IELTS 9 TOEFL 30 Full Essay: Compare

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hi welcome to right to top I'm Adam in today's video I want to go with you through a compare contrast essay we're going to look at the advantages and disadvantages of two different things within one context now the key to a compare contrast essay one that doesn't ask for an opinion as well is to keep yourself out of it don't offer an opinion and just present information you're going to have a balanced approach basically you're going to both paragraphs are going to be a very balanced thing because you're not making any argument you're just simply presenting information now let's look at the question and you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about some people prefer the quiet life of the country while others prefer the hustle and bustle of city life compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in either location provide reasons examples etc so what's the first thing you notice in this question first thing you notice is that you're not being asked for an opinion of course this particular question most likely would also ask you which do you prefer but that's a different approach okay that you have compare and contrast only and you have compare and contrast or advantages disadvantages and opinion these are two different approaches to the essay so today I'm just going to look at the one that doesn't ask for an opinion I just want to show you two approaches to this type of question so let's look at the actual tasks right some people prefer the quiet life of the country so you're looking at country living while others prefer the hustle and bustle of city so country's City these are the two things you're going to be comparing you're going to look at the advantages of each the disadvantages of each very straightforward okay let's look at our plant now before I get into the ideas that I have here it's very important that you remember there is no such thing as a right answer the only thing that the graders of the IELTS TOEFL whatever test you're taking for this type of essay is how well you present your ideas that's all they care about there's no right there's no wrong the ideas here are just some ideas you course you can have many now I know for a lot of people coming up with the ideas is the difficult part some of you maybe were born in a big city and lived there your whole life you have no idea what life in a small town is but I'm sure you have seen enough movies you met enough people in your time that you can at least imagine a few things and it's very important when you have compare contrast of two things advantages and disadvantages you don't need many ideas sometimes even one focus is enough so that's what I'm going to I'm going to show you here so first let's look at the plan what is the topic we're talking about lifestyle city lifestyle country lifestyle okay the debate or the issue country city okay it's not a debate it's more of an issue because you're not asked to argue anything so change debate to issue okay now you're going to look at the positives and negative to the pros and cons the benefits the demerits the advantages the disadvantages have synonyms so you can paraphrase the question and you're going to do this for both of them okay so what do I have for the country on the advantages side on the positive side it's quiet it's peaceful it's cheaper than the city you can build relationships there it's very predictable you know basically every day what's going to happen there's no surprises not often anyway on the negative side you're isolated that could be professionally or it could be in terms of culture etc there's less work there's no privacy everybody knows everybody's business it's boring now some of you might argue that no it's not boring it's fun well whatever these are just some ideas again there's no right or wrong these are just ideas that pops into my head some examples country people are a bit more humble they don't really need to show off they don't need big expensive cars or things like that a lot of them go to church a lot of these small towns are built around a church idea there are social circles they have very tight-knit communities etc and that's all I have for country let's go to city positive more jobs opportunities in career or otherwise as culture there's diversity on the negative side is more competition it's more expensive you're anonymous some people that's good some people that's bad and the speed it's a very fast-paced life again good or bad I put it as a negative for now and you'll see in my essay why examples I'm going to talk about business for its museum okay business for jobs competition sports culture etc now keep in mind there are two things I can do here I can focus on one of these elements and in one essay I focus only on the economic advantages and disadvantages or you can have multiple okay I'm going to show you both let's look at my introductions okay so I wrote basically one introduction with two thesis statements well three actually but I'll talk about the last one in a second there are many elements will define a life style including one surroundings so there's my topic life style and including included in that lifestyle is a choice of where to live one's surroundings while some enjoy the peaceful sedentary life of the countryside others favor the fast-paced business oriented lifestyle found in cities country city and the peaceful business okay now needless to say both options have their positive and negative aspects so needless to say I'm going to talk about both positive and negative aspects okay I don't say the advantages I don't say disadvantages because that's in the tasks I'm going to use synonyms okay now especially in terms of economics so I'm going to focus my essay my body on economics one focus for all for both places advantages and disadvantages of each both paragraphs both body paragraphs are going to focus on economics there could be other things involved as well but that's the main focus now I could also say needless to say both options have their positive and negative aspects which I'll look at both especially in terms of cultural economic and social opportunities culture economics social are going to have more things to talk about now basically what you're going to do is going to divide your body paragraphs into these issues so in the first one with economics I'm going to talk about economics in both paragraphs I'm going to look at City and country and then in the second one city and country in the second one I'm going to look at city with these things in mind with a little bit of country and then in the second one I'm going to look at country