IELTS Speaking 9 Real Score Questions and Answers

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would you care to show us your official  band 9 certificate so here is my certificate   again these questions are similar  to the ones that appeared on trans   IELTS exam welcome to the speaking  section of the IELTS exam [Music] I have a very special guest with me here today  Miss Trang from Vietnam who has scored an amazing   band 9 on the speaking section of her most recent  IELTS exam and we are going to find out exactly   how she did it and recreate the interview  with similar questions welcome Miss Trang   hi thank you for having me as we get going  I'd like to ask a few questions just to get   to know you a little bit better can you tell  us where you are from okay so I'm from Vietnam   originally from a small town in central Vietnam  but now I'm based in Hanoi again these questions   are similar to the ones that appeared on trang's  IELTS exam just recently pay attention carefully   to Parts one two and three notice the use of  vocabulary natural language great pronunciation   here we go welcome to the speaking section of  the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your   examiner for this part of the test I will give you  instructions for each of the three parts for part   one I will ask you some questions to get to know  you better and some questions on a general topic   do you work or study so at the moment I'm  working as a freelance content creator   which if I'm being honest doesn't help much  with paying the bills because as you know   there is no guarantee that I'm gonna  get a fixed amount of work every month is your job stressful yes sometimes it can be  when a lot of clients want to work with me to   collaborate with me at the same time there is an  overwhelming amount number of assignments coming   in so the workload can be too much to bear are  your morning routines different on different days   um absolutely my morning routines vary widely  from weekdays to weekends from Monday to Friday   I have to get up early to prepare for work  what do you do in the evening um from 6 p.m   onward I mostly stay in my room enjoying solitary  pastimes such as watching Netflix or listening to   music while playing with my adorable guinea  pig Ollie to unwind after a hard working day   do you like technology as a matter of fact I do  I think that technology is immensely beneficial   both at work and in daily life what was  the last piece of technology you bought let me see um it's been quite a while since  I last bought something but I believe that   Gadget was a pair of airpods Cutting Edge  earbuds from Apple because for my work from   time to time I have to communicate with my  clients and I wanted to listen to them more   effectively what do you want to buy in the  future in the future I'm planning to buy a   tablet from a Famous Brand like Samsung or Apple  so that I can keep up with my work on the go   that is the end of part one we will now continue  with part two for this part I will show you some   questions please do not touch the question  booklet you will have one minute to read   these questions think about your answers and then  you will have one to two minutes to speak you can   take notes in the one minute time if you wish  you have some Note Paper over there in your pen describe a problem with something  you bought in the store or online   your one minute preparation time begins now you're a one minute preparation time is up  please begin speaking for this part I would   like to talk about the time when I bought a shirt  on a popular eCommerce site named shopee despite   the fact that I had read the description very  carefully before ordering when I got the shirt   I came to realize that it was too big for me  it didn't fit me perfectly as I had hoped so   uh the I was beside myself with rage and the very  first thing I did was to complain to the seller   um fortunately she sincerely apologized  for the mistake and promised to exchange   it for a brand new one from her tone I could  see that she felt terrible about the mishap   so I decided to let it slide okay your time  is up I will stop you there and we will now   continue with part three please put the note  paper and your pen to the side I will now   ask you a question related to your response  and some questions connected to this topic did you tell anybody about this yes I did I told  my sister who lives with me to blow off some   steam and also to help as a reminder to be more  careful in the future when ordering articles of   clothing online let's talk a little bit more about  customer service is customer service important   personally I would say that customer service  is extremely important because for example when   I go to the store I would be pleased if the  sales people are helpful and can give me some   advice on what to buy this makes me feel  good about spending my hard-earned money why don't some companies focus on customer service um in my opinion there are indeed a wide range   of causes why business enterprises  don't pay attention to this aspect   um and the most common reason is probably the  fact that they don't care they only care about   profit instead of satisfied customers which  ultimately often leads to their own doubtful is it true that expensive brands  have good customer service   not necessarily but generally speaking the more  high-end the product or the brand is the more   funds tend to be invested in customer service  so I could see why some people might think that can you trust online reviews um when it comes to online reviews I think that  Shoppers should treat them with caution because   a lot of companies out there fake the reviews  to show that their goods are well received by   the public and to trade people into  buying with confidence do you think   that a product is just an idea wow uh that's a  difficult question uh give me a moment to think   I think that in this day and age it's um not  just about a tangible product but more about   an ideal image created by a company that everyone  loves so I think this statement is relatively true   that is the end of part three that concludes  the speaking section of the IELTS exam you will   have your mark in two days online after you  finish the other sections and your official   certificate in the mail in 10 days goodbye yes  thank you goodbye wow thank you trank for That   interview and sharing that experience with us  I'm sure many of our viewers will find it very   helpful especially since you used a lot of  great vocabulary and expressions naturally   in context would you care to show us your  official band 9 certificate you've earned   it and you should be proud of it and we'd love  to see it yes okay so here is my certificate wonderful thank you and now I'd love to  ask you a few questions so that we can   get some further Insight on how you achieve  this highly desired score and uh hopefully   many of our viewers will be