15 Words for IELTS Essays | IELTS Writing

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in today's video we're going to be looking at 15 words and phrases that you can use in your task two essays to boost your band score and also stick around until the end of this lesson because i'm going to be checking your understanding of these words and phrases in a quick 15 question quiz right let's begin what do you think is the most common word for starting an ielts essay it's nowadays nowadays is a very useful word for the introduction for example you could start your essay like this nowadays many young people are choosing to study abroad or nowadays an increasing number of physical stores are being replaced by e-commerce websites nowadays is a great word because it allows you to quickly introduce the topic of the essay and then move on to writing your position now you might be thinking what does your position mean well your position in ielts means your opinion and it's very important to write this in the introduction and conclusion now instead of constantly saying in my opinion you can say i would argue that for example you could say some people believe that the development of online shopping has many negative consequences however i would argue that online shopping brings tremendous convenience to the consumer or in conclusion i would argue that the increase in online shopping is a positive development next we have in spite of in spite of is similar to although we use it to contrast two ideas for example we can say in spite of higher tuition fees many young people still choose to study abroad which means although studying abroad is more expensive young people still choose to study in a foreign university now let's quickly look at the form we can have in spite of plus a noun so in spite of plus higher tuition fees which is a noun phrase we can also say in spite of being more expensive in this case we have in spite of plus a gerund which is an ing verb so in spite of being more expensive and that's not all we can also use in spite of the fact so in spite of the fact that it is more expensive many young people choose to study abroad so we have in spite of and then the fact that and then a clause which is a subject and a verb stick around until the end of this video because we'll be doing a quiz to test your understanding of these words number four is for instance now did you know one of the best ways to increase your writing score is to give examples in your essays however instead of simply saying for example for example for example we can use for instance instead it means the same thing so there are many reasons to study abroad for instance you can learn a foreign language meet people from all over the world and experience a new education system number five is due to now due to is similar to because we use it for introducing a reason for example due to covet restrictions many people were forced to work from home the great thing about jutu is that when we use it we are also likely to get a higher score for grammatical range and accuracy and that's because it turns a simple sentence into a complex one so due to is a very good phrase to use in your ielts essays number six is by contrast by contrast is like however and we often use it to link two sentences together have a look at this in england young people will pay around 9 000 pounds per year to go to university by contrast scottish students are fully subsidized by the government this is a great phrase for developing your ideas in ielts essays which will get you those high scores like band 7 band 8 and band 9. number 7 is as a result of which is similar to therefore we usually put it at the beginning or middle of the sentence for example we can say as a result of the increased tuition fees fewer young people are able to afford university education or fewer young people are able to afford university education as a result of the increased tuition fees now this one is my personal favorite ensure it's one of those academic sounding words that can help you to impress the ielts examiner so ensure basically means to make sure for example young people should ensure that their language abilities are good enough before going abroad to study or parents like to ensure that their children are properly fed and safe [Music] number nine is enable this is a fancy way of saying to be able for example we can say getting a scholarship can enable young people from poorer backgrounds to study abroad again this is the kind of word that can help boost your ielts writing score [Music] number 10 is hence we often use hence in the final sentence of a paragraph to show how i idea relates to the ielts question we are being asked it's similar to their form here's an example sentence tuition fees have more than trebled in the last few years hence many young people are considering going straight to work after finishing high school number 11 is another favorite the word is lack lack means not enough of something so we can say many young people lack the funds to be able to afford expensive undergraduate courses so this sentence means that young people don't have enough money they lack the money to go to university number 12 is invaluable it means very valuable we can say the education that students gain at university is invaluable which means that the education is very very valuable invaluable is a great way to describe things that we think are extremely useful for example your help has been invaluable your advice has been invaluable your guidance has been invaluable invaluable is a great word for both the writing and speaking test number 13 is similar to invariable the word is paramount now if you say that something is paramount it means that it is very important for example you can say education is paramount to a successful career or it is of paramount importance that the government ensure that all citizens have access to education you wouldn't use this word in your speaking it's a bit too formal however it's very useful for the ielts writing test [Music] number 14 is significant now we can use significant to mean large so we can say a significant proportion of the population cannot afford university fees without government support or we could say there has been a significant effort to reduce carbon emissions so we can use significant instead of saying large or big in these kinds of sentences number 15 is a word i know you guys all know it's if and well if means if so why do i think that this is such a useful word for ielts essays well because