Your Miracle is Here Today by Josh Herring

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[Music] the Lord has put things in the earth to teach us about him water water takes different forms water can be a liquid it can be a solid in the form of ice and it can be gas three separate distinct forms yet all water and he says I'm using this to teach you about me I'm the father of creation I'm the son of redemption and I'm the Holy Ghost in keeping you in the earth but I'm God not three separate gods not God the Father God that I'm just water I'm God I'm the spirit I moved anything with more than one head is a freak including God [Applause] change chapter 2 verse 19 James chapter 2 verse 19 you believe there is one God you do well the devil's believe also and they tremble you can't believe there's one God and not do something about it even the devil does something about it worthy to be praised you know when we we clap our hands to the Lord a lot of times we do it in response to a request from someone from the platform we kind of just do it out of respect but clapping the hands is so much more spiritual than we realize fact it's angelic Ezekiel was carried away up in the spirit when he heard the sound of the wings of the living creatures of the Angels touching or clapping and so when you clap your hands it's not human worship it's heavenly worship and David's head o clap your hands all ye people and shada the God with a voice of triumph like that get your mouth open and begin to praise him money crazy he's worthy lovely trees [Music] was Samuel angels bow before you holy holy is the feels like heaven doesn't it Booya I am so excited and grateful that several people are about to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost this morning in this place somebody said a man you've honored to Bishop and the love and buried dearly and it's unbelievable I told Lavelle over there I said you know most times when I get done in a service when the pastor takes the mic it's it's she's usually closing out but uh I get nervous when the bishop takes the mic because I know he's gonna go to another level you're so blessed to happen unbelievable unbelievabl we love a girly family and we appreciate all of them and and what a great great atmosphere today and God was gonna pour out his spirit in a mighty way give honor to my beautiful wife and my children who are still trooping along here with me to all these years acts 2 verse 1 through 4 16 through 18 37 through 39 verses we never get over God will pour out his spirit today again when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance 4:16 but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel shall come to pass in the last days saith god I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy 37 to 39 and when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins he shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call now I want to talk to you from the subject this morning your miracle is here today your miracle this week you're at the right place you finally made it it's gonna happen today but you bind with me right now and faith in fact in the name of the Lord Jesus I release the gift of faith on the audience right now in Jesus name faith for miracles that they specifically need I praise you and I worship you for what you're about to do i bind the enemy anything they would try to say in anybody's here I'm buying it right now in the name of the Lord Jesus I release faith right now I'm Agnes I you what you're about to do would you clap your hands to the Lord one more time hallelujah praise God amen you may be seated people all over the world and people in this room are looking for answers right now turning to drugs alcohol shrinks medicine relationships trying to find direction help answers identity they don't need those things most of them they they need they need miracles but yet they don't look for miracles they look for help they look for answers because they don't expect that there actually is something out there that's so powerful that one encounter with it could change everything about their mind their heart their life their family their health and their future but that miracle worker is alive and well and we know who he is in fact we're about to have a strong encounter him in a few moments and the miracle worker will show people I'm stronger than drugs I'm greater than alcohol the medicine you've tried can't fathom anything I can do for you there's nothing you can try out there that will relate to what I can do we have a miracle worker who still raises the dead still heals the sick still opens blinded eyes steals heals marriages still can cure cancer isn't a service a few weeks ago the Florida Senior High youth camp and they brought in a young man from Jimmy Tony's Church 17 years old they brought him in the back of the sanctuary during the middle of a song service and he was um he had some kind of crippling palsy I forget the name of it but it was he was diagnosed two or three months with it and it basically paralyzes your body all the way up until it paralyzes your lungs and he was sitting there in the back he could be they tried to basically carry him in he could barely move and they set him down in fact I was teaching intercession that night when they picked him up to try to walk him into a miracle and the more they picked him up the more he would just fall over and they would basically carry him and finally they set him down and he sat down right behind my wife and tears were rolling down his eyes his name