"What musical piece do you want played at your funeral?"

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Hello hello. Today we have a very experimental and different challenge / game video. Musicians, we're often interviewed. And it's funny, 'cause it's always talking about music. Well we thought, what if we could do an interview where the answerer cannot answer in talking. They can only answer by playing a piece of music - on the violin. - WHOA! No justification allowed, you just gotta think 5 seconds and play something. And 10 questions each. Eddy and I will ask each other questions that we come up with on the spot. We haven't prepared any questions, so this will be very spontaneous. Scissors paper rock, see who goes first. (both) Scissors, paper, rock. (both) Scissors, paper, rock. (both) Scissors, paper, rock. (both) Scissors, paper, rock. (both) Scissors, paper, rock! Alright. I'll ask you one first. What piece comes to your mind when you think about your first love? Oh that's nice. Dude, there's so much pressure! - Yeah... - Wow, that was hard! No justifications. Go figure. What does it feel like when you drink bubble tea? It's the wrong nationality, but... - It's the feeling that counts. - Yeah! Next time I drink bubble tea... What is... your favorite... piece of music? - Brett: Noo... - Eddy: Gotta pick one! What the [beep] was that?! So much pressure...! - When a musician's forced to pick one piece. - Yeah, musicians forced like, "AHH!!" Betrayal! What piece would you like to hear at your funeral? Oh my god! Change it up. Oh my god!! Um... If you go over 5 seconds... You'll lose. I CAN'T!! Okay. Okay. It's Debussy's Sonata. Go figure. Dude, this should be a game. You got 5 seconds, if you can't play one, you lose. Alright, okay. From now on. Eddy: What piece of music comes to your mind when you think of... Elon Musk? WHAT? What?? WHAT??? - Why?! - I just didn't— I needed to play something in 5 seconds. - Well, no justifications. - Yeah. What is your brain thinking when you go onstage and you get shaky bow? There you go. What's your least favorite piece of music that you had to practice? Ohh... That you hated practicing. Piece of music I hated practicing. - AHH! - Five! What is that again? Beethoven's, uh... - Oh, Sonata! - Yeah. Alright. I know why. What would a virus sound like? Oh, my god! Four! Three! Two... That's a virus?! It's a plague! - Brett: Yeah, it's a plague! - Eddy: It needs to be stopped! Brett: It needs to be stopped! - That was a good one. - Oh, that was good. If you had to depict what it's like to think, what piece of music would you play? - That encapsulates... thinking. - Thinking. Oh durr. Now we know what's going on inside Brett's mind. What would a dog... dog's poop taste like? Three! What the hell?! I don't know! Dude this 5 seconds is killer. What would you— What piece of music do you want to play in your, at your wedding? Five. Four. Fair enough. Dude, I thought of a different answer for my funeral. - You had Debussy. - But it's too late. If you had to pick one piece to play for the next G20, what would you play? Oh. What... is your favorite... piece to play in orchestra? Eddy: Nice. It goes on. - Nice. Good choice. - That was a good one. Good choice. I actually kinda agreed with that one. What was the piece you screwed up onstage that's the most memorable? Oh, easy! Oh, memories. That one stays with me forever. What is... YOUR biggest screwup piece? Okay, um... - Eddy: Whose turn is it? - Brett: Your turn. Brett: Oh, my turn! My turn. What's a piece you don't want to play for the rest of your life? Three! Two! One - Paganini Caprice. I don't mind not playing that piece for the rest of my life. Oh, there are so many I don't mind not playing. Eddy: Yeah...! What is one piece of music you think more people should discover and listen to? Originally written for flute! - But Oistrakh thought it was better on the violin. - Ooh! What is one song you wish disappeared from the face of the earth? That's a good one. I don't want to offend anyone, but I can't justify my reasons as to why I say that, - so I'm just gonna leave it there. - Yeah. Exactly. That's part of the game. - Part of the game. - Yeah. Just trust that I have reasons for that. Yeah. Might not be the music itself, you never know. Yeah, you never know. What piece of music could you eat if it was a food? Oh...! Five. Four. It sounds like coffee. Yeah. Like warm, milky... Yeah. Oh! If you ever meet an alien species, what is the first piece you'd play for them? Ooh... If the aliens ask you, "Show us what you've got." Ooooh! In Area 51. Five, four, three, two, one! That was the recording that Arthur Grumiaux, was sent up in the... The satellite. The satellite, Apollo... Whatever they sent, 40 years ago. Maybe it's already communicating. We don't know. Alright, last one. If... you were to meet the love of your life today, what piece of music would you play? Five. Four. Three! Oh, too much pressure! Two! One and a half! One! Zero point five - I can't think of anything! It's confirmed. Brett has alien fetish. Oh, god. What would be the last piece you want to play, for the rest of your life? If you can never touch violin again. Five! Oooh... Four! Three! Two! One! Nice. Nice. Sibelius, second movement. All right! Hope you enjoyed this episode. Did you think about why? Besides the 5 seconds rule. Comment what you guys think. We were thinking, actually. We'll be curious to see what your thoughts were for each piece. And also, what you think. - What you guys have for your pieces. - Mhmm. Guys, thank you! Please like and subscribe. See you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,086,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, piano, orchestra, interview, questions, jazz, daniel thrasher
Id: cuAUy3z_-XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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