Among Us Christmas

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(suspenseful music) (sleigh bells ringing) (Shiloh gasps) (Elijah gasps) (Mary yells) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. She's about to report it. (Shiloh inhales deeply) - [Everyone] Where? - Someone drew mustaches on our family Christmas card. (group gasps) - This is worse than the year when mom had us wear matching PJs. - Guys, I think someone is trying to steal Christmas. (group gasps) Does anyone know who's sus? - Everyone should know that red is not sus, he's all jolly. - Oh, so it was cool when he wears red, but not me? - Yeah, he looks like Santa Claus. - I say in the spirit of Christmas, we skip. (group chattering) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We actually have no evidence, let's skip. - [Everyone] Skip. - Mom has us at the Christmas cabin and we need to get our tasks done before Christmas. Also, there are three new roles. - What do the roles do? - I actually don't know, but I know they're Christmas-y. (group grunts) - And, there are three imposters. - Imposters during Christmas? That's worse than getting socks for Christmas. - I like socks. (upbeat music) Nobody starts singing any catchy Christmas songs. ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la, la la la la ♪ - Isn't it great? (upbeat music) - It's snow! - David? What are you doing in there? - It's snowing, snow is falling from the sky, it's beautiful. Ah, snow angel, snow - - He really loves snow. - Gotcha. - Ah-ha. (upbeat music) - David, we need to do our tasks. - You can't make me. (David laughs) - Are you safe to hang the Christmas lights? You're not gonna fall, right? - Please, I think I can do my easy task of hanging up Christmas lights. (Josiah screams) - Did you hear something? - Nope. - Odd. (upbeat music) - For Christmas, I want a snowboard and a baseball. - I'm not actually Santa Claus, I'm the Santa role, which means I have a special task. So if I check my list twice, I unlock a special power. - Wait a minute, if you're not Santa, then how do you have a tiny elf helper? - I'm not his tiny helper. - He's an angry elf. - Okay, my task is make a Christmas list. Huh, okay. That's easy. Why is it 11 months a year I know exactly what I want, but when it comes time for Christmas, I can't think of anything! Gift cards. ♪ Do you wanna build a snow man ♪ - I'm doing my task. ♪ Okay, bye ♪ - Be honest, how's it look? - kinda like a cat with giant gloves on did a really good job. - How's mine? This task is so easy. (upbeat music) - Remember, we all have the task to put a present under the tree. - Well Josiah, that'll be mine. - Micah. (Micah shouts) Why'd you draw a mustache on me too, I look ridiculous. - I thought it was funny. - We have to work together on this. - Wait, we're both imposters? We've never lost as an imposter team. And I know just who to throw out first. (Judah chuckles) - what are you doing? - My task said make an ugly Christmas sweater, so who do you see on it? - That's weird, I just see you on it. - Huh? I see me too. Dang. (upbeat music) - There you go. - Thank you. Oh no. (Mary screams) - You're a mean one, Mr Grinch. (Micah clears his throat) - What are you doing? - Nothing. (upbeat music) - Back in the hot tub? Hey, this is nice. - Do a random act of kindness? Oh. Britney, your hair looks slightly better today than it does most days. - Mm, thanks? - Check. - That was not an act of kindness. - Yes it was. - And our task is take a family Christmas photo. (camera beeps) - It's going, okay! That camera way, that camera way! I don't know what to do! (Josiah and Elijah shout) (camera snaps) - Okay, now I'm start- What do we do? I don't even know what I'm supposed do. Where'd the trumpet come from? - It's for the photo! (Elijah shouts) (camera snaps) - We both look horrible. - It's perfect. (upbeat music) (Bella shouts) - Micah and Shiloh are the imposters? - Well, we're gonna lose. - [Everyone] Where? - Someone bit off all the heads of our gingerbread cookies. (everyone gasps) - No, not my ginger brothers and sisters. - Okay, I have a plan. Who here likes eating gingerbread cookies? Well, there goes my whole plan. - Guys, we're actually doing really good with our tasks. Like, we're almost done. Let's just do our tasks and win. - [Everyone] Yeah. - [Everyone] Skip. - Shiloh, they're almost done with their tasks. - Are you ready to use your role, Mr. Grinch? - I'm the Grinch that stole Christmas. (upbeat music) - Oh, Britney. I got you stick of salami. - Thanks, but I don't really like salami. - Maybe, but it sure was random, right? And an act of kindness? - That doesn't count. - Oh, come on! (upbeat music) (Micah gnawing) - You get