Communicating with MASSIVE Alien Creatures and Convincing Them to Leave Earth - Totem

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i got a display here terminal maybe oh it's saying something oh my god okay so just before we before we run into this this game is called totem uh this has the a crazy premise where we have to communicate to large gigantic alien beings that have crashed onto earth with questionable intent and we have to convince them to leave the fact that we have to talk to it like like observation or the movie arrival oh my god if this thing could potentially destroy earth i love how it's kind of setting aside its will to be like hey i'll communicate with you your little aunt uh enter the doorway see all uh serpentine and square what does that mean oh oh god what have i done what is happening what do i do what do i do it does not seem happy with what i said it does not seem confusion knowledge contempt engaged okay so it's a little engaged and a little empathetic okay what do i do now [Music] oh my god knowledge empathy confusion what is happening okay do i have settings here whoa what the [ __ ] what is all this uh period end of sentence general question wait oh it was okay what was it enter and then there was an eyeball insert perception then there was a zigzag verb and then a square okay so it wants me to try and perceive what it's saying maybe okay now what is it saying jesus christ dude i'm so uncomfortable right now what the hell me enter good oh you're you come in peace end of sins okay and then where are you oh he wants to know where he is oh this is so cool hold on okay you uh are insta-ring do i say alien head alien territory oh you were entering alien territory no no no no no you were entering my territory no no no no no he comes in peace so i'm going to say this oh my [ __ ] god dude i am i got goosebumps right now what the [ __ ] what is this saying do i have a time limit what is that uh general question me uh knowledge are you seeking knowledge uh show okay what what are my options here this game is crazy what the [ __ ] can i go close to it are you gonna hurt me if i go close to you holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay i can't oh that's good to know good to know it's so dark here we are uh negate oh i see opposite which means yes um territory is what that means yeah territory is good knowledge end of sentence what what are you okay so he is establishing that the territory is good that's awesome now he wants to know what i am uh in which i will say i uh [ __ ] weapon no we're not weapon we're not a weapon i am not a weapon entity i am a love entity that sounds delicious oh my god capture no don't capture me knowledge i want to know knowledge holy jesus christ man this is so [ __ ] cool i'm gusting right now i can't believe i didn't play this game when it came out what the hell look at the empathy engaged with knowledge and happiness it's so happy right now what if i make it angry should we get angry okay what does it say oh right i have to say something else i'm looking for knowledge i'm a knowledge seeking entity okay circle me multiple us are what does the hammer mean work entities or we are knowledge entities or we are good entities or we are potential let's do good and then oh my god i uh multiple we are our purpose is love or we are the universe whoa whoa galaxy we kind of do want to explore the galaxy i'm thinking the first one because then we are multiple we are loving the universe yeah i'm gonna do the first one there we go empathy knowledge is getting up there it seems angry though am i misreading this how can i even tell okay uh good knowledge incense what you are what do you know what do you know i know nothing i don't know why i'm here okay okay okay okay we got a big plus sign where the [ __ ] is that oh here it is plus more plus more a moving uh energy we are moving energy or love is dead dude that's so deep i want to press it just for that i'm doing it oh what are you saying wait whoa general question [ __ ] love is death do you obtain knowledge more than me oh love causes death no what is this love causes compound glyphs what does that mean i'm gonna say that one oh [ __ ] it just got sad dude why what did i say [ __ ] listen guy the universe is uh the entity universe entity is is neutral okay what am i oh i could literally ask it what energy knowledge i'm gonna say that okay i cause i my knowledge is not technology oh your knowledge is not technology it's easier than that simple knowledge our knowledge is not technology knowledge oh wait but it is though our knowledge is a weapon you do not have that knowledge why am i am i saying this i feel like i feel like i'm the one saying this right that would make the most sense you are we you guys you all have the opposite of easy technology knowledge you have difficult technological knowledge i leave the territory oh yes i did it get out of here [ __ ] wait no you're confused sad and confused no no you said you were leaving you said you were leaving general question me or i am good okay am i are you are you asking me it says general question no you are good i'm gonna say you're good opposite of no yeah you're good yes and more oh such a good answer we are you oh god what did i do did i do it i did it wrecking ball has bounded out of the clearing and has landed approximately two kilometers away embedding itself into the ground destroying itself in the process it is deemed broken beyond repair and has been left hidden in the wilderness session closed dude i that was the coolest [ __ ] thing i think i have ever done in a video game this was such a such a unique puzzle solving method of like communicating dude that was so [ __ ] cool what the hell how have i not played this before oh we're going to the next one you you know damn well we are creeker date of discovery okay october 25th 1987 blind pack hunter a tall bipedal entity oh here we go composed of flesh and machine it has a large maw and lacks arms it appears to be temperamental and lacks much restraint a system to launch large piercing rods and tranquilizers to maintain engagement has been dispatched to the area it communicates using a large horn installed in his throat oh my god so we're getting a completely different method of communication here oh god where is it where's the biped hello oh my god oh my god [Music] what in the absolute hell that's a shark head dude i'm gonna go next to it what happens what happens okay nevermind i'm leaving okay hey buddy can you say that one more time i didn't quite catch that goals advantage raising its tensions reaching minimum or maximum rage will make it attack as will negative interactions responsible increases threat level you must reach maximum threat and maximum threat