if is used to introduce a conditional sentence a sentence like if the government provides scholarships and financial aid more young people will be able to attend university now conditional sentences are considered as complex sentences which means if you have an accurate conditional sentence in your essay you're showing that you can use band 7 plus grammar so if you get a chance try putting a conditional sentence in your essay and show the examiner that you deserve at least a band 7 for your ielts essay if you want some help with how to write conditionals check out a video i made a long time ago which outlines all of the conditionals including mixed conditionals that we have in english right it's now time to test your knowledge of these words in a quick quiz right time to put your knowledge to the test so number one something many young people are choosing to study abroad now you have four options is it a nowaday b nowadays with hyphens c nowadays or d nowadays so the answer is c nowadays okay number two in conclusion i something that the increase in online shopping is a positive development so we've got a b c and d what would you choose the answer is d i would argue that so again i would argue that is an alternative to saying in my opinion number three in spite something higher tuition fees i almost said it many young people still choose to study abroad is it a of b of the fact c of being or d for so in spite of so the answer is a number four in spite of more expensive many young people still choose to study abroad is it b it is c being or d the fact is so in spite of being more expensive so remember this is a ing form a gerund which is when we have a verb after a preposition like of and then instead of having the infinitive we have it in an ing form so that acts more like a noun don't worry if that sounds complicated just remember in spite of and then being or any verb but in an ing form okay number five there are many reasons to study abroad something experiencing a new education system for instance by instance as instance or for instancing the answer is of course a for instance which is the same as saying for example okay number six something covered restrictions many people were forced to work from home now we've got a b c or d and the answer is of course b due to so due to coverage restrictions many people were forced to work from home okay number seven so we've got two sentences here and we want to connect them so we have in england young people will pay around nine thousand pounds per year to go to university something scottish students are fully subsidized by the government now hopefully you can remember because this is the example from the video we have for contrast as contrast to contrast or by contrast and the answer is by contrast it's d number eight something the increased tuition fees fewer young people are able to afford university education so by contrast in spite of as a result of or nowadays what would you choose the answer is c it's as a result of so as a result of the increased tuition fees fewer young people are able to afford university education so remember as a result of is similar to because so it's because the tuition fees have increased fewer people are able to afford university education number nine young people should their their language abilities are good enough to sorry good enough before going abroad to study a surely b b surely c be insure or d ensure the answer is d ensure okay number ten getting a scholarship can something young people from poorer backgrounds to study abroad a enable b able c be able or d to enable so the answer is a can enable now if you said d then you should revise modal verbs because we can never put a modal verb and then an infinitive with two so we can't say can to enable but this is quite a common mistake that i see regularly from ielts students so remember can or any other modal verb which is can could will would may might shall should and then you have an infinitive afterwards without two so can enable or will swim should pay not should to pay can tooth win for example okay number 11 many young people something the funds to be able to afford expensive undergraduate courses so a no have b not having c lacking or d lack and the answer is d lack so lack means to not have enough of something so in this case students don't have enough money to go to study their undergraduate courses number 12 the education that students gain at university is invaluable invaluable in valued or in valued and the answer is be invaluable which means very very valuable number 13 education is something to a successful career four options paramount paraglide persimmon or paracetamol the answer is of course a paramount which means very very important okay number fourteen a something proportion of the population cannot afford university fees without government support significant with two fs significant with one f and an a significant with two fs and an e or significant with one f and an e so which is the correct spelling of significance if you said b then you are correct so significant with one f and one a okay 15 the final one if the government provides scholarships and financial aid more young people something to be able to attend university is it will to is it will is it would to or is it word now think which conditional is this is it the first the second the third conditional in this case it's the first conditional so the answer must be will so many young people will be able to attend university right i hope these are words that can help you in your preparation for your ielts and words that ideally you can put into your task two essays in your writing test okay remember if you need some extra help with your writing then check out my online course at englishprotips.com and you'll find a vocabulary course a listening course a reading course a speaking course and a very popular writing course which is really helping a lot of students to get high scores in their ielts test okay best of luck with all of your studies and i'll see you in the next video bye then [Music] you
Channel: English Pro Tips - IELTS Preparation
Views: 752,670
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Keywords: IELTS Essays, IELTS Task 2, IELTS Vocabulary, IELTS Band 9, IELTS Writing, IELTS Quiz, IELTS, Advanced IELTS Words, IELTS Linking Words, Words for essays, IELTS band 8, IELTS band 7, Vocabulary for IELTS, In spite of
Id: EdgpkSjvrqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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