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okay guys now we have section four section four will give you another opportunity to get ten out of ten section one and section four these two sections provide you a great opportunity to get 10 out of 10 i show you how section 2 is also the one like most of the students they have their major mistakes in section 3. why multiple choice so many multiple choice questions section one and four they are the easiest ones section two is a little confusing but three is actually the heart of ielts listening right and there you get multiple choice mainly anyways section four now they've mentioned one word only have they mentioned number no so the answer is going to be a word and even if there is a number you can write it as a word but they didn't mention any numbers so there is no number here self-regulatory focus theory now by the way if you don't know what the hell is self-regulatory focus theory don't worry about it you're not supposed to know by the way in the audio when they start they will tell you what is self-regulatory focus theory so don't worry about that and leadership okay now first of all you should underline the headings first heading is self-regulatory focus theory second heading is factors that affect people's focus third heading is how people's focus affects them uh the rest of the questions you can open on mobile later anyways now uh one thing which is very important in ielts listening part four they will always give you a part of lecture what will they give you part of lecture part of lecture means five to six minute part of a complete lecture so they will give you a part of lecture the first thing the second thing whenever there is a lecture most of the time one person is delivering the lecture so in ielts listening part four you will just listen to one person who will be delivering the lecture is that clear right now one thing which is very very important that is about signpost language signpost language i'll share a handout in the class group as well about signpost language what is signpost language in part four sometimes this may happen that you are somewhere else audio is somewhere else sometimes you are ahead of the audio sometimes you are behind the audio then you don't know how to catch it let me tell you one thing if by charge you miss the audio then it becomes very difficult to catch the audio once again right so in order to catch the audio in order to stay focused because in listening part 4 audio is very fluent students rather say audio is very fast they say 1.25 it's not 1.25 at all audio is very fluent so when the audio is fluent at times it's difficult to keep pace with the audio and all that right now what you have to do sign post language will tell you first of all secondly now they say let's move on to the factors that affect people's focus if they say let's move on right or if they say another point is how people's focus affects them another point is so i have a handout which i'm going to share with you it's called signpost language you can learn all these phrases go through them in listening part four at least after going through those words you will not be lost right now let's take a start they will give you one minute today i measured the time they give you in part four exactly one minute and if you add 30 seconds from section three which they give you to check your answer you will have one and a half minute right now in one and a half minute do not try to read everything i mean just read the points where there is the question at the same time do not ignore other points because if you ignore other points then you don't know where the audio is going so the other points where there is no question try to underline one clue world over there that clue word should be like a date name of the person and all that i just show you please come to the self-regulatory focus theory now guys you can see the first point does not have any question right so in order to be with that we say people's focus is to approach pleasure or avoid pain just underline pleasure or pain in the audio when they talk about pain pleasure it means audio has reached there and by the way you can see under this first heading there are three points so they may use the word first of all secondly finally this is what we call sign post language right so question number 31 promotion goals focus on underlying focus on in the audio for focus on they will use the word emphasize pay attention greatly emphasize on whatever they say emphasize on and after that that will be your answer is that clear okay now i'm going to start please listen and answer question number 31 and how many answers how many words very good you did not look at me you looked at your hand out one word only very good you will hear part of a lecture about leadership introducing a theory called self-regulatory focus theory today i want to talk about self-regulatory focus theory and how the actions of leaders can affect the way followers approach different situations self-regulatory focused theory is a theory developed by tory higgins he says that a person's focus at any given time is to either approach pleasure or avoid pain these are two basic motivations that each and every one of us has and they cause us to have different kinds of goals promotion goals in different life situations emphasize achievement excellent see that emphasize achievement so answer is achievement exactly is this clear so what is written before the blank and by the way in the audio didn't did you notice the word pleasure and pain these words came so just underline the words so that at least you know and if you underline these words in actual tests when the audio gone out of control you can catch the audio with the help of these words let's go on the next one is preventing gold do we need to read it i tell you why not because the next point is factors that affect people's focus so with this one they will use signpost language they'll say let's move on to the factors that affect people's focus or now we are going to talk about factors or let's talk about something like