**6000 POINTS!** Dark Mechanicum vs Dark Angels | Warhammer 40K Battle Report

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foreign [Music] tactics and welcome to this very special battle report the full Fury of The Unforgiven is being Unleashed is all three wings of the Dark Angels and their Primark descend upon the battlefield to cut off the archive's head that's right the demon engines of the war forges are finally Unleashed for the first time on Freeview as the dark mechanicum make their debut right here on YouTube to lay waste to The Lion and the filthy Dark Angels foreign [Applause] [Music] Fury of The Unforgiven has been unleashed the Primark himself is here Lionel Johnson is leading this force and he will slay this mechanical foul arcophane and remove him from this plane of existence yes the dark ages are here and they're ready to kill some dark mechanicum yes the lion is in that before he is of course the warlord and he will be escorted around the battlefield by 10 Deathwing Knights obviously doesn't join them but they do protect him in so far as them giving him The Bodyguard alone operative which is very nice I've also done a little bit of a proxy here I'm taking my favorite model um the interrogator Chapman that we have and I'm using it as a Terminator Chaplin today to give him a bit of a bigger stature I'm leaving his jump back on but that's just to represent us his General hardiness he's a classic Dark Angels model and I've used him in pretty much all the games so I'm happy to use him today with the models we have so he will be giving that plus one to wound to those Destiny Knights and has the heaven full blade a real powerhouse the chapter Master himself Azrael is here and is going to be bodyguarded by 10 hell blasters I also have a unit 5 Deathwing regular Terminators with Belial yes all the characters I could fit in his list are all here Samuel is also here and will be riding around with six Black Knight we also then have a raven Wing Black Knight command Squad which is very cool and with Banner the nartheism and the company Champion I do have a Talon Master as well who has the shroud of Heroes so if he dies he gets back up which is very very nice two Raven Wing land speeder vengeances or the venjai twins as I do like to call them as well as a Nephilim jet fighter all the colors and all the wings of the Dark Angels are here and they are here to seek Vengeance for the first time on three of you the dark mechanicum have arrived oh baby please and they are being led up by Vash tour the Arc of Fame yes I know this doesn't work but it does work because it's dark mechanical basically I'm going to use his rule we can give plus one strength to the dark mechanic and vehicles within six of him otherwise the rules are exactly the same and it is very cool that Vash store gets to lead a dark mechanic and force that's all that matters really isn't it his second in command is belisarius call Aka cruel osarius bull AKA Bizarro call um he is here to lead his forces to Victory we have a cybernetica data Smith up next AKA my monkey that will be leading a unit of four castle and robots we then move on to a tech priest Dominus he is going to be leading a unit of 10 full guide Electro priests with their lovely lovely staves we then have a tech priest manipulus which will be leading a unit of catapon breaches with six of them in fact six caterpillar breaches with hydraulic Claws and torsion cannons I've got a couple of a unit of Rangers and also a unit of skatari Vanguard they both have the plasma calivers and the transronic buses um I have a tech priest engine Seer as well which would be loitering around some of my vehicles which you'll see very shortly I've got a unit of three iron Strider balistari these have the twin cognis autocannons there's three of those in the unit and they also have two units of cydodian dragoons and these both have radium gazales as well I've got a unit of 10 sakarian rust stalkers which would be sneaking their way onto the battlefield six Cerberus Raiders one on a gadoon crawler with an eradication Beamer I've got an archaeocopter strata Raptor with two twig cognis last cannons two Scorpius two Riders and a partridge in a pear tree it's roughly 3 000 points there's a lot of Dart mechanical I'm very excited to show it off very soon let's get into the mission and get into the battle today's mission is a modified screaming into the void from the Warhammer 40 000 rulebook the goal of the Dark Angels is to destroy a power generator and cause a chain reaction explosion along the Promethean pipelines cutting off supply to the Demonic forges Beyond at the end of the battle the Dark Angels score points based on which battle round they were able to destroy a generator this can be done in any of the Dark Angel shooting phases by nominating one unit that isn't battle shocked and is eligible to shoot if that unit is in range of an objective marker they control at the end of the defender's