If You Keep Doing What You've Been Doing, You'll Keep Getting What You've Been Getting!

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this is the ramsay show [Applause] [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five ken coleman ramsey personality number one best-selling author and author of the brand new book that is on pre-sale right now from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing what you love he's my co-host today he does the ken coleman show on 75 plus radio stations answering your questions about your career about your job about finding and living in your passion because you spend too much time doing something you hate so all those kinds of questions along with the normal stuff we take here on the ramsey show the phone number is triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five brad's in washington dc hey brad how are you i'm doing well yourself better than i deserve how can i help excellent well i'm proud to say that i'm a baby step sevener whoa good for you thank you sir i'm only 40. yeah i feel young but people probably think i'm old just a mere pup we don't we don't for the record brad we're older than you we think you're very young nice that's what i'm talking about all right so my question is regarding my emergency fund that i've held for a few years i updated annually based on how much money we spend so i make sure i'm keeping six months in our emergency fund however i also have savings of you know the next two years for 2022 and 2023 of our retirement account of contribution to the roth our hazard insurance for our home our real estate property tax my 529 plan for my child hsa um what else you have that saved up for two years for the next two years why because i don't know what else to do it's a safety net it's a beyond a safety net you know it's good when january first comes like one of my proudest moments is to be able to make those contributions so i can one fell swoop well okay right one full swoop so i do the transfers boom all right so emergency fund i was kind of thinking like it's burning a hole in my brain just sitting in the you know internet savings again you have two years of this other crap sitting in a savings account but this is burning a hole in your brain yeah so that's weird the reason being i'm sorry that's okay but can can i use in my thought processes should i use this additional savings for all those various things kind of as my quasi-emergency fund do i need an emergency fund in addition to that stuff okay um it's good to have some money it gives you peace okay and knowing and it gives you a thrill to hit the submit button on january i get that um none of those accounts i mean you have money sitting there for those accounts it could be used for any type of emergency if something superseded in your life right i mean something bigger correct and so uh you you need to pay for a relative's funeral uh suddenly uh you want to do that you can do that out of some any of those funds it doesn't matter you know your car transmission goes out you know the all of those things that's what emergency funds are for the unexpected events um do you see how it's inconsistent to be worried about the emergency fund sitting there doing nothing while you have all this other money sitting there doing nothing also mm-hmm okay that's what i was laughing that's what i was supposed to do yeah yeah you're a wee bit conservative yeah but it's okay i have a feeling you're a baby step seven you're 40 you're probably a millionaire are pretty close you will be soon if not and so none of the the loss of income on all of these funds is not a problem right it gives you peace and that's what it's for so i do not keep uh that much i i do not label cash two years in advance uh for anything um i have piles of cash that are in retained earnings in the business i have an emergency fund um and i have stuff that is coming up this year that i've earmarked and set aside but i don't have two years out on anything but it does not give me a thrill to dump it all and hit the submit button in january either and it gives you a thrill so if you want to do it you've got the money that's all fine but if i were going to cut back anything it would not be your emergency fund it would be that that over saving or early saving for those other things what are you hearing i'm hearing a hyper super achiever who's going i'm in baby steps he's a baby steps millionaire and he's he's so far ahead he's got all those accounts set aside so he could do it this is a guy who loves to achieve and he's a really meticulous planner and i think that's all wonderful i would tell him to relax a little bit you don't get to baby step seven by accident relax a little bit and you're not the the six month emergency fund's not burning a hole in anything that's what it's there for yeah go invest in something else go give some of that money and see life changing yeah so i set so much money aside for random crazy outrageous generosity yeah just go buy somebody a car you're very impressive you don't need to do anything very cool you've done an amazing job yeah an amazing job but yeah you're you're you're an overachieving super nerd and that's that's what i am so i kind of relate to i understand how you're doing this and i it didn't bother my emotions because i'm kind of right there with you dude but uh but i also don't actually physically tactically do that either so hey good question thank you for joining us jane's in chicago hi jane welcome to the ramsay show jay thanks for having me how are you today better than i deserve how can i help good hey i have a question about my parents they are both retired have sold their home to move closer to my husband and our children went over budget on the purchase of their home they drained the retirement account to be able to purchase a home in this market despite our concerns with that my question is how do we help them going forward my dad has a retirement from his state job a pension but my mother has nothing and they have no long-term care insurance well um i think there's two things you can do one is if to the extent that they will accept your coaching i would coach them on their budget and on purchasing some long-term care insurance 75 percent of the ladies outlive their husbands so papa goes into the nursing home cracks and scrambles what little nest egg there is going to the nursing home dies and mom is left with nothing and that's what you're outlining here that's what's that's what the future looks like so we need to set the you know we need to fix that with long-term care insurance if they will accept your coaching you can step in and help them with their budget but they didn't accept your coaching on the house purchase [Music] the second thing you can do is you just go do what you're supposed to do and become wealthy because only the strong can help the weak you don't need a mutual fund that's nicknamed mom and dad just need a pile of money and when you've got wealth if you want to help a relative then you're in a position to do that this is the ramsay [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switch to puretalk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just 30 a month get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over seventy dollars a month by switching to pure top just go to feartalk.com and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at 825-5225 he's the host of the new book from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing work you love if you pre-order it now at ramseysolutions.com you will get 100 to 150 worth of extra goodies and uh there's all kinds of things happening around this book you need to you need to get a hold of it and look at the uh the assessment as well which has been very popular ken yeah the get clear career assessment dave is about a 15 minute digital assessment and we're going to give you a great report on what you do best your top talents the kind of work you love we call that passion you'll get your report on that and then mission the results that you want to put out into the workplace through your work talent passion mission report you also get a purpose statement with that that is very detailed and really becomes your north star as you look towards any professional growth and then also professional possibilities for those who are looking to figure out what is it that i'm supposed to do with my life so it's a great resource that if you get that and the book it's an unbelievable bundle for 30 bucks so that's a really good deal it's a really good deal from paycheck to purpose and to get clear assessment holleyrmzsolutions.com our question of the day comes from blinds.com find out for yourself why blinds.com is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings free samples free shipping and new promos all the time use the promo code ramsey to get the best deal today's question comes from sean in missouri i'm currently in baby step two and i will be completely debt free next year i have a career but i'm not sure if it's my calling is it a bad idea while i'm in baby step two to pay for a one-time coaching session with a career counselor to get some career goals and get some guidance on how to reach those goals i can budget in the expense and pay for it with cash on hand so i wouldn't incur additional debt that's not a bad idea that is a very inexpensive in the grand scheme of things if you're in control of that budget and you cash flow for one session that's not going to cost you too much i would do my homework though and make sure that it's a reputable coach uh but i'd like to save you the money on the coaching session and uh for thirty dollars you can get that get clear career assessment at ramseysolutions.com and uh get your results and then call the ken coleman show give me five minutes and then we can decide on a career coach and i think even then uh that is a good decision to get some clarity from somebody else and so that we begin to say all right now i can begin to see the mountaintop and i can figure out how to climb up the mountain top so you can definitely cash flow that good idea oz guinness years ago did a uh a talk a book called the calling yes and um man i guess that was probably 25 years ago i read that book something like that but um i've noticed in my life that the first thing i started doing was earning money to eat yes and uh so get the wolf away from the door pay the bills that kind of stuff took a job yes the second thing i did was i moved from that into a career yes with meaning and um and and and i'm talking about the stuff i do today it start it didn't it didn't start all altruistic i didn't start with a clear understanding that this was the calling on my life uh now i can look back 30 years later and say of working in the same thing and say this was a call yep it's god's call on my life and i'm sure of that and those of you that have benefited by the things we do around here are sure of that and so uh but it but when i started uh you know and i get in front of the microphone the first time write the first book um i was still in career mode at that point i was beyond job i was i was trying to do something with meaning and so forth but i was not i would not have been prepared truthfully yes to say that's a calling i had to realize that a little bit later yeah and and you know what i'm glad you actually brought this up i'm not sure when you're 21 and you're in college you know what your calling is no but i would say if we redefine calling for just a moment and say calling is to be who you were created to be now once you find out the answer to that you can make a great career out of that and that's what we teach but calling if we really look at it we say what what is calling that's how we at ramsey solutions look at work when we say works on a four-letter word folks we're trying to challenge you to say you were created to work created to contribute and so calling is realizing that there's something that i was created to do because i've got talent it turns out there's things i love to do and turns out there's results that really fire my heart up so calling is actually being who you're supposed to be career multiple ways to fulfill calling and i suppose the the phrase evolved from uh from people of faith where or a pastor would say god called me to preach and um you know our good friend rabbi lapin a jewish orthodox rabbi says that the word worship and the word work are very similar words in hebrew that did that in a very real sense that when you're working you're workshipping that's exactly what it is and that's why we have uh worship service on the weekend and customer service on monday you know and so that that's uh uh there's a lot of overlap there and so calling is saying you know it's a throwback whether you whether you're