If I Can Fix It, I Can Have It

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well good morning everybody Welcome to Sam's doing stuff what am I doing today well as you saw in the the title of this video this is an exciting day this is uh potentially I mean let's be optimistic here okay the the the title is not clickbait there there's an excavator available and if I can get it running if I can fix it I can have it so let's get going so if something's too good to be true or sounds too good to be true it usually is and of course there's some strings attached so those of you that have been with me for a long time know that my older brother owns an excavator and that's the excavator we're going to pick up today hopefully pick it up today let's let's let's be uh cautiously optimistic so the deal is that he doesn't really have anywhere to store it and it's been sitting in a field and as you can imagine sitting in a field the mice have gotten to it it's not good it's not good so the deal is he said Hey listen listen I know you need to use an excavator and I've got an excavator but I don't have any time I don't have the time to get do the maintenance and get the thing running so if I can come over and uh it's about an hour away and I can get uh get the thing running then I can bring it back to my property and I've got a barn to store it in you know keep it out of the elements take care of it do the maintenance on it and uh get it running the way it should be and and then I can use it for what I need and of course eventually you know when I'm done with it he needs it again well he'll come and get it but I think that's a darn good deal you know it's a big excavator it's you know I think it's a fair deal too I mean the amount of time who knows what it's going to take I just got to get it running I got to get it on the trailer and uh be able to bring it back to my my property so that's where we're going and I will uh I'm going to pick up my dad and then we're going to we'll catch you when we get to his place so see you then think we'll put that up here well good morning ready for an adventure go be careful getting in just going to leave that under my feet let get back there yeah this can go one two ways we can uh get over there get it wired up get electricity get fuel and um maybe it'll start we'll be back in no time or we're going to spend all day there only one way to find out let's get going yep well here it is yeah it's been sitting for a a good while he said the mice have gotten to it a little bit so I brought my electrical tools oh boy I mean nothing ventured nothing gained right let's give it a shot so he said this might be unlocked y all right little stuff hanging here let's see if we got any oil in here well it's not clean oil so with that open this is supposed to open and uh this is where he said the mice got in here a little bit I'm oh there it is oh boy that wire looks like it's still connected they just chewed the insulation off of it it does not have a battery the first thing I know I can do is I can solder that wire back together I don't know if I can run a soldering gun off of this thing but we're going to find out how many wires do we have here I know we only have one left one red wire left oh my goodness boy they did a job on that didn't they let's see if we can strip it and get a crimp on it there we go that's that's actually a decent amount well the wiring is worse than I thought I didn't see this harness over here this is just trashed and it's trashed at this end too the good news is we found all of the colors that match and uh yeah there you go this will this will all go back together it's just going to take time so uh you don't need to see all this I'm going to actually try and do this right I'm going to solder and shrink wrap let's see what happens all right that sure looks a whole lot better all the right colors together everything soldered shrink wrapped and taped it's my brother John this is the one that owns the machine here he's putting a new battery in it so we have electricity yeah all the lights came on when I turned it to run do you have to have this pulled up to start it tells you your fuel all that oh yeah it is supposed to be up tells me that yes we got it going just like that don't shut it off no now we'll see if everything works nice that wasn't bad [Music] [Music] so here it is it's uh on my property I think it's nothing short of divine intervention that it's here the thing sat for over 2 years and uh wasn't started at all and the mice got to it you saw that was just like doing brain surgery on that thing getting all those wires back together anyway it worked it started and we put it in a trailer now that's nowhere near the amount of work that needs to be done on this this thing has a ton of stuff in a lot of it is just the general maintenance uh before I can operate it it's it's just like I said it's divine intervention that it's here so this is a kx1 121-3 I believe the year on it is 2010 he said I think that's a guess for him too uh but my goal of course is uh to get this out of the trailer and the first thing I need to fix is there's a pretty bad hydraulic leak under here but um there's not a lot of room to work under here I I was going to try and fix it before I took it out of the trailer but I just I just don't see being able to get under there I think the best thing I can do is to get it out and maybe get it up on some railroad ties it'll give me at least another 6 Ines to get under there and get a wrench on it okay oh smells like mice in here yeah we'll take care of that let's just hope it starts I'm telling you divine intervention this just Tak it nice and easy nice and easy all right we're officially out of the trailer okay oh boy what are we looking at here going have to take that plate off okay here's what I'm looking at here's the hose that needs replaced there's the leak yeah so that end that end looks like I can get to it pretty good but this end there's there's this plate here that's got to come off first super easy barely an inconvenience that wasn't too difficult seems like I should have some kind of eye protection or something how much fluid's going oh there's some fluid probably wear gloves too gloves would be good yeah we'll just let that drip not on the camera not on the camera Okay who wants to be a mechanic all right I suppose we should try and get the other end off this is going to drip around my head unless I go to the other side how about that yeah okay now can we get a wrench in there did they make it so you can there it goes okay just had to get it Loose just got to get started on these things you know you just got to you just got to get under you got to say hey why not what else am I doing let's get this done you know I can really understand why someone with full-time job and family and everything he doesn't have the time he just didn't and every time he' go to fix it or go out to do some work on it there'd be something else wrong you know like oh I'm going to change that hose but then the mice got to it and everything is just worse every time you go out to I mean I totally understand and I love that I'm able to help I mean obviously this is going to help me once I get it running right get everything Tip Top I'm going to love having it here all right I think we got it yeah there it is bye-bye bad hose John hope you're watching I'm sure he's watching he's always watching look at this beautiful thing brand new [Applause] host get that on a