Full IELTS Listening Test with Answers, Tips and Strategies

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in today's lesson you and i are going to sit down and do a full ielts listening test i'll be doing the test with you i'll be giving you some tips to improve and i'll be telling you the answers [Music] welcome my name is eli and i run the website englishprotips.com where we help students get ready for the ielts test now in today's lesson we're going to be doing a full ielts listening test from practical and i'll be telling you about them later on so if you've got a pen and some paper ready let's begin you will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear there will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work all the recordings will be played once only the test is in four parts now turn to part one part one you will hear a conversation between a man and a woman as the woman checks into a hotel first you have some time to look at questions one to five alright so in part one which is the easiest part you're going to hear two people speaking usually a man and a woman and you'll need to complete a form now what i'd recommend to you is look through the first questions and predict what kind of information you're going to hear so let's do that together so number one we've got the guest's name and we've got eva and then something else so we're looking for a surname a family name okay so we're going to be listening out for when she says what her name is and she's most likely going to spell it as well number two okay we're looking for a postcode so that's an area code now area codes in the uk and us often have a series of letters and numbers so we're looking out for when she gives her address and we're paying attention to the letters and numbers that she has number three is easy we're going to be looking out for her mobile number so be careful about those tricky numbers like 15 and 50. number four okay we are looking for a checkout date and we've got the preposition on so it could be something like on monday or on on tuesday but it could also be a date like on the 9th of september anyway we know what we're going to be looking out for either a day or a date finally number 5 payment method bank transfer problem with something payment okay so we're looking for a collocation with payment something like online payment mobile payment i can't think of any other examples okay let's have a go now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five welcome to the park central hotel my name is david are you checking in yes that's right i've got a booking here great could you please tell me the reservation number it's fh74 just a moment please my apologies mom the reservation is confirmed but your personal details are gone can i have your information on the file no problem well what's your full name please it's eva clark how do you spell your surname it's c l a r k e thank you very much ma'am and your postcode please it's s w a 6 3 2. okay then could you please tell me your address of course it's 40 brick lane so that's in the borough of tower hamlets exactly and is there a phone number where you can be contacted sure it's 05034 689 427 excellent and when is your checkout date well i'm going to stay here for four nights today's august 16th so i will check out on august 20th now just one more question i'll need your payment information could you please tell me how you paid for the booking sure i tried to pay online but that didn't go through so i had to pay by bank transfer the reference number is eight seven nine four two three one thanks a lot i apologize for the inconvenience that's all right all right how did you get on let's go through the answers together so number one was clark c l a r k e now if you forgot the e or spelt it wrong you don't get the point spelling is important in the ielts listening test number two was the postcode swa 6 3 two now i heard 6wa 632 however i almost put sw8 632 and that's because i'm used to hearing postcodes that have letter letter number so sw8 don't let your knowledge of the real world confuse you if you hear a write a okay number three is the telephone number six eight nine four two seven okay you're often going to hear numbers in the ielts listening test so practice them and be careful about some of the tricky numbers like 15 and 50 so they sound kind of similar also in english sometimes we say oh and sometimes we say zero in the case of numbers both o and zero mean zero so o double one for example means zero one one oh and that's another one if you hear double one so that means two times one so one one or you might hear treble four which means four four four we don't usually say quadruple so quadruple five but that just means five five five five okay so be careful about o and zero and double and triple or treble number four is august 20th now you can put this in a different format you can say things like 20th august or august 20 or 20 august the important thing is you look at the instructions and it will tell you how many numbers and or words you can put into the answers and finally number five was online so online payment okay let's move on to the next one before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions six to ten right question six to ten so in question six to ten we have a new task this is a sentence completion task and here we have to choose a word or words or a number to make a grammatically correct sentence now the first thing you should do is to look at the instructions it says write no more than two words and or a number so if you were to write three words in the space you would get an incorrect answer there are no more than two words so two words is okay but no more than two words and or a number okay what i'd recommend to you is use the time before the listening starts to underline keywords and think about what the sentence needs to have to be grammatically correct now listen and answer questions six to ten now if it's possible i need to get some information oh suddenly could you tell me if breakfast is included in the price of the room and if so when and where it is served of course the breakfast buffet is included in your reservation hot breakfast is served from 6 a.m until 10 a.m and cold snacks are available until midday it is served in the main dining room which is located on the first floor you can take the elevator or the stairs to get there that's great so i'll have time to exercise before eating breakfast by the way is there a gym available here certainly the hotel has a health club and a swimming pool but if you like to