes commanded the Levites to sing praise unto the Lord with the words of David some of the Psalms no doubt that David wrote and of Asaph the seer one of the major directors of the levitical singers he's also a seer which is a word for a prophet he-man is also one of the other three directors is also called the prophet in first chronicles 25 verse five jeddah 'then also known as ethan is called a prophet in 3515 and they sang praises with gladness and they bowed their heads and worshiped the three directors of the singers are all referred to as prophets of the lord at one place or another in the Old Testament then Hezekiah answered and said now you have consecrated yourselves this is to fill the hand in the Hebrew in other words to fill the hand with offerings to the Lord unto the Lord come near and bring sacrifices this word sacrifices in the Hebrew is a Zhi Bock and it's any offering that is slain and thanked offerings into the house of the Lord and the congregation brought in sacrifices and thank offerings and as many as of a free heart burnt offerings so this is important of a free heart that means that they did it voluntarily or willingly Paul wrote teach in the New Testament 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7 that the Lord loves a cheerful Giver and that's important don't ever allow any preacher to browbeat you out of sending offerings to his church or that actually should be made to the Lord not to his church but most of them probably want the check made out to their church but don't let them browbeat you into sending your hard-earned money but number one if you if they do browbeat you and it's not given freely and cheerfully it's not gonna do you one bit of with the Lord the Lord loves a cheerful Giver now these peace offerings that were discussed in this verse were a very special communion because what happened they would offer some of the fat those specified portions of the fat on the altar of burnt-offering the fact belongs to God then they would give the he've breast and the wave shoulder to the priest for for their consumption but then the rest of the sacrificial animal was prepared for a meal eaten by the offer his family and his invited friends and it was a special communion with the Lord I would liken it to how we feel when we partake of Holy Communion which is a very close relationship that we have with our Heavenly Father when we partake of the lord's table verse 32 and the number of the burnt offerings which the congregation brought was threescore in ten Bullock seventy bullocks quite seventy and Biblical numerix is Israel's restoration and hundred grams a hundred in biblical numerix the children of promise and also two hundred lambs two hundred and biblical new meraxes insufficiency meaning that no matter how many sacrifices or offerings we make to the Lord they're insufficient to repay His grace Rams in two hundred Lambs all these were for a burnt offering to the Lord now these were voluntary spontaneous offerings and that's a large number of voluntary offerings 33 and the consecrated or the holy things were six hundred oxen and three thousand sheep and these this is referring to the bank offerings now the bank offerings were to be flayed by the priests in other words they were to be prepared to be cooked by the priests now they're that many offerings though we're going to find that there weren't a sufficient number of priests to to to flay the sacrifices now the burnt offerings on the other hand were to be flayed by the individual who made them so Leviticus chapter 1 unless therefore the entire congregation and then they were to be prayer prepared by the priest verse 34 but the priests were too few so that they could not play all the burnt offerings wherefore their brethren the Levites did help them till the work was ended and until the other priests had sacrificed themselves for the Levites were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests now we can read several things into that I think that probably the priests were more involved or likely to have been involved in the idolatry the idolatrous ways of Ahaz you know we had that priest Uriah the high priest and I'm sure a has did not give him a whole lot of alternative choices when he instructed him to make an altar to burn sacrifices to yah have a like the one that resin the king of Syria had in Damascus a lot of the priests were probably forced into idolatry although I don't know that I would be forced into committing idolatry I believe I would have quit first I know I would have but the Levites were less likely and not the priests in other words but the Levites were likely less involved in the idolatrous ways of Ahaz and therefore were probably in a clean state to where they could Flay the sacrifices themselves verse 35 and also Orbis the burnt offerings were in abundance with the fat of the peace offerings and the drink offerings the drink offerings are prescribed in numbers chapter 15 verse 1 in the following verses and there were so much amount was to be offered depending on the sacrifice for every burnt offering so the service of the house of the Lord was set in order and that you know suffered and eventually completely shut down the worship of the Lord in the temple under a has the idolatrous king of Ahaz of Judah and Hezekiah rejoiced and all the people that God had prepared the people for the thing was done suddenly which heightened the joy that the people felt and no doubt it was a joyous time I'm sure that there were people in Judah besides Hezekiah who realized that the antics of Ahaz were causing the nation to suffer and now they saw Hezekiah taking the bull by the horns and and making things right between the nation of Judah and the Lord and that makes people very very