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bismillah raheem assalam alaikum uh let's just take a fresh start with ielts listening uh well until now if you have any confusions any doubts about ielts listening uh i mean i'm going to try to remove those doubts and those confusions and everything the test i have selected for our today's class this test is difficult in section 2 or part 2 and part three okay so it's a good idea to select some difficult tests uh because uh can you just decrease the volume yes actually if the tests are difficult during practice so you will understand all the things better so whenever i decide on any test i just see the difficulty level also if the test is easy or if the test has only a couple of types of questions then i don't select that right so this test is selected from cambridge ielts book number 12 and this is test number three i will share this book with you by the way this week we are going to do cambridge child's book 12 and book number 13. uh sorry book number 12 academic and book number 12 general training for gt and ac candidates okay uh now we take a start public library that is what the title is so public library like here in lahore we've got kaithiasm library and some other libraries so public library is where people go it's not a private library it's a public library anybody can join anybody can get the membership and there they are before that they have mentioned one complete the notes below i told you before these two sentences will tell you about the questions the first one is actually uh or she's going to write the answers on that fine so uh the first sentence will tell you about the question type so question type is complete the notes below notes completion second sentence will give you information about the question type and that is write one word only for each answer so one word only and have they mentioned any number there will not be any number only one word right example is given but now they have removed this example from ielts listening audio will start directly from question number one now i want you here to hold a pencil and to try to underline the words in the question and just write down the words in the audio you will find synonyms right i just prepared this test this morning what i do i cut all the audios in 40 parts because i have to play them for you i cut them myself i would do it doing it i was just thinking okay the language they use in the questions on the booklet and the language they use in the audio they are synonyms and once you understand those synonyms ios listening will become a piece of cake for you right so i will try to highlight all these things because i'm well prepared today i'll be telling you all these things okay uh all right now you can see the library now has underline the word now now means present or past now means present so whatever they speak in the past will be a trap whatever they speak in future will also be our trap okay so you'll just focus whatever they speak in the present tense library now have uh all right let's start question number one before that they said sitting area so just underline magazines when in the audio they talk about magazines it means they have reached over there right now let's move on question number one an expanded section for books on type of books expanded section for books on now books on means type of books like you know sometimes motivational books literary books and all that so the answer is going to be type of books and by the way expanded section they have expanded section and in that section they have now in the audio they might say books on dash they will say we have books on literature or there is a good collection of books which are mainly on literature so the answer will be literature like that now i play the audio listen carefully and also notice how do they communicate about this thing for books on right let's start you will hear a man telephoning a friend you will hear a man telephoning a friend to find out about their local public library hi susie it's paul here how are you enjoying your new job you're working at the library aren't you okay yes i started when the library reopened a month ago it's great actually carol and i have been meaning to join for a while all right so now we start question number one you will hear a man telephoning a friend to find out about their local public library hello hi susie it's paul here how are you enjoying your new job you're working at the library aren't you yes i started when the library reopened a month ago it's great actually carol and i have been meaning to join for a while oh you should it doesn't cost anything and the new library has all sorts of facilities it's not just a place where you borrow books for instance there's an area with comfortable seats where you can sit and read the magazines they have there some people spend their whole morning there wish i had that amount of time to spend yes you must be pretty busy at present with the children and everything we are yes but we're hoping to get away this summer we're thinking of going to greece well we've got a much larger section of the library devoted to travel books now so you should come and have a look i can't remember if there's anything devoted to travel books so the answer is travel very very simple okay is that all clear all right good start and then one more thing sometimes you have to wait patiently for the answer don't be frustrated i'm not writing anything i'm not writing because sometimes the gap between two questions can be long as well okay good start question number two a new section on local again new section and local for local they can use our countries or they can use our town for example new section on local dash so they say there will be a new section on lahore's heritage or lahore something so for local they can use the name of the city name of the town name of the country but now you have to see they have a new section on local what on local food local culture local traditions anything like that and for local they will use synonym right let's go on now carol's organizing a project for the history class she teaches at school it's about life in the town a hundred years ago do you have anything that might be useful yes actually we've now got a new section with materials on the history of the town and surrounding