IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing a Band 9 Essay in 40 Minutes GE

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had an awesome week and i hope you're all starting off a great weekend welcome kyber hi janil welcome everyone to this class today we are looking at ielts task 2 writing band 9 essay in 40 minutes that's right you have 40 minutes for task 2. and you have to write a great essay so you have to use your time effectively and i'm going to show you how to do that today this is a members chat class everybody is welcome to watch to become a member of our channel simply click the join button next to the subscribe button it's good to subscribe as well we have lots of live classes each week and tons of great materials for you welcome carolina our chat moderator everyone this lesson is presented to you by help dot com for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts check us out at you can use this code r4tyj to get a 20 discount off of our premium package our website looks like this this is our academic ielts website here at you can click this red button there just above my head to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and as you can see we are a british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in great hands with us this is our general ielts website here you can click those buttons there to join our premium package hi amman good to see everyone aman i can see tomorrow it's your exam same with nabeem so good luck nabeen and amman in your exams tomorrow it's great on you to be here uh to do a bit of extra learning and preparation before your exam today hello heartwinder um if anybody has questions send me an email to adrian at and i'll get back to you with some answers in 24 hours or less usually we've got lots of practice exams that we've developed they're exactly like the ielts exams same difficulty same types of questions you can get our exams from amazon search for ae helps academic ielts or you can also search for ge helps generalised and then you can actually order them in like book format like the paper book so okay everyone we will have a speaking part 2 class for everyone today as well um that speaking part two is actually a speaking part two uh that was the question uh for a very similar type of question for an official ielts exam last month it was sent to us by one of our students and that's coming up next class okay everyone so let's get right into some writing some writing strategies some writing tips yesterday we touched on uh the difference between using the abbreviation i e and uh e g uh these abbreviations are coming from latin i.e meaning in which actually means that is in english and then um eg meaning um exempli gratia which means the example that's given or for instance okay there's an important difference there we're going to use these in today's writing uh this was the writing question that we started yesterday so uh in your writing in the ielts exam you have one hour of writing and you have to basically write two essays in the general ielts you have to write a letter which is a narrative essay and you have to write an ex a persuasive essay an essay that convinces your reader of some idea that's a persuasive essay that's the same in academic for task two as well and this is the uh task 2 question here that we started looking at yesterday and you have 40 minutes again for this entire task so um here we go many people think that technology is the solution to major world problems such as pollution others feel that it is more important for people to change their behaviors and consume less discuss both sides and give your own opinion use examples from your own experience to support your position let me get a little bit more in the picture okay and then write at least 250 words and you have to write at least 250 words um step one is to paraphrase the question we did all these yesterday so we paraphrased we identified our topic talking about technology and or behavior as the solution to global problems and then eventually we got to our introductory paragraph here so we introduce our essay we introduce the topic we introduce the concept and we introduce our argument okay so um when you're thinking about the introductory uh paragraph everyone when you're thinking about the hook you can kind of think about the hook that way as well it's an introduction to your topic okay introduce the topic and that's the hook okay you introduce your topic and you catch your reader you're like hey i got something to say or i got something to talk about or write about and it's interesting got you grab you okay so that's introducing the topic and the hook and then the background you can actually think about it as introducing um introducing uh your um definitions okay so like what do you mean all right that could be another way to think about your uh background and then your thesis um you can think about it as introducing your position or your argument so and that's the introduction so three things that you introduce the topic your definitions and your argument and then it makes logical sense that hey yeah okay that makes sense for a persuasive essay to introduce in that way so here is what we wrote it is vital to find solutions to world problems before human extinction dun dun certain innovations and habits are targeting challenges such as pollution and overpopulation to ensure the survival of our species these issues must be addressed effectively in my opinion both technology and behavior can be adapted to tackle worldly difficulties as these fixes are complementary okay so now um we can choose to write two or three body paragraphs depending on our style of writing but we need to write definitely at least two and our first body paragraph has to be about using technology to solve the problems of the world um especially pollution because that's what the essay is asking about okay so body one uh body paragraphs have a very standard kind of structure okay with some very clear points um so you have a topic sentence and then many instructors will say and then you have some supporting points uh yeah you do you have supporting points uh to be a