a person of faith or not you're accidentally throwing back to people of faith and saying okay god's calling me his calling on my life is this which is what you were saying is what you're designed to do that's it that's it so you are you we are all called to contribute if i'm going to say that i mean at the end of the day that's what god wants for us is to just be us because we all got something unique to contribute phone number here is triple eight eight two five five two two five pamela is with us in greensboro north carolina hi pamela how are you i'm well how are you doing better than i deserve what's up all right so um my fiance and i are brand new listeners we are in baby step two i'm gonna try to keep this brief um basically i had a marriage and after i purchased a house a few years ago we split about three months after the purchase he has no legal anything to do with the house and basically i went into a chapter 13 bankruptcy to try to save it i was living in the house at the time i got a job that is about an hour away um in greensboro so we moved um miami beyonce moved outside of greensboro we are currently renting a trailer and renting out the property which is a you know fairly nice property with an in-ground pool that we pay expenses for um we do have a current tenant there but with the property value increasing right now i'm wondering if we should just sell the house and take a little bit of profit yes okay i made that easy well here's the thing the house has nothing to do with your future it has everything to do with your past exactly and really it's a problem it's not a blessing okay and that's what i've been feeling it's been a lot of stress well you have a pool yes so i know it's a problem i know it's a problem i hate my pool otherwise known as money pits it's a money pit so i'm kidding but you said you brought the pool up which tells me you got a hassle and it's a you know a couple hours away and you're having to screw these tenants and screw this pool and and it's all got to do with the past and not the future dump that thing it's a problem it's not a blessing right that makes sense yeah yeah that's kind of what i was leaning toward i think i just needed validation because everyone i talked to you know you should keep it well everybody's broken down don't listen to everybody exactly yeah you you know you knew in your heart what you needed to do you just wanted somebody say it out loud i think so yeah you're smart enough to make this decision yeah get after it kiddo get after it and then you use that money to clean up whatever mess is left over from the chapter 13 dismiss the 13 voluntarily step out of it and then you can start to rebuild your life from there you guys get your marriage done and then you start talking about buying something on your own after you're debt-free and have an emergency fund hold on i'm going to send you a wedding gift it's called the total money makeover it's helped eight million people get out of debt appreciate you being a new listener this is what we do here on your show in my show we say what people already know they're supposed to do and we get paid for it yeah that's exactly right you know double blessing on that is it's not just the financial win but the emotional win i love that you pointed that out that represents a bad season get rid of it yeah there's some stuff you just don't want to keep around i'm just like oh yeah that's true yeah cleaning out my house right now getting ready to move and i'm finding some stuff like that i'm like oh what's that still doing here get rid of that it's a problem this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] [Music] lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage michael and angela are with us hey guys how are you good how are you better than i deserve welcome where do you guys live we live in uh just north of dayton ohio about an hour okay great welcome to nashville and you're here to do a debt-free scream how much did you pay off 123 000. excellent and how long did that take you about four years and five months all right and your household income had ranged during that time about 89 000 beginning and then we ended at 110. excellent what do y'all do for a living i'm a police officer and i work in business administration very good awesome guys what kind of debt was the 123 thousand it was a car in our house all right why look at the weird people house is paid for everything you're done you did it yeah i love that guys how old are you two i'm 39 i'm 36 and you're not even 40 years old what's the house worth about 216 000 boom yep it is all yours yes 100 years yes you ever think you'd have a paid for house 30 years from the time we signed the documents but yeah yeah absolutely when i'm 90 yeah yeah yeah maybe when i get there yeah oh my gosh and then but not before you're 40. no wow very impressive very cool so uh tell us the story what happened well i'm the free spirit he loves to save so it was kind of just one of those things and you know i don't want to talk about money one day i was at work and i had a co-worker come up to me and say oh hey you know so-and-so is over there listening dave ramsey and i was like well who's dave ramsey and she's like oh he's some money guy he thinks he's got a podcast so i instantly turned on the podcast and went home the evening and i was like hey do you know who dave ramsey is and he was like no i don't think so so i listened a few more days and i was like i think we can do this i think we can do this he's like i took a guy on a radio for you to figure that out i love it i was saying the same things you say all the time just yeah didn't listen yeah common sense and then some guy on the radio makes her a genius yeah i said sorry there's a little jealousy there first i'm sure i was like this bald guy on the radio i'm with you brother it's all about the tone it's all about the tone okay yeah dave could get away with that on the air but if he tries that he's on the couch yeah there we go that's right well it's not my wife dude right oh sure oh my gosh way to go you guys so that gets you started four years and five months ago on the podcast and you come home and he said of course no kidding let's do this okay and then what did you guys do well basically made a budget um stuck to it every time i saw too many amazon boxes showing up you know i knew something was going off the rails so you know brought it up that way but we have an amazon box detector on the front part we do yeah yeah we do yeah so ring doorbell notifies me while i'm at work and you broke the budget yeah so i made the budget stuck to it and we just we set a goal for set paid it off at 10 years the house mortgage and we did it at nine so we were we beat our goal because it just worked out that way yeah so wow way to go you beat it a bunch four years and five months right yeah wow that's pretty impressive very cool now now uh outside the two of you who were your biggest cheerleaders i'd say our parents parents and my sister um outside that everybody thought we were all for rocker so it's fine of course what are you guys doing okay so uh what did you do that besides just telling people this maybe that made people think you were off your rocker i'm curious what are some intense gazelle things maybe that you did i mean i think we just said no a lot to going out yeah new cars you know we kind of just stuck with hey we got a bigger goal here um at least for me that's how i felt yeah i've always lived that way yeah he's fine yeah this is i'm like he's like again again yeah what did you what what what is the account for uh the big uh jump and pay i mean that's a nice little jump right there what happened well actually right before this i took a pay cut to move to a different job to spend more time with the family and then i got raises to be back before so it worked out great yeah so he got promoted and then i had changed jobs a couple times during the process yeah okay wow and thank you for your service yeah what you do congratulations y'all well done how does it feel to have no payments amazing i'm still kind of in shock you know you're waiting for every month to the you know the payment to come out or you know and now it's like oh my gosh it's ours so here it is just like that yeah i love it way to go so when people ask how you paid off your house before you're 40. there's people watching right now listening right now how do you do that what is the key to getting out of debt contentment was my big thing rachel's book you know live your life not theirs that is so true i feel like social media is such a huge issue you know you see everybody doing stuff new cars blessed so it's very that was my struggle he's perfectly fine living at scorched earth and i'm like i can't do this so getting in your head of realizing you know there's a bigger why and something you know change your family tree so you gotta do it for the kids and yourself i feel like the kids were a good motivation for us to give them a better future absolutely set them up absolutely well well done very well played very proud of you you got to feel accomplished yeah absolutely it feels great you're going to be baby steps millionaires in no time yeah that's the plan i mean you're right on your way we got a copy of the legacy journey for you that's definitely the next chapter in your story you've changed your legacy and a copy of the total money makeover for you to give to a friend like that one told you to listen to podcasts that time same kind of thing spread the love out there and pay it forward so very very good stuff and you brought the kiddos with you what are their names and ages uh we have brianna who's eight and clarissa who's six all right very fun very fun all right it is brianna and clarissa angela and michael and just north of dayton ohio 123 000 paid off house and everything four years and five months making 89 to 110 and they're not even 40. shut up count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one we're debt-free [Music] [Applause] i love it absolutely fabulous very very well done guys well if you get a house you want to get it paid for this housing market right now is super super hot and uh your house could be worth a lot more today than it was when you bought it what that means is if you've not updated your homeowner's insurance you probably don't have adequate coverage old days the policies automatically updated and followed the value nowadays they don't do that and so you could have a 200 000 policy on a 400 000 house it burns and you are screwed no you don't do that you want to keep up to date and if your home values gone up or even if it's been a little while since you've shopped it uh homeowners insurance is kind of it's a good time to check it right now you might save some money you will probably save some money talk to one of our endorsed local providers they are ramsey trusted and they will shop a gazillion different companies and get you the best possible buy on your homeowners insurance you'll likely save some serious money doesn't cost anything to go shopping just go shopping and give it a shot see what you get you might save 700 bucks a year you might save 500 bucks a year you know you never know text the word home to 33 789 and talk with a trusted insurance pro about finding the right coverage for you text home to 33789 and ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today here on the air uh he is the host of the ken coleman show on 75 radio stations across america and on top of that they are played on youtube on podcast and anywhere great radio is heard and great uh voice it's everywhere so it's all about you getting into the career you love you getting into a plan that that makes sense to you and where your passion lines up the new book is called from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing work you love it's on pre-sale now which means for 20 bucks you can get the book and a whole bunch of other goodies at ramseysolutions.com this is the ramsey show [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so in coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today william is in riverside california hi william welcome to the ramsey hey dave hey ken what's going on ken finishing up the proximity principle and looking forward to your new book so congrats on that thank you um yeah okay so here's my situation um i'm active duty navy and about to be moving at least three times in 2022 my wife is about to graduate from her master's program in occupational therapy and she's going to be getting her credentials to practice in the first half of the new year we are on baby step two on our second to last debt which should be paid in the next two months and that would just leave us with eighty thousand dollars in student loan debt we're looking forward to making