IELTS Speaking Test | Band 9 | Real Exam!

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this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system the examiner is michelle lester good afternoon can you tell me your full name please good afternoon my name is aramanjit singh and what shall i call you you can call me raman where are you from i come from india originally from the city of ludhiana it is located at the north side of the state of punjab all right so in the first part of the exam i'd like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about the weather tell me about the weather in your country in general we have quite a mild climate but perhaps because of global warming it can get quite hot in the summer we have also had a lot of flooding in parts of the country which have also increased in recent years what kind of weather do you like best honestly speaking i don't like extreme weather conditions rainy weather or really hot sunny days don't appeal to me at all i prefer the weather during autumn it's not too hot and the days also get longer what kind of weather do you like when you go on holiday to be honest we usually spend our holidays walking in the countryside so i prefer mild weather because it's not very enjoyable walking in heavy rain and not too sunny either as it's easy to get sunburned if you are outside a lot of the day would you prefer to live in a country with a hot or a cold climate actually i don't really like extreme weather conditions the climate is quite mild in my country and it never really gets uncomfortable i'm really not at all keen on hot weather so i wouldn't like to live anywhere where it gets sweltering hot let's move on to talk about exercise do you like to keep fit yes i take part in a lot of different sports i play cricket for my college and go swimming once or twice a week having said that i'm not fond of going to the gym i find that a bit boring which sports are popular in your country um cricket probably it's certainly the one that most people talk about and watch on tv even if they don't play it however other things like gymnastics is also very popular and possibly the activity that most people take part in did you do any sports when you were younger that you don't do now i used to play basketball when i was at school but uh i wasn't very good at it and i didn't continue with it when i left we used to do gymnastics as well and i enjoyed that but again i didn't do that once i finished school is there a sport that you'd like to do you have never done before you know i can't swim but i would love to learn i have had lessons in the past but i found it quite difficult i'm always disappointed when i go on holidays with my friends and can't join them in the swimming pool or in the sea now moving on to the second part of the test i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for one or two minutes before you talk you have one minute to think about what you are going to say you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes here is your topic describe a meal that you like to eat remember you have one or two minutes for this so don't worry if i stop you i'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please so food plays an important part in my life so this is a good question it's really hard to choose just one meal as there are several things i enjoy eating but if i had to choose one it would be a curry perhaps one with chicken from restaurant near where i live we eat a lot of foreign food at home for example chinese italian mexican usually my friends and i will take it in turns to cook and we have curry at least once a week honestly speaking our cooking is okay most of the time but we have a takeaway on friday evening as a treat it's always difficult to decide what to have but i try to persuade them to order indian food in the area where i live there are a lot of indian restaurants and i have probably tried all of them but there's one in particular that makes really nice curries there are so many different kinds and it depends on your taste which one you would like best what makes indian food special for me is all the spices used i usually order a hot curry a dish with extra chili in it the first few mouthfuls burn a bit of course but you slowly get used to the heat the food is always beautifully cooked and they often give you something free like small side dishes we've been talking about the subject of food and i'd like to discuss this subject with you with some more general questions relating to this topic first what is the appeal of eating out in a restaurant i think one reason is that others do all the work cooking the food serving it and washing up afterwards but also it's exciting to eat out especially if it's a nice restaurant with the high quality food what do you think makes a good dinner host well let me think um i think the host should be able to cook it wouldn't be a very nice evening if the meal wasn't tasty i think it's important that a host makes you feel comfortable as well and they should also be good at keeping the conversations going to encourage everyone to have a good time fast food is often criticized by food experts so why is it so popular with people probably because it's quick and convenient if you have had a busy day at work or have been studying all day long you might not want to spend time cooking in some places you can just drive in order your food pay and drive home so it's very easy do you think it's always best to eat food with ingredients that have been produced locally you know i think it's good for the environment it means food isn't being transported around the country or even around the world it's obviously also good for the local economy a food is bought from farmers and other food producers in the area is it important to eat together at the dinner table rather than in front of the tv for example my parents always made me and my sister eat at the table at meal times we weren't allowed to have our mobile phones with us when we were eating so yeah in my opinion this was a good idea as it meant we were able to talk to each other and find out what was going on in our lives at the time how can we best encourage people to eat a healthy diet to be honest i think you need to start by educating children so that they get into good habits it's a good idea to encourage them to help prepare food i think there's more chance they'll eat things they normally wouldn't like if they are involved more in cooking that is the end of the speaking test thank you thank you [Music] [Music]
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test real test, ielts speaking test actual, ielts speaking test video, ielts speaking test, speaking ielts band 9, ielts speaking practice, english speaking practice, ielts speaking band 9, ielts real exam test
Id: _Pi3euUSWLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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