use the pool and the steam room you must have appropriate swimwear which you can buy at the pool reception and please don't forget to deposit all valuables in the pool lockers i will definitely try the pool tonight oh i completely forgot tonight there's a football match on tv is it possible to watch it in the hotel well our hotel is known for its unique sports lounge however i'm sorry to say that it's been reserved for a private party tonight so maybe you can enjoy it on the other nights no the game is tonight can i watch it in my room sorry the football channel is not available there but i can suggest watching it on the televisions at the gym the screens are quite large and the chairs are really comfortable thank you for the suggestion i'm also planning to see some of the city's tourist attractions this is my first time in the city and i was wondering if i would need a tour guide well there's a tour office nearby and they can help you with whatever you'd like to know about the city attractions when you leave the hotel go straight and turn left at the corner the tour office is in front of the capital bank the city map they provide is not for free but you can get a free one at the front desk i really appreciate it my pleasure is there anything else i can help you with one more thing please can i have a wake-up call for tomorrow of course what time would you like to have it well i need to get ready two hours before a meeting which is at 9am so that would be great if i could get the call at 7am this way i won't be in a hurry certainly mom one of our employees will give you a wake-up call thanks for being so helpful all right then let's go through the answers number six was first floor if you put the main dining room or dining room then you were wrong because we have on the so we can't say on the dining room preposition on means we need to use a different word like floor okay so remember these sentences do have to be grammatically correct number seven all guests are required to have suitable swimwear okay so swimwear is one word if you wrote it as two words you are wrong remember spelling is important in the ielts test number seven eva can watch the football game at the gym since the sports okay the answer was lounge so the sports lounge is booked so a lounge is basically a relaxing place public place usually in a hotel so the sports lounge is booked number nine ever should visit the front desk so ever should visit the front desk to get a free city map i hope you didn't put tour office it was very it sounded like it was going to be tour office but in the end they said something about go to the front desk to get a free map so the keyword here is free and finally number ten eva needs to wake up at seven in the morning so seven a.m in the morning or seven in the morning and remember you can put that as a number or you can spell it so s-e-v-e-n okay let's continue now and move on to part two of the listening test now turn to part two part two you will hear a woman on a radio program giving some information about the reopening of a recreation center first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15. all right then we're moving on to part two and part two is slightly different to part one in that we're only listening to one person speaking so it's a monologue and what you'll find is that person tends to speak a little bit more quickly compared to the two people in part one now in questions 11 to 15 we have multiple choice questions which means we need to look at the question and see how many different options there are usually three that we have to choose between again i would recommend that you quickly look through the questions and the options if you have time and just underline these key words that help you understand them before the listening starts when the listening does start then really focus in on the question you're trying to answer and don't get distracted remember this question type gives you a lot more information and you need to constantly be looking at why it's one option or why it's not the other option so make sure that you don't let your mind wonder which is very typical in multiple choice questions and really make an effort to pay attention okay let's try it now listen carefully to the radio program and answer questions 11 to 15. good afternoon everyone i'm christina jones and i'm here to inform you that redford recreation center will soon reopen its doors to the public after undergoing extensive refurbishment so please follow me if you want to know what's new in the center as most of you dear listeners will remember the center has been closed for eight months to address several safety and security problems with the building that made it unsuitable for the general public and especially for children since the center plays a vital role in the local community it was decided that redford residents deserve to have a recreation center with a new modern look improved safety features and updated facilities the work began by installing fire detectors in every room and adding emergency exits to each floor the next significant change that you will notice is that the cultural center has been moved to the back of the building where there is more natural light this was done to create a brighter more vibrant area for cultural activities the town council hopes that these refurbishments make the centre more attractive to the local community as it was expected the costs of the refurbishment were very high the council paid a fourth of the costs but we owe a literacy organization a huge debt of gratitude for supporting most of the expenses we are also delighted to thank the generous people of bretford who contributed to the project with their donations we expect the work to be completed by august 24th so the center will reopen on that day at 9 30 a.m the new operating times of the center are monday to friday from 8 30 a.m to 10 p.m and sundays from 9 a.m to 12 p.m so it is closed on sunday afternoons all day saturdays and also on public holidays the center's loan service is a new facility to which you can request any books magazines movies and audio visual materials that are not currently available in the center we borrow the requested materials from other centers on your behalf and inform you by email or phone as soon as we receive them we will deliver them to you through our complimentary delivery service within a week okay then did you manage to stay focused or did you let your mind wander if you managed to stay focused then well done so number 11 was a because it had become dangerous number 12 was b it didn't