is Nathan and Nathan was sitting there he was trying he tried to get up and fall over and he following and there was a little pull there he fell into the pool and leaned back and he told me this the next night he said finally I just couldn't take it anymore I did everything I couldn't get that service and I could not take the pain and I sat there weeping and he said the Lord spoke to me and said try to jump on to your feet and he said I said I can't jump if I jump I'll crash I'll fall and he said God spoke back to me and said if you will jump I will catch you and he said it he took all the strength that he had and is threw himself in the air and by the time he threw himself in the air his feet landed on the ground and from the street to his head something you rubbed it in his body and it began to run and it began to dance and he began to chuck [Applause] he came back the next night and was running more laps and shouting that's where you can't roll your eyes and somebody running the aisles are dancing or shouting you don't know why they're doing that you have no idea what they've been through they encountered a miraculous and fit with God and something happened in their life somebody clap your hands like you're in heaven that's almost like hiya I worship You Jesus I worship you cheese there is absolutely nothing that he cannot do he is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we ask or think I have seen him do the miraculous so many times you have a hard time convincing me that there's something out there he cannot heal I've seen him doing and you've seen him do it several you can testify in your own body you've seen him do it is there anybody in this building who's God has healed at one time or another the doctor couldn't do it your wife could do it your husband could do it but you met Ana Casa paya you met encounter with a miracle worker who said I can do it right now the healers in the building he can heal you today and you'll never be the same again [Music] he's such a miracle-working God it can do anything and the greatest miracle he will ever do is not even healing your body or blessing you financially or healing your marriage but the greatest miracle you will ever do for you is when He pours his spirit inside of you that's far greater than healing I've told you before you can be healed and go straight to hell but when you get the Spirit of God inside of you when He pours his spirit into you that's something you need to get into heaven he said I accept you before the water and the spirit capital s you cannot enter the kingdom there's something about knowing that's not just that it's good for me it's essential for me he can pour it into me right now and I'll never be the same again and let me tell you something I've never met one person who regretted the Spirit of God coming inside of them greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world the Bible said you receive power after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you you fight depression I know a remedy today that can cure the depression when he fills you with this spirit depression has to leave if you've got all kind of attacks mentally the holy goes this traitor then every attack the devil can bring on your mind let me just say it strongly there is no answer like the Holy Ghost period there's absolutely nothing in the world that can compare or compete with the Spirit of God living inside of someone if he's inside of you there's always hope there's always a peace there's always an anointing something in your life is going to work out when the Spirit of God is inside and no matter where you come from no matter what background you have the Holy Ghost is for you he's his words in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh everybody has access to it he doesn't judge you for your background he's not condemning you for your past this point if you're feeling condemnation in this building it's not from God it's not from this preacher it's not from the bishop it's not from anybody around you that's the enemy trying to condemn you because he knows if you break free from that part the enemy's trying to place in your head there's a peace that will come upon you that you'll never find in the world there is therefore now no condemnation within the walk in the spirit when you pursue the Spirit of God there's no time damnation around you and it doesn't matter what you've done how terrible the sin was I don't care if you worship the devil himself you have the ability to get the Holy Ghost I was in Modesto California four months ago when they what lady I was a Sunday morning and I told the people I said you watch out there's gonna be all kind of revival break down even Satanists will get the Holy Ghost they kind of got all scared and that night and Sunday more Sunday night a lady walked in the building ain't known satanic worship her in the city and she came in worshiping the devil but by the time it was over she was right here by the pulpit had her hands raised as God was filling her with the Holy Ghost they baptized her in Jesus name she came worshiping the devil but she left worshiping the king of kings Lord of lords because it doesn't matter what you've done with what agenda you have what background you have there's a power that's the greatest miracle you'll ever encounter in this okay don't care I've seen it I've seen it for all these years I've seen every kind of person received the Holy Ghost I don't care what crime it is I've seen people in prison still get the Holy Ghost doesn't matter