our shovel bigger with my wife being able to work in the field but we've been talking a lot about when we will start having kids and we're concerned about balancing the debt snowball and starting our family uh so i'd love to sell advice and comfort in this situation uh we don't we don't decide about kids and marriages based on debt when it's time to have babies you have babies you'll work it out you'll work it out you've got plenty of room they're not that expensive they uh they don't eat that much uh all this crap the kids will i mean if you have 17 kids it'll break you that's different but if you're gonna have a baby you're gonna be just fine you're gonna be just fine and the same thing with marriage the only thing we tell folks about marriage is you need to be on the same page that you're heading in the right direction to gather but i don't tell people not to marry someone with that and i don't tell people to not have babies because they got debt yeah as a matter of fact quite the opposite it's a good reason to have babies what's the timeline look like forget that for just a moment to uh start trying to have babies with your wife moving into a new career have you talked about that a little bit you know we kind of go back and forth because she does have a little bit of shame and you know the fact that most of the student loans that is hers and i've you know felt great that's not a big deal um but i guess somewhere between when we're moving next year we'd like to at least start we're going to be coming off of birth control soon and um we're just kind of looking forward to maybe mid 2022. but yes i think it's a shame that's getting us i know yeah there is no shame yeah no babies are god's gift and babies are the best thing ever happened to me yeah and she's going to pay that off she's going to make very good money as an occupational therapist you guys are on the path you know how to pay this off you're going to get there have the babies and you're going to get through the baby steps all right let's go ahead and say she's probably an occupational therapist for a while yeah because you got to clean this mess up that's exactly right so it's not like she's going to be a stay-at-home mom uh you don't have the you don't have the budget for that that's good but it's not that you can't have kids uh for sure so you do what you wanna do it sounds like you already are i miss the part where i like i'm gonna say no when they're gonna go back on birth control that's that's really awkward as crud but uh no i'm definitely not going there so um i can't even believe i said that out loud but anyway that's what he said it's what he said so it's a little warm in the studio all of a sudden for me i don't know about anybody else no they'll get it i mean you know look she's she can be a working mom and crush this thing and that's beautiful bo is with us in miami hey bo how are you i'm good dave i'm like so freaked out that i'm on air right now okay it's okay we've never lost a patient yeah he sounds pretty good this is crazy okay uh yeah i'm bo i'm in miami i currently make 35 000 i work for a non-profit that i really really love and they just called me and asked me if i'd be willing to continue working for them but in a different state and i'm torn because this is really what i want to do and i like the work but it doesn't line up with the amount of money i make doesn't line up with paying off my debt in two years so i don't know what to like i'm torn about whether i should go with the career and like really let like that be what drives me or whether i should stick to the numbers and then work it out after that i really want to be that free actually as possible but i was like started every 4 30 maybe not too good how old are you 25 okay and you're gonna pay off the debt in two years if you stay in the current situation making 35 000 no no no what i make right now 35 is not going to get me that in two years i've already paid off 23 000 and i have 59 000 to go okay well fan first of all fantastic so how much money do you calculate that you would need to make to be able to pay off the debt in two years or even less what's that number that's like 70 000. that's almost 70 000 and i already do like full-time work with the non-profit so right what are you and you're making you're making 35 000 with this non-profit so another 35 000 really like 37 sorry 37. okay great well here's the deal if if i just want to give you an alternate narrative for a second if you were to go get a 70 000 job and in this economy you can right now you probably could if you're qualified or you could get there you could make that money you could also get a side hustle uh a good you know a second job and really bust it and you could get there and make that kind of money but if you weren't doing this work that you love you wouldn't be able to do that for very long you could do it long enough to pay off that debt and then get back into the nonprofit world that is a viable option but you have to be okay with that or you can stay there and work for this this organization that you really really love doing the work that you know you're supposed to do and then you just bust it and you work hard you really just cut cut cut cut cut in every waking hour uh at 25 years of age that you're not doing that work you love you're doing work you have to do and i think you can get there so i think you've got a couple options there i'm about a third option oh here we go or we find something that pays 70 or 100 000 a year that you love doing that is a viable option as well it's not just the nonprofit why do you have to make less to love what you're doing i don't understand this concept i don't think you should make more doing what you love yeah and part of me thinks like maybe that what is it about your work that you love well i love that i get to share the gospel and i love that i get to like really work with people like better help communities like respond to the needs and of people around them that's very cool so do i yeah yeah and i make a lot more than 35 000. yeah and i share the gospel every day yeah i just i've never been offered like a job while i have a job and so it's kind of hard for me to think about i'm not i'm not challenging the job i'm just saying that i think the things that you are doing could be done a lot of different the things that jazz you could be done a lot of different ways and it doesn't even necessarily have to be under the heading of non-profit that's correct non-profits not in the bible nonprofit is an irs designation it doesn't make it holy or righteous because it's non-profit it just means they're broke yeah so what we're saying is you're not you're not destined to 35 000 you can make more doing work that is ministry related uh and you can make more uh and i think you will at 25 you're still very young but but the reality is you've got some serious options here i wouldn't say no to this the general question the first question was should i take this job i've been offered an opportunity but it doesn't make as much as i would like it to make to pay off the debt as fast as i want to pay it off right well she's already in the 375 she's talking about moving to another state doing a similar thing right at less money even yet well cost of living and so um no i don't think you can make it make the move to the other state so um here's the thing what i'm trying to shake up here and i'm being snarky to do it which is my normal method um is the the narrative the idea that a you have to make less to do what you love that's just not true it should be the other way and b that in order for you to be able to share the gospel and minister in the community that it has to be in a non-profit setting or it has to be in a setting where you don't get paid anything and none of that is true those are not true narratives and so you can uh be a compassionate kind giving generous person working in a compassionate giving kind generous organization uh that is christian based and sharing the gospel and there's a lot of places that i'll pay more than 35 000 doing that yeah and i want to point out the the the last piece of that though that if you know let's take a teacher and our the largest millionaire study ever done by ramsey solutions third largest group of net worth millionaires teachers median salary the median in the united states is 60 000. when you find that work you love uh you can still pay off debt and you can still be a millionaire but you're gonna have to live differently and cut your expenses and you have to take a second job from time to time to pay off that debt so you know it's not about the size of the salary it's what's my lifestyle to do the work that i love depending on the profession beautiful thing about the generation of people in their 20s i think we call it the peace corps generation because they have a heart to serve the community even if they have different belief systems different faiths there's a heart to serve it's beautiful this is the ramsay show [Music] have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of ramsay advice in their life let them know about the ramsey call of the day podcast it's a quick hit of advice about life and money in under 10 minutes check out the ramsey call of the day podcast wherever you listen to podcasts [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host thank you for joining us america open phones triple eight eight two five five two two that's triple eight eight two five five two two five ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today number one best-selling author and host of the brand new book that we have launched pre-sale on from paycheck to purpose the clear path to doing work you love again triple eight eight two five five two two five joseph's in kansas city hey joseph what's up oh no i think he's taking my call sure how can i help i i have a career question with a life insurance side question uh the question first of all is how do i transition my long landscape business from a one-man operation where i do all the work to one where i make the sales and supervise the jobs that i sell and i can give you as much background as you'd like yeah well i mean if we simplify it you've got to train people to do what you do to the level that you do it and it may not be exactly that but pretty darn close to where there's trust transferred from two from two entities trust from you to them to where you actually go do the things that you need to do for the business because you have trained them and you've seen them do the work and they're doing it and then trust from your customers that they're not seeing you out you know in their yard or around doing the landscaping but they see other people and they see results at the same level you've been doing them i mean that that really is that simple that means you're going to have to train but then you're going to have to let somebody go and do it and show them and be patient and find people that really enjoy working outside people that enjoy doing the kind of work you enjoy doing joseph when i've heard the first people i hired um 25 years ago i was stupid i was so dumb i thought if you hired people they would like work and stuff yeah and i've had to learn how to lead and how to delegate and work on my business not just in my business as my friend michael gerber said in the book e-myth and um [Music] so the the the thing that i learned about what you're doing which is delegation from a leadership standpoint you're going to delegate some of this work you're going to trust these people with your brand with your reputation with your customers where you made all the customers happy the chances of them pissing them off you're trusting all of that right the only way you can do that intelligently is exactly what ken just outlined and that is the way you can delegate is you have to trust the people you're delegating to you have to trust their competence or can they do the work and their integrity and you cannot delegate and you should not delegate to someone until you've trained them sufficiently to trust their competence and their integrity and it takes a little time now it doesn't take a lot of time to delegate get me a cup of coffee that's a pretty basic level right i need a cup of coffee i'm in the middle of something and somebody else goes and gets that that's a delegated task do they come back with the coffee we can measure the results uh are they competent do they have integrity did they lie three times along the way i mean people can screw even that up right and so um uh you know but but now you're saying we've got a we have to complete lawn lawn care and that's probably going to be with you still riding the tractor at first and you're riding with the cruise you're now heading up a crew and then you find your lead guy in the crew