bit clearer okay you have an explanation so you explain your topic sentence then you provide examples um the question is asking you for that it's asking you for examples from your experience and then especially with longer essays like on ielts it's good for body paragraph one but in university you will have this for your bigger essays and assignments you have connecting concluding sentences for each paragraph okay um on the outside i do believe that you can get a bad eight bad nine without having these connecting concluding sentences and just having really good explanations and examples is enough but um yeah you know you might as well put it in for body paragraph one to show the examiner that you do know this part of writing okay and i see that me has one of our members has also put some of her introduction into the chat um so i'll take a look at that me and students i definitely encourage you to write with me in this class so don't just listen to me um don't just treat it like a podcast but if you're here if you're participating then definitely write these sentences as i explain them and i'll catch them in the chat and i'll give you some feedback okay so me says there are many uh challenges that happen around the world such as pollution crime and pandemic technology and humans are considered to be the ways to deal with these problems in my point of view the best solution to effectively solve global issues are human behaviors and technological advancements as they are complementary okay mian so that's your background and your thesis i think you're kind of missing the hook from your introduction and there's a couple of mistakes especially in your background that you want to pay attention to but overall quite good okay all right so body paragraph one topic sentence okay um topic sentence um is uh basically dealing with your um first point where um it's looking at technology as the focus for a solution to our worldly uh problems right so a lot of people believe or i don't want to say believe because i think i've used that before a lot of people support uh technological advancement as being the key to addressing the problems the major problems of the world because it is too late to educate humanity so we must rely on inventions okay so this is my topic sentence and the topic sentence has to be more than just a repeat of your introduction so you have to say something new okay so um again the focus here is to write this essay within 40 minutes and to do that you really have to be clear on the specific steps for each part of the essay so for the topic sentence the important point that you have to pay attention to is you're discussing your first point of the essay which is depending on technology but you have to be a bit more specific like what do you mean technology okay well kind of inventions of people who are very smart and they're looking at ways to solve um these issues right and then you go into your explanation so who are these uh smart uh people right well they're scientists okay so scientists are constantly researching and experimenting on ways to reverse and fix pollution by turning to alternative sources of energy and discovering uh effective um cleaners are effective ways to clean up um human pollutants human uh debris okay all right um so and again as i'm writing and i'm thinking of the words i'm always thinking of words that i've used already in the essay like pollution or waste for example and then i'm looking for other words that i might know which paraphrase those words like instead of waste or pollution debris okay so showing that lexical resource marks okay so um a lot of people support technological advancement as being the key to addressing the major problems of the world because it is too late to educate humanity so we must rely on inventions scientists are constantly uh researching and experimenting on ways to reverse and fix pollution by turning to alternative sources of energy and discovering effective ways to clean up human debris okay um all right uh so now we want to uh include an example and the example has to come from your own experience because the question is asking you in this way it says include examples from your own experience right so um you can say i read a research paper which okay um or i read a newspaper article that okay um so and then continue you can make it up right we know about electric cars we know about water purification systems uh we know about um wind and solar uh energy so uh think about those when you think about your examples and think about the ways that science is helping to kind of clean up the world recycling recycling centers and so on all right meanwhile gineal in our chat has written a topic sentence and janelle writes tons of technological advancements can be utilized to overcome worldwide difficulties because it is the faster way to solve problems than through human behavior um yeah daniel i think that's a really good topic sentence a couple of small mistakes with uh your word choice but it's really good i love your thinking i really like how you say that well technology is the solution because it's faster than human behavior and i think you're on to something janelle because i agree like it takes a long time to teach people new behaviors it takes people a long time to unlearn bad behaviors especially when you're talking about 8 billion people so i think you can make a pretty good argument there in body paragraph 1 why some people think the solution is technology okay um bandita writes a lot of people agree technological advancement is the solution to resolve the problems in the world it is as it is quicker uh compared to human behavior bandita again a couple of small corrections but very good you're on the right track i agree okay all right i read in a research uh paper that um switching societies to electric vehicles can solve air pollution much faster than educating individuals to drive less and ride bicycles all right so i'm kind of leaning on what you've written that technology is faster than human behavior excuse me i'm still kind of at the tail end of this cold okay um so that's my example all right um and then here i can have my