START Finding BASS Faster Than Your Friends

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I have seven hours to catch five bass that weigh 12 pounds on a body of water I haven't seen in years can I figure out the summertime bass or where the heat get to me I guess we'll find out this is Lake break a video series devoted to the number one question that I give how do you find bass on a unique body of water I don't get help I don't get information I just put the boat in and go oh today we are here fishing Portage Lakes it is actually a Chain of Lakes I think there's six or seven different lakes a lot of this is pretty much idle only but there are a few places where you can run the big motor but we have a lot of grass in this system a lot of milfoil coontail and as you can see we have a lot of cheese mats which might be good for a little frog action later on in the day but just gonna spend some time covering some water with a buzzbait and see if we can't pick up a couple clues figure out what the bass are doing [Music] see how the bubbles are disappearing real quick that means that it's a higher pressure system that's apparently what they they say I don't know who they is but now one thing that I noticed when I was fishing this scum was that there was a lot of milfoil grass out in the middle of this section of the lake milfoil in my opinion is one of the best types of grass for Bass and bass absolutely love to get in it however after I panned around with my mega live unit I could tell that this grass was absolutely everywhere and so one thing you want to do when you fish a grass situation like this is try to find some sort of hard Edge or some sort of point or some sort of pocket in the grass now after fishing this scum without any bites for about 30 minutes I decided I wanted to explore this milfoil grass a little bit more now looking at the map this deeper section of the lake over here looked really good to me and if there's milfoil on this Bank more than likely there's going to be a hard Edge where this milfoil stops and that is the exact type of place that I really wanted to find those really hard edges can really just concentrate the bass and make them easy to find within all this grass so I headed over to this Lake and I started idling around now one of the first things that I noticed within about five minutes of idling was a bluegill bed now I didn't know if this was an old bed or an active bed but sometimes the biggest bass in your Lake that are shallow will hang around these bluegill bits so I marked up this bed and I continued to idle and not only did I find this one bed but I also ended up finding about five or six other bluegill beds so my plan was to idle through this area spin around and then fish all these bluegill beds at once a lot of times those bass will just hang like if for example here there's grass around the edges of that bed so they'll just hang in that in the grass right around the edge and then they'll just decide whenever they want to go out and pick up a bluegill or hopefully a big worm like I'm throwing [Music] but I'm not getting a lot of pecs right now so I don't know if it's an active bed a lot of times if if you bring a worm through an active bed active bluegill bed you're going to get a lot of pecs on your Plastics or whatever you're throwing kind of let you know they're down there so it might be an empty bed there might still be bass around it because they'll still check them out every now and then because they don't always know when the bluegill are going to be there but make a few casts and if we don't get any bites we'll move on to the next one now after fishing all these bluegill beds for about an hour and not even getting a bite I was starting to get a little discouraged I really thought that this might yield a big bite for me but that is just bass fishing so I sat down and I looked at my map and I noticed that close to where I was there was a small point that extended out into deep water again I thought to myself that this might be a good place where there is a hard break in that grass line so I immediately idled over to this point and honestly I got a little bit excited because it was exactly what I was looking for there was a very defined Edge in this grass and the grass was extremely tall a lot of times with this Mill full of grass if you can find it where it's topped out in 8 10 12 foot of water it can be some of the best grass that holds big groups of fish so I idled back and forth over this point and I marked the edge with a couple of waypoints and decided that I would spin back around and fish through this area foreign [Music] [Music] hey gosh I thought that was gonna be a big one it's the start of something it's the third or something that's probably a 12 inch keeper it's all they need to be on this Lake so that might be number one anyways I mean he really thought he was going to be big the way he pulled back let's make sure he's 12. 