If You See This in a Wall, Don't Touch It and Call the Police!

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Every day we all get up and try and make some money that's what most humans do day in day out you may make your money working in an office cooking great food writing great music but some people don't make their money by creating things but instead taking money from you that's right some people are big scammers and want your money and possessions today we're going to look at some new scary scams you need to watch out for from a Bitcoin scam involving Elon Musk - why you should never touch the USB Drive you find in a wall I'm Charlie and today we're going to look at if you see this in a wall don't touch it and call the police if you want to learn about some more amazing scams and things you should watch out for why not subscribe and press the notification bell - the first scam we'll look at is cookies if you saw a cookie under your doormat you would probably just ignore it you will assume maybe some innocent kid left it there and that's exactly why this scam works this scam is all about how burglars and thieves gather information about your routine if you have a walk out of your house and hear a crackle under your doormat then be sure to check underneath it there's a good chance under your doormat will be a crushed cookie after hearing a crushing sound and this is a sign you need to call the police immediately you see burglars often place cookies underneath your doormat this is a way for them to know if you've gone away on vacation and also a way to learn at what time you leave for work and what time you get back they use cookies because they're seemingly very innocent objects also it's very easy they just need to check back and see when the cookies crumble that way they know you've left the house and roughly at what time and if they leave a cookie under your doormat for many days and it's not broken that this means you're likely on vacation this is why when you go on vacation you should put your doormat inside and also be hyper cautious for any crunching sounds when you leave your home next up is flash drive scam imagine if you were walking to school or work one day and you see a USB sticking out of a wall or perhaps it's simply on the ground a lot of the time people will pick these up simply to see what's on it and sometimes they won't declare it to use the USB stick forms else but you should never do this there's a common scam which involves criminals leaving USB sticks around these USB sticks are rarely simply dropped by a normal civilian usually a computer criminal will stick it in between the gaps in a brick wall they do that so you notice it or sometimes they'll simply leave it on the ground they wait for you to take it home and put it into your computer and then the fun for them it really starts there will be a ransomware virus on that USB stick as soon as you plug it in you don't even need to open any files it immediately infects your computer and encrypts every file you have you then need to pay them in Bitcoin an untraceable currency to unlock your files examples of ransomware include the wanna cry virus in 2017 this locked millions of people out of their computer files and made an estimated 24 million dollars for the people behind the hack the US UK and Australian government said North Korea was behind the attack but anyone can put this on a flash drive and leave it around so never pick up a flash drive if you see it in a wall or on the floor instead handed in to your local police department that way if a drill the owner can come forward and if it's not no one else will get infected next up is plastic bottle in car this one is a new criminal ploy people use to steal cars so whether you're a driver or a future driver you should learn this trick did you know that before you get into your car you should always check that your wheels don't have any plastic bottles wedged inside them the reason why is because of this scam thieves will find your car parked up in a parking lot they'll then place an empty plastic bottle inside the wheel area of your car it may be at the front or the rear but it's always on the passenger side so it's far away from you the driver then when you start your car and begin to drive off you'll hear a crunching sound which is the plastic bottle of course you won't know that though so you'll jump out of your car to see what's going on you're being instinctive and they're just popping out for a quick look and that's the reason you don't turn off your car and take your key but while you've jumped out of your car to see what's going on a criminal has hopped in and taken your car or if they don't take the actual car they'll take a valuable or two which is inside it so if you see a plastic bottle in your car's wheel then abuse to call the police and obviously take it out this is a famous scam which has been going on for years in South Africa but now it's coming to European countries and the United States too the scam is also apparently very popular in India and if you search Facebook there are thousands of people complaining this has happened to them first a good way to avoid this is parking in a secured or paid for parking lot next up is Elon Musk Bitcoin scam now have no fear a billionaire is not trying to scam you for Bitcoin but if you use Twitter you could be mistaken for thinking just that click on any tweet by Elon Musk and the top reply will say I'm giving away 5,000 bitcoins to all the community the tweet will be from an account called Elon Musk with Ellen's picture and it will even be verified