few threads and then let go back to this one I understand why that bee needs to be right there he wasn't invited okay ouch I knew I was going to hit my finger one of those times let's take a break I wonder if that'd be easier from the outside I'm going to try it you're not working if you're not bleeding oh this is much easier from up here yeah going to get this end just fine yeah it's good new hose okay got the protected plate back on sorry I'm bleeding all over your machine here but protected plates back on there's the new hose the leak was down there so uh I'm going to start it up we're going to put some pressure on it and you guys tell me if you see any leaks what you say you see anything looks good to me okay yeah so the main reason to get that done first first is because now I can add hydraulic fluid to it and I don't have to worry about it spewing all over the place and I can move it now and get it in the barn so that while I'm working on this thing if it starts to rain well then I can work on it in the barn so let's go into the barn very carefully off of these railroad ties shouldn't be a big deal not that big of a deal all right nice and easy tons of room tons of room ready for normal change well it looks like they put some 10W30 in it um July of 21 oh my goodness it's only been three years you know it's fine welcome back to the belly of the Beast it doesn't look promising it's just a little dirty it's not stripped or grzzed or anything at least little liquid wrench can't hurt it well I don't have the right size socket so we're just going to try it see what happens nope I doesn't want throw a little more of this stuff on it let's see is that the right size yes baby yes 78 let's put a cheater on it all right there we go there we go oh yeah in the oil and the oil pin hey it's loose it's loose yeah oh that's a win loosen that up Let the oil flow 2.25 gallons this is the fun part I didn't make you it's the tension the build is it going to drop it in the oil there we go I did get oil all over all the tools and everything but you know whatever didn't drop it in the oil whatever okay let's get some of that in here so while that's draining I just want to mention I just went through everywhere greased every Zer I could find uh some of them you know they needed grease but they weren't like too too terrible others it was like dust came out they were dry dry as a bone so that's done uh this pin here this pin doesn't go all the way through this is not ideal that is certainly better than not having anything at all all right oil filter see how tight this thing is why they really put that sucker on okay here we go now we're coming there it is all right everyone always shows that they Lube the gasket on the new filter because they want to avoid the comments did you put new oil on that gasket you should have put new oil on it all right how we going to do this let by feel well it seems like it's good oh I might have it first try wow and now just hand tight that's good right there that's plenty all right plug is back in not overtightened but tighten just enough let's get this up in there somehow really how in the world how sincerely that's ridiculous absolutely ridiculous I I got to go buy another funnel well there's more than one way to fill your oil okay yep she's full right in the middle perfect well here we go next step is doing the final drive gear oil you see we got three plugs here and I sprayed the heck out of them with liquid wrench so I think a couple of them are loose um we're going to get it drained and first of all it'll be interesting to see what type of oil we got in there or if there's any oil in there let's let's just let's not count our chickens all right let's get this opened up and uh see what drains oh my goodness that smell oh wow is that a smello doggies smells like there's been poop in here oh okay well it's black as night at least there's oil in there look at that oil that's just that's just oh okay I'm about ready to put new oil in it and I tried the plugs on the other side I can get these two out but I can't get the one in the center now that could be a problem but it's not really because that's your fill indicator hole so once this fills up and starts coming out of here you know you've put enough in well I'm going to you know check exactly how much I pour out of this in this one and then I'll do the same on the other side it should be fine yep right there you see it coming out that's where you stop little bit of thread sealant it took 300 M so I'll put exactly 300 milliliters in the other side and should be fine we're so close we're so close I tend to do the things that are most difficult first and the fuel filter seems to be difficult um I thought it was just going to be one of those things where you just unscrew it and screw it back on but this is a whole bracket and everything so I got to take the old one off and then I'm not going to show you that whole process it's going to take a while it's going to be a pain in the butt I'll show you where it is here and it's tucked in here and there's a lot of things to get around and get loose and hopefully I can uh work this in but uh when it's done I'll show it to you [Applause] and we'll clean it a bit why not yeah so there's a couple of things I did off camera I just want to let you know what I did uh these hoses didn't have any protection on them so he wanted me to put this uh springy metal stuff he had pool noodles on it this is not exactly OEM so we went ahead and put this stuff on and uh that's not easy that's very difficult as a matter of fact I threaded it through my thumb as I was doing it um yeah you got to kind of it's a pain let's just say it's a pain it's a literal pain I also topped off the hydraulic fluid because when I did this you know lost about a gallon so hydraulic fluid's good all the fluids are good all the filters are good I'm ready to run it so I'm going to give you guys one quick thing I mean I'm going to be using this a lot for the next you know several videos but uh I just want to give you some payoff here at the end and there's one thing I've been wanting to do that my BX just can't handle and I'm going to get it done right now okay this metal in the ground has been the bane of my existence for far too long and the BX just didn't have enough oomph I'm guessing this isn't going to be a problem for this machine [Music] [Music] [Music] well there it is yeah this thing is going to make me be able to accomplish stuff of course the BX can't take this out of the ground that machine oh it's going to it's going to help so much and John I know you're watching I really really appreciate being able to use it she's in tiptop shape all the filters and everything you saw me do it she's ready to R run and uh I'm ready to run it so hey guys I told you big things were happening we're going to get a lot of work done on this property for as long as I have that machine and uh it's going to be fun it's going to be really good so hit the Subscribe button hit the like button I'm going to hit my own like button I'm hitting my own like button that's right I will see you next time when I'm doing more stuff
Channel: Sam's Doin Stuff
Views: 207,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Will it run, kubota kx212-3, fix it, free excavator, mini excavator maintenance, mini excavator service, abandoned mini excavator
Id: nmf71CvYgQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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