region right i'll tell her good and what did they say history of the town so town is local do you understand yeah history of the town so town means local and answer is history all clear okay be active and alert right just learn it as if you have to teach it to someone right then you'll be more alert okay let's go on question number three community room for meetings also possible to dash there now listen they have a community room for meetings it's already mentioned also possible to dash there it means there is one more thing which you can do in the meeting room clear maybe maybe anything like that right so new they've mentioned here community room for meetings also possible to dash there for example just example also possible to sleep there also possible to sit there also possible to eat there also possible too so two means answer is going to be a verb answer is going to be first form of the verb right understand so now you will focus uh community room they will mention meetings and second purpose they will tell us in the audio and we will write it now right okay let's go on you can't always find that sort of thing on the internet now in the old library there used to be a separate room with reference books it was a really nice quiet room yes we've put those books in the main part of the library now but we do have a room called the community room it can be hired out for meetings but at other times people can use it to study i might use that it's hard to find anywhere quiet at home sometimes so see that if question is clear you will never miss the answer when question is not clear not clear means you don't understand anything you don't know what to pick from the audio right very good that's very very nice so please uh just try to stay in the same state of mind so that you could understand me i'm just going on very very slowly so that you understand everything question number four a new section of books for now first they said books on now books for books for children books for women books for businessmen books for teachers right so what are the books for that is what answer is going to be right and they will not speak directly they will never give you answer in a plate like this that they say books for children and you write happily children they will try to reword rephrase paraphrase rewording synonyms and a lot of stuff like that anyways let's go on i can't remember how old your son and daughter are we've introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers but they might be a bit young for that yes they would be teenagers exactly special section i play this again some of you missed it i can't remember how old your son and daughter are we've introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers but they might be a bit young for that yes they would be okay we have introduced that means new so now just keep in mind whenever they say new for new sometimes they say another like there was a question in ios listening new branch they use the word another branch right and over here what did they say for new we have introduced so we have introduced means there is something new section of books for and they mentioned that clearly i can't remember how old your son and daughter are we've introduced a special section of fiction written specially for teenagers written specially for teenagers now for written they use the word books like written especially for teenagers written means books have been written so answer is teen agers even if you write singular over here they will accept it but if after for example if there is a black and then it's written has so then you will write teen ager has and if there is a blank and after that they write have then you must write teenagers have so if there is grammar uh thing or if there is verb agreement then you have to be careful about singular plural otherwise it's all right but i would still advise you i mean because in actual exam you will be having the headphone so you can easily because whenever they pronounce s a little hissing you will understand it's plural or singular right okay so teenagers is the right answer now for younger children they're talking about younger children the next science club and you can see science club s capital c capital underline that in the audio they will talk about it clearly next science club meeting experiments using things from your using things from your something that belongs to you they will use things from there for example using things from your house using things from your kitchen using things from your bedroom using things from your garden okay anything like that so now you will focus your and maybe they will use the word jor or they can use the word like people or any other word like that now let's see next science club meeting experiments using things from the so where will they use the things from that will be the answer let's see well we do have lots of activities for younger children yes for example we have a science club at the next meeting they're going to be doing experiments with stuff that everyone has in the kitchen sugar and flour and so on stuff that everyone has in the kitchen now see that for your they have used everyone right everyone has so using things from for that they use stuff everyone has in the kitchen will be the answer you understand now they did not say using things from your stuff everyone has in the kitchen will be the answer is that clear you just be careful about it and one more thing let me tell you whenever you guys do tests on your own focus these things and then the time will come you will say i know these tricks already i'm solving the test now what i'm telling you this happens in ielts repeatedly it's not that only here it is happening in every third fourth test they were they are playing with the same game so once you are familiar with this language inshallah you'll be getting very good men's score right okay let's go on for adults question number six this friday a local author talks about a novel based on a rail see novels are based on a real story okay now you will just see they will talk about friday they will even tell you the name of the author and he will discuss about his novel and for based on they might use any other word and focus real as well they might use any other word for that so now we will see what wording they use for based on a