that okay uh the first one is chronic factor question number 32 comes from once dash now for once listen underline this word let me tell you what are they going to do with ones for once they can use the word once for once they can use the word someone for once they can use the word your for once they can use the word aver for once they can use the word there so any other word like that and the answer is going to be right after that comes from now comes from means it originates from comes from will be replaced also in the audio they use entirely different language so for comes from it can be originates from and for once they can use the word jor now let's see what do they say after that question number 32 the theory suggests that two factors affect which goals we are focusing on first there is a chronic factor this factor is connected to a person's personality and says that each person has a basic tendency to either focus more on promotion goals or focus it comes from a person's personality so for once they use the word persons i told you it could be like your other people person and all that so the answer is personality is that clear yeah good question number 33 the dash factor very simple now this is the second factor first factor is chronic factor this is the name of second factor let's see what is that and they will say it clearly the second factor is in all that second there is a situational factor which means that the context second is signpost world we call it sign post word second there is a situational factor so situational s-i-c-h-u [Music] t-u n-a-l correct spelling if your spelling is wrong your answer is wrong situational factor so answer is situational don't write factor i told you don't be over emotional i got the answer so i will write emotional also you become emotional uh okay now 34. we are now please focus question number 34 we are more likely to focus on promotion goals than with uh so we are more focused on promotional goals when we are with uh and let's see now just see we focus more on our promotional goals than we are with and the next they said with our boss so second opposite thing is when with our boss we think about something else so when we are with our dash now exactly good thing from the next point you understand it's going to be a type of person for example they say with a colleague with a companion or anything like that i play the audio you will find it for example we are more likely to be thinking about pleasure and to have promotion goals when we are spending time with a friend when we are spending time with the friend so when with our friend will be the answer see that part 4 can be as simple and it's always like this part for me because they have one word only right so you can easily do that let's go on how people's focus affects them now this is the next one how people's focus affects them question number 35 promotional focus sorry promotion focus people think about uh an ideal vision of themselves sorry ideal version of themselves uh promotion factor people think about an ideal version of themselves comma now listen in ielts listening part four whenever they use comma it means they will speak three words one of those words will be the answer and arrangement of the words can be in any order so the first thing what is the first thing ideal version of themselves their dash and their goals right ideal version their goals and their that will be the answer you understand it can be in the middle it can be at the end it can be in the beginning with these two words they will be the answer let's start research has shown that the goals we are focusing on at a given time affect the way we think for example when focusing on promotion goals people consider their ideal self their aspirations and gains say that sayogana their aspirations and gains gains is already given and their ideal self that is already written so answer is aspiration same thing as piration one day i just went somewhere and said can i have some water please and the person was looking at me then i said can i have some water he said sure sir i bring water for you so it is aspiration you understand the other word huh aspiration expiration yeah commonly people say so expiration is the right answer okay guys now the next title is leaders question number 36 leadership behavior and dash so answer will come with leadership behavior and dash affects people's focus this is question number 36 so the answer is going to come as a word with behavior for behavior they might use attitude or any other word how they react that is also behavior leadership behavior and dash affects people's focus now listen carefully and answer now that i have talked about the two focuses and how they affect people i want to look at the idea that the way leaders behave or their style of leading now notice one thing very carefully for and they use the word or for and they use the word or so this is also possible for n now for n they can use sometimes as well as for n they use the word not only but also and for and they use the word or as well so the answer will be style i'm playing this audio again now that i have talked about the two focuses and how they affect people i want to look at the idea that the way leaders behave or their style of leading or their style right style of leading how leaders behave and style of reading so for 36 style is the right answer uh next is transformational leaders that's the type of leaders can you see two types one is transactional and one is transformational leaders page number 63 transformational leaders pay special attention to the dash of their followers now again special attention to for special attention they can use emphasize they can use they pay attention or they highlight or something like that uh dash of their followers so it means this is something answer is something which belongs to followers of the leaders let's see what that is in talking about leadership we often mention transformational leaders and transactional leaders transformational leaders when interacting with their followers focus on their development focus on their