IFR Pilots - Learn to time perfect holding patterns in instrument training

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you're waiting to see that clean flip remember we said starting your outbound timer consistently is part of the key to getting it all right i'm jason miller a full-time professional flight instructor on the finer points channel you can join me as i bring you tips and tricks that i've learned from 20 years on the flight line [Music] hello aviators welcome back to the finer points in this short video i'm going to show you how to perfect your holding patterns so we see a lot of videos about holding pattern entries how to pick the right entry how to fly the right entry in this video i'm going to show you some of the nuances of how to fly the pattern once you're established and a lot of it is about where you start your time a typical holding pattern is made up of a course that is supposed to be one minute long that course is some direction from a fix and then you either make right or left turns to fly outbound to go rejoin the one minute holding course you are free to manipulate the heading and the time of the outbound leg such that that holding course continues to stay one minute long there's two times we need to start in a holding pattern one of course is the inbound leg that's your holding course that has to be one minute long in most cases it's really the whole thing the outbound leg is designed for you to manipulate as required lengthen it or shorten it in order to make that inbound course that holding course one minute the good news about the inbound leg is that you always start your timer the same way regardless of what kind of fix you're holding at you will always start your inbound timer when you cross the course on the inbound turn or when you roll wings level on an intercept to go get that course on the inbound turn so when the course crosses or when you roll wings level whichever thing happens first that's when you start the inbound time i have to go past 270 right you just crossed the course that was so start your inbound time right that's what we were saying started on the ground back there with the chain if you're outbound time it's it's pretty much that simple it will always start at the beam position beam the fix outbound but starting it consistently is critical i mean just imagine if that's the leg that you're going to manipulate you know add seconds to or shave seconds off in order to make that inbound course one minute and then you can't be starting your outbound time at different points right so the more consistent you are with where you start that outbound time the better off you are um if you don't have any positive navigational course guidance like if you were holding at an intersection in a you know an airplane that's not equipped with a gps then you will always do it when you go wings level on the outbound turn so you want to kind of time that standard rate turn make sure you're turning standard rate and when you roll wings level on the outbound boom start your outbound time there are other cases though where you can determine what the beam position is for example if you're holding at a vor you're going to wait for the flag to flip back to a two so you can see here when i'm on the inbound holding course when i arrive at the vor you'll see the two from flag flip in this case it's just a white triangle but in some units it actually says the word t-o or the letters f-r but you can see it flip to a from and then i begin the turn here to the outbound and it's important to know where the beam position is or even more important than that it's it's it's important to start it at the same place every time so when we start the outbound time when we're holding a vr is when the flag flips back to a two you can see that happen right here you're waiting to see that clean flip remember we said starting your outbound timer consistently is part of the key to getting it all right so if you're flying a gps equipped airplane like a g1000 or most modern airplanes you can point a bearing pointer or use a cdi on pretty much any kind of waypoint as long as you can turn it into a gps fix it can be a vor an ndb an intersection it could be your friend jim's old barn if you have the lat long one last thing i want to say about holding patterns as the wind hits me in the face here is that if you figure out your wind correction angle on the inbound leg that's on your holding course let's say you figure out you've got five degrees correction to the south triple that correction on the outbound leg so 15 degrees to the south and the outbound leg this will account for both the turn to get outbound the entire outbound leg and then the turn back onto the course all right aviators there's some rules of thumb some tips to remember when you're practicing holding patterns it's really a good exercise to go out and learn these things in an old school vhf airplane if you're training in a g1000 or some other fancy gps equipped airplane um you will really appreciate what those machines can do for you once you figure out all these indications without them all right you guys that's all for this video huge thanks to the sponsors remember that when you renew your aopa membership please add pilot protection services i've got a free video for you at learnthefinderpoints.com if you haven't seen that yet and we've also got a three day free trial to our ground school app a huge thanks to you the best fans on the internet for watching this video please hit the like button subscribe to the channel share with your friends and until next time be safe and fly your [Music] best [Music] you
Channel: The Finer Points
Views: 34,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: holding patterns, flying holding patterns, perfect holding patterns, old school holding patterns, flying IFR, IFR flight training, instrument rating holds, instrument rating, flying lessons, flight, flying, certified flight instructor, CFII, CFI, jason, entering holding patterns, entering holds, flying lessons IFR, IFR flying lessons, IFR holding patterns, timing holding patterns, when do I start time holding patterns, when to start time, time holding patterns, aviation, aviator, fly
Id: 3F8jrAhBiDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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