7 Famous Magic Tricks Finally Explained

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oh ho seven famous magic tricks finally revealed and explained sometimes you watch a magician's performance and can't help believing you've just witnessed real magic but trust me even the most head spinning tricks can easily be explained are you ready to see these secrets revealed then hold on to your seat and let's begin number one catching a bullet with your teeth this trick definitely isn't for amateurs it takes a lot of practice to nail it and several magicians have even died trying to perform it correctly but as soon as you grasp the concept there's nothing simpler and safer the trick goes like this the lovely assistant shoots at the magician with a loaded gun the magician gets the crowd going and pretends to be shot he then magically spits the bullet out of his mouth this all seems impressively realistic again if you don't know the secret but what happens is that while the magician is loading the bullet into the gun he uses a ramrod fixed with a magnet on its tip so instead of pushing the bullet inside he pulls it out and hides it in his hand after that when he's already in position his assistant distracts the public for a bit this way the magician can quickly put the bullet in his mouth all the rest comes down to good acting number two levitation now most of you have probably seen street performers who seem to be magically floating in the air while seated okay maybe not magically but still it looks awesome and really makes you wonder how the performers managed to do this if you're one of these curious onlookers get ready for the big secret to be unveiled it's incredibly simple it doesn't require any effort on the performers part on the ground beneath them you might not have noticed there's always a rug or a piece of carpet well that's actually hiding a metal platform with a steel rod sticking up from one of its corners that rod then connects with another metal plate that the performer sits on all this framework is well hidden under the illusionists baggy clothes so don't worry these guys feel pretty relaxed and comfortable out there the only real magic here is sitting still for so long count me out I get antsy just waiting for my hot pocket in the microwave number three a spike through the stomach how this trick is pretty blood-chilling if you've ever seen it perform and if you haven't just imagine someone being stabbed through their stomach with a long pointy metal spike it sounds pretty gruesome right however with everything on this list what's going on isn't nearly as shocking as it seems the thing is that the spike going through the body of the magician's assistant is retractable as soon as it comes into contact with the surface it folds into itself plus the spike isn't even made of metal it's rubber which makes it that much safer now hold on I know what you're thinking but what about the sharp tip of the spike poking out the other side of the assistant this can also be easily explained the magician attaches this magnetic tip to the assistants costume at the right moment so no magic in this trick either sorry number four sewing someone in half besides pulling a rabbit out of a hat this trick is a classic and when you see it it looks horrifying especially if the performer or their assistant is a good actor blood-curdling screams arms and legs flailing all over the place who wouldn't be impressed by this spectacle but if you knew what was really happening well this show would definitely lose its allure now let's break it down surely you don't think there's just one body involved here no no there are actually two assistants in the box and the real trick is to make those people as compact as possible one way they do it is to have the assistants lie on their backs and pull their knees as close as they can to their chests or one of the assistants hides in a special compartment under the box holding the other one they can also slide their legs down into special compartments that look like the tables legs the trick is pretty simple and mostly depends on the ability of the participants to stay still again not my strong suit plus the audience is usually too distracted looking at that huge saw to notice any strange constructions such as a table or a box hmm I'm seeing a pattern here with the whole distract the audience thing number five sending a card through glass this street trick is really cool to see in person the performer asked somebody from the audience to pick a card and then put it back in the deck without showing him he then tries to guess which card was chosen but all his attempts keep failing the magician loses his temper and in a fit of rage throws the deck of cards at a nearby window to the viewers amazement the exact card had been trying to guess is magically sticking to the glass and the most shocking part of it is that it's on the other side of the window quat how on earth did that very card go through the glass well here's exactly how this trick takes some careful preparation first off the magician needs to absolutely identical decks of cards and two trusted assistants they don't have to be identical but how cool would that be anyway the crowd needs to be standing with their backs to the window when the magician asks the audience member to choose a card he doesn't see which one is picked but his assistants do the one who's hiding on the other side of the window takes the necessary card out of the second deck and sticks it to the glass at the right moment all the magician needs to do is find the same card in his deck and cunningly hide it away so that nobody notices there are in fact two identical cards easy-peasy number six standing man cut in half now this one looks like someone who survived the saw a person in half track and yes it does look pretty terrifying especially if this guy walks up from behind you and taps you on the shoulder can you imagine turning around and seeing somebody carrying their own legs especially if he's all like hey buddy got a light creepy but not if you know how this magician is tricking your eye this stunt just takes some creative prep and good flexibility if you don't run away screaming in horror you'll notice that this man's jeans cover only parts of his legs below the knees as for his legs from the knees up to his waist it's a dummy the front part of the magician's body is also fake when he shows this trick it's extremely important for him to keep the lower parts of his legs in a vertical position while hiding the rest of his body to keep his balance he has to lean to the side while keeping his shoulders straight that's why this trick works only if you look at the illusionist from the front doesn't seem too hard but what an impression it creates number seven walking on water at first glance this trick seems impossible to explain come on it's water after all how can someone nonchalantly take a stroll on its surface do these special shoes maybe some invisible ropes hmm in fact this trick isn't even that difficult admittedly you won't understand its inner workings unless you know what to look for these magicians use industrial grade plexiglass platforms standing on long legs made from the same clear material cleverly placed under the water this pathway looks completely invisible if you're looking at it from the right angle it's impossible to detect even with a camera yet the magician can see well enough where exactly he needs to step in order to pull off this miraculous done if you've ever seen such a trick performed in a swimming pool I'll bet you're thinking surely people standing nearby would be able to see the glass platforms well of course they can't they're probably all actors pretending not to see the glass at all whoever said magicians can't play dirty bonus a card through the arm oh this looks pretty cool doesn't it well you'll be happy to know that you can easily learn how to perform this trick yourself in fact with most magic tricks it's no more than an illusion that requires some good acting skills here's what you got to do find a pair of scissors and cut out part of a playing card in the shape of your arm then place the card on your arm so it stays firmly in place voila now you can go and scare all your friends now what other magic tricks secrets do you know tell us in the comments below let your friends in on these big secrets by sharing this video with them and let us know how much you liked it by hitting that like button if you haven't subscribed to our channel yet then what are you waiting for we've got all kinds of cool updates coming your way on the bright side you
Views: 8,685,741
Rating: 4.6759357 out of 5
Keywords: magic, magic tricks, magician, illusionist, illusion, optical illusion, performance, levitation, magic tricks revealed, catch a bullet with your teeth, greatest magic tricks, easy magic tricks, how to levitate, spike through the stomach, sawing someone in half, a card through glass, standing man cut in half, walking on water, card through the arm
Id: uceMWbjhBho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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