get enough sunlight number 13 was b they said that the largest contributor was a literary organization so we needed to take the word organization and instead put literary institute so organization and institute are synonyms and we need to know that in order to get the question right number 14 the answer was um sunday morning so they said from 9 a.m to 12 p.m on sundays so that means in the morning and then they also said how on saturdays and public holidays the place is shut finally for number 15 if you request a book from the center's new loan service um the answer is b you'll be contacted when it arrives so they mentioned how they'll contact you through email or by phone right i hope you got those right let's move on to the next part you now have some time to look at questions 16 to 20. all right next we have some labeling questions so we need to look at the map and choose which of these letters corresponds to which room so what i'd recommend to you is look at the fixed objects on the map so in this case we can see the entrance down at the bottom and we can also see the locker room on the right so just put a circle around these points on the map this is going to help you to understand and to get the answers for some of the other questions now there are some things that cause confusion when it comes to this question often in the listening they'll say something like it used to be on the left but now it's on the right so you need to be very careful for when they describe where something used to be and where it is now or they might say it's behind the reception area or to the left of the reception area so you need to know the answer to one in order to get the next one correct so pay attention and remember all of these will come in order so we'll have the reception area first and then the community meeting room the cultural center and then so on right let's get into it now listen to the rest of the radio program and answer questions 16 to 20. now let me tell you more details about the center's new design where space was formally crammed with small rooms the center now has fewer rooms in an open plan layout to allow for various group activities if you remember the old reception area was located on the left but now it can be seen right in front of you as you enter the center the receptionists there will give visitors a brochure which shows all the new programs and activities that will be offered in the center among the changes are a new community meeting room on the ground floor that is located right behind the reception area and the conversion of some storage spaces into a workspace for the staff distinctive signage and floor directories now help visitors to easily find their ways as i mentioned earlier an important advantage of this renovation is that we have moved the culture center to the back of the building directly opposite the main entrance this new area provides a relaxing space for both adults and children to enjoy cultural activities on either side of this cultural center or restrooms that are open to the general public the children's area is now bigger and more colorful and provides enough space for several activities for children up to 10 years old this area has been expanded by 40 percent to include an indoor playground which can be seen right over in the far left hand corner when you are standing at the reception an assortment of playground equipment has been installed there with strict safety measures the center now offers over 10 public computers for adults to use for free which are up against the wall just to the left of the main entrance door the computers are available on a first come first served basis during the centre's working hours all computers have access to high-speed internet and some useful software is already installed on them a selection of lockers can be found against the wall on the right you can use them to store your belongings while you are inside the center the lockers are free of charge but there are no locks on them so you may want to bring a padlock yourself if you wish to use them as a final point ratford recreation center now has a study zone which is located next to the locker room on the same side of the building this is to support a wide range of activities inside the center such as independent research collaborative study and also to provide a quiet place for those students who have said they can't study appropriately at their homes this area is equipped with wi-fi but a subscription is required if you plan on using the internet that is the end of part two you now have half a minute to check your answers right then the answers so the reception area was in position c the community meeting room was in e they said right behind the reception area so you needed to get the reception area in c in order to know that the answer was e for the community meeting room the culture center was in i they said at the back opposite the main entrance the indoor playground was f so on the far left hand corner and the student study zone was g which was next to the locker room and on the same side of the building so if you find this activity difficult take some time to revise prepositions of place so words like behind in front of next to because that's basically what this activity is testing is your ability to understand prepositions of place right let's continue with the test now turn to part three part three you will hear a student and his teacher discussing a topic that the student has chosen for his presentation first you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25 okay then we're now in part three and in part three typically you hear a recording of multiple people in an educational context and um you'll find that it's quite a bit more difficult than part two so in this question we have to complete somebody's notes and one idea for note completion is to think about what kind of words fit in the space so if we look at number 21 it says a combination of chemicals was used to remove the something to light so we're looking for a noun that's going to fit into this space so um was used to remove the exposure to light or well that's all i can think of really so we're looking for a noun that's going to fit into this space what about in 22 hill claimed his photographs were something colored so we're going to look for an adverb that fits into this space something like um brightly colored what about number 23 hill was accused of being uh something since he didn't make the details public okay so we're looking at looking for a noun that's going to fit into this space so something like accused