If my Friends Train Runs Out of Track... it's Game Over.

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hey everybody and welcome back to another multiplayer Monday this week me and the guys decided to try and take on a train themed challenge now that was it it was a very open-ended prompt it's just trains and we could do whatever we wanted so I decided to try and recreate unrailed in scrap mechanic now if you don't know unrailed I'll explain how this is all going to work in a moment uh but this was a very ambitious project I spent a lot of hours working on it and I can't say that the challenge necessarily went perfectly uh there are some issues with this build but I will probably be working on this in the future and perfecting it and adding more and more to this project now if you are unfamiliar with unrailed it's a very fun game where the train starts moving on the tracks and you just can't let it run out of those tracks so as the trade moves towards the ends of that track the player is going to be uh basically harvesting resources we have these really cool Stone nodes right here that we we can use to break apart like so and we also have these potted plants they're like miniature trees but we can break those as well and as you can see over here we have a shop now the shop is kind of central to the entire map normally in unrail it would just be a part of your train but I had to put it somewhere so at this shop you can either build straight peace tracks or you can press this switch and build a turn-piece track now at the moment if I try and build it I can't build it because I don't have enough resources it requires two wood and two stones so we can very easily break a little bit more of these resources here like so and go back to the shop now we have two of each so if we want to build a straight one or a turn one we just pick it we press that switch we have enough resources and there we go it builds us a turn track now I want to take a moment to give a huge thank you to the guide 920 for putting together a really amazing mod that allows for you to scan Blueprints and then spawn in those very blue print so as you can see we are able to spawn in these track pieces out of thin air so it's an amazing mod it made this build exactly what it is so obviously you can grab these tracks though with your weld tool you can grab them with your lift and once you've got it all you need to do is grab your well tool weld it to the existing track that you already have and there you go so obviously there's some different difficulties that the player could encounter at the moment I was balancing this entire thing for a a pretty fast experience it was very stressful but I was able to beat it but you can change the engine speeds to whatever you want to change the difficulty of it and obviously this will blow up if it goes off the tracks so that's pretty much all there is to it I hope you guys enjoy uh the challenge of scrapman and con going head to head and also working together to build this train system it's a lot of fun and if you don't mind me well I'm just gonna I'm gonna play a little round myself all right you guys ready yeah yep all right good luck in three two one go yeah and you guys are off and don't forget about your starter tracks there yeah you got your starter tracks that is actually very slow I'm happy with that speed I think are you it's not a bad speed yeah this is kind this I think I set this to easy mode there's like two different difficulties all right and I would say this is easy mode I'm not familiar with like with the the game this is that inspired this so I need the time to think about stuff that's good yeah I tried to I kept all of you guys separated from each other so your guys is strange sections [Music] oh you guys are good now are you it's getting better yeah it's better now okay good good all right you guys are making some moves here all right I oh I have this yeah you guys got your starter tracks there you got to use them wisely okay there we go I keep forgetting my inventory I keep scrolling to the wrong slot yeah you definitely want to uh like keep track of everything all right Khan is building some first tracks there oh it's two wood it's two yeah two wood and two Stone poor per track I'm trying to get those resources oh my goodness I'm glitching all over the place okay here we go yeah this might be a little a little ambitious of a build for multiplayer but [Music] all right look Khan going crazy with the tracks right now there you go and remember measure twice weld once yeah yeah you don't remember a story about that but yeah I think we all do six thousand times with a project I was working on at home and yeah I still got it wrong and then Cosmo was like bro you got to measure seven thousand times you know what that was that's right all right I need some more Stone all right you guys are definitely uh yeah you're going the Easy Pass you know what it's every time someone kills a tree is it yeah I don't know why oh yeah I think that's it if it is okay I mean it's nothing for me but I don't know yeah I mean I'm dealing with it if it's not too bad oh my goodness the train just keeps moving it does it doesn't yeah like not can you not right now okay so I think the thing that the tree is doing is it's changing um the colors of the blocks underneath it because it's glitch welded and if you break something that's glitch welded anything that's glitched will go invisible so it's it's a little bit of a workaround to that bug you need more oh look at that nice con grabbing that key easy I don't even know what keys look like they look like Keys scrap man are they just out in the open yeah yeah they're just out in the open yeah you'll probably see one eventually all right looking pretty good here oh my God my train is way too close to the end yeah it's it doesn't I mean remember this is set to easy mode let me just tell you right now this is easy but like I would have survived not easy mode okay that's yeah this is really it's really hit the track too you gotta really like go for a distance then yeah I was trying to go pretty far and then you go do some resource harvesting and then the Train's at the end already yeah and you're like oh no like you're like right there yeah I really did want to try and get the track building system on the train and stuff but I was trying to balance the size