what you did I don't care what religion you believe there's something about the power of the holy God you're embarrassed about God feel the Holy Ghost trying to break some shame in this place right now I do not care what pain the devil has put on you when you get the Holy Ghost that paint will leave you there'll be something that gets upon you you've never had in your entire life there's a peace and a joy that rises in someone when they receive the Spirit of God inside of their life inside of their body it's the greatest thing I've seen murderers get the Holy Ghost I've seen every kind of thing happen I've seen buzz looms if the Holy Ghost booties get the holiness Hindus get people that didn't even worship our God when they came in they left worshipping our God it's a ruler I do not feel what I'm feeling right now where I normally worship but this is real this is a lie I have an encounter with someone there's nothing like calling out to a god that actually answers you [Applause] anybody can call out to a statue anyone can talk to a membrane but when you call the God that Ashley hears you then he'll shoot then deliver that's real baby that's something you oughta want that for Daniel now how do I receive them the Holy Spirit how do I receive the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit I don't receive that well let's read our Bible Acts chapter 2 verse 4 we read this earlier let's read it again acts 2 verse 4 said and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance Acts chapter 10 verse 45 and verse 46 said and they of the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because that all the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost that's us how they know they received in verse 46 but they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God Acts chapter 19 and verse number five and verse number six when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and when Paul had laid his hands upon them the Holy Ghost came of them and they spake with tongues and prophesied in your Bible when someone was filled with the Spirit of God when the Holy Ghost will come upon someone and fill them with the spirit there was the era's evidence that they had been filled with the spirit the evidence the proof that they had gone the creator of the universe living inside of them now was that their tongue spoke in a different language the Spirit would control the tongue and words will turn out that they did not know how they did not understand they could not speak in their own Thailand they did not know what they were saying it did not sound like their neighbor it did not sell it someone three feet away but when someone were seen the Holy Ghost the Spirit of God would come inside of them they will come out of their mouths that is the poop sweetheart that God is inside of you it's not just on the inside it's gotta come out of the outside Jesus said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water this Spanky of the Spirit so you understand that when God fills you with himself the proof that you have him is that it will come out of your basically your body cannot contain his spirit is so great he's so strong he's so mighty that when He pours himself into you your human body cannot keep him down it comes out of your mouth and that's the proof that God has accepted you you can accept him that does not mean he's accepted you the evidence that he's accepted you as he wants to live in you and dwell in you I don't know how I could call myself a Christian a Christ follower and not one Christ living in me after all the word said it's Christ in me that's the hope of glory how can I expect even get there if he's not living in me down here I don't want to trial Judgment Day the stand before God and say give me my mention give me everything I work for but I didn't want you living in me on the earth that conversation will not go well but if you leave here today with the Spirit of God inside of you let me tell you something that conversation will go far greater and the heavenlies without it it's the greatest miracle you can ever receive there's no there's no one in this building that's great enough to try to make it without the Spirit of God inside of them well I'm just not sure it's for me it's heaven for you because in Heaven's for you it's real something you need he said enrolments If any man have not the Spirit of Christ capital s not the sphere of Jesus that won't the spirits capital it's the Spirit of Christ in him he is none of his if you do not have the spirit you're none of his anyone can say I'm of Christ follower but if you have the spirit in you that's the evidence that is the proof that you are a Christ you can preach on television and not have the Holy Spirit you can have all kind of people following you and not have the Holy Spirit I would rather follow someone that I know has the Holy Spirit inside of him any human being that can quote the Bible but doesn't have the Creator the Word of God living in them I'm telling you it's the greatest miracle you'll never encounter when you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost can I get a witness up in here right now [Applause] hallelujah how do I get it glad you asked number one you got to repent of your sins you can't expect to get the Spirit of God without repenting it's turning away from sin God's not interested in being your roommate God wants to consume you the words that he's a consuming fire so whatever God falls on God consumes and so the Holy Ghost is out of the fire and so when it