If You Stare Longer Than 1 Second You Will Go Insane

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[Music] is where am i what am i doing here oh [ __ ] hi oh you're alive are you alive you're not alive the hell out of here you're not alive what sort of creature is this its appearance gives me the shivers oh nice water effects all right i'm sucked in the alien cube what is the alien cube i don't know i didn't get answers last time oh this is beautiful though this guy's alive for sure right i want to bump my head in his it didn't work the man in the picture is me how is that possible what's that place that's where sonny had his dream i think i made that joke before i don't know i feel like i was living relatively comfortably here that's what this guy's complaining about dude he's always got to complain about something at the exit from here i can see outside but the crack is too small to get through i must find another way out listen it's a little dark in here can i get some oh yeah i don't want to go down there lovecraft love crafting video games one of my favorite genres most of those games leave a lot to be desired nothing beats called cthulhu right but we'll see where this goes what are these gears for seems there is some huge machinery behind this wall imagine that okay number one priority get the [ __ ] out of here doesn't work seems to be a gear missing yeah i'm curious too can i lean can i lean please lean please i hear it okay so other hello oh my god are those eggs they're eggs give me this [ __ ] i'm just leaving dude give it a gear there we go yes what a beautiful day to be hunted and stalked well this is quite beautiful this is absolutely stunning and with great music to accompany it i i feel safe now dude what the [ __ ] this is gorgeous this is made on it's made on the cry engine right i think no wonder good god look at that i found a secret and the audio queue uh left me a little worried is this a jesus what is that where the [ __ ] am i what's going on here it is oh my god holy [ __ ] now the world is dark ah what symbolism oh oh no come on a whispering always a good sign that your mind is being lost jesus christ oh there it is i'm not touching the alien cube wait a second whispers are getting louder what happens if i don't pick it up who's gonna go in the water dude i don't want to go in the water i don't want to go in the water i don't want to go in the water okay maybe i should no all right i'm going there's no reason to go this way yeah you're right you're right when you're right here i'm going back [Music] was i dreaming oh what time is it what time do it be though oh electricity's off yeah what kind of weird ass where am i what kind of weird ass outlet is that can't stop thinking about that dream whoa it was if that strange object was calling me i was feeling a deep primordial who's at the door oh it's probably the post what the hell is that he just [ __ ] trailed off mentally he's like yeah that's probably the hey letter arthur my dear nephew if you're reading this letter it means that i am gone uh-oh music change i gave instructions to a close friend to deliver this message to you in the event that something bad should happen to me my life changed a lot and i'm only a shadow of the man you knew when you were a child as you know i've never been married or had children so i decided to leave you all of my possessions even though i don't own a lot your inheritance consists of my apartment right in the old cabin in the mountains amongst my belongings you will probably find some things you won't be able to make sense of i ask you to discard everything without question i'm referring in particular to my manuscripts they're very personal and as you will perhaps have been told riding was my only solace in my darkest days i ask you therefore not to read them not to delve into my research get rid of everything so that nothing can be found you will find the apartment key in this envelope do what you desire with it but i beg you to respect my last wish edgar edgar allen poe perhaps i mean it's not poe himself but maybe the name is in reference to that let's get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] oh my god was that goddamn necessary oh boy oh boy whatever dude where's your [ __ ] apartment there's like no number on it i'm just taking a wild guess all right i'll explore around i know you guys want me to it's keemstar oh [Music] what the [ __ ] i don't like it i don't like it let me in the lights run all this time [Music] lights run all this time [ __ ] idiot oh god god damn damn it did [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hell hi yeah i think uh just looking around there's mold and dirt everywhere my uncle edgar everclean what what happened to this mirror indeed it's a portal it's a portal door door is locked windows boarded up this man was on to something to page from edgar's journal finally after many years i returned to my old family home unfortunately when i arrived i saw that nothing of the house was left everything had been reduced to a sad