next turn the generator objective has been destroyed yes yes yes yes yes finally the dark mechanicum have to send it upon the Freeview Battlefield as have the Dark Angels oh is it the first going down yeah well well we've done our own demand we haven't done Lucky Ducks over on free view so this is gonna be quite the battle indeed there are actually two more Dart mechanic and battle reports on Demand right now which you can enjoy uh but for now we're going to do battle right here there's a bigger points game than we normally do yeah it's very exciting it's got mad with power yes um now we should say as well playing screaming into the voyage as the mission today yep I've got Vash the bash to help me out now technically I know this is Vash store with a Ab Mech Army it doesn't work but in this universe it absolutely does and he should be able to go dark yeah yeah it basically his rules are all the same it just applies to this Army so cool I'll cut off his head either way oh well you indeed yeah we're all going first aren't you yeah basic admission rules I will be going first so let's get started so it begins um in terms of my command phase oh the moment is being put on this unit here of um Iron Strider balistari yeah but they've got the Jazz ale so anti-infantries I need to deal with them um in terms of the lion is going for martial Exemplar because Legends he is because he's very very cool um that's pretty much my mom face bits but you are doing your very special rad bombardment I am I've ramble rad bombarded you he's decided to cover I imagine the line and all the um deathory Knights just immediately put their Shields above their heads yeah um also being Dark Angels they quite like being battle shocked yeah kind of so it's kind of uh it's just giving them more Grim determination they're doing what they do best um yeah just getting bombarded by RADS and pressing forward exactly so speaking of pressing forward let's do some movement no um I've done protection imperative for my Army so everything um has uh heavy and you reduce your own yeah and also I'm doing the the the cross Aria's balls he's doing uh shroud Sam so six inch bubble of stealth big smoky smoky situation with the mighty six on their advance the Black Knights move forward to bring death to the enemy [Music] the Nephilim jet fighter hovers around this corner the land speed Avenger I move forth likely to their Doom just release lay the hammer down before that inevitability the Deathwing Knights move forward they have advanced I only got a one but they are forming a cordon they are the tip of the spear for their Mighty Primark to move forth both Azrael and Belial move forth with their units behind the cover both advancing just to get further at the board but to stay back for later turns former Brothers we will wait patiently to deliver death to the enemy the Black Knight command Squad is moving around to stay relatively protected behind the cover to be a second wave oh these two are going together holding hands vengeance is dish best served with a land speed oh yes um these land speed Vengeance he's gonna be shooting its um plasma storm battery at your iron Strider balestari the general variation yes they are also coincidentally my open women Target good yeah I have no strategums to employ no no they almost want to hit though because of my travel charm that's very nice five shots with my plasma storm battery nice um I've hit you all the times even without otimoti stuff damn it um to wound you what is your toughness seven so these are actually dragoons they are toughness seven years um oath of moment good thing too the moment is host uh they are also coincidentally twin linked but that's gone very well yes that is Five Wounds very unpleasant miners two they are because of my um the other thing your um protective protector well it's not gone well they're three damage apart are they yeah well you've killed one because they do have seven wins and you're done three what do you mean to tell me about a land speed of vengeance has done something you destroyed a thing it's destroying something it's never been done it's probably Vash toys like I shouldn't be here you should blow up um yes you well yes very good so you actually done four wounds onto the other one actually no oh wow that's yes this is the explosion yes I'm really sorry guys the Dark Angels are here it's all my fault I should have just left you here on your own we come now onto the Black Knights that I'll be unleashing their plasma Talons into your breaches how many room markers look over there now yeah that was quite a Fortuna's explosion incredible my manipulus is doing the Divine work once per battle he's so he's going to give those breaches a four up in removable so it's quite nice because it's all called like the Divine work and stuff it feels so much more creepy when it's dark Mech yeah um so his super fancy mastercrafted plasma cannon that works out the same stats as an overcharged plasma