joyful well speaking of joyful it will come back in our next lecture and have chapter 30 which we're going to see a celebration much unlike any Passover in past as far as the happiness of the people and as I mentioned earlier Hezekiah a compassionate king not only concern for his own subjects but concern for those he knew things weren't going all that great in the ten northern tribes as well he'll send messengers to invite as many as would to come and celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem some of them did don't miss our next lecture and we'll see how all that turns out we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please saw staff concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance list word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew khaldiya or Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198th appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serve no purpose we simply won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request you don't need a telephone number you don't need a telephone talk to your Heavenly Father go to him on a regular basis and communicate with him develop your relationship with the Lord and seek the Lord and you'll find him forsake him and he will forsake you we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you look upon these father you know their needs illness father and family's addictions to drug you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these and we lift up our military troops and their families who are in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks around the country first up today we have Glenn in Oklahoma Matthew chapter 6 verse 34 take therefore no thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for things of itself sufficient under the day is the evil thereof can you tell me the meaning of this verse and what it means well it means that the evil or trouble of today is enough to worry about don't worry about the troubles or evils of tomorrow you know worry warts are never happy they're always worrying about something and it's kind of a waste of time 90% of what people worry about never comes to pass anyway so that's what Jesus is teaching there don't be a worrywart is a good way to summarize it Jean and Wyoming is it possible to already be delivered up before Satan not at this point in time when we say deliver it up we're talking about being delivered up to the synagogue of Satan when it's established in Jerusalem when Antichrist is here on earth you can't be delivered up if that hasn't happened yet and that has not happened at this point in time but it will we know from Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and the following verses that there's going to be a war in heaven between Satan and his angels the fallen angels of the Genesis chapter 6 and Michael and his angels Michael prevail and tosses Satan out on to earth and it's woe unto you on earth at that point in time better have your gospel armor on Russell from Virginia he clasped Ecclesiastes 12 6 when the silver cord breaks and the body returns to the earth the spirit returns to God John 3:13 jesus said no one has ascended to heaven but he who came down from heaven that is the son of man who is in heaven can you explain this to me yes again and Ecclesiastes chapter 12 or 6 and 7 it's talking about when we die that's a figure of speech the when the silver cord parts then the flash returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God and if you had quoted the rest of that scripture you'd answered your own question because it says the spirit shall return unto God who gave it there in Ecclesiastes John 3:13 is basically talking about the same thing that God places the soul or the spirit which is the intellect of the soul I like to think of it in the embryo when conception occurs but then when the person dies the the spirit returns to the father who gave it and in other words no one sins their spirit to God unless they descended first when God placed the the spirit in the embryo when they were conceived James and Michigan where in the Bible is that where the time has been reduced to five months for Jesus to return you misunderstood something I'm sure what you're talking about though is that the time of Antichrist has been reduced the tribulation of Antichrist has been reduced from three and a half years to five months that you will find in Revelation chapter 9 where we're talking about the season of the locust which is May through September 5 months now that doesn't mean the Antichrist the tribulation of Antichrist is going to begin in May and ended in September we're not given the specific months just the length of time the five-month period Anthony and Massachusetts we wanted to know if Jesus had biological sisters and if they are named in the Bible yes and no yes he had half biological sisters you can document that in Matthew chapter 13 verse 56 but unlike the half-brothers of Jesus who are mentioned in Matthew 13 55 his sister's half sisters are not named John and Tennessee it clearly says in the Lord's Prayer that the kingdom of God will be here on earth your thoughts and I agree totally with that statement Matthew chapter 6 verse 10 where God where Jesus I should say is teaching his disciples how to pray teaching his disciples and us how to pray and he stated thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven revelation chapter 21 verses one through five tell us about the throne of God descending to earth this is where the eternity is going to be the kingdom of God will be here on earth Margy in Florida and thank you for your prayers my question is in the Millennium will we still be male and female and the answer to that is no Matthew chapter 22 verse 30 Jesus