of being a copycat or a thief or a crook maybe something negative but basically we're just looking for a noun here 24 after 156 years it was finally proved that hill was a something okay so again we're looking for a noun like crook or phony or um thief and 25 research shows that some of hill's pictures were something with fake colors so we're looking for a verb here because we've got were something with fake colors so we're looking for a past participle verb so were infused with fake colors or were made with fake colors okay right let's have a go now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25 hello brian come in and take a seat good morning dr benson i appreciate your time what we are going to discuss today is the topic that you have chosen for your presentation exactly first of all please clarify the reasons that you selected hill's contribution to the development of color photography as the subject of your presentation well ever since i was young i was fascinated by photography while we were discussing the chapter in the class i found levy hill's invention of color photography process quite interesting do you think hill's invention is an adaptation of what de guerre invented earlier in france well the daguerreotype was the first commercially successful photographic process in the early 1840s named after the inventor de guerre each daguerreo type is a unique image on a silvered copper plate de guerre exposed the plate to light and fumed it with mercury vapor the sensitivity to light was removed with a mixture of chemicals and the result of this process was black and white photographs later in 1851 hill worked out his own very different version of the process therefore we can't find remarkable similarities between these two inventions right not particularly they are usually compared because hill eventually changes the name of his process from heliochromie to hilotypes by analogy to the daguerreotype process stemmed from daguerre's name what is the characteristic feature of hilotype well as i said levi hill claimed to have found a way to create naturally coloured photographs which he called hilotype what do you mean by cleaned was it not true well it has remained a mystery for many years when he refused to release the details of his process until a patent was filed professional photographers denounced him as a fraud in 156 years no definitive evidence was presented to suggest that hill's invention was or was not innovative later the examination of 62 hellotypes using advanced technologies revealed that he was indeed a genius hill died in 1865 at the age of 48 possibly a victim of his long and in cautious exposure to the poisonous chemicals involved in his experiments are there any other conflicting findings in these researches well although he discovered a method to create natural colours in photographs the research results suggest that hill enhanced some of the pictures by adding fake colours to the plates manually so that they looked more multi-hued than they actually were all right then let's look at the answers so 21 was sensitivity and you need to get the right spelling sensitivity number 22 was naturally number 23 was fraud okay so if someone is a fraud it means that they are like an imposter or they make up their results they're not genuine they're a fraud however it was found out that he was a genius so someone very smart and again the spelling matters so if you got genius but you spelled it incorrectly you don't get the point and finally number 25 was enhanced okay definitely getting a bit more tricky now let's move on to the next part you now have some time to look at questions 26 to 30. all right then so now you've got another sentence completion task so look at the instructions to find out how many words you have to write and remember you have to write grammatically correct sentences so if you want pause the video and try and go through these questions by yourself when you're ready hit play and begin the recording now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 26 to 30. do you have any particular views on the presentation dr benson i believe that you were great it was clear and concise and you conveyed the most important points without overwhelming your audience with irrelevant details however you can consider some tips to improve your next performance avoid putting paragraphs and long sentences on your slides limit the slides to five lines of text and use only words and phrases to make your key points this way the audience will be able to digest and retain the main ideas more easily don't limit your presentation to what's included in your slides and try to paraphrase key points in a narrative excellent point thanks a lot i'm quite sure you exactly know that conducting historical research is a key step in gathering accurate information and authentic statistics definitely the guidelines were clear in this regard however i noticed that you only partially mentioned the sources of your study this is not a professional approach to include citations you are right i would appreciate if you could help me you can cite your references within your presentation slides using the same format as in-text citations another possibility for citing sources is to create a separate slide remember to cite sources for direct quotations paraphrased materials and sources of facts if you use images such as photographs on your slides you should also credit the source of the image don't forget that creating a references handout is also recommended great i will definitely do that dr benson did you grade my presentation absolutely i did the grades will be available within five days of the due date for the assignment this time you will be able to see the grades on the department's notice board before they are uploaded to your online portal so when will be the due date it will be on the 15th of september therefore the grades will be available by the 20th of september thank you so much dr benson you're welcome brian that is the end of part three you will now have half a minute to check your answers okay let's go through the answers together so 26 was audience audience 27 was digest so to digest and remember the main points digest 28 was statistics statistics okay 29 was sources sources and you need to have correct spelling number 30 was notice board which is one word notice board all right let's move on to the next one now turn to part four part four you will hear part of a lecture on the use of the global positioning system in today's agricultural industry first you have some time to look at questions 31 to 40. did