pile of rubble however it was there among all the debris that i found a strange chest it was exquisitely crafted made from fine wood and decorated with strange geometric symbols that i've never seen before at first i didn't notice this as when i was a child i was used to seeing all kinds of bizarre objects around the house found who knows where by my father one of his countless journeys okay dude this extends beyond the [ __ ] immediate family the chest however has something sinister and mysterious about it so i decided to extract it from the debris and try to open it i hope that writing this journal will help me overcome my shock at my discovery because what i found inside that terrible chest is not something that could belong to this world [Music] can i close the door i can is that the smart decision probably not oh switch yes yes that's weird there's no handle pizza is this fresh my friend there's a strange mechanism fit into the wood oh i need a gear or something oh oh boy i need another horse where's a horse i saw a horse no you need a dog right there i need that dog yeah something on the other side cool stop [Music] what the [ __ ] in hell i'm drunk i'm drunk jesus christ okay i did something with a horse i shouldn't have done go through hey there's a hole food don't eat it no [ __ ] idiot there's a strange crack beneath the painting maybe i can i can't move it it's firmly fixing the wall oh we got like some silent hill resident evil puzzles in this i'm all for it oh don't please don't eat any more of this disgusting food oh there's a terrible smell here how come my uncle live in these conditions well it was boarded up dude what the hell did i just eat i'm gonna pay for that later i don't know where that door goes i really really don't want to it okay uh-huh turn around open the door yes sir yes sir i'm out of here there's a hole something crawled out of it i'm gone thank you i'm going down oh come on there's no reason i give you like 15 off the top of my head put me in the drunken stupid i could still give you like nine oh what a disgusting substance it smells terrible i don't like the idea at all but i could try to go through the hole oh yeah grab me by the leg i expected it all from behind but he was in front of me the whole time [Music] yes [Music] jesus oh god my head where am i well that sucks is it great it looks quite weak i'm able to break it with a kick get the [ __ ] out that's very narrow but i have to try yeah you're gonna get kicked again dude right in the damn face all right at least keep it down and who puts a red light in a goddamn lamp who does this the same sexy time in the same time oh my god locked very good ah journal of a member of the order oh here we go this appearance of old williams son edgar mitchell caused us quite a few problems it has been hard to keep track of every officer but fortunately they didn't find out anything in the scene of the fire the purpose of that building must remain secret at all costs at the moment the case is in the hands of our men in the police that detective won't set foot in our territories anymore however we must find out what happened edgar and close the case before someone else snoops around we'll start by checking his apartment we have proof of the existence of the god's eye the priestess was right during the inspection of edgar's apartment we found some papers belonging to his father old william everything suggests that he was in possession of the sacred artifact without us knowing it how is it possible that such a trusted member of the order betrayed us we are trying to understand where his hiding place is all signs point to a location out of town where there used to be an ancient village inhabited by our ancestors these guys got undercover people all in the police that's oh there's a horse thing and then the painting is released when i put the horse things in and when i released the painting i could go through the portal and then i okay maybe i don't understand what the [ __ ] what the what the hell is that looks like some cocoon screwdriver should i run hello i guess i can pick the lock with this right oh that door is wait can i open the door now no i can't get back out through okay i can't use the screwdriver on the lock that's good that just means i have to go through here don't grab my legs okay i i am so lucky that popped up on my screen i don't think i was ever gonna figure that out small key very good must be for the drawer yes and the horse damn it after horrific discovery finding the answers to my questions become uh became a real obsession so i started to study my father's old papers in depth my research uncovered the existence of a mysterious order its origins are extremely ancient but apparently it still exists today indeed i found a clear references to it in my father's notes and it seems that he was even a member i also found out that in addition to the old cabin in the mountains my father owned many other properties scattered around the area i didn't even know did a grandfather williams secretly own a piece of land