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Hey guys, Squidward got a new job. That's right, today we are playing 6am at the Chum Bucket Which may seem really similar to a game we've played before- we've played 3am at the Krusty Krab But today, it's Squidward's turn- look at him, with his bike and his...angry face >:( So apparently, Squidward is tired of Mr. Krabs' nonsense and he's gone for a job at the Chum Bucket Now, 6am doesn't seem to be as scary as 3, but I guess were about to find out. Let's hit new game- there's an endless mode but we're going to hit story mode and see what happens- I have no idea Look at that bike I wish I had that bike. Look at it! *laughs* Oh my goodness There it is, the Chum Bucket. Is Plankton gonna be inside? Oh! C to crouch as well I love the look of this game, even though its like super basic I love this game These styles of games This is normally our home, but today, were abandoning it And we are going to the chum bucket- what- what is the worst that could happen Right? I mean, Plankton has good intentions, he just doesn't always pull them off the right way But let's see, what's inside? *laughs* *Dan's reasonably acceptable Squidward impression* Press F to turn on your flashlight- Ay! It turns out Squidward now has a claw... impressive- Why is it so dark here? Hello? Plankton? So, so, this is what's on offer We have the uh... Chum Burger, Chum Fries, Chum Shake, Chum on a Stick, Chum Balaya, Chum Chili and Chum Pie Warning, Consuption of Chum may or may not- oh jeez... Okay.. Yep, don't eat Chum guys, don't eat Chum Office, Kitchen, or Order Uhhh...is anyone here? This kinda looks like a bank, not a fast food joint... Umm...office? Oh Is Karen in here as well? Plankton? Karen? Oh, plan 749 We'll trick people into eating chum disguised as krabby patties, Bahah! Isn't that...every one of his plans? I think it is Anyway, let's continue I need- oh no *shocked dan lol* Is he squished? Is Plankton been squished? No... NOOOO! *laughs* I shouldn't be laughing, but that's hilarious Plankton what happened? Objective: Leave the Chum Bucket. WHO DID THIS TO YOU??? WHO DID THIS, WAS IT THE HASHSLINGING SLASHER? THE SLASHBRINGINGTRASHER???? You know what I mean I'm not sure it was...I don't think he'd do a clean swoop And if he swatted him his uh.. what is it called? The patty flipper, there'd be some marks on his face.. and there aren't Oh my goodness, Plankton's dead, or just squished I think he gets squished like this a lot...so I don't think he's dead Just uh... incapacitated at the moment. Leaving the Chum Bucket seems too easy... I-I'm gonna go to the exit, but I feel like that's going to be a bad-a bad thing It's not gonna be that easy, is it? *shocked dan face again lol* Oh no Who's here Who's here? Who's here- lets go through the kitchen Oh this is cool Find a way to turn off the alarm The kitchen, the restrooms, the laboratory and maintenance Of course there's a lab here! Are you kidding me? Uh...I think maintenance, so we need to go through here? Door control...It could be door control Ooh A panel Press E to use this contraption Pressing buttons... Oh! So this is kind of like the previous game but we don't actually know who is in here, who squished Plankton... The door to the lab has been unlocked Oh okay Not what I expected to happen But that's fine Let's close this door so we know that we've been in there What is that? I'm very aware- oh jeez.. is there a sewer again, or a basement? What is that? Are those wires? Yeah, those are wires So, we have the maintenance cupboard Keep out?!?!? Oh no Karen! Karen doesn't bleed... I need a silver key to open this door I reckon Karen is behind the whole thing (foreshadowing) She just fell over and her screen smashed Plankton onto the-onto the deck by accident Oh jeez Oh! Hello! What a good dog What a good dog- GOOD BOY GOOD BFFFSSF There is like hatches everywhere So peculiar And we still don't know who's here! Who...committed...the crime?!?! To activate these barricades-I need to deactivate the barricades so I can enter this room Ok Is there anything behind the doge wall? I don't think there is Ok... Where do we go now? Do we have to go into the "Keep Out" room? Do we have to go into the "Keep Out" room?!?! I think we do. Hopefully this is just patty sauce Hah! Oh my goodness This place is- eww Eww!! What is this? It's a broken piece of something Looks like a ski Is that a piece of- *mild jumpscare* What...was that? What was that? Did you hear it? *Poof* Oh no, someone's here What did you do? You've gone down to the sewers! Okay we definitely need to get down to the basement or sewers- AHH That was Karen... That was Karen! KAREN! You've betrayed me! :( Are you kidding me? Okay, so- I forgot there was this whole other way as well Let's go to the kitchen, let's find out the secrets, Let's see- what we need- to- to get out of here Why- Eww! Eww, what's in here? Is this sauce? Or is this the stuff that's sprayed all over the place? I- Oh no I found a silver key That's good- that's good news "Key inside...Maybe..." Probably should'a read that first How do I avoid- her, though? If I could pick this up, that would be amazing Could spatula that punk in the face "Order: Chum Bu-" Oh, okay