IELTS Speaking test format

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[Music] hello I'm Damon Bailey from IELTS with in this video we're going to look at the three different sections that make up the IELTS speaking test we will look at what the examiner is listening for during the test as well as the assessment criteria used to give you your score we will also look at the format that the examiner will follow during the test and how each section is different so let's look now at the IELTS speaking test the IELTS speaking test is designed to be as close to a real life situation as possible so during the speaking test you talk to a certified examiner the speaking test is interactive and attempts to mimic real-life situations a variety of different accents may be used and the test is recorded the content of the IELTS speaking test is the same for both the IELTS academic and IELTS general training tests the IELTS speaking test is designed to assess a wide range of skills the examiner will want to see how well you can communicate your opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences to do this you will need to answer a range of questions during the speaking test you will need to speak at length on a given topic using appropriate language so you will need to be able to organize your ideas coherently you will need to express and justify your opinions you may have to analyze discuss and speculate about issues during the test you will need to relax and talk fluently and as naturally as possible the IELTS speaking test consists of three parts and the whole speaking test takes 11 to 14 minutes part 1 is called the introduc interview and it lasts for four to five minutes during part one you'll answer questions about familiar topics part two is called the long turn it lasts for three to four minutes and you will speak at length on a given topic part three is called the discussion it lasts for four to five minutes during the discussion you will talk about a chosen issue and you will need to give your own opinion on this topic so let's look a little bit more closely at each part of the test during part one the introduction and interview the examiner will introduce themselves and ask you to introduce yourself and confirm your identity you can use a passport driver's license or identification card to do that once you have confirmed your identity the examiner will ask you general questions on familiar topics such as your home family work studies and interests this section should help you to relax and talk naturally part two is known as the long turn during the long turn the examiner will give you a task card which asks you to talk about a particular topic including points that you should cover during your talk before you speak you will be given one minute to prepare and make notes you will then be asked to talk for one to two minutes on the topic you've been given you will not be interrupted by the examiner during this time so it is important to keep talking once you have finished the examiner may then ask you one or two more questions about the topic you've just spoken about speaking part three is known as the discussion because it is a two-way discussion between you and the examiner during the discussion the examiner will ask you further questions which are connected to the topic you spoke about in part two these questions are designed to give you an opportunity to discuss more abstract issues and ideas that can be interpreted in different ways there are four criteria that are used to assess you during the speaking test fluency and coherence lexical resource grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation scores are given in whole and half bands for example 5.0 5.5 6.0 looking more closely at the assessment criteria we can see that fluency is the ability to maintain a flow of language without unnatural hesitation can you talk continuously at a natural speed without long pauses or repetition of words or ideas and do you use fillers like um or hesitate when you're speaking coherence is the logical organization development and connection of ideas do you stay on topic when you are speaking are you able to express your ideas and opinions when you speak do things follow a logical order or progression and are you easy to understand lexical resource is most commonly known as vocabulary and this has looked at by the examiner they look to see if you use a variety of different words or do you often repeat words and also do use uncommon or unusual words when you're speaking grammatical range and accuracy or as we commonly call it grammar is very important are things like pronouns used correctly such as he him his when referring to a male or she or her when referring to a female do you use the correct tenses past present or future do you create long sentences and use a variety of structures when you're speaking and finally pronunciation natural sounding speech and good pronunciation of words will help to achieve higher band scores using correct word stress sentence stress and intonation will help to make your speech clearer and easier to understand so that's an overview of what to expect during the IELTS speaking test I hope you found this information useful and if you would like any further information please feel free to check out our website at IELTS Wiz calm I look forward to seeing you in upcoming videos
Channel: IELTS Whiz
Views: 23,775
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS test, IELTS Whiz, IELTS speaking test, IELTS speaking test format, IELTS test format, IELTS speaking, english, english test, speaking, reading, writing, listening, speaking test, study, study abroad, university, scholarship, IELTS 6, IELTS 6.0, IELTS 6.5, IELTS 7, IELTS 7.0, IELTS 7.5, IELTS 8, IELTS 8.0, IELTS 8.5, IELTS 9, IELTS 9.0
Id: h360SBeLHEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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