edgar must find out made this map are these all the places i'm gonna go to in this game hey man it feels like skyrim okay i better go there now i'll come back here later what okay we'll close the damn close the damn door okay door stays open i guess exit oh what'd it say there what'd it say there i missed it all right so secret location apparently these people are headed there now the ones that kicked me in the face members of the order engine's still warm someone got here before me i mustn't get caught yeah that would be something they [ __ ] drive a grandfather's property you should be behind that old building over there oh god [ __ ] hell it's just a statue chill out oh my what's going on it's snowing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no okay okay oh wow yeah yeah let's do it jesus okay all right it was just a statue dude call him the [ __ ] oh god let's try to try that again that's my bad my bad dude i was way's house not looking where i was going jesus where the hell am i i'm in some kind of void what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i did not mean to what is that am i oh all right enough [ __ ] around oh um dude yeah yeah yeah jump i knew it now i could have made that jump you little [ __ ] it's like everything's green we're in the matrix dude oh my god there's [ __ ] dynamite monster no fuel okay i need fuel i understand i know what i need to do oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what oh come on give me a go give me a goddamn break i did not step that way this guy's [ __ ] ditzy i was just admiring the depth you know it's a little realistic though if i step a little bit too far to the side my foot will slip explorer's journal oh [ __ ] these places are full of secrets we're all excited at night we observe the sky and those mysterious lights well during the day we explore these magnificent tunnels the whole area is full of these underground galleries it will take days and days to explore them they're of inestimable value it's said that there were ancient underground cities here connected to each other by a network of tunnels that were populated by obscure cults no human being has gone into the dips to confirm this bizarre theory all right all right i haven't i literally have nothing to say about that oh outside what the hell was this this is not a series of tunnels connecting oh fresh fire oh [Applause] i saw that something was up there dude all right is there someone here like right now what the [ __ ] is that okay oh god [ __ ] yes fuel all right what are we looking at boss oh the cosmos why am i looking at the night sky it's daytime right now i hear the whispering all right let's figure out what the hell this thing is first oh yeah statuette oh what are you what are you what are you what are you what the [ __ ] is that hello there's something in the water oh my god oh [ __ ] oh did you say something was this the guy this must've been a whole long time ago but that fire is still lit okay i'm going back wait hello what's that sound what hello hello there it is fuel take the fuel oh no come on there's an axe here dude please take it turn away that's not good is it it's on there's literal [ __ ] fire are we good holy [ __ ] okay yes oh god let me out i can't move it's just a cinematic just a cinematic oh oh [ __ ] stop propane's going to blow up to broadway's explosive let me out you [ __ ] absolutely out oh you've got to be kidding me ow ow [ __ ] ow dude go go go go go jesus christ oh i'm up here dude i couldn't come on i didn't have to go through all that [Music] who was that guy i don't know he shot some woman though i can't [ __ ] breathe when that base is in my ear oh my god [Music] ow my leg i think i broke my leg think i broke my leg where's the woman that you shot hello where did you go what do you mean uh what the [ __ ] does that mean open the gate what am i owing about come on dude you've been through a lot to walk away from explosions we don't look back can i go this way no that's bad oh wait maybe oh [ __ ] that sucks oh maybe maybe maybe oh my god damn genius i got to break my leg a little bit more though oh hopefully there's something in here that can heal myself says the guy medicine cabinet thank [ __ ] god first aid kit had everything i needed my leg is better now oh my god it had bone healing [ __ ] all right we had so little knowledge of the world around us the visions of the sacred places have finally begun the distorted reality they reveal is extremely fascinating these guys took dmt but was what i experienced real or was it just in my head i could feel clearly that my body was there that it was part of that place next time i'll record everything with my voice recorder i want to be absolutely sure that what i experienced wasn't just a vision this sacred artifact of unimaginable power i was lucky to find it while i was alone would be insane to let the other members get a hold of it no one must know why though share that knowledge man y'all aren't y'all some order of like [ __ ] cthulhu or whatnot what the hell's inside