Talent um he's gonna try to hit you I okay um Green Eggs and Ham has hit you three times very nice Green Eggs and hammers wouldn't you twice because you're tough to seven twice wounds um these are normally at my street but with you your minus two because you're protector I've got my vulnerable today baby the Divine work it happens once two damage okay now the rest of the plasma Talent yes um oh couple of Misses are you overcharging of course I am very well um um that is for wounds four wounds is it yes uh not very Divine two damage so you've killed uh two in total nice yes do you blow up oh yes hazardo all right oh no I feel I feel like call is good good yeah the Nephilim jet fighter so that's fun um both the black sword missiles and the Nephilim last cannons are going into your dragoons the Jazz dragoons it's their new name now very good um so we'll start with um Tracer Blackboard myself that'll be fun oh ones no okay well I've managed to hit you once so that's always fun yeah to wound you will be threes it is a womb very nice um this is normally minus two but because of your projector it would be minus one I'm fine absolutely fine with your black sword missiles well that's cannons excellent well after the devastating Salvo from the Nephilim Jet Fighter um his heavy belter did kill two ranges did he was just furious he was like yes us the noise it makes um the last bit of vengeance is going to shoot into the jazzales over on the far side dude only get three shots this time with my um plasma storm battery yes and there's no over the moment so wish me luck at home yes and it is Twin linked which is very handy two looms two wounds it will be minus two because your various Buffs oh no three damage apart yeah oh one's got one wound left no no no okay the heavy Butler then no stop shooting my things sustained oh no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh there's something happening in here it's it's it's it's it's um yeah there's no there's no rerolling it's just a woman oh you did kill it damn it does it explode we haven't killed another one success right one last thing to do oh it's a it's a long bomb if I'm gonna try and charge Samuel into the um Jazz ale okay just in case yes just in case okay it's not happening good thank you go away Green Eggs and hat you're like be gone green eggs and ham yeah it was I basically needed like a 10. it was never really gonna happen um that is the end of my turn it is in pitter patter with the talent master and killed a couple of Rangers you did um because that was all he was in range of range um but yes I've moved forward dealt with some of the Jazz ales because they are scary for my infantry heavy Army but now it is over to you my good sir yes good listen here you is my command phase I'm all ears yes I'm very good um I don't think I'm gonna move too much forward yeah because if I stay in my deployment Zone I get heavy which means if I stay still I shoot you harder yes no ordinarily would be which makes sense which is nice um some things are going to move forward because I might be in charge range and fight range of some things um in terms of command feasibilities anything I need to do is with my cybernetica data Smith AKA my monkey he's gonna put uh conqueror protocols whatever it is onto my castle and robots over there to give them plus two attacks because they should be in charge range of your VA engines over there yes um so yes I think I'm maybe gonna stay put I don't know Avengers twins yes because I need to hold my my pocket you need to yes yes you do your way we will begin the movement phase of my castle and robots they are going to make their way forwards over here to engage with your Vengeance then yeah it's my monkey next up the catapon breaches and my manipulators are moving forwards to engage with the one known as Green Eggs and Ham and I will invite him to eat my torsion Cannon next up the sulfur hounds are Galloping forwards as well and we'll answer the age-old question who would win in a fight a motorbike or a horse stay tuned to find out next up my iron Striders are going to move up this way to get line of sight with their Auto cannons and they will be helped over here by my Dune Rider last few things to do cruel Rosario's ball is going to move up this way to get line of sight and the Arc of Fame himself will float over this way utilizing his aura which will see you the enemy time for the shooting face is indeed I'm going to begin with one of my cydonian dragoons over there with uranium he's going to fire that into your um Deathwing Knights over there that's what he's going to do so you know that's the weapon they've got that's why we call them Jazz ales yeah abundantly clear yes absolutely can I hit you it's heavy so thankfully doesn't mean I hit you no it is anti-infantry through he I do wound you yeah I mean cover it does fail I don't know how long you miss damage three damage two because I am a deathwinger ah yeah stupid death ring nice