12 and a half our first Keeper of the day we are about two hours in and we got the first one he's not big maybe uh a one pounder that fish weighs they came in at one 1.01 1.01 just a one pounder all right let's start let's go let's go let's go he was on the very point of this grass area that we just went over and marked here's another one good a little bit better all right I was telling you all morning once we get it one bite sometimes you can catch a bunch so I'm hoping there's a bunch right here that one's a little bit better still not a we really want to catch three pounders but he's a little skinny pound and a halfer gosh I love that bite so much all right all right calm down calm down one points 0.71 1.71 kind of a kind of a beat up one a little bit ugly but there might there might be a whole school right here let's find out now something that you don't know is I actually tried to film this video the day before I actually ended up filming it it was rainy and nasty and although I don't mind fishing in the rain I do not like filming in the rain so I ended up spending that day organizing my boat and tackle but I'm gonna be honest with you I got a little distracted by a fishing game that a buddy had sent to me called a fishing Clash now I'll be a hundred percent honest with you I've never been that much of a gamer in my life I don't own a PlayStation I don't own an Xbox but this particular game actually distracted me for about an hour of that day I know for me one of the places I've always wanted to fish is the Amazon River the nice thing is you don't have to wait long to get bit here in the Amazon it happens pretty quick this one's pulling yes red tail catfish baby I've always wanted to catch one of those something I really enjoyed about fishing Clash is you can actually fish some of the bigger lakes in the nation Lakes like Lake Guntersville which are huge bass fishing Fisheries not only that but you can also do some salt water fishing and fish pretty much anywhere around the world in this game the other thing that I also really enjoyed about it is that you can compete against other guys you guys know that I like Tournament Fishing so I am a very competitive by nature and I like being able to compete not only against my friends and family but people around the world now one of the best ways to actually do well in this game and to win over others is by upgrading your lures and your tackle that you are using now right off the bat if you use my gift code which is catch more bass you will actually be able to upgrade some of your tackle and be able to start doing better and catching bigger fish in the game to me this game kind of reminds me of that old arcade fishing game it was the only one that I ever played except for this has a lot better graphics to claim your gift code simply click on this blue hamburger dial in the top right hand corner of the screen then hit on gift codes and then enter in and catch more bass again there's a link Down Below in the description or scan the QR code now [Music] foreign [Music] just missed him he pulled he didn't he kind of pecked at it so it may have been a small fish but the other one's definitely pulled down a little harder oh there he is again got it this is okay I'm gonna hit a waypoint quick I don't know if that was the same fish it may have been a different one he hit it if that was him he hit it the same both times he just kind of pecked pecked at it still not what we're looking for but we kind of got us a little bit of a pattern started right up there where we caught those two fish in a row it was it was more or less a point in the grass that dropped into kind of a deeper water and this is kind of the same thing we kind of went through a small depression saddle and then we came to another one of those points that fish weighs 1.58 158 skinny fish but maybe there's another couple with them let's find out so what we got here is a pretty standard Texas Rig this is just a Berkeley Pit Boss just straight green pumpkin on this I got a four out trocar flipping hook in a 3 8 ounce weight that's actually pegged as you can see the weight can't go anywhere which is what I like to do a lot in grass and then my setup is basically it's actually I'm fishing braid to fluorocarbon line on this I really like it in this situation because then you're when you're constantly flipping like this all day long if you're using a really big Rod it just can kind of get tiresome in your hand so having this smaller rod with braid to that leader it's just it's very easy on the wrist very easy on the line and are very easy on your you're uh just body so that's what I love to do so that's that's the setup pretty simple I'm just kind of pitching out into where these right on the outside of these grass lines is is where these fish have all been so hopefully we can find a couple of schools um I'm gonna keep running this pattern we're gonna have to go try to find some more areas like this but I think we're gonna hit that one little area where there might be better than average ones those two three four Pounders instead of just the pound and a halfers so a big thing that you'll notice is that every time that I am catching bass typically I'm catching little wolf packs I would stumble upon two fish here two fish there that is really something that happens often when you're fishing grass you will go for hours without catching bass but then you will stumble upon small schools within the grass don't know that that's a keeper supposed to be going up in size not down in size I'm gonna hit my Waypoint real quick [Music] I don't think that that's 12 inches but maybe he is he's kind of long nope about 11 and three quarter little tiny guy thanks buddy you're fun they're all fine even when they're small they're just more fun when they're big oh there's another one not the same size that one's a keeper at least look like he got eaten by a bird look at that that's nasty hey five fish in the last hour after we went two hours without a fish so I think this will be number four definitely 12. we just gotta find us some bigger ones at least we're getting bit he is 1.10 got to get bigger ones got a lot of upgrading to do but we're getting bit we're putting something together look at that look at across the back it's like a bird came and tried to you know remember when we were at West Harbor and we saw a blue heron with a bass about that big maybe he got away oh oh I think I just got a lot of salad with that one oh yeah a lot of salads not much meat it's a kind of dinner you don't like at least I don't like little guy not a keeper that's what they're hanging in though that's that milfoil grass the green stuff