and the scale and stuff too so it was kind of tough you guys are doing good though honestly it looks like you guys are in a good spot uh this does look a lot like unrailed it really does [Music] any more tracks yeah you got to get your tracks I just don't I don't have enough tracks I know yeah do not look at this come on I feel like I'm never really I'm trying to get ahead of the train but it just keeps equalizing all my workouts yeah that's basically how it goes that's unrailed in a nutshell to be honest with you okay where am I and the train gets faster and faster it does yeah it just gets worse like it never ends I wanted to have multiple levels and stuff like that but unfortunately this took this took a lot of a lot of hours this this alone was enough work to get done oh I don't have enough all right scrap man you're looking good though oh my God the the tree glitching is wow yeah that's uh good to know at least I don't feel it I don't feel it though it's like it's good for you can I just go steal some of scrap man's tracks like they're right there are they right there you can reach can you my tracks what are you talking about he can see your tracks I could just grab with my weld tool you know you never notice oh well I'm not leaving any there I'm just taking them as I spawn them in all right I'm gonna get more track okay I need more track I will say that uh taking the path of least resistance like this in the easy mode is a lot easier than uh than the harder difficulty because I I was calibrating all this on the more like the harder difficulty and uh that alone was extremely stressful because you got to be like closer to the spawner I guess is that the idea like it's you well you just you have to be faster you just can't waste any time like it's so that you guys are clearing Pathways and stuff like that and goodness you you really run out of time halfway I'm clearing to get resources yeah you mean like the obstacles well yeah exactly some of the other obstacles that you've had to clear and stuff you don't have necessarily as much time right you guys are looking good though I think you guys are essentially uh I think you guys are tied right now actually um oh boy I need a I need a different type exactly attention to that all right what am I missing Stone you gotta get a little bit of everything [Music] okay uh I need to use my lift on this one because I don't know what the orientation is all right you guys are really close oh interesting oh there you go man I think speed wise our train should be at like the same they are they given our track choices it's like yeah it's a matter of what do we choose for our track you know exactly foreign it is getting closer it's getting closer all right let's see here I need this is intense yeah I was I was able to beat it on the harder difficulty like in my play testing but I mean it's it helps to have like the knowledge of the map and everything like that nice got some track going come on I think you're okay I don't have enough Stone well look at that there's some conveniently right there for you I know all right oh come here so one thing in unrail is that once you connect to the station your train just kind of moves along very quickly to the end but obviously that's not going to happen it speeds up you gotta do that meta where you like keep that last rail piece yeah yeah get all prepared for the next level for the next level I think I felt that you guys both broke a tree at the same time I felt at that time oh yeah that one was definitely bigger for me yeah uh oh no what do I need I need straight okay you got the scrap man you're doing good there you go moving there we go all right okay [Music] look at Congo remember technically no diagonal movements uh uh on is uh going aggressive right now how how do you go more or less well he's he's going for the keys he's going full key oh I forgot oh my goodness you haven't even seen any no I haven't been looking to be fair all right there you go Wow Come on good job oh Khan you're gonna yeah you I don't know if you have time Khan you're running out come on oh my train your train oh no you don't have any tracks left I don't have any track at the left you're going straight for it there's a straight piece oh wait I think oh I think it's not working wood yeah I hit a bunch of wood I'm not getting any more I need one more piece and I'm not getting any more wood is it not working it's not it's not logging the wood I think I don't know why but the train didn't detonate on your side con but it was technically uh yeah technically your train is that matters though yeah I feel like why aren't the trains blowing up right now the trains are supposed to have blown up do you guys want to try working together as a team and uh taking the harder difficulty on all right what's the plan here con how we doing this yeah figure it out who's doing what a bunch of resources I say we bring the track closer to the the right side here because I really didn't like having to run so far you think so don't forget this is up a difficulty now as well right this is going to be faster time to necessarily clearly I think we avoid all cardboard boxes so we go like we clear this we clear this because we're gonna clear those anyway we go around here you know then go up here and then we gotta go okay you're planning too much come back here the train is primed this time for explosives are you guys ready here we go in three I'll go I'll go two one go the train is off and remember this is a harder difficulty it seems fast already it's faster I didn't even look yet it's much faster yeah you will you you weld the first four tracks well I just chop all the stuff there you go that was how I balanced it as well with was with the starter tracks it originally only had two starter tracks imagine that all right we're full on blood full but we need just oh there you go I'm getting Stone I'm actually I was trying to look for as soon as I get it there's not a lot the train is definitely going faster all right I'm gonna respawn some cracks yep good oh yeah look at this teamwork all right here we pull on the wood pretty much hmm it's moving coming back yeah we're pulling all this stuff you might as well grab track and weld it honestly oh no never mind we're back empty I lied yeah no it seems like on wood you got in well track so I'll fill up on resources I mean this is