falls on you it will consume you you'll be the different person when you leave the building you may have come in with anger you're gonna leave with peace you may have come with anxiety you're to leave with an anointing you may have come in with lust but you're gonna leave with love and the Holy Ghost in you there's nothing like having the pure fire of God inside of your body and so you've got to repent before we ever pray for the Holy Ghost in a few moments I'm gonna ask bishop in a few moments before we even try to pray for the Holy Ghost fill lead us in a prayer of repentance because we all need to repent if you have the Holy Ghost if you're an altar worker you need to repent so nothing's in the way if you pray for someone and God filling them with the spirit and I believe firmly that we should repent everything of our sins there's something I just don't I don't trust me maybe some of you trust you I don't trust this flesh that Jesus that flesh is flesh matter how you dress it up and try to make it seem dignified and powerful and spiritual flesh will always be flesh and because I know I live in a fleshly body I will repent daily of the sins of my flesh because my flesh is what keeps me from being in the spirit and the more I eliminate flesh the further I can go in this so we repent of our sins and then number two we have to desire the Holy Ghost I've I've told this choice I'll tell it every time I come well you have to want the Holy Ghost to receive the Holy Ghost you're not gonna get the whole it goes if you do not want it everyone around you might want to and if you don't want it God will jump over you and feel someone else beside you that he is a gentleman he loves you enough to let you go if you do not want him he will not force himself upon you but if you really love him you will want him to dwell and Hulme so you have to desire it if the one did number three you have to focus your mind on God after we repent of our sins I'll be praying a prayer of faith and I'll tell you about that in a moment but basically we'll be getting ready to pray for the Holy Ghost your mind has got to be on the Lord it's not on the preacher it's not on who's praying with you it's not on what you're gonna do this afternoon your mind has to be on God one of the greatest ways to get your mind on God is to if you're physically able to is to lift your head when you pray and lift your hands a lot of times people that are able to lift their head they're living in condemnation and when they pray for the Holy Ghost you can see it all over their countenance they're thinking about themselves now I'm not worthy if you try to get the Holy Ghost thinking about yourself it's not going to work it's not about how good or bad you are it's about how great he is how much tougher he is how much he loves you to give this to you so my line is on him my thoughts are on him how much he loves me how I'm so unworthy but yeah I'm loved with a love that will never leave me alone and before you have to have faith you'll receive the Holy Ghost today faith is I'm not leaving without it that is faith faith is I would be shocked if God does not give it to me I will get up there I will perceive the whole that is fear see if he said well I hope I'm gonna go up there and I hope it's my day that's we call that faith that's not faith that's hope faith is when I get up there when we pray we repent we pray for the Holy Ghost I'm getting the Holy Ghost spirit I know God wants to give it to me it's a promise from his work now that is faith you want to try that with other prayer requests by the way that you have faith moves mountains that's why I said I release the gift of faith in the atmosphere at the beginning of my message because if you have faith you'll get a miracle you get up you have faith you will get of it that's the key to the miraculous yeah faith is impossible to please God in other words God is not happy when you come into his house without faith he wants you to expect something great of him he wants you to believe I can do anything for you and number five you have to worship God with your own mouth to get the Holy Ghost if you refuse to speak you're not going to speak in tongues if you refuse to worship him and tell him I love you hallelujah whatever comes to your mind in the form of praise and worship if you refuse to do that you're not gonna be filled with this spirit but when you begin to worship Him and praise Him and magnify him and start telling the greatest praise by the way is hallelujah they said it earlier today hallelujah telling everyone to say hallelujah when they did that you could feel something in the room because when you start to say hallelujah you're saying God I'm giving you the best praise I can give you the highest praise I can give you everything about me is yours right now when you start to tell the Lord Holly halleluyah halleluyah it doesn't take very long for God at all get off the thrall of glory and come to the atmosphere where you are because he loves and he dwells in the praises of his people but stand right now and when someone you start to say hallelujah and if you want much you'll say at one time I'd be the last thing you say in English or Spanish as you begin to speak all of a sudden words will start erupting through you let those words out and sell you my prayer a few moments you might pray a few minutes and yours you're telling God I love you hallelujah you're giving them the highest praise you can but guess what before all those words are gonna start coming and flowing like a river and when