socks. Ugh, those are hideous, deleted. (Micah grunts) Now, to the tree. (Micah grunts) You know what? Actually, you can stay, it's really heavy. (Micah grunts) - Did the Grinch just steal Christmas? (upbeat music) (Elijah gasps) - Somebody undid all our tasks. - I can see that. - I'm gonna use my power. - What? - I'm the Jack Frost role, I can turn down the cabin's thermostat. (thermostat clicks) (Elijah breaths heavily) (Josiah sighs) - B-but now no one can do their tasks. - But I can get all of mine done. ♪ The cold never bothered me anyway ♪ Wait no, that's Elsa. ♪ We wish you a snowy Christmas ♪ ♪ We wish you a snowy Christmas ♪ ♪ We wish ♪ - Hurry up. - Whose role is this? Whose power is this? ♪ We wish you a snowy ♪ (Elijah breaths heavily) - Heater is back on! - I did all my tasks. - We still have to push the button. - Oh right. - Whoa, you wouldn't throw out one of Santa's little helpers, would you? (William shouts) (horn honks) - Aw, I can't believe they threw out one of Santa's little helpers. - Give it a rest. - Anybody notice all of our tasks have been undone? - [Everyone] Mm-hm. - (indistinct) - Okay, on behalf of everyone here, I have no idea what you just said. - And someone got out William. (everyone gasps) - It's Teddy. - Whoa, why would it be Teddy? - 'Cause look at his eyes, they have the look of an imposter deep within. - They're button eyes. - I vote Judah. - Me too. - I think Judah's right. - I say we skip. - Me too. It's a tie. That means it comes down to you, Britney. - Britney, have I ever unjustly accused someone before because of something silly? - All the time. - Well not this time, okay Britney? I just need you to trust me. (David shouts) - [Everyone] Ooh. - We missed. - And Teddy was an imposter? - [Everyone] Yeah! Woo-hoo. - You were the imposter? - I knew. I could tell by his eyes. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, guys, guys, guys. Does anyone have the slightest idea of who the other imposters are? - No, no, not a bit. - Okay guys, we have to do our tasks faster than the imps can undo them. - Right, right. Go, go, go, go, go. (upbeat music) (crash noises) (upbeat music) - Hey Britney, thanks for voting out David with me, maybe you're not so sus. - Aw, thanks Judah. - Yes, task completed. (upbeat music) (Micah sings) (Micah grunts) (upbeat music) - Well this house needs a remodel. (bat banging) - They stole all the presents. - It's impossible to win by tasks. (dramatic music) But I still have my power. - You checked your list? - I checked it twice. - Oh no. (dramatic music) - Why me? - I now have the ability to change one imposter from the naughty list onto the nice list, turning them into a crewmate. - But we don't know who the imposters are. You'd be taking a wild guess in the dark. - We have to. As we speak, the imposters are gonna be hunting down our crewmate buddies. (Judah shouts) (Britney shouts) (grout shouting) - Who knew Christmas could be so stressful? (Judah shouts) (dramatic music) (Britney grunts) - Oh. - Ha. - Ouchy. - Wait, what if you use your Jack Frost powers and freeze everyone to find out who it is? - No, 'cause when I use it, everybody looks the same, cold and shivery. Plus, I've already used my button push. - Okay, who to pick, who to pick? Who to pick? (Judah shouts) (Judah shouts) - Wait, what if you go push the button? - There's no time. Who to pick, who do I pick? (group shouts) - Pick Bob, write Bob. - We don't know anyone named Bob. (Mary laughs) - You're right, I don't know anyone named Bob. (group shouts) (Judah shouts) - Who's the one person I want on my side? (dramatic music) (Christmas bells ringing) - Let's get him. - Why haven't I been thrown out yet? (horn honks) (Micah gasps) - Someone threw out Britney. Oh no. - It's Micah. - What just happened? (Micah shouts) (upbeat music) - Uh, I was an imposter that turned into crewmate, can I join you guys? - Why not? Tell the Grinch he can come on in too. (Micah sings) - Cheer up, it's Christmas. (upbeat music)
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 20,022,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us in real life, among us christmas mod, among us imposter, in real life, christmas, christmas 2021, the grinch, irl, if everything was like among us, among us new role, among us mods, among us mod, among us new map, new roles, among us grinch, christmas comedy, among us but in real life, real life, among us irl, among us skit, funny among us, funny, funny among us moments, real life among us, imposter in real life, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros
Id: w-k0KC78n5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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