you can see this stuff over here is kind of dead looking but this green stuff is the stuff you really want to find where it's really crispy green good stuff oh gosh that is a fish that fish had that bait for like 10 minutes he had it for so long I thought it was in the grass this must be a girl because she's got some lipstick the old lipstick all right that's number five it's our fifth keeper and she weighs 1.65 which means we have a five bass limit right now for 7.07 pounds so we got a long way to go but hey we're catching fish that was crazy I can't believe that fish held it for that long see you buddy now after fishing through this area and catching several fish I decided I would look at this small drop that was really close to this point if there's good grass growing in the area then more than likely there might be another hard Edge right over here and so I moved my boat over there and this time I didn't idle over the grass I simply dropped my trolling motor in looked at the grass with my mega live and noticed that there was a good hard Edge so I decided to pick up my bait again and start flipping there he is a little a little about just the uh importance of that mapping though because I just jumped down and and switched up my colors my color shading on my mapping saw where my red touched the green came right over there to it caught a fish not gonna help us I mean he might but not by a lot fun fish though whoa nope [Music] oh man just all the same size pound pound and a half might help us a little bit but I was about to say we're kind of coming up on a little bit of a point in the grass felt like we were going to get bed and we did small bass is 1.01 he might be a 120 something kind of skinny no 1.14 helps us but not by much thanks buddy here's one didn't get a good hook in them it's a little bit better one there let's go okay a little bit better one there at least in the two pound range but we just saw a bigger fish chase a a Shad out of the water man there they are also long and skinny you know but he uh I'm hoping we get into a little section of them right here all right so small fish is a 1.10 this should give us that's a 227. 227. which kicks us up to you 8 37. oh thanks buddy long and lean now after fishing through this area and catching several fish I sat down and I looked at my topographical map and I wanted to find an area that set up similarly to what I had found in this particular Lake now looking at the map this very top Lake over here was similar in nature it had some pretty deep water as well as some points and some good hard edges that were close to that deep water so I decided to make my way up to that Lake to try to see if I could find another group of fish in a grass line now on the way to this Lake we went through this really clear canal and I couldn't help but pick up a Glide bait to see if I couldn't draw any big bass out or catch any big bass look at it after getting skunked in the canal I decided to move to this Lake and I first wanted to hit a couple of these points that dropped into deep water to see if the grass set up similarly to that first place we caught them I might make a couple of pitches it's a little see remember I was talking about that slime [Music] and it gets a little slight but it gets a little slimy it seems like they don't always like to get in it thank you so why that grass looks a little bit weird this is called eladia right here I didn't know it was in this Lake it's like a northern hydrilla it's a different type of grass but the thing about it is that it grows differently it grows more uh thick sometimes the bass can't get inside of it as well they'll still relate to it on the outsides but which might be why this grass is the way that it is if that's what the bulk of it is I'm definitely seeing strands of milfoil which is what I like I immediately noticed that the grass in this Lake was just different and to be honest it was a little bit slimy and it was just different in general it grew different it wasn't that really good clean milfoil like we had fished in the original Lake now although I immediately noticed this I decided to still spend some time fishing in this area I still found some grass in this area that was a mixture of elodia and milfoil and it grew 12 foot tall in some areas and looked okay but I just could not get bit anywhere I went in this lake so with about an hour and a half to go I decided to head back down to that grass line that we originally fished to see if I couldn't pick up a few more fish and hit my weight by the time I got back down to the lake I had about 45 minutes to fish and decided to just spend that time working over all the areas that we had already fished I thought maybe I could pick up another one or two bigger fish that really made a difference last slip well although I did not hit my goal in this video I truly had a fun time kind of figuring out how to catch bass and I feel like if I had just had a little bit more time I may have found a couple of those right stretches that had the right quality fish in it I felt good about the pattern that I had found now before I let you guys go one of the best ways to help support this channel is by supporting the companies that support this Channel and like I said earlier I'm Gonna Leave a link for fishing Clash the game you can also click on this QR code if you want to download it it's free it's fun and I think you'll enjoy it if you love to fish don't forget to subscribe comment down below and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: BassFishingHQ
Views: 25,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, lake break, summer fishing, summer bass lures, bass fishing in summer
Id: aNVRaGlP6io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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