If you hear this noise in Minecraft.. delete your world.

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Wow it is been a while since we have done something like this it's definitely a new beginning going into the new year with a video relating to this which is a creepypasta video taking a look inside the creepy world of Minecraft the scary side usually minecraft is very pleasant fun game that many people enjoy with utmost joy but however sometimes it can get dark scary and fearful welcome aboard to a brand-new Minecraft video if you're new here this the first video you've ever seen I recommend subscribe enable and postal vacations by ringing the bell many to go ding what that's going to do is notify you of every future upload throughout the course of the year and yeah it's gonna be a great asset and ensuring that you get all the creepy uploads deliver to your sub box now on top of that usually people like to read the comments at the start of these videos so if you can't scroll back up just slightly and hit that like button that helps out a ton basically hitting a like button not only recommends this video to other videos on YouTube but it allows me the Creator to know that you want to see something very much so similar to this in the future so what are we doing today well as the title suggests it is very odd I've been hearing Cave noises above ground now what in the world I mean that sounds weird admit I kind of want to think that's creepy what do you mean you've been hearing cave noises above ground well that's exactly what we're gonna talk about today in today's creepy pause the video now I'm gonna go get an axe because why not but I'm gonna go over to this forest this is a random world that I generated up but as every campfire tell you need a campfire right so we're gonna go ahead and start up a campfire to kind of go into this creepypasta because this creepypasta was not written by me it was something that I found on the internet by an individual but I think it is really interesting and here's why in this I quickly skimmed over it seems to have some stuff to do with some certain cave noises that I have made videos on in the past that are very creepy now before we dive into this story what I do want to kind of go over is my experiences with cave noises and how I feel about it well first and foremost cave noises in Minecraft or not it's never been something that I deep friendly at all ever since the youngest time that I can remember while playing minecraft I have to say it has been creepy terrifying to say the least and time and time again I hear these noises and I remember the first time I heard like a a scream I don't know if you guys know about the the weird notorious like scream that you will hear sometimes in Minecraft in the caves it does not sound normal ehsan's anything but normal and let me tell you it is creepy right so I remember hearing that for the first time and I was a wall and now later on you know I investigated the sound more about the sound files in the game and some of the cave sound files legitimately had faces in it and weird messages this is coming from Mojang and I remember when I first felt that and I felt like the weird faces and messages in the sound files of the actual game I couldn't help but realize that all the creepy encounters and weird things occurring in Minecraft such as hero Brian and the creepy worlds of relating sword very much so I validated the real and there's definitely a hidden agenda and like creepy nature to Minecraft and we see it all the time with disk 11 what is the whole bizarre deal with disk 11 like to this day many are still trying to figure out the mystery of disc 11 although I feel like we pretty much cracked it in some of the previous videos it is so so weird I'm so glad to be talking about some of the creepy sounds in Minecraft again today because it gets weird and weird fast but let's go ahead and not waste your time you we could set the mood a little bit time set night there we go and let's talk about this weird creepypasta that apparently someone's been hearing cave noises in the most unexpected places so let's begin chapter 1 basically goes I was busy putting the finish finishing finishing the one you got this finishing touches on my school and my server when I heard a cave noise it was odd I was nowhere near a cave let alone a pit in the ground I decided to pay it no mind though I was within maybe 32 chunks of a small cave so I kondeh expected it when I finished my school I stepped back to a Meyer Hanna I heard the cave noise cave to dot o GG the one that sounds like an angelic humming but more high-pitched and a tad bit distorted I looked around to see if there were any entities around me but no one was there I shrugged this was probably a small bug and there was really nothing to it I did however move a bit faster I climbed a mountain to see if there was any villages I could loot from when and out of the corner of my eye I noticed something shaved trees there were only trunks there was Leafs on the they were all gone and that was a clear sign of herobrine I didn't heard a cave noise that sounded like a deep low growl I went into my house but just when I was about 10 blocks away from me everything around me was pitch black I stumbled forward and nearly smashed into the door now basically I don't know if you guys hear that but there is oh my god creepy in demand get out of here sheep creepy Enderman around here dude I I don't like it a minute minecraft I think they're creepy I think there's