development so special attention to for special attention the word is clear and underlying communicate okay passionately communicate or clear something in their words and actions transformational leaders highlight change [Music] their speech is passionate and conveys a definitive vision definitive vision so the word definitive is for clear and vision is the right answer definitive and clear they are synonyms in ielts language question number 39 is about transactional leader create now for create listen they can use the word make manufacture construct right or any a build they can use any word create dash to make expectations clear so they make something to make expectations clear they create or whatever the word for that is in contrast transactional leaders focus on developing clear structures that tell their followers developing on clear structures so structures to make expectations clear the word clear came afterwards so for create what is the word that they used development or developing clear structures very good i played 39 again in contrast transactional leaders focus on developing clear structures that tell their followers exactly what is expected okay now you can see after that there are two more points uh in the second point underline mistakes in the next point you can underline prevention now last thing is conclusion and by the way again they will use a signpost language finally or they say in conclusion or to conclude or in the final analysis so conclusion sit down please uh conclusion is promotion focus is good for jobs requiring now for requiring that they use the word jobs that demand jobs that need for requiring they can use the word need demand or any other word like that let's see what that is in conclusion it is important to understand that one focus is not necessarily better than the other one for a designer who works in a field where a lot of innovation is needed a promotion focus is probably better designer now for job they use the word designer what is designer it's a job okay so the answer is innovation i'm playing it again in conclusion it is important to understand that one focus is not necessarily better than the other one for a designer who works in a field where a lot of innovation is needed a lot of innovation is needed so requiring innovation or a lot of innovation is needed requiring and needed they are the same words so the right answer is innovation i n o i double n o right so if you write innovation with one n the donkey will go into the well exactly all right now listen please listen listen listen listen it's not over yet uh after this now you will be practicing ielts listening first when you take the test when you take the listening chest you just have to play the test on your mobile because i'll share the recordings and then your mobile should be on aeroplane mod if you don't understand jahajwala mod you know jahaj baniya you just click there and it's aeroplane mod it means don't disturb me right so when your mobile is on airplane mod play the audio and put the mobile away and you just have the headphone and the question booklet don't do any tempering a cab or license don't do anything like that just turn your mobile turn it over on the table and you are doing the test take complete test without any interruption like you know the way you close the door or lock the door when you are changing or changing your clothes just like that close the door lock the door if you don't find any place just go to the washroom put a chair over there and do your test over there you need a quiet place where nobody bothers you now take one test once the test is over now come to the end of the book and check your answers take cross tick tick cross tick tick tick tick tick cross cross cross cross cross something like that okay at the end you need to char you need to count the ticks or easiest way is count the crosses uh minus i mean out of 40 you can minus that for example if there are eight crosses 40 minus 8 32 correct answers now just a second the answers where you are right those answers are good shabash well done where you are wrong yeah for that don't slap your face okay ask someone when you punch not like that not like that where you are wrong now you can either play the audio again or you can go to the end of the book where there is the transcript read the question again read the transcript again play the audio again and focus and realize what is the answer number one number two why what is the rewording which word they used and ask yourself why did i select wrong answer why was i trapped now if you do that out of each test for example if you have 10 mistakes 10 things you will learn if you do this thing i call it debriefing so if you do this thing with every test when you do the next test you will be very well prepared when you do another test you will be very well prepared and if you take the test blindly yeah rose the chair test i'm doing again and again and again and again that will not help you just take one to two tests a day and don't do debriefing right after the test you've taken the test checked your answers take some short break go out come back and all that then you can see okay now i am the examiner first you are the candidate now you are the examiner you are ielts trainer now you see okay i've got this mistake and this is the reason once you do like this inshallah you will become ielts trainer huh there's going to be another carrier that you you you can have that right so all the best uh thank you very much you
Channel: Asad Yaqub IELTS
Views: 83,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts listening, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test, ielts listening test 2020, listening ielts practice, ielts 2020, listening, ielts newlistening test, ielts test, listening ielts, listening band 9 score, recent ielts exam, ielts, ielts asadyaqub, BC u0026 IDP Exam, listening new videos, ielts speaking test samples, ielts best listening video, ielts success 2020, AsadYaqub
Id: Clk4JJnX8XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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