rail and after that they will be the answer and it's one word only keep that in mind and there's special activities for adults too on friday we have a local author called tanya streep who's going to be talking about her new novel it's called catch the mouse and she based the story on a crime that actually took place here years ago right that actually took place so for real for real actually right so based on our real crime so a crime that actually took place is that clear so focus language like this and you'll be comfortable so the answer is crime i hope you all got it yeah good all right christian number seven i t support now don't read it as it support i couldn't understand its support it's it both capital letters right uh id support is available on tuesdays no dash is necessary focus on no and by the way in ielts they have many ways of saying no and by the way now one more thing i tell you in ielts listening you will find sometimes a couple of questions with no so whenever there are questions with no because you know this is their mechanism when examiners set this paper they make this thing they know okay over here we use no and we make a question with that over here we use this thing and we make a question with that so once you do test after test if you focus these things many students they don't know these things so if you focus these things then you will realize that yes every time they are actually using the same stuff so now we will focus no i.t support is available on tuesday no dash is necessary now for that they might say that there is no need for or you don't need to or you don't have to anything with that right let's see what is that we're not free on friday but i'll look out for the book now this probably isn't for you but we do have it support available for members we get quite a few older people coming along who are wanting to get up to speed with computer technology it's on tuesday mornings they don't need to make an appointment or anything they just turn up well my mother might be interested i'll let her know okay they don't need to make an appointment or anything so no appointment is that clear now for no they use the word don't they don't need to make an appointment will you write appointment or an appointment only appointment because it's one word only exactly all right let's go on question number eight free check of blood dash blood pressure or what blood that's the answer okay if you are involved into the audio and you know and this there is another technique by the way we call it collocations collocations are a group of words which come together right now see every in our everyday life we listen to this thing blood pressure blood sugar uh blood something and all that so whenever the word blood comes immediately we think blood pressure blood sugar blood this blood that blood cholesterol and anything like that so this is called collocations right so through collocations even sometimes you can easily guess the answer but never guess the answer in ielts listening because you never know right you're thinking about pressure and sugar and they will say something else right anyways free checkup of blood dash and cholesterol levels over 60s only okay let's see and your focus should be on free this is something which is free and there's another service which you wouldn't expect from a library which is a free medical checkup the hospital arranges for someone to come along and measure the level of sugar in your blood and they check cholesterol levels at the same time really yes but that's only for the over 60s so you wouldn't qualify okay well i'll tell my mother she might be interested so sugar and for check they use the word measure right measure and check are synonyms right so sugar will be the right answer obviously you should have the right spelling as well if your spelling is wrong your answer is wrong okay question number nine other information the library shop sells wall charts cards and dash very simple now you will see one question in part one like this this is a question where they mention two things and and third thing is missing and you got to write it now answer will come with wall charts you know wall charts what the wall charts are that's a wall chart right uh wall charts cards and dash now that dash of answer may come before in the middle at the end don't expect first they will say wall charts then cards then the answer they may say this word before or after or somewhere in the middle but whatever the third word is with wall chart and cards that is your answer let's go on what other information well we do have a little shop with things like wall charts and greetings cards and also stamps so you can post the cards straight away which is really useful yeah exactly and they said pluto stamps right you will not write stem stamps okay that's good uh evenings and weekends free dash available only evenings and weekends something which is available for free and for free they might use the word you don't have to pay we we don't charge anything it doesn't cost anything any other word like that right so and by the way the technique which they are going to use here this free thing they commonly use it in other tests also they write free and then something so question number 10 well i'll bring the children around at the weekend and we'll join oh one more thing i'll be bringing the car is there parking available yes and it's free in the evening and at weekends perfect well thanks susie our king are perfect parking absolutely right so actually parking was in the question and then lady said she did not use the word it for parking she said she did not use the word parking she said it is free in the evening and on weekends alright thank you you
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 11,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts listening, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test, ielts listening test 2020, listening ielts practice, ielts 2020, listening, ielts newlistening test, ielts test, listening ielts, listening band 9 score, recent ielts exam, ielts, ielts asadyaqub, BC u0026 IDP Exam, listening new videos, ielts speaking test samples, ielts best listening video, ielts success 2020, AsadYaqub
Id: ihT2p6f-Zg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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