almost too easy for you guys look at this it's like a well-oiled machine oh we gotta get it's just because we just got to get all the uh all the other stuff too we'll be good all right we're going uh oh bro I don't want that one first yeah you guys are moving right now I might have to I might have to step it up a notch here nah yeah oh yeah I want you guys sweating we have to go let's all right yeah let's just we're just gonna take a really difficult route don't worry about it how are you now the style points right yeah go get all the keys you know go for them style points over a future track here that I don't even think that's where Khan's planning on going this way well it's in this general direction oh yeah that's true that's true [Music] yeah we are really far ahead and we gotten the single player right I might have to step it up oh you made a terrible mistake yeah delete it and you got to build a new one I'm gonna build some more track pieces bridges too build Bridges I'll get the bridges yeah we're going we're going this way we're going over where the keys yeah it's the style points we're gonna be difficult here let me fix the ground for you here there you go yeah thanks sir yeah all right we're gonna need a left turn yeah Train's still moving I kind of want to just see what it's like if the Train's going even faster to be honest with you oh wait oh wait well you couldn't oh yeah I'm thinking of doing right let me find yeah we have either way we can go either way the train we can't go we'd have to turn I'm going to speed the train up once it gets to this block here in front of me okay once it gets here we're going for the keys man yeah well you just have to get your character you have to get the train to the Keys that's true yeah exactly you can someone can do that while someone else is doing the train work just like unreal all right uh I'm gonna I'm gonna turn left now okay yeah yeah go for it going for the left turn we're gonna have to clear some stuff yeah um we need more we need more resources and tracks I think I need you to focus on what you're focused on before actually all right so you guys need to manage the track while I fill up our resources yeah you definitely gotta get on the tracks guys we're getting close to the end of the track here all right someone's got to build something here we need iron all right I'm getting it this is closed getting close all right you're good all right you're in the clear this would be risky for me to uh speed it up right now it seems like all right we need some wood now Khan going crazy with the track building yeah the lag when uh yeah when the trees yeah over here yeah the tree lag is terrible it's like you jump back and then it skips it skips you back and then it's gonna end up in a really weird spot yeah it's because of the uh the scripted repaint I don't know why you need to repaint I don't know it's because glitch welded things when when they get destroyed the glitch welded Parts go invisible so it by recoloring them as soon as they go invisible we're getting close to the end oh it's going there you go clear the cardboard all right on the track got another track here oh boy it just slowly creeps up doesn't it all right I'm gonna get some more Stone it's harder when you're that much further away from the track that's for sure yeah you got the straight piece or the I got the curve okay I got the straight piece because that was the balance of Building Bridges and putting the tracks over the water instead was it kept you closer to the um to the uh spawner I mean this is looking pretty good right now oh my God I can't deal with this I grabbed the wrong weld point because he tree and then it's like and we're going that way oh yeah you guys got this straight pieces I'm gonna get some more Stone yeah I need more Stone I'm definitely going to be making more levels for this as well so I feel like I want to like step up the difficulty because I think this is really cool as a two-player game as well to be honest with you um so I could definitely balance it for the two-player experience oh you made a mistake I'm gonna go get another get another straight piece at least it was a straight one because the turns kind of messed up oh are they all right I got this piece on there I think it should still work a little flicker um all right we need some trees I think maybe there's an issue with uh farming the materials or the resources while it's uh removing points from the resources as well potentially I think it should still uh provide the tracks though hopefully all right some things you can not manage we're getting close here we're getting close to the end we need to turn we need to turn a straight and a turn wow that's it it kind of works it kind of does is it not work I feel like it just reduced it just got rid of a lot of points yeah it doesn't matter it it got real it's not producing anymore yeah what the heck yeah you had seven lights and it just stopped wow I had seven I had seven lights I spawned one track and it removed all seven lights uh interesting well that's some stuff to learn for me because uh I think what happened is while it's removing points from the the score keeper I think if you interact with a resource node while it's uh while it's reducing the number I think it counteracts or it causes problems with the logic I'm assuming yeah so I feel like no matter what I think this is a good concept spider yeah yeah it's a good concept I think it's obviously oh yeah you guys had that of our resources all right well thank you so much yeah I hope you guys enjoyed it uh and of course scrimming and con they've got some train themed challenges over on their channels as well so be sure to check out their videos I will be leaving some links down in the description below and uh thank you so much for watching and we'll see in the next one bye for now bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Moonbo
Views: 95,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrap mechanic survival, moonbo, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, creative mode, building games, unrailed, scrap mechanic train, train challenge, scrap mechanic unrailed, scrap mechanic challenge, train track building, train building, train tracks, multiplayer
Id: obqE5CT0E-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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