connecting sentence okay and my connecting sentence has to uh lead into my next body paragraph which of course is going to be human behavior and potentially um it can also lead into my opinion so i can combine expressing my opinion which is both human uh behavior and technology can be used to solve world problems and conclude this okay so while uh this may be true let me i think you can't see what i'm writing right it's behind my body of my head so let's get it up higher so while this may be true myself along with others do believe that um adjusting um human behavior is also uh needed okay let's keep it simple right you don't have to over complicate all of your sentences uh it's good to have one or two simple sentences in among your paragraphs and among your complex sentences adjust so that you can kind of clear your mind and it's good for the reader as well so it's nice for the reader to read some complex sentences that contain concise and clear information but it's good to kind of stagger that information with some simpler sentences that give a break for the mind to clearly and easily understand an idea okay so don't be scared of writing a simple sentence or two in your essay you can still get a very very high band score okay all right hasn't writes technology has become a key solution to uh fixing um global issues through the development of machines by engineers and scientists that's not it's a good topic sentence you're on the right track you just have to pay attention to your wording okay students definitely when i read your sentences uh check the time the video time right now is 21 minutes just now when i read yours and kind of check how i fixed it like the words that i took out and what i changed to make it more accurate okay all right vanita says researchers are spending ample amounts of time to invent and analyze um equipment to clean the air the land and water very good bandit so it's a nice deep definition of 0.1 it's very very good okay all right so now we're ready for body paragraph two and body paragraph two um it's the same structure okay as body paragraph one um but you don't need a connecting sentence it just reads strange with the connecting concluding sentence if you have lots of time write an extra example or write a clear explanation you don't really need a connecting or concluding sentence because um it's the conclusion is right after so why why do you need to conclude a paragraph before the conclusion it doesn't make sense um lil cash thank you for your super chat donation and that heart that's super cool to see that while we're working away on this essay i appreciate that um i hope you're doing well and i hope your studies are going well and you do a great job on your ielts thank you if you have questions just send me an email very kind of you okay so uh body paragraph two um very much the same okay so here we have to uh give a deeper definition of um our second uh point which is changing uh human uh behavior okay now um when you're thinking about these deeper definitions don't kind of reinvent the definition if you were here um last class you remember that we talked about like what why how for these main ideas um so we talked about uh what solutions does technology provide right um why does technology focus on this and then we also talked about what kinds of behaviors can help to fix world problems so when you do that three four minutes of planning a lot of it in your head for the real exam at home do it on paper uh then you come up with a lot of these definitions like you see here reusing materials coffee cup buying less merchandise um these are basically daily routines and activities that we do every day right and there's small actions that amount to a lot so composting for example okay so doing our everyday routines or everyday actions that put together when we all do them and when millions of people do them create big change right so we can use these ideas to come up with that deeper definition okay all right um so indeed daily routines such as recycling composting and shopping have a major impact on the viability of uh viability and longevity of human survival and quality of life okay so when you're on the right track um the brain is really good at coming up with ideas and progressing the information kind of forward right so indeed daily routines such as recycling composting and shopping have a major impact on the viability viability means the ability to sustain life the ability to um sustain continuity a continuation of existence okay so the viability and longevity longevity means to keep going for a long time okay so not just five years ten years a hundred years but another thousand years another hundred thousand years right so that's longevity of human survival and you know we're human we don't wanna just survive um we want a good quality of life as well right um so these ideas kind of progress as you're writing the essay when you have the right ideas right uh buckrat writes topic uh example um reports state that technology has a major role to stop air pollution by inventing e-vehicles in metropolitan cities in india and there are numerous devices created to overcome air pollution um yeah very good bakrat don't say the report says okay if you're doing a presentation verbally then say the report says because you're speaking when you're writing it's better to write the report states or indicates or expresses and it doesn't actually speak okay we sometimes use it in writing but it is a bit awkward because we're not really speaking we're writing okay it's just kind of a nitpicky detail all right um okay and then we go into our explanation right so um hours explanation there we go so now we need to explain to our reader like why do these daily routines such as recycling composting um impact our major world problems okay so uh although um changing human behavior takes time in the long run it is essential that each person does their part to save our planet and improve life as i believe that technology alone is not enough to do this because there are over 8 billion people in the world and many small changes can amount to a great solution okay um so here i'm going into explanation