those containers i'm not sure oh [ __ ] the precipice from the outside oh my god okay that's pretty [ __ ] man first okay that is [ __ ] incredible to listen to the guy said he was gonna try and record when he was in that in that place and that's what it sounded like in there that's [ __ ] you imagine coming back with that in 1974 like i'm sure yeah you could still somehow fake that but oh my god i would lose my pho i would go mad i think i would go mad dude dude i've had experiences before where i was pretty much like watching the paint peel off uh-oh if i managed to break them i could kick them but i'm not gonna slogged have to find a way inside the cave who knows what my grandfather hid in there yeah how could i break this ah look at them worshiping the cube there we go now i have an axe we're in let me [ __ ] in why do you have to make so much goddamn noise seriously no no sense of stealth at all did i unlock it is that what that is another cave a network of caves grandfather williams journal it's all true i managed to record everything this sorry what can you can you speak up a little bit this is the confirmation i was looking for i never imagined i would one day be walking right here in the outside that place is beyond description there's one thing i shouldn't underestimate though if i can see i can be seen too next time i will have to tread very carefully if i want to go deeper something must have noticed my presence during an exploration i sensed a dreadful malign presence malignant malign that i still can't explain that gaze i can still feel it upon me even now when i'm writing this journal oh here we go oh it's maddening god i feel like it's all like directly in my [ __ ] head right now oh that sound design is great oh that object it's calling me i can't ignore it holy [ __ ] that's it that's thecube we found it roll the credits please roll the [ __ ] credits no look away [Music] [Music] god in my head what's happened to me did i faint i have to take strange object out of here and study it's in the light i have it on me oh that's not good this is like the one ring that's gonna call upon like hello okay what the [ __ ] oh it's breathing we're going this way holy [ __ ] this is terrifying this was not open before am i in in the on the outside the precipice am i here what what are you talking to me from up there that was in 3d space dude i heard that thing right next to me i'm just going this way dude [ __ ] this [ __ ] all this noise oh my god how long is this cave not a single cave-in what's that what's that oh it's getting smaller yeah see that's hi oh what the [ __ ] is this oh what the oh it's nighttime it's already nighttime how is that possible it must have been out here for many hours i better get back to uncle edgar's apartment let's study the cube there why there dude they're gonna be looking for you there use your goddamn brain it wants to be caught what is that in the sky oh okay where where am i what did i just write in my journal oh [ __ ] i feel a strong constant call coming from it's like something inside is calling me what really happened in that cave it's called cthulhu dude jesus can i take the lantern or something oh wait is my car over here still they left my car is not here it is no longer here what the where's my car well they probably hot wired it duh hello oh hey there's here's a whole ass house i passed on the way here how do i get there can i walk on this i think that's a no way oh my god [ __ ] christ man yes whole shenanigans how do i get how do i what do i do what do i do there's a house here do i go to the house okay i guess i'm not supposed to what the [ __ ] door won't budge what the [ __ ] keep writing dude keep running i'm gonna get hit in the [ __ ] head in the [ __ ] head stop stop stop stop i can't see turn [Music] oh no i'm dead what i don't understand what's happened to me either dude [Music] jesus christ oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you can't hide in the cuban apartment they'll find it mealy yeah that's true oh i have to find a safe place for the cube oh [ __ ] i can go upstairs ah i'll hide the cube here until i do my research in edgar's apartment i might find the answers i've been looking for there who would have seen that coming dude i can't see i can't [ __ ] see anything dude i can't see anything oh this is not edgar's apartment is it [Music] oh [ __ ] is there someone there okay now they're gonna grab me by my [ __ ] feet now they're gonna grab me for my [ __ ] what what what happened what the [ __ ] was that for so this thing is unlocked now nice a cassette the outside so [Music] jesus christ clever it's lever here we'll [ __ ] pull it [Music] what the [ __ ] is this door's open what the [ __ ] is that oh oh my god oh my god it's the chest journal oh god page from edgar's journal was that place really my father's secret hideout is difficult to believe but everything suggests it was i tried to bring as many things as i could with me to examine them here in my study many of his notes are written in a language that i