that can lead the guys to do the work at the level you expect and then you can step back and do that again but when you delegate to someone just because you hired them and gave them a title and you and they have not proven competency and integrity that makes you stupid and i was stupid i did that stuff and i screwed up some stuff man i had to pissed off customers because i thought if i hired a guy to do that or a gal to do that they just would go do it that's how dumb i was and you it's exhilarating to say you can't expect what you don't inspect yeah that's so good you know and i would say this too that that uh when you're training those people those clients are going to see you out there training that's going to help create a checkpoint list this is what i expect i showed you how to do it but this is what i want done and then i would stay the face of this so you're going to sell for new clients but i also want you to stay as the face of customer service for the new clients so you're not out there cutting lawns and doing all the stuff but maybe once a month you show up and go hey how's everything going and i think if you do that you're still focusing on the right thing so you're still checking the job for quality yeah make sure you know i've got a buddy that owns i think they're running six trucks now uh in the lawn care world and he's got gps on everything he knows where all of them are at all times yeah so if they're parked at the gas station for two and a half hours um when they're supposed to be cutting he knows what's going on right and so you've got you've got ways to check and to follow what's going on you can check the quality of the work and you have to constantly do that the rest of your life but the more that they've worked for you and the more they've proven themselves the more rope you can give them the more freedom you can give them because you trust heavier their competence and their integrity hold on we'll send you a copy of the book entree leadership we outlined some of that in that book and it'll help help you get there and uh of course the way you do that is you've got to get enough accounts going and it sounds like you're right there that you need the help and you stay the first thing you do is you staff your own crew and then you then you put a leader on that crew and then you staff another crew that's exactly right so it's as simple as all right i'm going to do most of this i'm going to get a sharp young man who wants to work hard i'm going to teach them i'm going to get them started i'm going to run over three streets over and i'm going to get the next one started you can get a couple part-timers you know you just ease into this because your reputation is as dave said once you hire somebody and you put them on somebody's lawn that's your reputation it's not just their reputation so uh one thing i want to tell you to anticipate is you got you know i hear this a lot at entre leadership events i'm blessed to speak at those for ramsey solutions we hear this a lot i can't find anybody it'll do it well that's not true you've got to ask yourself why do i like working outside what what about this kind of business got me into it find kids like that because they are you know some people just don't want to be around a bunch of other people right they want to do that kind of work we hired a guy a long time ago in customer care this is a great story he came to work and his third day here he just stood up threw off the headset and went running out to his car and left and when we called him we're like dude where did you go we went through all this hiring process and everything and he goes i just i just realized i can't work inside that's right so well i mean when you were interviewing we like told you it was in a building and stuff right yeah yeah yeah i just can't work inside i just can't work inside so on one hand we appreciate his honesty he didn't handle it the best way well you've been nice to know upfront yeah that we do our call center inside yeah yeah well first of all there's a great clue if you love working outside with tools and being outside don't take a call center job it's not for you yeah oh that's that was great i mean he truly we thought he we thought a family emergency or something happened oh sure stood up sliding the headset down on the desk and went running out to his car just disappeared he'd had enough yeah just after three days two and a half days [Music] this is a hard place to work we're inside and stuff yeah this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend blinds.com is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to blinds.com and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] so [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five we were laughing going into the break about the young man running out of the building i can't work inside well at ramsey solutions we're hiring for inside jobs i want to point out they're before dave they're all in the side they're all indoors [Laughter] so here's the deal we are trying to shake up this culture and we're doing a pretty good job of it we're trying to disrupt the way people think about careers with the ken coleman show most people hate their jobs and ken's on a mission to stop that most people retire broke i'm on a mission to stop that most people wallow in debt i'm on a mission to stop that i want to make the credit card the cigarette of the financial world where nobody wants to do it anymore it's not cool anymore because it is that it's killing people but uh it's a problem we want to disrupt if you want to be part of something that's pretty serious disruption oh we'd love to have you if you want to join the crusade you know about half of our thousand people are technology people because a lot of our products are digital products obviously so we've got software engineers with experts expertise in ruby on rails java c-sharp front-end technologies ux designers seo people content folks data engineers data analysts and we need all of them we're hiring about 300 people this year to add to our thousand and if you want to check out the available jobs tech and otherwise it's a high-tech environment which means i absolutely do not understand what most of the people who work for me do no but that's um that's part of it but um i do understand uh enough about their competence and their integrity to delegate to them yes and to their leaders who do know what they're doing so that's good so to find out all the available jobs text work to 33 789 text work 233789 right here at ramseysolutions.com you can jump on there and find out as well tom is with us in lima ohio hey tom welcome to the ramsay show hey dave and ken it is an absolute honor to speak with both you you too sir how can we help okay so i'll just give you a breakdown of where i'm at um and then i'll get to the question i'm 19 years old getting married next year i have a hundred and eighteen thousand dollar net worth and here to break that down for you i got fifty two thousand in non-retirement eleven thousand in roth ira twenty five thousand in savings twenty eight thousand dollars in a paid for truck two thousand dollars in a paid for car and i have zero debt of any sort wow how did you pull all that off at nineteen um i mean i guess i would contribute most of that to my grandfather he introduced me to his show about two years ago and he's just helped me out between him and you guys just a lot of inspiration there and a lot of working hard in savings well you do for a living i'm a welder okay what kind of money are you making i'm making about 55 000 a year at 19 years old good for you when'd you start welding um i started welding i'm in a factory whenever i was 16 through a school program i'm working second shift after i got off school and then as soon as i got out of high school i went full time fantastic there's a great story dave of the trades you're a stud yeah i love it how can we help you sir so my question here today is my grandfather's farm um he is 72 years old and he's uh getting closer to finally admitting that he's ready to retire and slow down a little bit so he wants to sell me the farm i'm about the last one in the family that's interests in it the farmer's worth about 1.1 million dollars and he's asking 500 000 for it and then there's probably roughly a hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment that i would have to purchase off of him over time he wants fifty thousand dollars down and he wants to do a uh land contract i think is what it's called um at the minimum required interest rate of 1.2 percent over 15 years so i guess my question there is i want to make sure that this is a good financial decision for me if this isn't going to be too much for me to take on with getting married next year and wanting to start a family after that the farm brings in about 30 000 a year so after that the actual mortgage payment so to say on it would only put me at about 500 to a thousand dollars a month out of my own pocket and i would plan on tackling that way faster and hopefully having it paid off in about five to ten years do you want to be in the farm business yes not welding this is what you want to do well i want to own the farm like i still want to keep my day job of welding and then it's about a hundred acre farm so it's i mean grandpa's always just done another hobby he always drove trucks over the road full time and then farm too so that's kind of what i'm wanting to do is just have this as a a way life i guess um so i guess the question would be is you know i guess based off these numbers that i don't know it's just a lot to bite off i want to make sure it's not going to put me in a in a bad predicament where do you live now you're living with my parents and yeah i still live with my parents until i get married next year how much is your wife going to work outside the home yes she's going to bring in about 45 000 so that would be a hundred thousand dollar household income and then i'm currently in and you're going to live on the farm business you're going to live on the farm yes it has a house on it yep okay probably about uh 17 or 1800 square foot brick ranch home okay and what's the rest of the family say about you getting this at 50 discount i mean they're all on page for it so over the last year we've had a lot of family meetings where grandpa sat down all the kids offered it to all of his kids first none of them really spoke up as interested but you're getting a 1.2 value for 500 yes okay all right yeah and he offered it to all of his kids nobody wanted it nope no i mean none of them really i'm i'm taking it i got to make one adjustment there's no way under the sun i'm doing a land contract okay they're dangerous let me explain what a land contract is it's called a contract for deed the deed is not in your name you have a contract that gives you the right to the deed when you pay the property off if before you pay the property off the owner of the property were to get sued and have a lien placed on the property they would not be able to transfer the deed to you even if they wanted to your grandpa falls asleep at the wheel and hits somebody head on and they sue him for 500 million dollars for a wrongful death you lost your farm and it wasn't your fault because it was never in your name don't do that okay or your grandpa dies and all of a sudden his children's memory of the fact that they didn't want this farm goes sideways and the property's not in your name it's a contract now with an estate that is now in dispute because your uncle lost his freaking mind when he found out you bought it for 500 instead of 1.2 yeah and this has never happened in any family right say it again i said this has never happened in any family yeah i'm sure the property goes into your name or you don't do the deal and it's called a mortgage then it's not a land contract okay it's an owner finance mortgage on the terms that you outline and then no one can take it from you as long as you abide by the terms of the mortgage and if you don't then you could get foreclosed on by the estate which will be the owner of the mortgage your grandpa's estate when he passes is who you will owe the money to okay and then you go out there and take all the ot you can get and bust your butt and pay this thing off that's a plan because it scares the crud out of me but there's so much that's right here that i'll overlook a couple things that are wrong i will not overlook that land contract i would beg and plead with you not to do a land contract okay i think i outlined all the risks clearly didn't i yeah i do believe so [Laughter] tom you're a strong young man yeah that's a powerful place to be at 19 years old uh you're biting off a really big chew here yeah i'm a little nervous about it yeah it's a lot of chew it's a lot of