and when you're thinking of explanation think of numbers as well so we've been talking about this number eight billion people eight billion people and yeah there's lots of us right so um if each one of us can do at least a couple of small actions per day to help fix some problems in the world such as pollution um then that will definitely have an impact we shouldn't just rely on technology right so um when you're writing it's a good idea especially at home when you're practicing to re-read your paragraphs once you have a couple of sentences so indeed daily routines such as recycling composting and shopping have a major impact on the viability and longevity of human survival and quality of life although changing human behavior takes time in the long run it is essential that each person does their part to save our planet and improve life comma as i believe that technology alone is not enough to do this because there are over 8 billion people in the world and many small changes can amount to a great solution um i have read that uh since uh people have begun using uh cloth bags for shopping instead of plastic there has been a reduction of plastic waste each year now let's make that clear there has been a reduction of 10 million tons of plastic waste each year okay so that's my example to support my opinion why did i come up with this example so quickly well because when we were planning the essay we talked about not using plastic bags using cloth bags and indeed we can see and i've done a bit of traveling over the past 10 years and it's been around 15 years or so 10 15 years that reusable shopping bags have become the mainstream and there's been a lot of push for people to change this behavior and i've actually seen that this is having a big impact in the world so compared to 10 15 years ago and it was all about plastic bags uh now we can definitely see that there's less of it okay so uh when you think of your examples really think of those real world examples okay so examples that you can see around you such as use of plastic bags by the way i believe it's at the end of this year that restaurants and stores will no longer have plastic straws maybe some of you have already seen that straws are changing to paper so yeah changes are a bit slow i think we should be a little bit faster but hey we're doing it okay we're changing our behaviors all right janil writes in relation to my previous example the research paper also explained that plastic recycling at every door is the most effective way to solve the plastic waste problem of the planet and it is the responsibility of each person to separate their garbage yeah janil absolutely i would finish chanyeol with it is the responsibility of each person to separate their garbage because separating garbage is very much a human behavior so when we take that step to put our plastic here and not throw it into the garbage it's human behavior right so sorting our garbage okay uh bakrat says humans must follow the three r's of recycling reuse recycle and reduce in their daily activities to increase the chance of human survival and the cleanliness of the planet as well bakrat that's good okay a little bit of correction there but yeah the three r's of recycling absolutely very good uh bandita writes uh though altering human behavior is time consuming it is necessary that each one of us can be determined to take steps to save our mother planet and this effort can be invested as a reliable long-term solution okay now um comes the conclusion okay and students depending on your skill level and how fast you write you might be able to write a third paragraph about um combining uh technology and human behavior and your opinion to be the most effective in solving problems around the world however if you're like oh i just never have enough time to do that um then you can also do that in the conclusion right so the conclusion is the next paragraph here and the conclusion has uh your main points restated okay it has your argument strengthened um and it has a take-home message now when you have an essay where the essay is asking you to discuss both sides and give your own opinion there's kind of two ways that you can do that you can um give your opinion in each of the body paragraphs and the conclusion or you can just kind of give it in the conclusion and strengthen it in the conclusion so i'm here in body paragraph one um i wrote about technology um and i included my own opinion so i along with others do believe that adjusting human behavior is also needed so i'm expressing my opinion here okay and then um and then here i'm expressing my opinion again i believe that technology alone is not enough to do this because there are over 8 billion people in the world okay so there i'm expressing my opinion again and in the beginning i have my opinion again sometimes what students do is they don't write anything about their opinion and then they write a sentence at the very end of their essay about their opinion they'll say like and i believe that that's definitely not effective writing and especially in university the professor will give you very low marks for that because they'll be like why did you introduce your opinion at the end of the essay that's very awkward okay um did everybody catch that so members for that point i'd like to see some thumbs up or yeah i got it because i've seen this mistake quite a few times and i'm not sure if somebody's teaching this online or some ielts book is teaching this but it is definitely not effective and standard persuasive writing to include an opinion at the very end of the essay you don't have to believe me just think about it logically right logically think about it you read an entire essay and suddenly at the very end of the essay you get an opinion like and i believe all of this has to be done you're like whoa why didn't you tell me this at the beginning like why why did i read all this information before getting to an opinion right so yes so it's not considered effective to throw an opinion at your reader in a persuasive essay at the very end okay and you can ask other um professors and people who are experts in writing about that and