those words that don't make sense to you start trying to come out of you hallelujah a service purpose I love you Jesus a service purpose but now it's time to let the spirit we're all out of you let those words flow and you tell me you were a grin the Holy Ghost after you receive me because you haven't had joy you haven't had peace like you have when the one that made you knows where the pain is in you and puts his presence right where close with this I have been privileged by God five years ago today thought about this this morning five years ago today I was I was been evangelizing 11 years and I wanted something to break was tired of sing a few things happen here and there and I went on that long consecration starting five years ago today and since that day five years from now I've seen over 10,000 people received the Holy Ghost in this country I ask God for all kind of things I ask God for all kind of things to happen but the one thing that keeps consistently happening is he keeps pouring out his spirit you know why because we are in the last days he's about to come back and the greatest miracle he can give anybody is this you might die of cancer and that body might hurt he may not heal you but I'd rather die of cancer and then live in eternity with Jesus because I have the Spirit of God in me I had my sins washed away and I know I'm in heaven forever than to be perfectly healthy right now and be lost in eternity so here's what I asked you to do from the front to the back up in the balcony everywhere I haven't asked you from from from my heart to you would you do me a favor which I would do it to every person but I don't have the time but you just turn to all of all the neighbors around you all for neighbors around you and what you ask them if you receive the Holy Ghost yet would you do that right now across the building would you just turn to everybody around you and you receive the Holy Ghost yet we're just and and then then answer the question yes or no we be honest if they said no tell them today's the day if they're not sure today's the day if they said yes and they're straight up lying today's of the day you can pick up on a lying spirit night huh yeah well I think you need it again homie today is the day of salvation there's nothing greater than leaving them what could be better than leaving this house today sing man I left there with the Spirit of God living inside of me that is the greatest moment [Music] April 5th 1997 years old Kenai Alaska is when Gotham or the Holy Ghost Stewart Churchill's church and little revival blues on Thursday night Walter Meyers was preaching I remember that day like it was yesterday I'm 35 now and I've married the most beautiful girl in the world and I have three beautiful babies and their birds were absolutely unbelievable but the greatest day of my life still today was April 5th 1990 when God filled me with the spirit it's the greatest day of your life we're not busy for the good of the ladies here's what we're going to do when there's unity the Holy Ghost Falls like rain it's how it happens so I ask in a moment I'm gonna ask everyone to come to the front as a sign of unity and then when we're up here in the front bishops gonna lead us in a prayer of repentance and we're all gonna rep repent and and and everyone's gonna repent I'm asking you to repent of your sins so nothing's in the way I will ask the preachers that to come up on the platform also and after we repent of our sins I will pray a prayer of faith which basically is a very short prayer where I take all my faith and dump it out and connect it with your faith and our faith together mixed is gonna explode into the heavenlies and we're gonna shout hallelujah and then all of a sudden people are gonna start to get the holy ghost all over this building and it's going to continue in the coming weeks in this church the outpouring of the Holy Ghost is going to continue search great things I believe it was Thursday night in the middle of your prayer we weren't even talking about the Holy Ghost and four people right there receive the Holy Ghost in about ten seconds we weren't even preaching on the Holy Ghost but they're worshiping God giving him praise and gossip I can't resist it and pour it out right there it's gonna happen again today in this place are you ready for God to pour out his Spirit upon the audience today amen so I'm gonna ask Bishop first of all to come up here then I'm gonna ask you to look at your neighbor and say let's go to the front and come on I want from them from the top of the risers the back of the balcony all the way down could you please come all the way the very front so we're all together in unity the Bible said the day of Pentecost they were one line at one Accord when suddenly that that's what happened one my wanna call when suddenly the Holy Ghost fell upon them so we're unified together that's when it happens no one judging no one critiquing no one upset everyone just you know unity is the key praise god what a beautiful response what a beautiful response this morning we're all coming or about to repent and it's got to be personal with you it can't be corporate right now it's got to be personal when the bishop takes over follow his instructions and we will walk in the spirit in Jesus name thank you brother Harry one of the greatest powers we have as he said is unity where they were all with one Accord one minds when the Holy Spirit fell there was a day when David had made the greatest mistake of his life he had committed sin with Bathsheba in fact the 