How To Catch FAST AUDIO In IELTS Listening Part 4 By Asad Yaqub

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okay guys now in order to understand I listening part four first you need to read part four before starting your listening test when they start the test they've got a lot of ba ba ba ba you know what I what I mean by ba ba you're going to listen to a number of different recordings and you will have time to read the questions and at the end of the section you will have some time to check your answers all the recordings will be played once only ba ba ba this is B ba when they do ba ba ba you have to say ka ka ka means you will come to part four and you will read all these questions and listen read them carefully don't try to read all the questions but try to read at least first five questions read the title read first five questions and then you can mark it I've read five questions and when they come here you've read five questions Overlook them right just go through them quickly and then read questions 36 to 40 in part four there will always be a lecture it is educational based on science research technology anything and there will be one tutor one lecturer who will be delivering that lecture students usually complain in part four audio is very fast it's not fast it's fluent when people are delivering lecture their English is usually flu because there No Interruption in dialogue there is Interruption right one person is talking other is answering but in part four There Is No Interruption so it's going to be a fluent conversation and why we have this in part four because when you guys are going to English speaking countries you're going to attend your lectures in English Okay you cannot say Mar Punjabi I will understand John a little Punjabi John yeah okay so they will deliver that lecture in in English now section four complete the notes below notes that means incomplete sentences write one word only in part four standard part four in I listening test if the test is normal and standard test part one is one word and or a number and part four is one word only and if it is not standard then multiple choice or any other type okay so one word only new Caledonian crows do you know crows all right let's show some solidarity to crows for the next 10 seconds you will say with me come on yeah who said anyways so new Caledonian crows and the use of tools what does it remind once once upon a time there was a crow and that Thirsty Crow used Pebbles or stone as a tool so it means crows are intelligent all right they are wise so examples of animals using tools okay some chimpanzees use stones to break knots Betty new Caledonian Crow it's the name of the crow Betty made a dash out of a wire now look here batty is a crow that Crow made something out of wire do you know what wire is tar wire so now whatever Betty made out of wire right Betty is the name of a crow yeah let me tell you say Betty Niki peny but peny yeah Betty is the name of crow so Betty made something out of a wire to move a bucket of food there was a bucket of food and B is the crow Crow made something out of wire to to move that let's see and the audio will go on for some time and then you'll find the answer you will hear a lecture about a species of bird called the new Caledonian Crow I'm going to talk today about Research into a particular species of bird the new Caledonian Crow whose natural habitat is small islands in the Pacific Ocean and it seems that these crows are exceptionally resourceful using sticks or other tools to find food isn't unknown among birds and animals some chimpanzees for example are known to bang nuts on stones in order to break the shell and get at the edible kernel inside one new Caledonian crow called Betty bent some straight wire into a hook and used it to lift a small bucket of her favorite food from a vertical pipe well done got it straight wire into a hook and then used it to move the bucket of this so how do you spell hook h u c k hou O K hook got it okay I'll play the last part only because it's a long audio you will hear Elric example un known to bang nuts on stones in order to break the shell and get at the edible kernel inside one new Caledonian crow called Betty bent some straight wire into a hook and used it to lift a small bucket of her favorite food from a vertical pipe okay let's go on uh then they talk about Barney another Crow and all that New Zealand and Oxford experiment now when in the audio they said New Zealand and Oxford experiment it means now answer part is going to come three stages Crow needed to move a dash in order to reach a short stick underline the word to move crows needed to move something in order to reach a short stick now what is it that crows needed to move underline the word move for move what are the other words transfer to transfer to push exactly move to push or to pull up pull up for example move a bottle push a bottle pull up a bottle drag a bottle or anything like that okay whatever they say after the synonym of move and the crows had to move that that object that object will be your answer in one research project scientists from New Zealand and Oxford set captive new Caledonian crows a three-stage problem if they wanted to extract food from a hole the crows first T to pull up a string to get a short stick then use that short stick to remove a long stick from a toolbox and finally use the long stick to reach the food amazingly they worked out how to do this successfully excellent needed to pull up our string and then they mention in order to reach a short strick short strick cannot be the answer it's already written then use the short strick to reach a long stick and then use the long stick to reach food I play this one again in one research project scientists from New Zealand and Oxford set captive new Caledonian crows a three-stage problem if they wanted to extract food from a hole the crows first had to pull up a string to get a short stick then use that short stick okay pull up a string s t r i n d like Russi or Dory Okay yeah you can say Saba so let's go on question number 33 Oxford research crows used sticks to investigate whether there was any Dash from an object crows used sticks to investigate whether there was any underline the word whether there was any whether there was any so they used a stick to check something now what is it that they checked please listen to the audio and find it whether there was any further experiments carried out at Oxford suggest that crows can also use sticks as tools to inspect all sorts of objects possibly to assess whether or not they present a danger whether or not not they presented danger whether there was any and for there was any they use the word whether or not there was any danger answer is danger d a n g e r and don't read it as danger danger okay then there's question number 34 and before that please underline spider design you know why can you see spidal design you know why sign posting when the audio talks about spider design you know they are there Barney used a sake to investigate a snake made of have you ever seen plastic snake right you know you just put the snake and people are scared so a snake made of answer is R material yeah answer is rubber check his confidence and have you noticed one thing part one or okay so snake made off means material with which that snake was made of and for example snake made of plastic in the audio they will say plastic snake or plastic snake right plastic snake means snake made of plastic snake made of wood wooden snake wooden snake right let's see in the research five pairs of crows including Barney underwent tests to see how they would react to a variety of objects which were carefully chosen