hobby here's the thing that's what he's saying listen to me it's in his name that's true four years from now you're right it's a nice asset you can sell it for 1.5 but you decided you're right i love it if it don't if it don't work out it's gonna work out that's true it's good real estate this is the ramsey shaft [Music] [Music] so ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage athena is with us hi athena how are you hi dave how you doing better than i deserve where do you live i now live in fort worth texas all right well welcome to nashville and all the way up here to do a debt-free scream how much have you paid off 93 317 and 60 cents love it and how long did this take 33 months to the day whoo you were kicking it what was your range of income during that time i made uh 70 change jobs took a pay cut and ended up making up to 78. okay that'll work good for you what kind of debt was the 93 one car and student loans wow okay so what happened uh three years ago that set you on fire um well i wasn't really on fire for the first year and a half made my first job out of college kind of messed around with my money had a little fun with it was like i worked really hard for this i deserve to have a little fun with my money um moved to orlando ended up pulling your book back out that i purchased while i was on an internship in 2017 read it took some notes in it put it away what made you pull it out it was on top i don't know it ended up being a god thing i packed up my everything moved to orlando and when i opened the box it was on top ah it's all shuffle the deck thing pretty much um read through it again took some notes put it away and then 2020 happened and i said well i'd been saving up for all of these things these fun things that aren't going to happen so what do i do now um pulled the book out again read through it and said well we're gonna kill it we're done scorched earth okay so the uh a little bit of wandering along the book keeps popping up and uh what month did you go to complete uh defcon 10 or whatever i mean where you just went crazy what what was that in the middle of covid yeah uh they said a year ago yeah they sent us home in march i've been working um from home turned on your radio show it ended at five o'clock and i knew i could get off at five o'clock uh started listening to it the book popped back up and i said well beginning of april and then a year later so the last 14 months of the 33 have been game on absolutely i paid off double in the last 13 months than i paid off the first yeah so you didn't do anything you just paid off debt yeah yeah you pretty much finally got there okay wow very cool how old are you i'm 26. oh wow fantastic good for you what'd you get your degree and i'm curious a mechanical engineering with a minor in economics and did you go into that right out of school i did yes are you still in engineering i am yes yes you have a very bright future too and we're having a good time with it yeah good that's awesome very cool what was the hardest thing you did because you said you didn't do anything but you also made some tough sacrifices to be able to do that in 14 months what'd you do what was tough the hardest thing was to realize that this wasn't my money i was making it i deserved it i was having fun with it but it had already been spent wow like i had already made that choice that's good depth there that's good and that that hit me like a ton of bricks about june last year i was like well what was the weirdest thing you did that your friends all gave you the eye roll for um the weirdest thing i did was actually do um [Music] the ramsay plus i went and i took these courses and i was telling a couple of friends of mine hey i'm you know i've run out of things to do you can only watch so much tv and so i started taking a financial wellness course and they looked at me and they're like you need a financial wellness course don't you make too much money to have problems i was like no we all have different um issues that took all the money i was saving for a family vacation we were planning to take overseas said well they're not going to let us into their country anyway right now and threw it at my debt wow wow and now you're free absolutely you're glad you did it absolutely i actually will be finishing up my six month emergency fund at the end of the month and it's dif everything is different yeah how's it feel um shock it feels like shock you don't really know what you're doing until you start putting your money away to make the next payment and then get the letter that says congratulations you know here's the check for the overpayment you made of one cent [Laughter] cost us 16 to generate this check yeah wow good for you what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt now that you've had the book pop up and you went through financial peace university at ramsey plus you've done it all what's the key to getting out of debt um the key that i've been telling people and you know the few people that have asked me is um we want to to do what you did and it's like you're not going to do what i did your journey is going to be different from my journey which was different from all of these people that i listened to their debt free screams on the radio you know i did it on one income you know you just got married you have two incomes or you know it's going to look different but that doesn't make it wrong okay that's good yeah good insight yeah very well done good job very proud of you who are your biggest cheerleaders i have to say my biggest cheerleaders where my sister two wonderful mentors alex and josh and my wonderful boyfriend here drew um who looked at me and said you're kind of crazy but uh we're here for you like what do you want to do what's going to make you successful we want to see you do this i love it that's great that's really good now that's an interesting thing dave so when you said they looked at you like you're kind of crazy they're like i'm not sure you need to you're a mechanical engineer you don't need to be this gazelle intense they didn't use those words but that's essentially the emotion am i understanding you're right yes and yet they still said but we support you and i think that's important you know people who they may not see it but they're going to at least support you yeah that's important because not everybody's going to see this yeah you've got to have community this is very counter cultural yeah way to go good for you proud of you excellent job hero yeah took control of your life you got a bright bright future ahead of you you'll be able to do anything you want to do after you've done this you climbed the mountain well done well done we got a copy of the legacy journey for you that's the next chapter in your story because you have changed your whole legacy and a copy of the total money makeover you can give it to someone it'll just keep appearing in their life until they finally do it it's like a bad penny it just keeps showing up i love it america's greatest largest coaster for coffee tables everywhere i love it she just opened it up to your faces right there total money makeover there it is again it just pops up it's just just a reoccurring theme so well done athena we love it fort worth texas 93 000 paid off in 33 months making 70-78 count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one i'm dead [Applause] [Music] that is absolutely fabulous now what's key here is uh and sometimes people miss this stuff because you some of you watch the news too much and you you need to turn it off it's a bunch of crap amen but um all you hear about millennials and 20-somethings is how they're all uh participation trophy avocado toast eating no ambition living their mother's basement useless and you know we know at ramsey that that's just not true because of two things one is we see them on our debt-free stages every day we have these 20-somethings that show up they're just amazing that kid 19 years old a few minutes ago calling in here absolute amazing young people mature way beyond some of you that have your lips stuck out you're 55 years old somebody smacked that scowl off your face and um they're just unbelievable yeah and we know they're amazing and we've also got a building full of them and we don't hire people at ramsey that aren't rock stars and that don't care deeply and that aren't excellent at their jobs and they have a tremendous work ethic and they're the easiest to interview because there's only two kinds of millennials awesome and sucks and so they and they'll just tell you i don't really want to work much and i want to know what your benefits package is well you suck your next interview you know i don't you know we want somebody here that's going to work yeah and we want somebody like her that's fired up and wired up man whoever hired her they got a jewel oh rock star this is the ramsey show [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today as we answer your questions about your life and your money luke is with us luke is in kansas city hi luke what's up hey guys good afternoon thanks for taking my call sure how can i help so i travel through the midwest selling building materials in four states missouri kansas iowa nebraska i drive my own vehicle and the company gives me a vehicle reimbursement program as you can imagine i drive about a lot of miles about 40 000 a year and certainly have racked up the miles on my personal vehicle my question is should i buy a second vehicle exclusive to work travel only and separate the two since they do give me so much money a month well the the misnomer is that the money that you get for vehicle reimbursement all has to be spent necessarily on vehicles that's not true it's just part of your income and then you just have this unusually large expense associated with your job which is uh gas maintenance and replacement of a vehicle you destroy the value of every two years and so that's correct yeah you've got a budget for that if you want to get a it's not a bad idea to get a second car but the reasoning for that is not that they give you so much money because they really don't give you so much money after we factor in the loss in value on whatever you're driving because whatever you drive you destroy it value-wise that's right and so um yeah what i always tell road warriors is that it's a business expense and the goal with business expenses to do the minimum expense thereby maximizing profits and so the less we spend on car the more money you have and how do we how do we minimize the damage done to your finances with you being on the road all the time and so my formula is you buy the least vehicle least expensive vehicle that will get the job done in quotes now let me describe to you what i think get the job done is in this situation if i spend 40 000 miles a year in a car it's going to have a it's going to be a decent car that rides well i'm not doing that in a in a you know a freaking dodge neon okay because you'll be in the chiropractor uh you gotta have something that's a decent decent ride because you're in the car all the time okay so that's part of get the job done the second part is it has to obviously be reliable but you don't take a sixty thousand dollar vehicle and go destroy it you take a twenty thousand dollar or fifteen thousand dollar vehicle and go destroy it and then you figure out what you know what that does and uh um and every two years or every three years however you want to do it i mean 120 000 miles 80 000 miles you got to roll that thing over and do it again but you've lost every bit of the value during the time you drove it uh and that's just that's just part of your reality and that's okay it's like it's like you own a heat and air company and you got four trucks on the in your uh fleet going out and calling on houses it's part of your cost of doing business so but you want to limit that you don't go buy a you know 150 000 service truck if you're in the heat and air business and if you're smart anyway and so that that's how i would do it and now okay so now we got a 12 000 or a 15 000 whatever okay you call it whatever you wanna call it i don't care it's got reasonable gas mileage it's uh reasonable comfort and is reliable now do we spend some more money on something that sits in the driveway most the time that is my quote real car unquote that i don't plan on destroying and if you want to do that either way you're going to pay cash for both and both of them are going to go down in value but obviously the one on the road is going to go down the most and the fastest and that's how i look at being a road warrior in that anything we've got around here we do the same thing you're amateurizing the expense uh you know another example in our world is we buy we spend a lot of money on computers around here a thousand people