some weird thing going on with inner mints as well which I've investigated so he definitely heard he heard two noises in that chapter my chew right he heard two noises one being cave two OGG which is the angelic humming kinda sound that is the best way to describe it literally but imagine hearing that thing but distorted and something sounded a bit more high-pitched and off on that dude it then turns from being angelic to demonic I don't like that I really don't like that but if we take a step behind that furthermore he hears a low growl now there is screams and growls throughout the caves and the weird thing about that is in Minecraft none of the caves for some reason have any like description on where these sounds come from right they just pop out of nowhere you have this creepy like I I don't know where these sounds are coming from but it's extremely weird and odd so I do believe there's another chapter so let's go ahead and go to that chapter - I peeked out the window in fear a strange figure moving about I saw outside my Kalin sheep had become horrifyingly disfigured and we're starting to hover towards me I couldn't believe what I see and I thought it was a bad dream but I was more awake than ever it was pitch black outside and the figure above the figure was a black hex code I strained to see what it was I finally did it I wish I didn't it had a lot of dead villager bodies and put him in a crude circle he had drawn and then lit it on fire thus killing himself okay so I'm kind of putting together what I read here essentially okay this is what happened you know he's sort of hearing all this right he then looks outside in his window and he sees a weird figure moving outside his cows and sheep become disfigured and then they start hovering towards him that is insane right um so he was thinking it was a bad dream but not it was pitch black and then there was a figure and there was a weird hex code above the figure so I'm guessing like his nametag usually when you're playing with a player like the nametag right apparently it was all like weird code something strange going on there and then he started noticing as I guess the area was lighting up that there was villager bodies just like dead villager bodies are around a circle and then the circle got lit on fire and then the entity ended up dying in the fire which is insane which it must be like some weird ritual or something right which could you imagine it's simply building a school in Minecraft okay building a normal school having a great time I love how this pig has been here the whole time too but like you're building a you're building a school you hear some Cave noises you're like you know what that sounds a little weird that's a little off I don't know about that right so you hear some cave noises and then that's it so you know yeah things just take a horrible turn okay you you're done did it okay you got yourself in a predicament and you're dealing with some weird entity that is killing villagers and dead villager bodies are everywhere like I can't even imagine if I spotted something like that I would legitimately be done with minecraft so kudos this part person if he still plays minecraft after this I was like jeez man that would just be a lot to take in I'm kinda cleaning up the area around here to kind of maybe add some more because I figure if you guys enjoy this right if you guys want to see more creepypasta readings to some people I used to do this way long ago before we even hit a million any of that type of stuff and people really seem to enjoy it so I figured I would kind of bring it back a little bit today and talk about some creepy pastas in the community because as you can imagine there's so many more surfacing and there's so much to talk about on these low bizarre weird stories and creepy pastas of experiences that people are having and there's just so much to go into so much to look at and I think it's really fascinating and I think we may end up finding secrets about Minecraft that we never even imagined and that's why I like diving into this stuff a little bit so if you enjoyed today's video I urge you all to hit the like button that also lets me know that you want to see more videos similar to this one or just Minecraft videos in general helps me kind of distinguish the content where I should take the content in what direction we should go in in the forthcoming future and also one like also spares a helpless pig that is roaming around the entire video trying to get some attention and screen time I don't know why he has to but he has to but yeah put that aside that's it for our campfire till tonight perhaps we'll have another one very soon but thank you guys for all the love and support we're trying to deliver the content as much as we can a lot of times I'm traveling I'm doing all kinds of crazy stuff we also have merch okay if you want to buy your merch it's nice we got some really nice merch okay links in description for that and yeah I'll see you all let's go [Music]
Channel: O1G
Views: 1,022,527
Rating: 4.6244974 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Scary, Creepy, Minecraft Videos, Videos Minecraft, MCPE Videos, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Scary Minecraft Worlds, Scary Minecraft Seeds, Minecraft World, Minecraft Seed, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Mobile, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: u8WRue54rnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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