12 Tests to Reveal Your Personality Type

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[Music] one how many animals can you see the first riddle might look like a basic children's puzzle but nothing is as simple as it seems here look closely and count how many animals you see in this picture it looks like one elephant to me but maybe you'll have better luck in 10 [Music] seconds time's up let's see what we've got here there's obviously an elephant a donkey a dog a kitty cat and a mouse the trickier ones are a tale of a snake a mosquito and a tortoise and now the top level agents hiding in here are a crocodile a dolphin a fish right there in the eye a bird's head and a prawn if you found one the three creatures in the drawing maybe you simply didn't have enough time because that's not even half of them you know if you ended up with four to six creatures on your list you spotted the most obvious ones but still miss quite a few did you manage to see seven to nine animals birds and insects here well your attention to detail is very good so close to perfect it must help you out in life quite a lot finally if you saw 10 to 13 creatures in between the mess congratulations you could be an fbi agent or perhaps you already are but you probably wouldn't share that in the comments below so we'll never know right moving on to the next test [Music] two can you find the mistake this sequence of letters looks so much like the da vinci code but something in the code is wrong can you figure it out in five seconds the answer is simple one x is missing from the sequence three what do you see first another riddle of this kind so what do you see first if it's clearly a face to you you're most definitely sensitive and kind which is why you like to avoid conflicts you have truly phenomenal intuition and this helps you out in so many situations if it's two birds that you see first you are a warm-hearted and fun-loving individual you have great people skills and you're a great friend and good listener you most likely have a job that involves dealing with other people if you're still deciding which career path to choose that would be your best choice four what do you see first look at this beautiful drawing right here it would make a nice tattoo wouldn't it we won't make you spot objects here just answer one simple question what do you see first i'm not giving you any time to think it over just go with the first idea you get if this drawing is a gorilla to you it characterizes you as an independent person who values personal space and me time teamwork and asking others for advice can be helpful too but as long as you're comfortable being the only decision maker in your life keep it that way if you see a tiger here you're a risk taker nothing is impossible if you have something in mind and you can find practical solutions to nearly any problem go you five what do you see first what do you see riddles are fun aren't they short simple and they give accurate psychological portraits so let's do another one [Music] if this looks like a village with huts birds and trees to you you value traditions and prefer a simple and peaceful style of life if you saw no village but an elephant at first glance you are respectful to others loyal to your friends and a great listener you are loving caring and thoughtful and that's why so many people love you six find the odd one out time for a colorful break from psychology no hidden meanings here but there's a figure that's clearly the odd one out you've got five seconds for the task [Music] and done so the creature that doesn't belong here is a puppy you don't need those right but i personally wouldn't mind a bite of everything else i see here [Music] seven which color is the brightest look at this beautiful painting if you can name the style it was created in you're an art expert and that was the final test for today just kidding which color looks like the brightest and most dominant here if you think it's a dark blue you're a perfectionist you're also independent analytical and a high achiever if it's b yellow you are adaptable easy going and laid back finally if you picked c light blue you're a creative thinker an action oriented person and a risk taker eight find the odd one out look at all the g's out there let me try to read it [Music] okay enough of that something's telling me one of these letters is nothing like the others can you find it in five seconds [Music] so eagle eyes did you spot the odd one out here it's a p right there nine can you spot the hidden animal oh my it must be a chameleon out there because it's so well hidden between the rocks i'll give you five seconds to figure it out [Music] [Music] are you ready to be amazed it's harry potter's best friend no not ron weasley the other one it's an owl [Music] 10. what do you see first another what do you see first riddle again just go with your first impression [Music] do you see a bright explosion then you're a good organizer and a perfect leader you like to be in charge and you aren't afraid to face the music if this drawing looks like two hands to you you must be interested in understanding and helping people you are a great listener who truly cares about the problems of others [Music] 11. can you spot the hidden animal that looks like a bunch of autumn leaves to me or is it can you see who's hiding here time's up do you know the answer fellow brightsiders it's a chameleon by the way if you think chameleons actually change their color to hide from enemies or danger you're wrong they do it to communicate with others of their kind and to regulate their body temperature as it becomes lighter a chameleon cools down since it reflects the sun's rays more efficiently going darker has the opposite effect and now that our biology break is over let's move over to the next test 12. what do you see first ready to learn some more truths about yourself the final what do you see first test for today is here for you if you saw a bra you're impatient enjoy every moment and love a new experience you only live once could be your bumper sticker keep going like this for as long as you enjoy it did you see spider-man in the picture that means you're traditional stable and calm you don't like to take unnecessary risks in fact any risks make you feel uncomfortable it's okay to sometimes step off the path you know well to spice up your life
Channel: 7-Second Riddles
Views: 3,296,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: riddles, riddles with answers, tests, perosnality test, personality quiz, tricky quiz, fun puzzles, picture puzzles, picture riddles, test your vision, test your attentiveness, visual puzzles, visual test, boost your vision, boost your attentiveness, improve your thinking
Id: mV-nsEdxrxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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