i'm sure they will agree they'll say well yeah it's not the best okay all right so um we can restate our opinions and our main points here um certainly the planet is in mean of rapid change solve problems like pollution and it is the combination of human behaviors and modern innovations together that give the best chance for optimal results okay so here i'm again uh combining um the key points and i'm indirectly expressing my opinion so here i haven't said i believe i'm saving that for the argument strengthened but i'm restating my main points here so certainly the planet is in need of rapid change to solve problems like pollution and it is the combination of human behaviors and modern innovation together that give the best chance for optimal result therefore so this was my points restated so i'm gonna do a p here okay and then this is my argument strengthened all right so um therefore i strongly uh believe or i strongly um suggest okay let's be suggestive right um it's the conclusion we've given lots of information to our reader so let's be strong here okay conclusions have to be strong they have to be stronger than the introduction because the idea is that you wrote all this information your reader has read all of this information and now you're basically saying like hey look i gave you all the ideas i gave you all of this supporting evidence now it's time for you to believe me okay so therefore i strongly suggest that individuals not only rely on researchers and engineers to come up with fixes to worldly crises crisis but also look at ways to do their own part okay all right um so that is um the argument strengthened so here i'm basically saying like we got to do this we got to combine the two and we have to do this okay and then now i have my take home message okay take home message every good piece of writing every good essay will have a take-home message and certainly your ielts examiner examiner will recognize this and will say hey yeah this is somebody who has some education in english literature they have a good understanding of persuasive writing of good writing their persuasive piece includes a message that i can use in my life okay so it is critical to not only look at what others can do to solve challenges but to okay i'm gonna move it up yet sometimes those paragraphs get stuck behind my head but don't worry we'll go over the whole essay here in just a moment so it is critical to not only look at what others can do to solve challenges but to analyze what each of us can do to ensure the best future for our grandchildren all right there we go so really making our reader think here like wait a second yeah if i'm gonna have children if i'm gonna have grandchildren um i want there to be a planet and i can't be thinking about hey yeah you guys go and solve that problem there i have to think about what can i do today uh to fix these problems okay all right um so let's take a look at the full essay we'll read it together uh let's go over the original question first so when you're doing this at home students and you've written your essay it is very very important that you analyze your writing you get it corrected you review it you revise it over and over and over and i know sometimes it's a headache and you're like i don't want to read my own essay again and again and again but that is a very important step to improving okay all right how many people when you're practicing your ielts writing members how many of you read and fix the same essay at least three times um let's have some honest opinions here if you don't don't worry about it a lot of students don't so just out of curiosity how many of you actually take a look at the same essay that you've written and read it over at least three times and make fixes to information to word choice to your grammar use so how many of you actually read and fix and review your essay at least three times just out of curiosity every time how many of you do that hasn't says not me very honest huss and i give you a thumbs up for your honesty danielle says i used to do it during preparation yeah okay daniel barbara says i do good um how many of you uh read and revise your essay over the course of one week so another really important tip is don't just review and fix your essay at the same time when you're writing it this is of course when you're practicing when you're practicing at home you can't do this in the real exam the real exam you can only review it once right but how many of you actually at home when you're practicing write the essay review it right away wait a few hours review it again wait a couple of days review it again and then wait a week and review it again so how many of you review your essay over the course of a week not over the course of an hour meaning that you review it with a break or with a separation of several days and that's a very important tip because our brain is much uh more critical and it's much more analytical when it has time to forget about the piece of writing and look at it with a fresh pair of eyeballs okay so how many of you actually review your essays with days of separation okay uh janiel says uh i did it in three days um yeah janelle that's a good start okay uh barclay says i have to do this yeah absolutely students i highly recommend um doing it with days of separation i've done that with my writing especially when i was in university and sometimes i was like what did i write was i drinking alcohol when i wrote this essay or smoking something like what was i writing okay uh so sometimes we're shocked we're like whoa that's just awful um sometimes it's a positive surprise sometimes we're like whoa i wrote that i was really on the ball i must have been i almost had a good night's sleep that was a fantastic piece of paper good job me right um so sometimes it's the opposite uh and uh carolina says i wish i could be aware of my own mistakes um carolina uh you can that's one of the reasons you want to read it with few days of separation is because we're often much better at catching mistakes um when we have a few days and we do realize like oh whoa that sentence just doesn't make sense right the third step or suggestion is