one what you've halfed one yeah four wounds yeah oh no can you get the rest of my chickens out of the way now this guy over here with his uh radio Giselle is going to fire into your Knights as well popping armor of contempt because I feel there's gonna be a bit of punishment headed that way Pop I rolled a three again that's the same as last time what is happening all you need to do now is roll a one what is happening thank you that does kill one because despite the three damage I reduced it to two and then one that kills the one that was on two ends running he got exploded by radium well unfortunately the nightmare he's the furthest away and I want them to be as close as possible there you go dead good night to him good night we'll move on to the other chickens over there now they're gonna fire all of their cognis Auto cannons into your into them as well as well the iron stride balustari forgive me I'm hoping the fact they've got two up save cover and armor content means they'll make more of my two up saves than I have done thus far I I yes I'm only on fours this time oh okay I hit you a few times you do indeed you're sustained I sustained um I'll be wounding you here I'm done for five perhaps one strength nine threes yes they are twin linked so you can read around your wounded I will what you will you have I did four wounds the AP here the AP is one also two up saves another one goes through come on now damage three but damage two another one is half yes now it's down to the Troops let's try and finish off this pesky nights so I'm going to fire my plasma Caliber Caliber yes uh supercharging no less into them as well over there and my trans-ironic archibus oh which is that guy oh hello yeah it's gonna fire into him as well okay okay I've got two shots I will be over charging super charging thank you very much well I've hit you once do you get Heaven yes tremendous dreams strength eight so I'll be winning I do wound you once but you are Marked for Death sir what is AP here the AP is three actually but um no because of the cover because you ignore cover ignore come with my Omni specs um but I will get her two upstairs because I'll knock it up I will be minus two because of my armor of contempt yes exactly the same thing plasma caliber well I hit you once plasma caliber death shot uh it does go through the damage the damage is two but one oh yeah because of your nonsense thing the transatic archivus uh effectively minus one because of all the stuff ah you he lived you deny my friends are Energizer transarctic bus man breaking news the Doom Rider has done three wounds onto your Deathwing Knights can't believe it it's full of Rage oh the thing is dear viewer is that normally people go stubborn into a deathly Knight rolling ones that's not how I do things me always on the edge always always on the edge I've realized I don't have the card for my oh it's right here I had it planned out all along keeping everyone on their toes my custom robots are now going to fall into your Deathwing mate very well um I don't have any extra shooting I got extra punching later on um so I've got my twit my castle and phosphor Blaster first of all what's with all the is this like a torrent weapon that's a good name no it's not I just got three shots each ah look at me go I am ignoring cover oh that's nice I'll tell you that for free my armor is still contemptuous it is it is indeed uh the sixes mean absolutely nothing I'll be wounding you though on threes oh because I'm all powerful I have failed to ruin you four times because you're all powerful wounds no AP for you great success unfortunately I now have my heavy phosphoblaster not my castle and phosphobasa my heavy phosphorus different phosphor blasters this is why I'm struggling with the uh following along at home a little bit oh I've been spited because of my misgivings [Applause] I have wounded you three times though this is minus one I am still ignoring cover did I kill one you finish that guy off what is the damage one he's dead whoa come on you cannot reduce damage to zero even if you think you can that's silly he definitely can't you know what else is silly my monkey is gonna shoot his banana gun into your flying speeder I miss silly monkey next up we have the big boy big big boy on a good Doon crawler I've already shot my two twin cognit my two cognis heavy stubbers and we were I was just a lot of camera nothing's gonna happen I killed one of your bikes now though witness me uh not doing well my eradication Beamer when is me it's D6 shots it's one luckily it is blast uh so I do get plus one it's good I don't want to alarm you does that mean this is sustained d3s nope I hate you once I'll be really healing threes it is amazing I do wound you minus three minus two sorry does go through they're damaged two uh he's fine Cerberus soul for hounds yes suffering [ __ ] attach um I've done my twin pistols I've done six wins yeah you did pretty well there no I ain't very exciting