teaches there that there was a man who married a woman and they had no children and he died so his brother took that which is by the law if you don't raise up seed to the woman your brother then takes her on as his wife and tries to raise up seed but the second one died and all that went on through seven husband and they asked him in the resurrection or when we die which of the seven brothers is she going to be married to and Jesus said you don't you err in your understanding of God's Word for in the resurrection after we die that means they need to give or take in marriage so that is no male no female Sharon and Florida are the remnant the ones who are going to be here when Satan gets here no the remnant are those who have carried on the truth for centuries two centuries but they have passed away before the Antichrist is you can't be delivered up as we mentioned earlier before the synagogue of Satan until it's established and to be one of the ones on earth you to win that happens you have to be when one of God's elect you have to be in the flesh still in other words so there is going to be an army though that's going to return with Jesus in Revelation chapter 19 when Jesus is on that white warhorse and many of the remnant are going to be in that army riding hard with Jesus Harlen and Arkansas what denomination is Shepherd's chapel we are a non-denominational Christian Church you know the word the very word denomination means divisions and it seems like Christians over the years it will come up more ways to divide themselves than to unite themselves and I'll tell you it's we've got a pretty serious enemy in Satan and rather than squabbling and back and forth about this doctrine or that doctrine I I for one think that we should all be more focused on fighting the enemy who is Satan it's not our brothers and sisters in Christ John in California I really like the Shepherd's chapel I've been what for about six years thanks to the staff as well and thanks for remembering our staff we have a very small group of employees and volunteers who accomplish a lot of work for the Lord my question Isaiah chapter 26 verse 14 states they are dead they shall not live they are deceased they shall not rise thou is --it it and destroyed them and made all their memory to perish is this talking about the Wraiths iam Giants they were the progeny of the Fallen Angels question yes the raphe M G bur in the Hebrew tongue the Giants were descendants of the fallen angels those who left their estate their habitation in heaven and came to earth and seduced women they are the raphe m and they are spiritually dead and they are already judged to the second death Jude chapter 1 verse 6 in the New Testament states that they left their habitation and they are being now being held in Chains of darkness unto judgment Cathy in California is it wrong to use translations other than the King James Version Bible well we teach out of the authorized King James Version Bible why for one very important reason and that is you can utilize your King James Version Bible with a Strong's Concordance and the Strong's gives you a real real study tool because if you read a passage in the Bible and you don't understand it if you are a special word in it then you can take that word back to the original Hebrew or Greek in the New Testament case and find out that there were other meanings for that word and the translators very likely chose the wrong word for example in the book of Luke states there that you have to hate your mother and father to be a follower of Jesus Christ that just doesn't add up you see Moses taught us that we're to honor and love our mother and father then if you take that word hate I believe it's in Luke chapter 14 and you take that back in your strong concordance to the Greek languages and you learned that it means love less now I can live with Jesus saying you have to love your parents less than me to be a follower of Jesus but to hate your parents that doesn't add up that's why you need a strong stomach ordinance and that's just one example there are many many Danny in Wisconsin when Jesus comes back will Judas Iscariot have a chance to praise God and be in the Kingdom of Heaven that is entirely between Judas and the Lord the Lord is the judge you know Judas had a terrible job to his mission in life I certainly would not have wanted to do what Judas had to do to fulfill Bible prophecy because what Judas did was written of in the Old Testament and you know whether Judas Iscariot he repented it states in the New Testament so did did God forgive him well that's up to God to decide he's the judge and that's judge with a capital J Diane in Wisconsin what is your belief on communion is this real the real blood and body of Christ that we partake or is it in remembrance only of him when we take it well I would not say it is the real blood and body of Christ the blood is symbolized in the wine or the grape juice that you partake of his body is symbolized in the bread the his broken was broken for many now he said Jesus did in Luke chapter 22 verse 19 do this referring to the communion Holy Communion in remembrance of me so yeah that's what we're to be thinking on when we take communion as the awesome price that he paid on the cross but not only what he did on the cross but the fact that he resurrected from the tomb that defeated death and that means death has no significance for us either Talley in Illinois that's death of the flesh is what I'm talking about let me clarify in the Book of Ezekiel it says a wheel within a wheel do you know which verse and what this means you're thinking about Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 16 and what's going on in Ezekiel chapter 1 is the throne of God is being transported to