don't know however this is his handwriting i'm sure those bizarre photos did nothing more than lead me to ask more questions those landscapes are so surreal and what the hell are those huge structures in the distance it looks like my father was doing research into an ancient artifact in his connection to some mysterious place populated by some sort of horrible beans what does this all mean what was really working on what was he really working on [Music] is it safe to come out no but i'm doing it anyway so i found the chest something came out of the mirror in here what happened to the disgusting substance seems to be coming out of the mirror see it's the [ __ ] what's what's it called i guess we're going to oh boy that was a mistake there's something right here oh my god oh my god there's a sword probably use that right right oh god another cassette uh so [Music] i feel like every time i listen to these it's like closer and closer whatever that thing is the shambler shambler is that what it's called oh my god what the [ __ ] is this what the hell is this tesla [ __ ] what strange machinery what if i place the cube here oh yeah let's [ __ ] do that a jesus a page from edgar's turtle this strange contraption is the most mysterious object that i took from my father's secret hideout what's its function it seems that it allows the creation of a small magnetic field but something's missing for sure there's an ancient metal door near the hideout but i wasn't able to open it it may lead deep into the mountain and what i need is probably right there the whole area is full of tunnels and old galleries people say that the mount there's a huge web of underground passages that stretch for miles but now that i think of it the family cabin is not very far from that place it's right at the top of the mountain right am i bringing the cube here really is that what i'm doing i don't think that's a good idea okay we're just gonna go back up casually grab the alien cube they [ __ ] found this thing there's no way [Music] that this thing isn't giving off enough energy for them to detect where it is that's ridiculous oh my god there hasn't been a scare in a little bit so i think it's very likely i'm about to experience one why is the door closed why is the door closed you son of a [ __ ] god damn it oh my god now they're gonna grab me by the legs no guess we're going straight up dude okay putting it here oh my god god damn you alien cube always [ __ ] hurting me [Applause] oh my god [Music] ah [Music] my head am i still alive where's my cube what's happening to me i don't know man but the cube's gone that ain't good what does this mean it's locked lucky for me i don't like the sound either no no no no no no no no no no no mother of god oh [ __ ] dead body cube i see a green glow oh jesus oh jesus what in the absolute hell is this what okay oh [ __ ] whoa buddy what the [ __ ] oh god don't push me into it what the [ __ ] i didn't do that is that a creature oh my god oh my god this is getting so [ __ ] weird yeah right yeah right it's where the fire doesn't emit any heat maybe it's not fire dumb ass something's missing here okay i'm missing something to open this door i'm gonna go do that guess it's down here isn't it i bet it's down here what is in there no no no no no no why do you wait to kill him until i'm around bye why what what was that sound sound you heard before my friend that's dead bodies dude there's another one oh [ __ ] what happened to you this is i'm getting i'm getting strong amnesia vibes here it almost feels like your first true encounter with the goddamn grunt i can't see anything it's so dark what if i tried to stop the gears that's a good idea should i jump into them what do you mean stop them what iron bar that'll be perfect yes oh god me up yeah i know what happens i know what i'm supposed to do open this door not impossible impossible oh you know what it did it stopped that it stopped that blade spinning thing oh [ __ ] oh god what what what happened what the [ __ ] okay what in the absolute hell up the stairs buddy are we good i think we're good yeah yeah yeah yeah it's fine yes blade has stopped moving [ __ ] hell yeah oh my god all right so the lever is going up here into the floor right there we go pull the lever holy [ __ ] it's hell just got a hammer open please okay what's the hammer for what's the hammer for what did we what did we bypass god damn it god damn it ow was i supposed to go in here oh my god you
Channel: IGP
Views: 419,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the alien cube, the alien cube game, the alien cube gameplay, the alien cube review, the alien cube igp, igp, the alien cube walkthrough, the alien cube playthrough, the alien cube part 1, the alien cube gameplay part 1, the alien cube ending, the alien cube pc, the alien cube release date, the alien cube trailer, horror games, lovecraftian horror games, cosmic horror games, the alien cube demo
Id: QeEMq8tW-Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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