you hear that this time we're answering questions 31 to 40. so just because we were answering questions in groups of five before doesn't mean it will be this way throughout the whole test you need to listen to the instructions okay so part four is the most difficult part of the listening test and in this part four we've got two activities we've got a sentence completion and a diagram completion task okay remember you can pause this video look through all the questions and then when you're ready hit play and have a go now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40. good morning everyone and welcome to this lecture on agriculture my name is john miller and i'm delighted to be here today to talk about the significant role of the global positioning system in precision agriculture integrating the global positioning system known as gps and geographic information systems known as gis has made it possible to develop and implement precise agriculture or site-specific farming these technologies have allowed real-time data to be combined with precise location information and have contributed to the successful aggregation and analysis of large amounts of geospatial data gps based applications in precision agriculture are employed for farm planning field mapping soil sampling tractor guidance crop scouting and yield mapping during dust rain fog darkness or other low visibility conditions gps plays an essential role in helping farmers to work more efficiently it was hard for farmers in the past to determine the effects of production techniques and features of the land on agricultural productivity this hindered their ability to harness the most effective strategies for the treatment of soil or plants that could have increased their production rate but now precision agriculture allows more precise dosing of pesticides herbicides and chemical fertilizers as well as more efficient dispersion of these substances on the land this contributes to higher yields lower expenditures and a more environmentally friendly farm precision agriculture is rapidly growing in popularity mainly due to the introduction of more precise cost-effective and user-friendly equipment into the agricultural industry many of the breakthroughs in this field are results of incorporation of on-board processes data collection sensors and real-time monitoring systems many assume that the potential benefits of precision agriculture can be achieved only on large farmlands and requires considerable capital investment and i.t knowledge this is not the case there are inexpensive convenient and easy to operate tools and equipment that can be put to use by all farmers i would like to introduce three applications that are bringing low-cost precision agriculture to farms of any size the first case is a smartphone app which is still under development this app gives total acreage divides up land by crop type and gives advice about the optimal amount of inputs to use such as seeds and fertilizers this means that farmers are not using more products than the soil can handle this technology is at a stage now where it is easy to prototype and will be available to the public in two years the second tool is a moisture sensor that gives farmers real-time feedback and allows them to adjust their irrigation schedule manually this solar powered sensor can help farmers to analyze farmland more accurately assessing soil type drainage rate and weather patterns the third equipment is a gps based weed management system a simple greenness sensor looks for plants and when a plant is detected its coordinates will be compared with the coordinates of plant on the plant map if there is no corresponding plant on the plant map then it can be assumed to be a weed and the system applies an appropriate herbicide to kill it besides these low-cost solutions many farmers employ more advanced gps-based technologies to focus on boosting their agricultural production these gps receivers obtain position information for mapping field borders routes irrigation systems and trouble spots including pests or disease in crops many of these applications need on-the-go adjustments so very high gps accuracy is required a straightforward manner of accomplishing this in a farm is to use two gps receivers that track same satellites so that higher accuracy can be obtained in real time one of the receivers is a fixed base station which is located on the farm and the other one is a rover station that can be installed on a tractor since the position of the base station is known accurately the error in estimating the location of the base station using satellite signals can be determined this differential location can be communicated to the field gps receiver in the rover by a radio link and this information can be used to increase its accuracy to sum up precision agriculture holds the promise in boosting yields and saving money the use of imagery and sensors robots drones automation digitalization and software technologies are opening a new chapter in agriculture that is the end of part four you now have half a minute to check your answers yes part four was certainly the most difficult so let's have a look at the answers 31 is real time so real hyphen time remember words with a hyphen are counted as one word in the ielts exam so real time real hyphen time 32 was visibility visibility 33 is yields yields 34 breakthroughs breakthroughs so remember breakthrough is one word 35 is development development 36 is two years remember we're allowed one word and or a number so two years is one number and a word 37 is solar so solar energy 38 is coordinates 39 is base station now i put capital letters for the b and the s but that's not essential i just did that because i saw that rover station had a capital r and a capital s but you don't need to put the capital letters here and finally 40 was radio link okay so i hope you enjoyed this um listening test and like i mentioned this is from a website from called practical which do ielts mock tests so if you want more help identifying what level you have in your ielts then have a look at practical and try one of their mock tests i highly recommend them okay best of luck with all of your studies and i'll see you in the next lesson bye then
Channel: English Pro Tips - IELTS Preparation
Views: 231,982
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Keywords: IELTS Listening, IELTS Listening Test, IELTS listening mock test, IELTS Listening Full test, IELTS Listening Real Test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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