If You See Clothes On Your Car, Don't Touch It And Drive Away!

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OP needs to stop spamming this sub with vids from the same shitty channel.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/secaedelcielo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] if you see clothes on your windshield don't touch them [Music] every month if not every week we see more and more scams coming out there often advanced variations of some long-running schemes but there's sometimes new and pretty ingenious in any case being aware of these tricks will allow you to protect yourself and your loved ones so that nobody Falls victims to these criminals clothes on your windshield people have recently started to find some article of clothing like a shirt for instance lying on their windshield or wrapped up in their wipers if you ever happen to be one of these people don't fall into this trap and don't try to remove the object just get in your car and drive away as fast as you can from the place you were parked this seemingly misplaced garment is actually a new con being used by muggers and thieves it works like this if you see some random piece of clothing that prevents your wipers from moving or obscures your view your first reaction will be to remove it of course but while you're distracted untying it or trying to get it off the criminal has plenty of time to jump you the most common place for this sort of scam is parking garages they usually badly lit and pretty deserted which means there are a few witnesses around and plenty of dark spaces for the attacker to lie in wait doorstep scam the bad guys involved in this scheme like to target senior citizens in fact about 85% of the victims of doorstep scammers have been 65 and older nonetheless you should still be careful whatever your age it goes like this somebody knocks on your door or rings the bell and waits for you to answer you open up and they introduce themselves falsely of course they have all kinds of identities too they might pretend to be from your gas or electric company a door-to-door proselytizer or someone conducting a consumer survey the worst con men are the ones that play on your generosity they'll say that they're collecting donations for some charity and if you offer them clothing books or toys instead of money they'll just sell those items later or they'll tell you stories about their hard life to get into your home or con you out of your money but in general they just want to have a peek inside your house scope out anything valuable and come back later when you're not home of course to break in and steal your stuff that's why you should always be alert when a stranger approaches your door sure that could be a real trades person or an official but you can never be too cautious especially since most scammers aren't only persuasive but also friendly and polite pretend pregnancy this scam by no means involves expecting mothers the deceivers here are women just pretending to be pregnant the thing is that even store security guards usually overlook women with big baby bumps considering them no threat and innocent by default scammers take advantage of this and easily get away with committing petty crimes like pickpocketing or shoplifting but they're not so petty when you're the victim sometimes a woman who seems pregnant will ask for help or pretend to feel unwell so a kind-hearted individual extending a helping hand may end up finding that their wallet has gone missing they can even get their boyfriends husbands or friends involved by distracting you with their acting while their partner in crime grabs your purse or slips their sticky fingers into your pocket marks on your door if one day you come home and notice some graffiti or markings on your door or house call the police immediately even if it just looks like a teenage Frank or a simple scratch it's better to be safe than sorry because burglars use certain marks to tell other criminals different things about your home for example something resembling a Roman numeral two means that the home owners are rich so the place is a great target on the other hand a crossed circle tells other burglars that there's nothing valuable to take from the house a long horizontal rectangle divided into four parts means the place has a big aggressive guard dog a triangle divided into two parts by a vertical line tells criminals to hit the place only at night while a reversed one says that a house or apartment is free after dinner and something looking like a combined a and K lets their fellow burglars know that the house is always full of people scammers pretending to be victims sometimes criminals can even pretend to be your victims to do this they might very carefully throw themselves at your car is you back out of a parking spot or something of the like of course they won't be harmed since they've been extremely cautious about it but they'll put on a performance worthy of an Oscar moaning and screaming and pain or swearing that you've broken their expensive cell phone or watch and whatnot and of course they'll demand money for it these scammers are so sneaky about it that you won't even understand that the accident wasn't your fault the most important thing is to keep a cool head and suggest calling the police or 911 to sort everything out upon hearing these words your victim will have a sudden change of heart and will probably make a swift escape sweetheart scam people who tell you to be careful when using online dating sites and apps have plenty of reasons to be so skeptical it usually happens like this somebody nice starts writing you on some dating site the two of you really hit it off and you chat non-stop everything seems peachy except for one thing this person lives far away and you just don't have any opportunity to meet up at the moment after sometime your online love interest writes to you about some huge personal crisis they're having or a horrible accident that's happened to them it's usually something along the lines of a pet relative or this person themselves needs an unbelievably expensive life-saving operation and they can't afford it the scammer of course humbly promises to pay you back as soon as possible so you're ready and willing to help them out financially but as soon as you've transferred the money you're online sweetheart disappears and you never hear from them again you unfortunately have become victim of a scam that's why you should be extremely cautious if somebody you don't really know that well and have never met in person asks you to send them money GPS tracker on your car finally the last but certainly not least dangerous scam is one that involves a new generation of GPS trackers that criminals attach to your car at first these trackers were used by the police military or special services with the aim of following criminals and terrorists but nowadays anybody can get their hands on one of these devices simply by purchasing one online these GPS trackers are also called magno trackers since they stick to your car magnetically they attach themselves so easily that criminals can throw these things out their car window and onto your vehicle as they pass you on the highway some of them can even be shot from special cannons criminals can use these Magno gps's to stock their victims and find out when they're at home or work or wherever there was a case when a jealous ex-husband was planning to attack his ex-wife using the data he'd been collecting from the tracker that he'd secretly attached to her car luckily the tracker was noticed by a mechanic when the woman was having her car serviced and it was removed before anything bad happened to her what's even scarier these GPS trackers can inform criminals about your location even if you're in another country so if you see a tracker on your car be extremely cautious if it's easy really noticeable someone has probably thrown it out their car window and is waiting for you to pull over and get out to take it off and it's at this moment when the bad guy will try to attack and rob you or they might wait until you get home to figure out where you live on the other hand if you find such a device and a hit in place like underneath your car it's a real cause for concern because criminals are targeting you specifically so if you find a magnetic tracker attached to your car take it off in a totally random place that's far from your home or work and not even on the way to these locations after you remove the tracker take a picture of the device leave it on the ground drive as far away as possible and call the police hopefully with this information law enforcement will have a better chance of catching those who use magno trackers illegally do you know about any other popular schemes tell us in the comments below don't forget to click Subscribe to stay on the bright side of life you
Views: 8,164,945
Rating: 4.5967159 out of 5
Keywords: scam, life hacks, avoid doing this, never do this, drive away, protect yourself, recognize scam, pretend pregnancy, doorstep scam, marks on your door, GPS scam, safety videos, your safety, protect yourself from thieves, pickpockets, shoplifters, pretend victims, donโ€™t trust this, bright side, brightside, bright side videos
Id: OLuMcFqKHi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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