oh there's no AP [Laughter] 23 pieces of sulfur breath stinky horse face because they're torrents it is already uh strength three but that is one two three four five six seven eight nine it's freaking killing imagine being wounded by breath oh it must be a pretty stinky yeah nine you say yeah no no 81 actually oh AP1 got breathed on real hard two three you just breathe three bikes out of existence a hot wafts I'm giving me the damage one as well what they are damaged they are damaged one yeah three whole bikes yeah oh Green Eggs and Ham's in a bad spot now in India right last unit to shoot yes um they are they spy Green Eggs and Ham AKA semi and maker asmale uh but he's always a little bit underwhelming isn't he he I I want to blame me because I feel like on paper you should do much better but I just never met the challenges with him so he's always like yeah midnight oh no I'm saying yeah it's the same when I use him he's terrible I feel like the lion is using him as bait he's like go on Samuel you go out there he's like don't worry both I got him here we go because he secretly knows because they've got the STC for the bike he's really yeah right he's the torsion cannons I did get 11 11 11 11 11 hits what are you hitting on uh 11 11 shots what uh fours so it's not not the best okie dokie but they are sustained because my um manipulus is a master Annihilator he is I do get three more Master Annihilator yes um I'll be ruining you on threes it's been some masterful Annihilation oh um that's all of them that's seven oh seven wounds uh minus is two the damage is two Liam oh that's quite good okay um so they're all in vulnerable saves oh that's nice does kill another bike okay but I have one last gun to fire which is my transonic Cannon no my Magna rail Lance hahaha I do hit you with my Magna rail Lance I don't wound you with my magnariel Lance sure it wasn't a trans Sonic Cannon what oh is it the transatlantic busboy what's it called the trans sorry there's actually one more thing to shoot no no sorry it's bull cruel Bizarro cool uh he's gonna fire his solar atomizer into your Deathwing Knights yeah how many shots does he get three no thank you no thank you does this is your cover well Big Bob does it in your cover no what should I say oh it's blast so I get one more what do you need um three hits uh the AP is four the strength is 14. I wound you three times three times I tell you uh yes minus four minus four so I'm a contempt and the cover so much left save one what's the damage my good sir three so two two kill one one gets atomized ever been atomized no no it's the charge phase it is indeed we're starting with my custom robots and my monkey and they're gonna charge into your land speed of engines they do make it you make it on a seven that's very nice um I'm gonna charge my um uh the breaches over here into Sam I Am Green Eggs and Ham another not another seven because that was a six and then finally I'll charge in myself death breath Express therein as well the I do I can do some water wounds on the charge I'll move them in and we'll come back and I'll maybe I'll stamp on you with my stampings oh what's happening spending 2cp and it said I'm strategum I did spend two CP and I have already intervened with my Deathwing Knights very you've come close to the lion and they're like nope straight away from our lion yeah yeah robot your contraptions I'm gonna do my uh line breaker ability yeah with myself for hounds neck now weirdly so I basically I do a D6 for each model in the unit now I'm in engagement range with you because I started the charge roll within six inches of a bass line unit I get plus two pretty now for some reason so on twos I do Mortal wounds there's six mortal wounds um well the bikes are dead [ __ ] and police okay that's nice little green eggs and ham we'll move on to my breaches in that case let's see how accurately one can breach Sam I Am oh green eggs uh hydraulic claw I reckon he's gonna be fine he's gonna make it through hitting on fours uh no one's to remember misses scabs there of all damn Green Eggs and Ham interestingly you see here uh five and then oh lethal hit so I have done I have done I have I have lethally I've wounded you once he might survive strength eight has four wounds and it's minus two three what what I really enjoy about this is because it's a hydraulic claw it's a bit like in Austin Powers but he's about to get run over by Steamroller so it's like no last bit of attacking for me yes the castle and robots um so my uh my monkey my data Smith has given them uh conquer Bros course they've got a couple of extra attacks they've got six each naughty six each hey cheeky one two three four five six that's how they fight because one's a gun apparently so I'll be where are we uh castle and fist there's there's nothing special forced to hit you I'm splitting these straight down the middle two into your Vengeance and two into your Knights we'll do the Vengeance first that's a good