there are just different orders... We could- thief, if we wanted to... I don't think we should... What about the restrooms... I can't exactly remember where we needed the silver key for But let's check in here anyway Oh no... Well, she- she- she's a female, she can't go in here... "Key inside-" No! Noo! "I made sure to add a drainage to the sinks, are you happy now?" That must've been a meme for a video "Key inside... Maybe..." Ah! *Throwing up sounds* *Muffled* Disgusting! He's not actually putting his hands in, he's just looking... I hope... I found nothing, fantastic That's great Um... I'm glad I put my hands in POO! Dare we enter the female bathrooms? Everything should be unisex by now, so... We're in And it's not- a bad- thing Another key- so there's another toilet, this one's glowing, though... What did someone do in here? Some kinda radioactive poop? Disgusting... I found nothing... Okay! Tip: do not search the toilets, it's disgusting... Unless someone's eaten anything useful, there ain't gonna be anything useful in the toilets Oh geez, she's in there I'm gonna close the door- I'm gonna close the door- I'm gonna close the door Aah! I can hear her disappearing as well I need to go to Door Control So let's open this- But be weary of noise... I've- I still don't know how to avoid her, apart from running away "The door to The Lab has been opened" good I think it was the lab that we needed the key I reckon she uses the electrics I'm not 100% sure... Oh, no, I can't get through here, where was that other door? Ah, it was here, wasn't it? "Maintenence" Oh no! Open Geez... There's a big orange minecart for some reason... What is this...? "The Breaker" Okay- I have no- experience- with any kinds of electronics, I shouldn't be let near any live wires 'cause I will be zapped- and I could potentially die... S-so we don't want that to happen We unlocked the "Processing Room door" We're unlocking all kinds a' rooms... Oh geez, he's close- "The power's already on-" I don't want the power on- Do I? Unless it's gonna go out at some point- Oh no... Oh no... Oh no... What did I open? I forgot what I opened... There's so much CHUM! Why does one man need so much chum? There's something dead in there, I don't know what it is- *Laughs* Oh, this is actually- slightly terrifying... There's nothing here! Just a whole load a' chum! Ooh, we can sprint! It didn't tell us we could sprint! Let's go into storage room two... Oh it was the processing room that we opened, wasn't it? "He's turning us into chum"?! No... Plankton wouldn't do that... He's a nice guy really... Right...? Right?! Oh no, I need to go past here- I don't want to get jumped, though... Processing Room is open... Open the door! I think I'm okay- Aaaoooh, what could be inside? Who are you?! And why are you all dead? Are they squids? They look like squids to me Or trash cans- Oh that's loud- Can you do it quieter please? Oh no, I can hear her- I can hear her- I can hear her- come on! "The door to The Labratory has been unlocked" sweet, okay *Poof* Oh no... The basement, why is there always a basement? You've been cleaver-ed in the face! "I'm not wasting my time going down there" Finally! Finally! A horror game that forbids you from going into the basement I'm so pleased The chum is blocking our way... And we need to get to the lab But I'm still- *jumpscare* Ohh nu-nu-nu-no! Go away- Go away! She's close- *Poof* And she's gone... Let's go. Let's go- let's go- let's go- I just wanna go to the lab! I feel at home in the lab! I reckon she's gonna appear there, I really do... I'm not sure why... But I really do- I- I still feel like we're gonna have to go down one of these covers at- at- soon C'mon, good boy, good boy, good boy, just keep me safe... Here's the lab... Oh my goodness... Spongebob! Haha, oh my goodness, it's from that episode! That's so cool, how do I get him started, though? Do I want to get him started? There's lots of 'ooh-juma-what's-it's' and buttons Let's press all of the 'ooh-juma-what's-it's' and see what happens I'm slightly terrified... Did it work? "Alarm deacti-" [Squidward:] Uh ohh... What... Is going on...? "Find the power box and turn on the power" *Slighty hard to understand* This thing, noo... Noo, it's got darker... I don't wanna- Oh no! No he's gone! He's gone! I know where the power box is, but... I- I- I mean, I've come across the power box already, but... I'm not quite sure where it was... I- I don't have the best memory... I guess I'm- Am I gonna follow him? What is that? The dog- the do- the dog is gone! Not the good boy! Not the- GOOD BOY! He's coming closer! I'm out- I'm out! I don't even care- close the door- close the door! Oh CHEESE! And you're down there, for real?! Where was the door open- thing? *Poof* Oh, did you just appear there? Was it in here? No, this is a kitchen! Not the kitchen! *Minor Jumpscare* Oh my goodness. *Chase music starts* No! Ah! Why are you following me?! No Nu-nu-nu-nuno Nu-nu-nu-nu-no Go away Go away! Go a-WAY! Why are you following me?! How do I get rid of you? No no no no no noo, this is a dead end! Why did I go in here?! This is where the breaker is- NO, DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME! I need to lock her in somewhere Oh my