earth on vehicles and Ezekiel is doing as best he can with his limited knowledge of flying and things that fly and it is describing what he saw the only thing that Ezekiel had seen fly before was a bird and therefore he uses wings and wheels to describe these things they were round as the wheel is around excuse me and he saw this wheel within a wheel the wheel the larger one was the mothership transporting the throne of God the smaller wheels around it were those that were accompanying God the four creatures for example were some of those accompanying him now if that sounds like I'm talking about aliens from outer space well you're misunderstanding and I would suggest that you order a study by Pastor Arnold Murray called horses of the Bible and he'll take you through that and take you back to the languages but it states in Ezekiel chapter 1 that the color of the vehicle was amber now if you take your Strong's Concordance and looked up that word amber it's highly polished bronze and that's what it looked like to Ezekiel that's horses of the Bible CD three zero four three one for a study on that subject Tina in North Carolina which will occur first the rapture or the Tribulation well the tribulation of Antichrist because there is no rapture then the tribulation after the tribulation of Antichrist there's another tribulation that's the tribulation of Jesus Christ when those who are seduced by Satan and end up worshiping him when they see Jesus Christ return they're going to be praying for mountains to fall on them there's going to be weeping and gnashing of teeth so there are two tribulations the tribulation of Antichrist and the tribulation of Jesus Christ m'kay and Tennessee we do have a question please with being very specific with the Greek Hebrew etc what does the scripture the Sun s UN of righteousness with healing in his wings mean well you're referring to Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 the last chapter in the Old Testament s UN is a metaphor for Jesus Christ who is not only the light of the world he's also the s/n of God so and what is the healing it's his the deliverance from death everlasting life in other words Jeff in Florida when Moses led the Israelites out of bondage and they were in the wilderness until the generation died out why didn't God let Moses enter the promised land and who entered it instead and led the Israelites well in numbers chapter 20 there was no water and God instructed Moses to take the rock and to speak to the rock which would sanctify God in the eyes of the people for God was going to then deliver water from the rock for the people and their livestock well what Moses did was he put on a little show he said now hear me ye rebels must we bring water from this rock referring to himself Aaron and God God did not need Moses's help to bring water out of that rock Moses needed God's help to bring water out of that rope but then Moses took his staff and he struck the rock twice putting on a show he was God did in time to do that God said speak to the rock and I think that's a very important lesson there for God's election when God says speak speak the Holy Spirit speaking through the elect if he's not telling you to speak keep your mouth shut now you asked who led Israel into well anytime that a leader falls down God lifts up another and in this case it was Joshua led the people into the Promised Land Joshua chapter 1 verse 1 and the following verses will document Patricia in Kentucky I heard a pastor say that Jesus was buried in a garden I was taught that he was put in a tomb and raised from that tomb please explain well you didn't hear a pastor of shepherd's chapel say that Jesus was born a buried in a garden very clear in Matthew chapter 27 verse 60 mark chapter 6 verse 29 that his body was placed in a tomb and praise God he did resurrect three days after Angela and Texas my question is about speaking in tongues I have read second acts and first Corinthians chapter 12 do you believe it is for now times to speak in tongues please explain this to me well many people unfortunately falsely teach that it's proof that you have the Holy Spirit in you if you speak in tongues and they call Babel that's unintelligible that they have to have someone sitting next to them or standing next to them to interpret what they said that's not what happened in Acts chapter 2 the people were from all over the world they spoke every language in the world they heard this cloven tongues that the disciples were speaking and everyone understood didn't need an interpreter so tongues if you look it up in your Strong's Concordance means a language one that is not naturally acquired in other words one that you would have to go to school to learn not one that you learned in the home where you were raised I'm out of time I want you to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you know what it makes your Father's Day when he looks down he sees you with the letter that he wrote to you the Bible studying it and figuring out what it is that makes him happy it makes him happy and you make him happy he's gonna make your day we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness most important this you stay in tune you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day you know why it's because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 812
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: II Chronicles, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Chapel, 2 Chronicles, Book of II Chronicles, Pastor Murray, Book of, KJV, Book of 2 Chronicles, Murray, Shepherds, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Bible
Id: sCdn0h2eRDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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