they've all got a computer and uh you know what that computer's worth in two years nothing oh boy wow nothing and dave is okay with that it doesn't bother me there's no problem it's a door stop after two years yeah it's like ah something else comes out and the same with this stuff you know i got what two million bucks in a stinking studio you know and all the wires and the electronics and the spaceship it looks like you're in there running nasa or something and you know it's probably got a five year shelf life wow and uh so you just gotta look at that and go okay stinking stuff is gonna deteriorate the electronics don't deteriorate but the the stuff that they plug into on the other end becomes obsolete might i make a suggestion dave to see if you like it i'm opening myself up here okay all right so we're talking cash we gave this man advice it's got to be cash uh maybe he gets a uh maybe he gets a a car that runs but it's an older car a classic car and the value doesn't go down he's on the road monday through friday and when he's driving around on the weekends it's is i'm just saying that he's he's in his car gea maybe like yours yeah yeah that car is going up in value each year it's nice and it runs not bad i'm just saying that my 1960 corvette's actually going to go up in value but there's very few things that go up in value that have motors and wheels yeah very few things and they don't go up much no it's not like you're going to no this isn't like real estate and it's not got you know neither one of those cars have the creature comforts of the modern vehicle yeah that's true there is no but it's not a horrible idea is what i'm asking not about i don't mind i'm saying hey if you take that you could have a little cool the weekend just something find a tool around in a weekend ride yeah you know but it's not your quote daily drive no yeah that's not a bad idea but again you don't want to spend 100 grand on that oh no you can't have a lemon and this is you got to be smart about this purchase yeah in terms of i mean the purchase price doesn't have to be that it's no no no it's a it's a driver so it's not a museum piece so it's a it's an interesting world but yeah you the thing is you're going to lose the money on it yeah so alex is with us in austin texas hey alex welcome to the ramsay show i pushed the wrong button didn't i alex is in austin texas hey alex how are you hey thanks for having me i thought i was the one that messed up no that would be me you would think after 30 years of radio i could push the right freaking button what's up okay so i am 25 i have 18.7 000 left in a student loan and i recently took a new job well in in may and my previous company i had a bunch of rsus some stock that i had and that's about 16 000. i've read you know numerous things i don't know if they've been from from iran's or elsewhere that were kind of advising against selling stocks to pay off debt and tax implications and all that so i kind of just love your take on that because i could see uh sixteen thousand dollars and probably two more paychecks and that that's going so yeah well you did not read from ramsey the anything that we wrote that said don't sell stocks to pay off debt because we always say sell stocks and pay off debt so quite the opposite and our issue is a restricted stock unit is it still restricted no these are all uh mine now yeah so you're fully vested and you can turn them off and it's it's 16 000 worth and it makes you almost debt free yeah i'll do that by like in the next two hours okay immediately don't hesitate do it be done with it because here's the thing let's pretend you had no debt would you go borrow on a student loan to buy restricted stock units no of course not effectively that's what your balance sheet says okay you understand what i'm saying yeah yeah absolutely so as if you kept them it's as if you bought them again using student loan money to do it because you should have sold them and paid off your student loans so all those other articles you read were wrong yeah that's right yeah by the way restricted stock units folks are in initial public offerings this is a brand new startup company and uh which makes this particular company by definition volatile yeah and so uh you what you do is you get out while the getting is good because everything doesn't turn into apple on facebook i'm just saying three words cash out baby that's it i'm done and then you're debt free with another couple checks that's huge that's fun and he there is another in mid-20s and so you know it turns out the stock benefit was a blessing fantastic blessing but we're gonna use it wisely that puts us hour the ramsey show in the books we'll be back with you before you know it stay tuned [Music] hey it's kelly associate producer for the ramsay show this episode is over but if you heard about an event product or service and didn't have a chance to write it down don't worry we list everything you've heard about during this episode in the podcast show notes section or head to theramseyshow.com thanks for listening [Music] this is the ramsay show you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five dean is with us in pullman washington hi dean how are you feeling good how are you better than i deserve what's up well first i just want to say it's an honor to talk to you um i have a question regarding a piece of scripture and then wealth and you probably definitely know it but it's in mark 10 and he talks about that it's easier for a camel to enter to the eye of the needle than ever expand to enter the kingdom of god my question is what is your advice on how to take that verse into account when establishing a life and investing and essentially building wealth um yeah what's your advice on that well i appreciate your question i'm gonna send you a copy of the book the legacy journey and i unpacked the rich young ruler at quite length there but i'll give you a radio version of that story because it's something that comes up a lot these days um the concept being obviously a camel cannot go through the eye of a needle which means if you just take that exact scripture exactly the way you read it um then rich people are not going to heaven right right right well this is a bit problematic uh from a practical standpoint for two reasons one reason is this if you make 39 000 a year which is uh about 40 of the uh or about i'm sorry about 60 of the average household income in america you are in the top 1 of income earners in the entire world yeah so if you live in north america and you make 39 000 a year if you take that scripture the way you presented it most people listening to this right now are going to hell well that's a little absurd when you think about it okay number one uh so we kind of have to then we have to pan back and go okay so what's wrong with the equation that i was using to look at that what's wrong with this well number one in the in the first century following christ there was a group of heretics called the gnostics and the gnostics believed that and there's still gnosticism uh in the world today the gnostics believe that anything of um of substance anything of material was evil and only the spiritual was holy uh so things like fill the you know filthy money that kind of thing came up then and anything that anything had to do with wealth anything that had to do with owning a shirt anything that is physical is by definition evil even they thought their own bodies were evil uh where our scripture in evangelical christianity believes that uh that god you know is blessing us and loves us and created good things for us and living in abundance now the big deal with this is the gnostics were heretics because they believed that you could not go to heaven if you had material goods much like we were just discussing now why is that why is that heretical why does that make you a heretic if you believe that because those of us that are followers of jesus believe that the blood of jesus at the cross jesus sacrifice when you believe when you believe on that that you're going to heaven whether you were a murderer before whether you were a prostitute before or even a rich person before yeah that the bully but if the blood of heaven is good enough to get a prostitute or a a murderer into heaven and it's not good enough to get a rich person into heaven that is heresy follow me yeah because you're breaking down the work that was done at the cross now we're having a very biblical christian discussion here but it's a very biblical christian question and so it's the only way to address it now let's go back to that particular story and pan out just a little bit because you can take a single line of scripture and completely create a toxic movement over it if you don't take it in context and so pan back a little bit let's go back to the whole story number one where did this occur it occurred in jerusalem jerusalem was the home of the spiritual elite the pharisees and the sadducees and if you were a rich young ruler you were by definition part of the religious elite if you were in jerusalem now if this had occurred in galilee he might have been a merchant but the because the merchants would have been the wealth holders there but since it occurred in jerusalem we know by definition from historical fact that he was a part of the religious elite which jesus by the way had very little use for if you remember and so he walks up and says good teacher what have i got to do to enter heaven and the good teacher says you have to keep the law and he said i've done this since my youth which of course is impossible no one keeps the law of pause completely but and so that was an arrogant but statement yeah okay but jesus plays along and says okay now that you've done that let's prove it sell all that you have and give it to the poor and he goes away with his head hung low because by the way the wealth that he had gotten he did not earn the wealth that he had gotten had been given to him because of his status in the religious community and he went away with his head hung low because he was a person of great wealth jesus turned to the crowd and said it's harder for a camel to get harder for a rich man to get into heaven that is a camel to get through the eye of a needle right and that's where it is now here's where the magic happens not magic here's where the answer happens you keep reading you keep reading and the disciples then are amazed they were amazed that rich people can't get to heaven and jesus turns and says no one does no one gets to the father except through the son so this was not a teaching on wealth is a prohibitor to heaven this is a teaching on grace that the only way to him to the father is through the son and that's what that's what that's what bible believers believe but then what happens is people either a uh they have an extra grind they're jealous they have problems they're socialists they're whatever they are and they want to get in and figure out that that somehow christianity is inconsistent or are full of hypocrites and they pull one line of scripture out of the story out of historical context and out of the context of what jesus was actually talking about the reason the story is recorded is because of that final line where jesus looks at him and says one way yeah to the father through the son yeah through him and even even the rich people yeah so that's the answer to your question dean so then it becomes okay who what are we called to do as believers we are called to manage not to own we're called to be kind and generous we're called to do good with the money that we take care of first step is take care of your own household first are you worse than unbeliever scripture and then you work your way through and you're supposed to manage things for the good of the kingdom if you are a believer and that's what you're called to do and so last time i checked poor people aren't feeding hungry kids this is the ramsey show [Music] life is full of firsts [Music] as the first and longest serving christian health cost sharing ministry chm has shared medical expenses for its members since 1981. we believe you should have the freedom to focus on your health while being supported by a community of believers giving you the opportunity to create many more firsts [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones a triple h 825 522 thanks for joining us we're glad you're here melissa is with us in seattle hi melissa welcome to the ramsay show thank you very much hey what's up um i had a question on what we should do first um so we have everything paid off besides my car which we owe about 10 000 on which we should have paid off within the next six months and then my student loan which is massive always massive to me and um so i'm a stay-at-home mom and my husband's an electrician and so he works for