with these things in mind with a little bit of city of course this might sound confusing when you see the paragraphs you'll and understand now you could also say this essay will look at both options including their positive and negative aspects both options I mean country and city and advantages and disadvantages this sentence is fine it doesn't give the reader any clue about what's coming about how you're going to look at these things and that's okay you don't have to give them a clue the reason I recommend the second one or the first one is not so much for the reader it's for you it's for you to have a plan to follow for you to have an idea of where you're going with this essay so you don't get lost and go off-topic okay these thesis statements with the outlines are there for you to go look back at every once in a while while you're in your body paragraph so you don't lose track so you don't start thinking all your ideas should have been done in the plan and you're ready to write you're not thinking anymore about the topic you're thinking about the English now okay so we're going to go into our first essay I'm focusing on the economics of the two options okay I'm going to read through first of all and then I'll go through different points the main reason is city life might seem appealing is the opportunities at afford one especially in terms of career options there's my topic sentence economics career a person in the city has more choices when it comes to work a greater pool of professionals with whom to network and a greater target market with which to conduct business economics the countryside on the other hand is limited in its scope of possibilities of course one can argue that the advent of the Internet has made global work possible from anywhere yet this does not address the need for face-to-face meetings in order to maintain crucial personal business relationships in fact some cultures do not consider a deal complete until the parties involved shake hands on it thus being physically isolated from the market can potentially hamper ones professional success so what am i doing in this paragraph I'm look at the city first and talking about its advantages and I'm outlining and elaborating career work professionals network market business etc then I'm going to the countryside so I'm going to be looking at both but I'm looking at the positive of the of the city and I'm looking at the negative of the countryside now I do get a little bit too deep into the economics with the internet and the face-to-face meetings and the handshakes but that's okay because I'm focusing on the economic ideas of what it means to live in a country in a city the key is the last sentence where I bring it back to the actual issue and I tie the whole paragraph saying that being isolated from the market ie living in the countryside can potentially hampers one professional success so in the city you have more chance for success in the country you have less chance for success in terms of economics that was the next paragraph on the other hand contrasting that's my transition now I'm going to be looking at a country living rural living offers a peaceful lifestyle away from the rat race of the city one can connect with nature get to know one's neighbors and generally enjoy a healthy quiet and less expensive existence one does not have to deal with traffic noise and air pollution or competition for space commodities and even jobs we have been living conversely I'm switching to city again but showing the opposite the converse demands constant action and expenditures mainly in the form of keeping up with the Joneses that's an idiom I'll explain in a second that said those who choose a rural lifestyle are generally content with simpler and consequently cheaper material items and therefore do not need to exert themselves merely for appearances they do not need a new car every other year a new phone every few months or even a glamorous gown for a night out on the city so now I'm starting with the country positive and then I'm going to the negative of the city and then I'm going back to the positive of the country at the end of the day it's all balanced because all I'm doing is comparing and contrasting here are some good points here some bad points here are some good points here are some bad points there's no me in it there's no opinion I'm really leaning to either side because both of them have benefits both of them also have demerits okay now so their batteries when you inve question they said hustle and bustle means fast pace you're always moving always moving always moving always doing something that's called the rat race we're like little rats in the city everybody's racing to be number one okay that's an expression so in the country you don't have to deal with all of that you can relax get to know your neighbors etc this is a very general outside economics but then I say and less expensive so I'm bringing it back to economics you don't have to deal with traffic which is waste your time and essentially money noise and air pollution your health health could be expensive I don't mention that here though or competition now competition is economics economics is not just money economics is job enough place to live having enough time to do the things you do getting the things you want from life space commodities jobs you have to fight for all these things in the city you don't have to fight so much in the country urban living so now I'm switching focus demands constant action and expenditure is namely in the form of keeping up with the Joneses keeping up with the Joneses is an idiom basically means maintaining a certain standards or keeping up with everybody around you if your neighbor gets a new Mercedes you have to get a new rolls-royce right your neighbour is the Joneses the neighbors general generic neighbors you have to keep up status symbol etc if you don't want to use this idiom don't use it it's a little bit casual but it fits the situation which is why I use it and it actually makes sense in the context if it doesn't make sense don't use it of course that's said and then back to rural and I'm still talking about economics they don't need as much everything life is cheaper right they don't need material things like they do in the city they don't need to keep up with the Joneses and then I give you specific examples Carphone nightgown in the city you can't go in you're like plaid shirt in the country nobody cares everybody's dressed the same more or less again I know I'm being a little bit stereotypical here but again this is a very show ese you don't have much time to get into details you just have to give generic ideas and make a point you're