so it must be him right well no this is actually a very popular scam which has been running for many weeks on Twitter the scam happens every day and follows a very similar pattern scammers hack into a verified account they then change the display name to Elon Musk and the avatar photo they then replied to Elon Musk's tweet with the scam and then they pay bots to promote the tweet so it ranks highest on the list of replies sadly many of Elon Musk's followers actually fall for this and pay bitcoins to these people but how exactly does the scam make money well they usually link to a website where they claim to be giving away Bitcoin they simply ask you to send point 1 bitcoins and then they'll send you 10,000 bitcoins back of course they're doing this while pretending to be Elon Musk now you may think who on earth would fall for this but Elon Musk has over 31 million followers so some people do fall for it to say they're working to prevent this scam but it's very hard to get ahead of they've been banning many of these fake Bitcoin scam accounts and even accidentally banned Elon Musk's real account once according to the wallet which the scammers linked they got around 28 bitcoins at today's value that's worth around a hundred and twenty thousand dollars this scam is clearly lucrative so stay away and if you see these scams be sure to report the tweet so Twitter can take it out next up is car envelope this is another scam involving cars it works like this you get into your car ready to drive to work or the place you're going but then you notice on the passenger seat there's an envelope that wasn't there when you locked your car yesterday this means someone must have broken into your vehicle and put the envelope in there inside the envelope will be a letter saying we've tested your car's alarm system and there's a possibility for a break-in as we demonstrated here there's big security flaws in your vehicle we expect some financial payment and in return we'll send you a recommendation to make sure this never happens again they're basically saying they'll offer you a security service but really what they're saying is we'll keep breaking into your car until you pay us ask a cop and they'll say never deal with someone trying to blackmail you in the letter they will attach a phone number and an account number to a bank account but of course you should never pay it as this will simply encourage them to come back and do it again next up we have fake Corp this popular scam originated in India and it's also used in the USA in this scheme a scammer will impersonate a police officer they may target someone like a new driver who's scared of getting a ticket or maybe an elderly driver who doesn't know any better they'll pull them over by the side of the road and say there's been some scammers in the area in order to make sure you own the car that you're driving they need to look inside your wallet and your driver's license the driver will then hand over their wallet including their license by the time the fake cop has given you back the wallet some money will be missing that's right that fake cop has taken your money this is why you should always ask for the cops badge number and verify they're a real cop before giving them anything you can never be too careful next up is website visitor you may go on a website that looks very authentic and then on the site it will say you're the millionth visitor and you've won a prize you may begin to celebrate but I wouldn't if I were you because that's exactly how they scare me well you're excited about getting your prize and they're clicking for exactly what you need to do they say you have to pay for the delivery of the prize you're so excited to get the brand-new iPhone or the gift card for Amazon that you just paid the delivery without thinking after all the prize is worth a lot more than the few dollars he spent on delivery but the scam is they never actually send you any instead you simply send them a few dollars for delivery and never get anything they then do this on a mass scale to build up a lot of money in some more sinister versions of this scam you have to put in your credit card details they say this is for you to pay the delivery fee but instead they simply steal all your information they then use the info to hack and drain your bank account to zero this trick may seem very old but millions fall for it every year and it's thought every year seven billion dollars is lost to scams just like this did you know the most common scam on this list is the Elon Musk Bitcoin scam and those scams usually originate from India Thailand and the Philippines also the main people to fall victim to that scam is Americans and British people so watch out but now it's time to make your opinion heard vote in the poll in the top right corner have you ever seen one of these scams on this list in real life if you want some more amazing videos check out my second channel but as always thanks for watching check out some more videos on screen right now leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe to Top 10s
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 468,340
Rating: 4.711916 out of 5
Keywords: if you see this, run fast and cry for help, call the police, warning, scams, scam, wannacry, bitcoin scam, elon musk scam, twitter scam, usb in wall, flash drive in wall, plastic bottle in car wheel, envelope in car, facts, true facts, interesting facts, top 10, top 5, watch out, common scams, popular scams
Id: r0MQg2K9RK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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