the union where even though he personally has an experience they do come in these periods where sometimes they don't have work for periods of time so my question with that is should we save after we pay off the car should we save towards that 10 000 in case something like that happens or should i just knock out the student loan debt [Music] what's your degree in health information management how many kids have you got four got a house full what ages one to thirteen wow whoa you are a busy lady okay um what does he make um all together met with um the va benefits that he also has we get about 90 000 net ninety yes okay and how much is your massive student loan eighty eighty okay all right with a ten thousand dollar card debt that means you need ninety thousand making ninety thousand to be debt free with four kids and we have a son who's uh in going to private school two which we were kind of cornered into because of the washington state laws that have been passed recently i'm not aware of what you're talking about um basically we did not we were kind of cornered into putting him in private school because we felt that the public school district has become very unhealthy teaching kids they should not be teaching and my son was being bullied as well at school um because he's a christian [Music] okay and how much how much does private school cost under a little bit under 8 000. okay all right so if we said uh 30 000 a year that'd be pretty aggressive in your situation in debt reduction you'd be debt-free in three years okay the more unstable your husband's job is the more you would push pause on all of this and pile up cash but i don't think it's that unstable i think it's just unpredictable yes and the most he's hasn't worked since he started a couple of years ago was two weeks but then there in the history of the union there was guys who didn't work like in 2008 where they didn't work for a year yeah in which case you'd go get another job yeah melissa i'm curious about this too if you guys sat down and discussed union versus not union electrician opportunities for him even in the state of washington um his union there he will not make what he makes where he um where he is at i mean the they make over 60 an hour free insurance um our union the employers pay the insurance great pension there's no one that's going to touch what he makes okay all right has he actually shot it or is that just what the union told him no that um so right now he's an apprentice so he's getting a percentage of that but once he is licensed in two years he will be making that and that is what they make for everybody and um yeah we get great insurance that's completely employer paid um he's not gonna and they're one of the best in washington yeah how open is he to doing uh side work as well whether it be electrician work or any other kind of handiwork because he's got more talents than just electrician yes and actually we used to own our own construction business but i know he's been trying to work a lot of saturdays as much as he can good um and he is okay doing side work um he can't do it with being an electrician because it's against the law in washington okay like how long has he been uh how long has he been out of work what's the longest he has been out of work two weeks and how long ago was that last november okay all right and you can't eat on a thousand dollars in two weeks yes you can okay so i'm gonna say i'm gonna stick with the baby steps and i'm gonna put you on a scorched earth budget and he's gonna pick up all the extra he can work you got a thousand dollars in the bank in case he's off for two weeks or in case some other little thing comes up two weeks is not gonna kill you and um you're not gonna be out of food everything's gonna be okay and um if you see a long layoff coming he needs to change jobs because because your family can't afford for him to have a long layoff and then in the midst of that you guys start really beating the snot out of this debt and i want you debt free in three years a hundred percent debt free in three years that's that's the schedule that's 2500 bucks a month for three years and you can do this but i'm telling you you got your hands full with four kids you got a lot of stuff coming at you right now a lot of different issues that you outlined in this call and uh so there's a certain amount of grown up stress with what you're dealing with and i think you can do it though i really think you can do it and it's what i would do if i were in your shoes because i think the best life for you three years from today is to do what i just said versus something else and i mean you can have a pile of cash sitting there if you want it's not what we teach and the only way i would teach a polycash sitting there is if you have a a a high probability that you're getting ready to lose your job in which case you need to change directions on the union versus non-union direction because i can promise you that there's a there's a housing boom in seattle and uh you can get a job as an electrician and um you're pretty much feeding me the union line back yeah when we're asking you about this yeah good insurance good insurance good insurance 60 an hour you can't make anywhere else only he doesn't make 60 an hour and he doesn't average that if he gets laid off for six months so um i'm not i'm not anti-union but you just can't you know you gotta you gotta assess the entire opportunity here compared to being non-union and then decide which one i'm okay if he wants to stay union but you can't you can't have it both ways you can't go oh it's completely unstable i'm freaked out but it's the best job in the world right and let's be very clear a qualified electrician that is in a non-union situation can eat all he wants to eat it is an all-you-can-eat buffet right now out there as far as work goes so i would i don't know that you can't make more than 60 an hour if i was trying to get out of debt and i was an electrician i mean you can make up some ground right now and that's not going anywhere absolutely absolutely brandon is in uh detroit hi brandon how are you i am well how are you guys better than i deserve what's up all right so i am a full-time nurse and i started a business called photos and what this is is i go into restaurants take professional pictures of their menu items post them to my website foodphotos.com and give them qr codes so their customers have direct access to these pictures now i am having a very hard time getting my information in the hands of restaurant owners why and i've tried multiple ways one going in and trying to speak to the owner the person at the front door shoots me away second approach go in eat their food take pictures of it talk to the owner or a manager and show them what i do and show them how i can make their food look amazing and they say okay we'll take your information and i never hear from them again i am told that it'll cost between five and ten thousand dollars for a consultant oh bullcrap hold on a minute we'll talk to you after this break that's cray cray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're talking with brandon in detroit he's got a side hustle where he's taking pictures of restaurant food putting a qr code for the restaurant customer at the table to be able to look and see a picture of the food when they get ready to do their order having trouble getting restaurant owners to buy in brandon do you ha and he had a ten thousand dollar offer for some consultant which is bs um to do advertising for him meaning that the guy made one sale him um the so brandon do you have any customers at all i do i have three customers okay uh what what price point medium high end low end right now uh i know how covet impacted the world especially the restaurant industry i am an instagrammer with a few thousand no no i said how how expensive is the food at the three that you have middle high low okay i see okay it is low to medium okay so those guys know other guys that are their competitors and friends and will make a phone call for you if you ask them to ken has a book called the proximity principle and there's more that happens with relationship hands off than cold call walking in the door cold call walking in the door you're gonna get thrown out by every angry 21 year old hostess in the world you're gonna get booted by the maitre d every time but if you can get a couple of these guys to call a couple of the other guys and that'll open up everything for you hold on we're going to have kelly give you a copy of the proximity principle i wish i had time to completely unpack and do a full business plan for you i think your idea is cool uh but we are on a schedule around here we have trains to catch and people to take care of so sorry about that on the law in the lobby of ramsey solution on the debt free stage matt and sammy are with us hey guys how are you how are you so here to do a debt free screen where do you live green bay wisconsin love it love it welcome to nashville how much have you paid off we have paid off 56 000 in 10 months good for you and your range of income during that time range of income was uh 75 000 to 109 000. excellent okay good what do you guys do for a living we're restaurant uh managers actually funny to see you yeah yeah um so um i'm the general manager of a buffet chain restaurant actually and she's the assistant general manager of the same one we do oversee a couple other restaurants as well and then we had some side gigs of health coach um we decided you know we need to do something about our way especially you know being in the restaurant industry it's so easy to eat all the food all the time so we were like let's just you know jump in let's join a program and lose some weight so we did that and then we joined decided health coach as well which was great for us because it was extra income yeah and then we also did doordash we would do that together frequently wow what kind of debt was the 56 000 it was a college degree and then two car loans all right so what was the wake up call 10 months ago that made you decide hey we got to do this a lot of it was i mean there was we had a credit card and every month it was two thousand dollars and and it was like where's where is this going you know what is it um so we were just like we got to figure something out so i put the credit card down started envelopes and within envelopes i was doing i saved eleven thousand dollars in five months and i'm like holy cow so done with the credit card we just started doing cash for everything and it was crazy to see how much money we could save up so quick and that's really what opened my eyes a lot yeah um when uh when i graduated college um student loans came to and i was paying 900 a month and that just made me stick to my stomach yeah yeah i guess so it was wow ouch yeah so then you connected with us how um i listen to a radio show in the morning and they they always talk to oh dave ramsey this you know you gotta you know save up all your money and you know use it on your debt and then save it for this and i was like they talk about this guy kind of a lot maybe i should look into him so i was like let's just look into him you know search your podcast and i didn't turn it off um you know it was on all day i went to bed listening to it i woke up and listened to it i listened to it as much as i could during covet you know with the restaurant we were closed for dine in so i was in the kitchen i would listen to it in the kitchen i'd try to get other staff to be like hey check this out you know so it's just crazy to see what what can be done you know when you when you put down your credit card and really just use cash i mean you knocked this in the head in 10 months that's that's that's 5600 bucks a month making 75 to 100 that's rocking it yep and four four years ago we actually had a hundred and one thousand so we paid off total 101 000. wow wow how's it feel to be free so good you know it's it's still pretty fresh but it's it's just great you know i wake up super early now and it's like 8 a.m i wake up i get up out of bed before she's out of bed and i'm like hey it's it's payday i get to you know just pay off that loan or you know now it's like i get to put this much into our savings you know it's just exciting to see what we can do now versus before it was oh i got to pay the loan which was exciting but at the same time it's not hours anymore you know now it's growing in this bank and it's just like oh my goodness so it is really cool to see that great job guys very good job thank you yeah you know i i see you two and you could see just the smiles and as you were sharing the story about all the different things you did doordash i mean you guys were doing everything how important is it for couples to really get on the same page not just in