51st psalm and the small letters say that this was what David prayed after the greatest sin of his life I'd like them to put Psalm 51 the 51st Saul verse 1 he would look to the screen and I just believe that in unity we first of all to open a season of repentance we need to read the words with all of our hearts read them like you mean it read them like it's you that had experienced what David experienced so before we pray let's read these together aloud have mercy upon me O God according to thy loving-kindness according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity cleanse me from my sin for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me against thee thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and be clear when thou judges behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me behold thou desirous truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou has broken may rejoice hide thy face from my sins blot out all my iniquities now slow down create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit would you close your eyes lift your face to heaven right now father we come to you we know Lord that you are the one that can cleanse and wash God you said if we would acknowledge and confess our shortcomings to you Lord that you would be faithful and just you said you would never throw us out you said we were always welcome to come before you lord we come right now God acknowledging our failures our sin our shame and our guilt Lord we lay it before the eyes of all compassion we pray right now Oh God that you would look upon us God we favor you would not such a slaughter but you would have compassion on us and cleanse us and wash us and make us whole again we're sorry God for yesterday but today is a day of salvation O Lord give us what we longed for and we will give you praise in the mighty name of Jesus son come on lift your voice' and thank you [Applause] clap your hands the Lord and thank you for forgiving you thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now what's about to happen is they're about to be an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in this place and similar about to receive it and if you go to this church you know that this is how I run things here but is when it will meet when we do the altar call right now if you have the Holy Ghost Journal to worker and you've asked someone about the hole that goes in if they've all had it in your to find someone and when we start to shout hallelujah you're gonna lay your hands on them and when they start to speak in tongues like the Bible says they heard them speak in tongues when you start to hear them it starts to come out of their mouth what you're going to do what I'm asking you to do is to throw your thumb in the air to communicate with me up here that someone just received the Holy Ghost it's not spiritual it's communication but if you would let me know I can keep telling everyone else that someone else has received the Holy Ghost and when something is poured out its splashes and if it's poured out over there and I can let it be known over here guess what it will splash yes what's gonna happen is gonna pour out of spirit all over the altar and gods about to move in a mighty mighty wave and if you're ready you never received it again get your mind on the Lord you've repented of your sins now you have to desire him with all your heart have faith you're about to receive his spirit and you're gonna worship God with all of your mind are you ready for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in this place right now when asked the bishop in the ministry who stretched forth their hands over the audience right now I'm gonna ask the people that altar to raise their hands everybody lift your head lift your hands getting ready to pray with people getting ready for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus receive ye the Holy Ghost now let your hand show them and began to speak in tongues as the spirit gives the utterance right now lair has one has received all to have received the Holy Ghost shut up of the citta haaa in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name that's it let me know when they get it creatures invade the audience invade the audience to have already received the Holy Ghost in Jesus name let you Smith number three just receive the Holy Ghost in the last days saith god I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh in the last days saith god I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh there you go let that out let that go that's the only ghost let they go in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I love another higher he deliver Lucifer let me know when they get it throw your thumb up when they get it three people I know I never see number four has received the Holy Ghost hallelujah hallelu he loved a mission dilemma higher he told all of us have done Jesus thing in listen if we wall down if you're buried you're dead there you go that's it number five right here number five right here speaking in tongues in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus then let me know when they get in first church throw your thumb up so I can see you number six right here this receive the Holy Ghost number seven just receive the number eight just receive the Holy Ghost let's it let me know in the get that let me know in the last days saith god I will pour out my spirit ain't people that we know of have already received the Holy Ghost who will be number nine who will be number nine release that tough