peer review so you know it's expensive to get all of your essays marked by professionals i get that that's fine um you can also ask your friends or other peers to uh review your essays so you know you're able to connect with each other here in the chat we have our discord group i think carolina can maybe share our discord group uh details as well and you can share your essays with each other and give each other feedback so bakarat can send his essay to jainil jainil can say hey bakrat this sentence here is out to lunch nobody will understand it and then daniel can send an essay to me and me and send an essay to carolina and connect with each other right peer review and feedback is very valuable if your peers cannot understand what you're writing there's probably a problem with the writing okay all right um yeah i see you got some good laughs about reviewing your essays later on right okay and save your essays students look at them even half a year later sometimes it's good to look at the essays months later just so that you can see that you're improving sometimes students think i'm not improving i'll never improve but then you look at an essay that you wrote half a year ago and you're like uh was that me so yeah don't give up on yourself okay everyone let's go over our question and our essay here so ielts writing task two you should spend about 40 minutes on this task many people think technology is the solution to major world problems such as pollution others feel that it is more important for people to change their behaviors and consume less discuss both sides and give your own opinion use examples from your own experiences to support your position all right here is our essay it is vital to find solution to world problems before human extinction certain innovations and habits are targeting challenges such as pollution and overpopulation to ensure the survival of our species these issues must be addressed effectively in my opinion both technology and behavior can be adapted to tackle worldly difficulties as these fixes are complementary a lot of people support technological advancement as being the key to addressing the major problems of the world because it is too late to educate humanity so we must rely on inventions scientists are constantly researching and experimenting on ways to reverse and fix pollution by turning to alternative sources of energy and discovering effective ways to clean up human debris i read a research paper that switching societies to electric vehicles can solve air pollution much faster than educating individuals to drive less and ride bicycles while this may be true i along with others do believe that adjusting human behavior is also needed indeed daily routines such as recycling composting and shopping have a major impact on the viability and longevity of human survival and quality of life although changing human behavior takes time in the long run it is essential that each person does their part to save our planet and improve life as i believe that technology alone is not enough to do this because there are over 8 billion people in the world and many small changes can amount to a great solution i have read that since people have begun using cloth bags for shopping instead of plastic there has been a reduction of 10 million tons of plastic waste each year certainly the planet is in need of rapid change to solve problems like pollution and it is the combination of human behaviors and modern innovations together that give the best chance for optimal results therefore i strongly suggest that individuals not only rely on researchers and engineers to come up with fixes to worldly crises but also look at ways to do their own part it is critical not only to look at what others can do to solve challenges but to analyze what each of us can do to ensure the best future for our grandchildren okay everyone uh that is today's question and essay i'm glad uh that uh everybody um had some good ideas to contribute and had a fun time with me um enjoy learning it's a it's an important part of learning effectively and i certainly hope that you enjoy learning um while you're with me in these live classes uh students uh keep up the practice remember review revise edit your essays on the same day a couple days later even a week later it's very effective for improving solo good luck on your exam tomorrow it sounds like a lot of people are writing their exams tomorrow so the best of luck to all of you tomorrow on these exams remember students to check us out at um uh our on our website it's uh gl's help dot com click on that big red button join our premium package one-time payment doesn't cost much lots of great videos full practice exams we probably give the best materials at the lowest cost for any online ielts learning in the world so and i say that with confidence for academic outs the blue background ae help dot com click that big red button there so we're not even asking for donations or handouts we're literally just saying use materials that work to improve okay and again we do have a bit of help for you even with a discount code here at the top so uh the code is r4 tyj you can use that at during checkout for a 20 discount or giles uh for general ielts uh me yen you are very very welcome um you're welcome as well uh keep up the good work everybody and i will see you in 30 minutes we will be looking at a speaking part to cue card a question that's very very very very similar to a question that was on the exam last month uh so come back in 20 or sorry 30 minutes and join me for that i'm adrian signing out from victoria thank you carolina for moderating the chat thank you everybody for watching bye for now i'll be back soon
Channel: GeneralEnglishHelp
Views: 476
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Keywords: IELTS, writing, task 2, structure, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, tip, introduction, body, conclusion, description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: -QRTqzEkBz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 40sec (3340 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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