the concept of the budgeting and the baby steps but i mean getting after it together because you both were getting after it hard why is that so important well it's important i mean because you can't do anything alone you know there's a few months where we were doing things differently because you know we weren't 100 connected in it yet um you know there was times where i was putting you know i was paying this and then we were going out to here and it's like well we didn't do nothing helped there you know so at one point we're like we need to figure this out together um and once we did that it just took off you know 56 000 10 months is is not something that happens on a mistake you know you are intentional doing it you know and we always reminded yourself we're doing it now so we can live like no one else later yeah and that is really what motivated us to continue yeah that's a great that's good that's very good live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else you guys are amazing i'm so proud of you thank you rock stars very good they're absolute heroes they took control of their lives how old are you 28 27 and not even 30 years old debt-free how does it feel to be free again free i love it well well done we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you that is the next chapter in your story for sure you've changed your whole legacy way to go thank you very cool and we've got a copy of the total money makeover for you to give away to someone and help them start their journey and get them moving you never know where it's going to come from whether it's the morning show guys talking about us or what's going on how about that that's pretty cool i'll take it every time man thanks green bay we appreciate you our affiliate up there is awesome that's very cool good stuff very very good stuff all right it's matt and sammy green bay wisconsin 56 000 paid off in 10 months making 75 to 109 count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three [Music] [Applause] that is fabulous well so well done so well done absolutely fun you know there's always a story about hard work and extra income and uh the good news is right now in america it's available everywhere there's a shortage of workers yeah it's unbelievable time day for people to actually uh switch people are paying more than they would normally pay to attract you if you're talented they're offering increased benefits such as signing bonuses tuition reimbursement or in some cases full tuition uh and i'm always struck by every time we do a debt free stream i've yet to hear one where there wasn't an increase in income through the journey i love that we always look at that and that speaks to what you're talking about the hard work they see the prize it's so sweet to look through the glass and see sammy's tears because there's hard work there there's accomplishment there's sacrifice and so the tears are tears of joy because of the accomplishment it's worth it every time when you when you leave it all on the field and you break through the tape on the finish line yes tears of jewel that's worth crying i'm just saying that's right i cry every time i do that and to be finished just happy to be done yeah i'm just so happy to be here it's so true this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] so [Music] our scripture of the day matthew 6 20 and 21 store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart will be also robert louis stevenson said don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money mitch is with us mitch is in phoenix hi mitch how are you i'm great james good what's up so um i'm a smaller uh general contractor i specialize in uh small to medium large uh uh commercial construction projects and um one of the things we've been having trouble this last year's cash flow a big time with you know with delays and material and just labor shortages like everything just cash flow and it's been really hard to try and catch up um we've been we've paid off a significant amount of debt over the last 18 months even through all these issues but still are having cash flow problems and one of the solutions my wife and i have been kicking around and it's kind of bittersweet is to sell our house to help out with the problems we've been having and we you know we're and so yeah okay if you have a labor shortage then you don't have money going out for labor how does that create a cash flow problem well we're pushing and large commercial projects we can be out anywhere from 60 to 90 days worth of labor so yes we have a labor shortage um you know which is causing us to not be able to hire the amount of employees we need to do the work so it's causing me to go out in the field instead of doing my job in the office if that makes sense but that doesn't cause cash flow problems um you're right it's it's putting out the money for 60 to 90 days so but you're not putting out the money because the people aren't working because there's a shortage okay well i i i misspoke i apologize i'm just i'm trying to understand because that's just okay so uh but but what is happening is your contractors are jerking you around more than ever yeah well no so we're subservient so we're general contractors specializing in we're sub for all intents our purposes so we subcontract we do um we do millworks construction and door and hardware is what we specialize in but we're a general contractor okay so you go and you inside but you go and you install millwork and doors and then it's it's 60 to 90 days before you get paid yep yeah so and that's the way it's always been that's the way it's always been and it got worse during covid because of the banks weren't coming these are all bank finance projects so they're anywhere from like okay so i'm back to my point your contractor that brought that brought you in to put the windows and doors in is jerking you around because the bank's jerking him around jerking his client around and they're so they're throwing you out another 30 or 45 days beyond what your business model used to be yeah you know as you know they say crap rolls downhill yeah it does and so your problem is your house isn't going to fix your price that's right that's exactly right and like you're you're completely right you have a business model that you have a business model that's broken yeah okay so you are going to have to quit taking bad business and bad business is business that does not pay on time okay now you have a broken business model and so you're gonna have to go contractors who are gonna jerk me around who are not gonna pay their bill on time are not gonna get my services because i would rather do nothing than work for somebody and not get paid on time and get my tail in a crack yeah and and it's gotten better dave like no no stop it you're getting you called me up to sell your own home to fix this business model problem now you're defending it well i i agree i guess i guess the amount of equity in the house was just a a thought process what it is your trip my problem is you're treating the symptom not the problem yes yes yes and and i think you're also ignoring how much leverage you have mitch do you not feel you have leverage i mean they need you to get the job done there's a reason why you're in business because contractors aren't doing that work am i right yeah and and there really is and like and like i said it it's not like every project's that it's like we've come off a significant amount i just told you you've been dealing with bad ones and good ones you need to fire the bad ones and your cash flow problems are going to go away call their bluff mitch if they need you as much as i think they well 50 percent up front yeah 50 depositor i don't show up yeah because you've not been paying on time that's exactly right you've got more leverage i just changed my terms with you there's cash on delivery yeah because you don't pay your bills or don't don't i'd rather not take the job take fewer jobs make better margin with people you want to work with they pay on time that you know say no that's that's that's why i'm calling in but i i also was trying to you know maybe find a way to help pay off past debt you know from the business and be able to have a safety net you know i mean to be able to take those hits you know i don't want you to take those hits i want you to turn this business model over where they take the hits not you yeah i listen i've got a friend that makes that'll make a million dollars net profit this year on a remodeling company he does residential remodeling if you want him to come into your house and do remodeling do you know what you have to do fifty percent up front before he sets foot on the dadgum job yeah he's not he's not he's not cash flowing his customers needs their cash flowing their own needs and he's simply executing the work but he's demanding oh and by the way he's a phenomenal contractor yeah the work gets done and it is pristine and he's making bank here's the deal mitch i'm just going to shoot you straight uh you're in one of the hottest real estate markets in the country in what is one of the most historically high opponents real estate yeah yeah no pun intended and you have leverage you need to start acting like it dave's exactly right you need to man up and just tell these guys stop screwing around or i'm going to hold your doors or i'm going to hold this i'm not going to do and you go find somebody else who's not going to do the job that i'm going to do this has to stop today it has to stop yeah i got a 50 million commercial project going right on the hill right here right now and i'll guarantee you if i don't okay i'm the customer and i've got a commercial general contractor up there doing it and when we sit down and do pay and it's 2 million bucks if i don't write that check you know what happens to work up there it stops that's exactly right and that's not because they're bad guys no it's our deal yeah i'm they're not they're not my bank yeah and i'm not i'm my bank yeah and the their job is to build stuff not speaking up you're you're playing banker here yeah and and so you know you've just gotta you need to cut out about 10 of your customers and they're causing 90 of your problems yep and then the other uh on about another 15 or 20 of your customers need to be taught new tricks yeah and you don't have to be a jerk but you can be direct i don't know you could be direct and go hey look this stops it's not it's not being unkind it's just going this is the deal that's right my buddy is 50 percent up front he's not a jerk no he's a kind he's a wonderful man he's a craftsman but um but you but he's not working for you unless you put the he's not your bank yeah and don't tell me the banks are flush with cash right now no no no no no they were jerking people around during covet oh drink coke they they were not the issues they were sitting at home with their thumb in their ear instead of going to work and they were not issuing checks on these construction loans and so the construction loans were not going out to the owner yeah and and the construction and then the owner wasn't paying the general right and the general's not paying his subs but that's not the he's right crap rolls downhill and it rolls downhill from bank of america that's what it rolls right so uh because there's a big load of it over there to roll downhill so um but that's just you know that's the way that that that actually was happening yeah it's not now but here's the thing you got a general contractor that's doing a 50 million dollar project he's got some bank he'll find the money if the door is gone trust me you he's got so much leverage you you're you're let's sell your house i want you to throw your shoulders back and strut around a little bit more so seriously oh man you you got the stuff you're you're on the driver's seat more than you think you are please don't sell your house to fix those people's problems please don't do that please please don't you may want to sell it for other reasons but don't do it for that reason can call me good hour ben and kelly great hour that puts us out of the ramsey show in the books we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace christ jesus [Music] this is james childs a producer of the ramsay show you can listen to all our shows with the ramsay network app on your smartphone browse by topic or even sync clips to your friends download the ramsay network app in your favorite app store today [Music] you
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Full Episodes
Views: 33,463
Rating: 4.84375 out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Id: -d6stk0eP4o
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Length: 121min 15sec (7275 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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