release that tongue release that tongue release that tongue let's another number 9 right here this received the Holy Ghost he turn up on Washington in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the last days saith god we're gonna break this thing what's gonna break right now it's about the break he cooked another Hutchison in the last days saith god I will pour out my spirit who's gonna be number 10 who's gonna be number 10 let that mouth open worship Him worship Him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah number 10 just receive the Holy Ghost number 11 just receive the Holy Ghost shutter number 12 back there with the deed number 13 that's the wailing this receives all the ghosts shuttle of Omaha citta in the last days saith god I will pour out my spirit in the peel back there Vasanta in Jesus name in Jesus name 13 people that we know of have already received all they goes we're just getting started roommate prayed a couple minutes who's next by telephone or Santa in Jesus name number 14 right there I see it just received the Holy Ghost Patera bashar bhai he never lost a honorable Isetta 14 people have already received the Holy Ghost can I get some altar workers right up here in Jesus name several up here pray for the holy ghost feats of altar work hallelujah 14 people have already received the Holy Ghost in Jesus name in Jesus name lay your hands on us God's gonna give them the Holy Ghost today the day is the day of salvation this thing throw your thumb up if they got their your thumb up if they've got the Holy Ghost about the Haas Center in Jesus name in Jesus name 14:15 this receive the Holy Ghost Telefonica in Jesus name in Jesus name in the last days saith god I will pour out my spirit I will pour out of my spirit here you go there you go let that go let that go let that go in Jesus name 15 people now are ready to receive the Holy Ghost we're in July it's boring let it reign Jesus let it reign Jesus helluva shot Allah hyah don't start worshiping it's not even near Dallas there's several more gonna get the Holy Ghost several more about to get the Holy Ghost several more in Jesus name in Jesus name that's it throw that thumb up when they get it throw that thumb about their workers several people I still see seeking for hallelujah let that tongue go let that tongue go release it to God release it to God and the balcony I see you number 16 just receive the Holy Ghost number 17 right here just receive the Holy Ghost [Applause] come on come on let that time go let that tongue go let those walls down let those walls down in Jesus name come on big guy in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name that's it with all your heart all your mind let it go let it go set number eighteen I see this received the Holy Ghost it's coming down one by one by one with one by one by one today one by one by one and she get it back in the few and she get it back there hallelujah let me know if she got it did she get the Holy Ghost back there did she get the Holy Ghost right there yes thank you let me know 19 just receive the Holy Ghost number 20 I see you elder this receive the Holy Ghost he shall have abundance of time in Jesus name in Jesus name forty people have already received the Holy Ghost in just a few moments keep praying let that tug go release it whatever the words are in your spirit let him out of your mouth let him out of your mouth I rebuke fear in the name of Jesus let beer because release that grace release that worship 20 people 20 people who's next who's next did Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name 21 I say aye 21:22 faster wailing none of us retire hallelujah it's breaking rock by rock come on preachers by hand some people don't stop until everyone's got it go stop will everyone Scottie 22 so far 22 one by one by one it's gonna happen today one by one by one it's gonna happen 22 so far I've received the Holy Ghost receive the Holy Ghost receive the Holy Ghost who's next release that face release that face [Music] the 20 inflation set two more over there 24 have received Allah goes Misha 25:26 this Ristaino he goes based on the bride twenty-seven [Music] it's coming down there about 27 people so far have received the Holy Ghost Navajo satire news who's next who's next loose your mouth like a river but a roll like a river letter O letter O [Music] come on in Jesus name good everybody come on let that wall down receive the Honda ghosts there you go bro there you go receive the Holy Ghost in Jesus 27 so far have received the Holy Ghost let me know who's next let me know what someone else gets it I can't tell let she tell me they together huh - Italian 27 people we're in July reviving it's raining holy ghost it's raining holy there you go speak it out let that tough go let that top go twenty-eight this young lady right here just receive the Holy Ghost she's freaking the top [Music] twenty-nine she's speaking at tubs 29 not birthday you Scott polygons right up front we see the Holy Ghost it's little waves with away into all the ghosts little waves keep rolling in little waves keep rolling again let your tongue know who will be number 31 Dolby number 31 in the last day saying god I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh I will well [Music] [Applause] right here Lord 32 that's his speaking tugs that's his spigot talks bah-bah-bah Salameh ha engine 93 ICU 33 house come up in the aisle give us get in Jesus get them Jesus get of Jesus get in Jesus 33 people have already received the Holy Ghost let those walls down time