goodness, am I just gonna run towards the light? It's just- Ohh, it's just a mirror! I was scaring myself! Ohh, she can open doors! *Zap* Ahh ha ha ha! *Laughs* *Chase Music Ends* Why... Don't make me start- oh thank goodness, it didn't make me start again Right This is a problem At least I know where I need to go now I need to head to maintenence... And just do the thing Let's just do the thing, see what happens, oh my goodness... And then is she gonna chase us out?! Karen's been hacked Karen's been hacked! Ohh, you're KIDDING ME! There's two! There's two... I haven't come across another one yet Is it in here? *Jumpscare* AH What was that?! What was that? What was that? That was- that was evil Spongebob, wasn't it? That was robotic Spongebob, wasn't it? Don't- Step- On the oil- Note to self Where is the second breaker? I swear I've been in every room and haven't found it yet- Karen is close Too close- *Chase Music Starts* Aw she's found me She's found me- she's found me The breaker's there! *Poof* I think she's gone! I legitimately think she's gone! I don't know how- But she's gone! It's the second breaker- Don't give me another challenge! "Find the front door and escape" I'm actually terrified... I'm actually slightly terrified It's not gonna be this simple It's not gonna be this simple! Is it?! Is it?! C'mon! Yes! *Zap* [Squidward:]*Screams* [Dan:]Nohohohohoo Squidward, noo! The moral of the story is just don't take another job! *Laughs* Wait, what? Oh no, he's gonna be turned into chum! They're gonna- they're gonna grind him up! Squidward, just be careful, please Find a way to get out of here- how is this so LONG?! I'm red "We're gonna turn you into Chum, Squidward" And it's got- oh no... Oh no... I've got blood footprints as well, what did they do to me?! I didn't think it was gonna be this eas-EEE! *Roaring/sludging* Plankton, was that you...? Was that you? Ew, even Plankton's gone red and cannibalistic Fantastic Ah ah ah ah ah *Chase Music Starts* What?! Wh- Ha ha! That wasn'- that wasn't Plankton at all! Okay, I need to run straght, I think Um *Laughs* I'm just gonna run, I'm just gonna run *Roaring* *Chase Music Starts* I'm just running I'm just running He's behind me! Oh my goodness, where do I need to go?! I don't- I'm not taking any- any notes on where I'm going I just need to find my way outta here Where is- where is the door? I can hear his squishy fat feet behind me Oh no... No! Juh! It's so loud! It's so loud! I love the music, though. Secretely I love the music So the exit is there So I'm gonna go right- And then, right again- *Roaring* He's too fast! He's got no legs and he's super fast! Okay- We're gonna go straght this time- and see what happens Straght and then left Straght and then- Through here- Oh- Wait a second- We're back at the beginning! Nohohoho! *Laughs* I thought that was gonna be the end 'cause of the red glow... We literally went all the way back to the beginning, amazing I think that might be the right way, though. So we go straght- Nothing that way- And we- can we loose him this way? Oh geez I think we're back at the beginning- yeah, it's definitely not that way 100% not that way I feel like he's closing in on me. So we go straght- Then right 'cause we have no choice- And then... No! No, I got trapped! Maybe I went the right way first time- You will not turn me into chum, ya' Chum Buckets! So there's a door here, I guess we just take this one- Then go... Okay, left- Okay, here we go- Oh I'm in- YES! Yes, I'm in! I didn't realize I'd make it! What? I still need to run? Oh my goodness, Squidward is having the worst day ever! I- I can't remember the layout- *Roaring* Oh geez, he's coming, he's coming Uhh, left? Definitely left, okay, I remember it now- And then...straght up here Do I have to avoid everyone else? I do! It's just straght from here though, don't worry- Don't worry, you got this- The second time you can escape- let's go- Yes! Ha ha! Did I finally make it? Just run, Squidward, you got this! I'm not controlling anything Don't fall! Don't fall, you have suction cups, just get out of there You have like six legs! Just g- just go! "I escaped" Woo! I feel like I actually ran it myself That was unreal. Guys, that game was sweet, I loved that I love these kinda games like, short, sweet, but so entertaining. That was a lotta fun! Guys, if you enjoyed it, too, please do a big fat thumbs up, that would be greatly appreciated. You can check out the game for yourself in the description below, it's fully free. And yeah, play it. If ya brave enough! So yeah, thank you so much for watching guys, if you are new to the channel, and want to catch up with me and hang out with me every single day, then please do consider subscribing to join Team TDM today for daily videos, apart from that guys, thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you next time. Good-bye!
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,101,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, 6am at the chum bucket, dantdm 6am at the chum bucket, 6am at the chum bucket dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app
Id: 6A2LEzshwN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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