right nor wrong just make your point and then conclusion to sum up I'm not reaching a conclusion because I'm not making any argument so I'm presenting a summary both city and country offer attractive lifestyles to choose one over the other would be a personal preference based on one's needs ambitions and desires so I'm not choosing but whoever does need to choose is doing it based on their personal preferences okay so there's one essay we're going to look at another one actually you can look at it full in full here it's a little bit small I'm not sure if you can see it if you want to see this essay on screen go to my website the link is in the description box for this video you can look at this whenever you want you can look at both of them there's actually a third essay I'll talk to you about that in a second let's move on okay so I just want to remind you of the two thesis I had now we're going to look at the second one especially in terms of cultural economic social opportunities so I'm going to talk about all these different things and I'm going to spread them out around both paragraphs okay let's look at that body paragraph one a city offers its inhabitants a variety of cultural stimuli such as arts sports and international cuisine a person can go to a museum one day a basketball game the next and experience all sorts of ethnic culinary delights all within a few square kilometers moreover city dwellers have more options in country folk when it comes to finding work and securing a good income with which to enjoy these outings yet ironically this is also the main drawback of living in a city with a high level of competition in the workforce as well as the higher costs associated with an urban lifestyle can be quite stressful and often unfulfilling so you notice that I do mention the country here but very slightly I'm focusing on the city and I'm giving both good and bad of the city cultural stimuli I'm talking about food and sports and arts I'm also talking about economics a competition work force etc and the feeling that one generally gets on fulfilling stressful lifestyle okay in the next paragraph I'm focusing on the country a rural lifestyle on the other and involves different luxuries such as close-knit communities deeper relationships and for those who wanted a predictability that provides a sense of security and calm unlike the urban rad race small town residents do not feel pressure to fill every free minute with activities for them going to a church meeting or rooting for the local sports team at the lone town hub is just as enjoyable as a stadium outing in the city however rural living does have its disadvantages especially when it comes to work as jobs are scarce er and quite often rely heavily on a single industry where a city dwellers can easily move on from a job loss small town errs may find themselves permanently unemployed share their factory or plant shut down so now I'm focusing on the country starting with good finishing with bad some references to the city what is also should be clear here I hope for everybody all these things that I mentioned about the good part of the country means it's not available in the city all the good things of the city are not available in the country and that's where the comparison becomes self-evident right so you can build it as you can see you can build it one topic and then compare and contrast has this topic like economics is good and bad in the country in the city in both paragraphs or you can talk about the city and the country separately and good and bad for each and all kinds of different things close knit communities deeper relationships social security and calm economic or otherwise etc but I'm still calm versus stress good jobs versus not-so-good jobs security economic security versus economic insecurity if you're if you lose your job the conclusion I could have left the same one as before but I put this on now here I wrote in conclusion it doesn't actually matter I could put in summary I just want to show you that it doesn't really matter because again you're not reaching a conclusion but in conclusion doesn't always mean you're reaching a conclusion the choice of where to live ultimately comes down to one's personal preferences and priorities so you can choose anywhere you want to live that's the conclusion it's not really a conclusion because there's no argument here are the two options where you choose well that's up to you depends what you want from life those who want excitement and don't mind the stress that comes with it would you better in the city whereas those you want peace and quiet would do better in the country now if you look at the whole essay I think they're both about two words difference 342 and 344 they're the exact same length they do the exact same thing and both of them present information they don't present an argument they don't present an opinion they just give information in a balanced way because you're not choosing one or the other so they have to be balanced and you're leaving yourself out of it which is the key no I know me no my anywhere in either essay okay so there you have it now if you are wondering about the the same question which with the added which would you prefer I wrote that essay and I put it on my website again you can go to right to top com I have the link in the description box go look at that essay there are three essays there for you the two you just saw plus the one with the opinion I will make a different video for discuss both opinions and discuss both opinions and give your own that will be a different video because it's a different type of essay structure I hope this was helpful for you if you have any questions please ask me below here in YouTube or go to my social pages Facebook Twitter Instagram I'd be happy to answer your questions about this video if you liked the video give me a like subscribe to my channel come back for more grammar vocab writing tips test prep tips and all that other good stuff I'll see you again soon bye bye
Channel: Write to the Top
Views: 114,699
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Keywords: ielts, English writing, English, writing, language test, English test, task 2, IELTS academic essay, structure,, TOEFL, independent task, independent essay, how to write, essay writing, quick tips, idioms, skills, test preparation, test tips, pass the IELTS, ielts high score, toefl high score, pass toefl, Engvid Teacher Adam, TOEIC, CAE, conjunctions, language skills, comparative essay, how to write an essay, compare and contrast, advantages/disadvantages
Id: jeVtJdlUsxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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