able to put your  advice to good use and and achieve the same   what do you think are the most important aspects  of your speaking that led to this band 9 score um the most important thing was to show  everything I've got in short to add complexity   to my sentences by using a lot of compound  and complex words as well as structures so   rather than simply say a verb or an adjective  I made a mental note to add an adverb into the   mix for example immensely beneficial instead of  just beneficial vocabulary and expressions were   also much more powerful so I used business  enterprises indeed to design myself with   Rage or let it slide I see that you didn't  really talk too much about pronunciation but   I must say that your pronunciation is quite  good how did you improve to sound so clear   uh oh yes I didn't even realize that uh because  now to me it feels like a given pronunciation   was actually the very first thing I wanted  to focus on when I started learning English   um so I really wanted to study what is going on  in the English sound system which I have to say   is so different from Vietnamese um aside from  countless hours watching sitcoms talk shows   and stand-ups I also looked into the IPA or  the International Phonetic Alphabet which is   an amazing tool to learn how to make every sound  correctly that's a great tip so the IPA is uh is   a good starting point and we'll put a link in the  video description for that so that people can look   it up and get going in the right direction for  a clear pronunciation because as you said that's   definitely one of the big challenges for many  many people in Vietnam and in eastern Asia as   well in general so we'll help out there a bit do  you think that candidates can get a high score if   they speak to the examiner like they're speaking  to a friend and the reason I ask that is because   there there are a lot of teachers and a lot of  videos out there giving this advice like oh just   speak with the examiner as if they're your friend  is that a good approach to getting a good score okay so no I would actually advise against that um  even though the language used in IELTS speaking is   more relaxed than writing for instance candidates  are encouraged to say I'm gonna instead of I'm   going to at the end of the day it's still a  test so I think test takers should try to be   professional should try to show their English  command in the best life definitely a refrain   from using daily phrases like you know or and  stuff um also I think speaking in many very short   forms like when we speak with our friends we just  say yeah sure or I did this on the weekend but in   the IELTS it's more important to really speak in  full sentences without going off expand your ideas   what do you think is the most common  misconception among Vietnamese about the Isles well personally I think the biggest misconception  is that your true English ability will show in the   results which is often not the case uh because  Flawless test taking skills are also needed   so candidates should study the structures  of the IELTS test and come up with   detailed strategies to tackle  every section effectively what is your single most important tip for  Vietnamese Learners or Learners in general so that   they can improve their scores just one just one  just one if you could only get one single tip yes   it's hard to choose but if I were to  give one tip only I would say to create   an English Field environment to immerse  yourself in the language so uh if it's   a working adult like myself I say try to  read CNN or the New York Times or watch   the news in English every day and students  can watch talk shows listen to podcasts   and enjoy a community where they can speak English  with each other like your channel so I don't know   if it's the most helpful piece of advice because  it's not a specific tactic that can be applied   right away but I believe that in the long term  it will do wonders to your practical skills   what are you planning to do now that you have  this perfect score in the out speaking section um well in terms of personal objectives because  I have already gotten a nine for speaking now   I might try to see if I can get a night for  writing as well because this time I got an eight   um I might also create some content related to  this topic to share my experience my take on   the IELTS test and hopefully I can help others  to improve their scores well we will certainly   make sure to follow you and check out the content  that you're creating because clearly you have a   lot of know-how and legitimacy regarding uh the  aisles and we will share that with uh with our   viewers in the coming weeks and months as  you grow and develop your content creation   um what was your experience with you know  using our website you you briefly alluded   to joining this Channel and I know that  you mentioned to me as we're setting up   this project that that you did join our  Channel yourself can you tell me in just   in a few words what was your experience with  our YouTube channel and maybe with our websites um yes so uh When I Was preparing for the  test this time I was looking at a lot of IELTS   specific channels and your YouTube channel jumped  out as the like the most impressive one because   I really liked your teaching style so it's very  clear and it's very easy to follow and the content   is quite good I actually got many Inspirations  from your mock test mock speaking test so that I   can improve so I could improve my uh my interview  awesome well I'm happy to hear that that um that   means a lot to us because it vindicates that  what we're doing is effective and it works and   we love getting feedback from our viewers so if  anybody else has opinions or feedback for us we   would love to hear from you will include uh the  email on the screen here and in the description   below as well so you can get a hold of us thank  you trank for being with us and uh sharing your   insights it was extremely valuable and I look  forward to seeing more of your work in the future   yeah yes it was my pleasure to be here today  and I want to wish everybody good luck on their   test in the future and I look forward to sharing  more content with you subscribe to our Channel   click over here watch another video click right up  here and click our IELTS hero to join our premium   package and get access to all of our videos  practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 450,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, English speaking, practice, IELTS speaking, band 9, section, examiner, candidate, official marking, band score descriptors, cue card, score 9, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, exercise, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, IELTS learning, easy, brave, English lesson, English tutorial, English
Id: D3o4zJjX08Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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