to go ahead spigot tubs spigot tubs spigot tones in tubs [Music] shut up of the Khatana bhai loose that tongue who's gonna be number 34 who's gonna be number 34 somebody get out I counted her got killed her you spend 33 so far 33 I perceive the holy ghost who's gonna be number 34 goose number 34 let the rain get on you let the fire get on you number 34 that cow behind her this receipt Allah ghost number 34 this received the Holy Ghost number 35 this received the Holy Ghost my goodness it keeps raining it keeps raining 35 people in July on a Sunday something breaking something's breaking shut up like a sucka keep going till you get it keep going till you get it keep going till you get it keep going till you get it keep going till you get it keep going till you get it keep going 30 SEC's bishop dis received the Holy Ghost number 36 just received the Holy Ghost [Music] Calabar fire in the name of Jesus left that taco the let that punk go every wall down and every obstacle town 36 people have already received the Holy Ghost you know the local something anima hosaka they're still sävar there's still a few more oh it's on let it go lose that tub lose that tub and speak in tongues in the name of Jesus [Music] shut up [Music] we've already counted of the one man and his three daughters all received the Holy Ghost together a moment ago economist at the hyah hiko 36 people have received the Holy Ghost keep praying who's gonna be number 37 the sacral still pray for the Holy Ghost gobble philia right now God will fill you right now in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name in season three halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah in the last day saith God I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh upon upon all flesh there you go buddy he's got it now 37 right here he's speaking in tongues hallelujah hallelujah who will be number 30 I am I'm not done God's not done you're not done keep going keep going there's still more people praying for the Holy Ghost 37 people already have been filled with the Spirit of God the miracle is here America is here the America is here let the sick be healed let the simpie he'll let diseases die right now in this building in the name of Jesus let that be helix let that be miracles on your child masiva miracles in your family number 38 just receive the Holy Ghost number 38 just receive the Holy Ghost number 39 this young man just receive the Holy Ghost [Music] they'll be number forty who will be number 44 that's gonna happen it's gonna happen because the tunnel in the last day spirit they let that go come on move another party 39 people have already received the Holy Ghost [Music] there now in Jesus name there now receive the mother goes there you go loose nectar the name of Jesus now speaking tongues speaking there you go ha ha haaa she's all alone afford a discount the holy ghost number four days 41 just 41 it's either sting right there 42 this received the Holy Ghost but she can there are receive the [Applause] number 43 right here let's come out twice their nests that I go get but a Godhead we're gonna get ball right now forty-three have received the Holy Ghost that's it keep going [Music] [Music] 44:44 this man right there [Music] in the aisles out there on that man come on hold it go ahead my gosh get him in Jesus man receive the Holy Ghost focus man [Music] Oh thank God god proceed to that 45:46 just receive and still riding and still riding it still riding ah this 47 is a risers oh boy number 40 is my god 48 receive the Holy Ghost Wow right Jesus Jesus let it ride Jesus let it ride Jesus Jesus letter I'm Jesus but then he does not stop Psalm 19 verse one Psalm 19 verse one the heavens declare the glory of God he does not stop with what's in the earth he moves to the heavens and one of the greatest symbols he's given us in the heavens is the Sun the SU n explains the s o n Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 for our God is a consuming fire what is the Sun it's a ball of fire now washes where I come from originally Martha's Vineyard they have beautiful beaches and so they have what they call Sun worshipers these are people that go to the beach and lay out before the Sun seemed to be a worshipper even the world understands it they call them Sun worshipers and this is the requirement you must go out from protection and expose yourself to the Sun to worship then you must expose yourself and lay down before the Sun until the Sun changes you you don't have to tell somebody you don't have to ask somebody if you've been in the Sun the same token you can tell somebody when they've had a lot of Sun you can tell them you can specially in the winter months you don't have to wonder if they stayed here in Wisconsin where'd you go because the Sun has transformed their image literally their looks it transform and that's why when your true Sun worshiper you will come out from the protective covering of the world that shields you from the love of God you will begin to peel off your armor and expose yourself to God you will lay down before God until God changes you and a true Sun worshiper doesn't just lay on his back he flips over and lays on his stomach because he wants to change all the way around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 2,069
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice), Josh Herring
Id: QYr41brqWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 4sec (3784 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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