launch a rod to make it run away oh my god what are you tasking me with here [Music] [Music] okay all right let's look at this but how do i know which one it is though oh i see one two three four okay so you jump right easy you what what are you okay i will tell you what i am [ __ ] me friends this is a good one this one right here friend me friend and then it would be this one would be good otherwise it would be opposite or opposite so it's gotta be this one yeah i'm a good friend oh he's raged he's mad he's mad you your territory opposite close far away your territory is far away where is your the territory my territory's close i guess oh he's raged he's raged i'm not trying to make you mad buddy i think i'm doing this wrong i'm just gonna be honest here just being honest oh god [Music] krieger has eliminated the translator they did not proper the manager's engagement god damn it buddy come over here and say your peace [Music] dude horrifying okay who whose territory whose territory uh [ __ ] okay i need to be prepared to launch a rod how do i launch a rod i could zoom in oh the shark head dude okay me more what is that good for me friend more befriend more there we go rage is a little bit down oh [ __ ] he had nothing to say you you what me friend good me friend opposite so i have to raise its threat level like i can't if i'm not supposed to me pray opposite of prey there we go rage went out [ __ ] i should have just i should like appeal to his natural ideas right okay you your territory close territory where dude his rage is getting so bad what the [ __ ] [Music] okay my territory is close oh [ __ ] friend opposite okay i guess i'll appeal to that i could say who would that rage him that would enrage him more why is your tarantula what kind of [ __ ] question is that why i'll say why yes rage down okay good okay all territory is close oh [ __ ] pray easy okay this guy is like full of himself i'm about to i'm about to appeal that [ __ ] my territory is close i said that okay that should not why would that make it why would that increase rage why oh he will eat my essence oh [ __ ] uh you are prey uh you are easy prey okay i'm just going to appeal to his [ __ ] senses here you are prey nope i'm not going to say that it's going to enrage him so hard me my territory is more close or you run close slash fine ah [ __ ] he's gonna kill me wait it's not full okay i got one more chance give me an easy answer i'm so confused right now i'm sorry if you guys are figuring it out like super easily but okay oh [ __ ] three responses you your your prey you are more prey uh sure easy oh i'm yeah i'm easy easy eats no don't wait they're super juicy come on i'm dead yes oh wait no you're still talking you eat less sharp more oh [ __ ] [Music] wait what are you [ __ ] kidding me the rods the rods holy [ __ ] this guy's gonna think i'm an enemy why did i not know this before so i'm gonna be honest when i looked at this i thought it had i thought this was just like decoration for like the the sounds and whatnot i didn't give two thoughts to those being rods until i saw creaker needs to be managed using the rage inducing rods and the rage were decreasing tranquilizers so i guess the rage goes up regardless and i have to manage it uh i'm not prey oh he didn't like that he didn't like that oh is he gonna smack him wait what what the [ __ ] just happened i'm running fast more okay so he's saying that he's going to run fast to me his territory is flat therefore he's going to beat me because there are no hills slowing down i'm just going to assume that's what he means my territory is sharp right right more sharp okay that is true which might anger him god friend essence more okay i'm gonna say god yes yes god worked he likes the concept of god okay god friends good more oh we have a common ground god okay me my friend essence more friends yes i am friend i'm totally your friend dude my essence is more or my essence is less my essence is more yo he's so mad i did it though i did it you dear friend oh god no what i got it out to max that's what it's said to do wait you are sucking my ass manage right now and his intentions reaching a minimum or maximum rage will make an attack as will negative interactions you must reach maximum threat a maximum threat launched a rod to make it run away i didn't launch a rod oh no i can do this again i can do this again god is death i can say god is death god pray more on essence less okay god is death oh my god i gotta get real lucky here god is death opposite okay he doesn't like that god is life is what he wants to say you eat yeah he didn't like that answer [ __ ] oh i did it finish it with a spear make him run away run run yes yes i appealed to his god complex i appealed to his god complex and then i said that i was more uh in essence than he was and he got pretty pissed so his threat level went up and i just stuck him oh crooker has left immediate area it is nowhere to be found but it is presumed to be hiding among the forest trees all attempts to pinpoint its uh it based on its horn have been futile it is not presumed to be dormant session closed we did it you're so excited to do that okay what do we got left which i think i'll save for another episode if you guys want to see it we got the cow let me just read what the cow does i kind of want to see it too a titanic quadrupedal robot it does not have a face instead it has a large rotating circular segment placed in the middle it appears to be extremely patient and has not yet observed to express any aggressive behavior while idle it appears to ask questions and go on monologues about philosophy its intentions are still not known okay i kind of want to see it first let's see oh no oh no approach there it is [Music] holy [ __ ] okay no we're not we're not ruining this we're not ruining it we got to go thank you so much for watching i hope you guys want to see more this is an awesome game again if you want to check it out link is down in the description it's five bucks on each yo definitely worth it uh you guys i i can't wait to read the comments if you guys yelling on me it's gonna be fun thank you so much for watching i love you all and i'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: IGP
Views: 413,190
Rating: 4.9713745 out of 5
Keywords: totem, alien horror game, totem gameplay, totem all aliens, totem solved, totem creaker solved, totem creaker guide, totem guide, totem igp, igp, totem game, alien game, igp horror games, horror games, games about aliens, games like signal simulator, horror games about aliens, totem all bosses, totem game all aliens, totem game guide, totem release date
Id: 6cLsQviF5aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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