so the birds wouldn't be tempted to view them as a possible source of food as a further precaution all the crows had been fed beforehand on eight occasions a bird's first Contact was by using a tool in all three trials Barney began by using a stick for inspection one involved a rubber snake first he approached it one involved a yeah rubber rubber not rubber rubber r uble b e r rubber snake Okay Pierre it's for it was the name of another bird or something as they talked about bney Betty and all that uh Pierre it's a French name Pierre use a stick to investigate a dash use the stick to investigate now the synonym of investigate and then there'll be the answer yeah investigate find out or anything like that in other experiments two different birds called Pierre and Coro also made a first approach with tools on three separate occasions Pierre used a short piece of wood chip to touch a light which was flashing to touch a light which was flashing now to investigate a light to touch a light in is's stupid language to investigate and to touch they are synonyms you will not find these synonyms anywhere but in Isles these are synonyms and answer is light l i t e l excellent l i g h t h i play it again in other experiments two different birds called Pierre and Coro also made a first approach with tools on three separate occasions Pierre used a short piece of wood chip to touch a light which was flashing thank you so much that's the end of the class take care okay God there that's all thank you so much that's the end of the class I'll see you tomorrow okay okay okay end of the class you can go back home now Thursday Friday Saturday okay let's go on question number 36 now there's a great jump if there's a great jump it means audio will go on on on on and on now the first thing is conclusions and the second thing is Bird's cognition Birds cognition when they say Bird's cognition and one more thing you know what happens when there is no question they will use same wording where there is a question they will change the word wording where there is no question they will use same wording over there so Bird's cognition after that unclear whether this is evidence of the birds Dash now listen conclusion of above research what is conclusion number one ability to plan provides interesting evidence of the bird's cognition unclear now what is unclear conclusion all right what is unclear conclusion is unclear whether this is evidence of the birds Dash now Birds Dash apostrophe s if the if the noun is plural we use apostrophe s after s and we never add an extra s okay so Birds what right and underline the word evidence of and for evidence of they they may use the word sign of right sign of evidence of birds Dash so what conclusions can be drawn from the research evidence is building up from experiments such as these that the birds are able to plan their actions in advance which is very interesting for understanding their cognition they don't seem to be responding in a pre-programmed sort of way it may even be possible that they're able to view a problem and work out what the answer is however a major difficulty is assessing whether this tool using behavior is a sign of intelligence to some extent this is related to the ecological behavior is a sign of intelligence so evidence of the birds intelligence when they talking about intelligence they are already talking about birds so sign of intelligence means evidence of Bird's intelligence question number 37 exter in Oxford research in new calonia scientists have attached very small small cameras to birds Dash now listen answer is part of body they attach small cameras where do they usually attach camera tail okay they made came Bird's neck or Bird's feet maybe right so they attach tiny cameras to Birds now it's the part of body where they attach the cameras so scientists want to find out much more about how the crows behave in their native habitat and a team from exitor and Oxford universities is carrying out research in new calonia they're looking into whether the bird's way of searching for food gives them any possible evolutionary Advantage the birds are hard to to observe as they live in a region of mountainous Forest so the researchers have attached tiny cameras to the tals of some birds as one method of investigating their behavior he had said the right answer that's why I confused you tail t a l e what's the meaning of t a l e tale story that tale means story so t a i l singular or plural then there's no problem you may write tail or you may write Tails there's no problem okay question number 38 food in the form of beetle lar we pronounce it as larvi Beetle larvi provides plenty of underline the word plenty of and quietly write there so much for example there is plenty of water there is so much water plenty of and so much so whatever they say after plenty of that will be your answer the birds are Masters at using sticks to find their food in particular beater ly from the trees it's possible that the birds can derive so much energy from these grubs that they only need to eat a few each day okay so much energy that they need to eat a few each day energy G will be the right answer question number 39 lar specific underline the word specific now tell me other words for specific particular absolutely specific particular or there is another word distinct distinct particular for example particular uh diet specific diet distinct diet anything like that okay unique diet absolutely very good exact diet yes that's right so now let's see lar Dash lar specific Dash and then the word is composition underline the word composition what's the other word of composition write it down makeup makeup composition and makeup okay consists of yeah composes comprises of well done that's right now please this would mean that they wouldn't have to spend most of their waking time searching for food as most animals do the beetle ly have a distinct chemical makeup which can be tra beer lar has a distinct chemical makeup so answer is chemical please listen to it again those who missed this would mean that they wouldn't have to spend most of their waking time searching for food as most animals do the beetle lari have a distinct chemical makeup beater larvi have a distinct chemical makeup so answer is chemical question number 40 scientists will analyze what the birds include in their Dash now underline include in there and for anal they may use the word scientists will estimate and what is the other word for include include consist of included comprises of or anything like that I play the audio scientists will analyze what the birds include in there scientists have collected samples from crows in order to estimate the proportion of lvi in their diet they should then be able to gauge the EXT ENT to proportion of larv in their diet listen to this again scientists have collected samples from crows in order to estimate the proportion of ly in their diet they should then be able to gauge the extent to which individual birds depend on using sticks to feed themselves all right answer is Diet okay
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS
Views: 37,564
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Keywords: ielts listening, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test, ielts listening test 2020, listening ielts practice, ielts 2020, listening, ielts newlistening test, ielts test, listening ielts, listening band 9 score, recent ielts exam, ielts, ielts asadyaqub, BC u0026 IDP Exam, listening new videos, ielts speaking test samples, ielts best listening video, ielts success 2020, AsadYaqub
Id: pFI9y6Y-4kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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