roll very good roll wow look at all those sixes did they do anything no praise be like I'm missing something here for like I'm missing something I'm not I just need to roll that again yeah I'm toughness eight I'm strength twelve oh no hey wow oh it's not bad not bad not bad four minus two [Music] oh that's gone remarkably oh no no three three four Windsor man I flew too close to the Sun and now I'm fire one two three okay right these are into it's not over I'm afraid for the uh Vengeance will come back to him not the monkey monkey oh no okay that's all right it's into the night oh I didn't see the extra two by the trail that was better than I thought it was this one okay you're doing great thank you I feel like I'm doing great uh it will be two's to wounds you yep strength 12. six six Woos if you please minus two damage three oh that's gone well so I killed one the one just the one just one right prepare for the Power Fist from my monkey listen to the Revenge eye is Into The Avengers no him is well and truly alive yeah what's your toughness eight eight yes oh the dream's dead you stupid monkey right Absolution time the deathly Knights are gonna fight back into your Rockets um here we go two oh that's a lot of attacks there's no sustained or anything right in the robots now I'm ruining you on fours I wouldn't normally ruining your first one Chaplin is giving me plus one to wound because they're they're Tonk um we'll get to the chapter in a minute because he's got a very funny relics Tonk box it's gone pretty well oh it's okay that's okay it's pretty good going right to my mechanic Captain's made a big old difference there but that is three six nine twelve twelve and minus one so you will be getting three upstairs we are three damage a pop well guess what I'm Gonna Roll 12 saves please don't move these guys so they're three damage each oh that's three six nine twelve okay fifteen three six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen forty fifteen worms wow right before I feel no pain yes indeed my monkey has programmed them not to die oh butt heads oh the humanity one two three four five six so one's dead one's dead one's taken three wounds now it's the time oh no not the chaplain he misses you once oh one guy he took a wound so to note the Chapman's got the heaven full blade and because of the rad bombardment I'm still battle shocked so therefore he's got plus two to a strength attack and damage characteristics my bombardments only angered you it has what he's wounded you twice okay still full of radiation very angry very weak oh I believe it um I'm keeping away from my pipes and my my my important paraphernalia yes mechanical importance yes that's draws a little bit out the open as is belizaria's call but I regret nothing my wall has come to 25 I mean I've lost some wool it's done pretty good the uh the old custom robots have done very well they'll keep you there the chaplain has let me down yeah but he has he has time he has the time to shine yeah the robots are good they just they enjoy they enjoy the clobbering yeah I do enjoy the clobbering um I do have some tricks at my sleeves still yeah [Music] the the clean cleansing the clean cleansing the clean cleansing what does that mean the cleansing of this world from these hideous demonic machinations start right now it's rude um so I always remember it's being put on these castle and robots because I need them out of my way I also will be using intractable on the land speeder because I got very lucky there and he will be able to work and shoot so that's nice for me um other than that I don't think there's anything else to do in my command phase but you have various bits and pieces I've moved on to conquer imperative conqueror because that will unlock some stratagems and uh also means that everything has assault which is nice um and the other thing I'm doing is shroud Psalm from uh cruel Rosario's Bowl so that's nice for him so six inch uh stealth bubble stealth stealth bubble yes very nice he says come into my stealth bubble my friends falling back surprise he's alive the land speed of engines moves over this way to plug the Gap and also are we spending a CP unintractable I mean he can still shoot this land speeder moves up onto the Gantry so it can see a wealth of targets the neverland Jet Fighter moves up this way to get a better view of the battlefield the lion moves round to bring Justice to his enemies the Deathwing Terminators move forward to find the enemy the Black Knights then form a firing line against the sulfur hounds and the breaches all right change of plan this land speeder is actually going to land here media has less targets but it will plug the Gap to protect the deathly knights from any foul machinations the hell blasters move forward to draw their sights on to the ballastari the Black Knight command Squad will start proceedings shooting all of the plasma Talons into yourself a Hound now yes ow indeed I wish I stayed in protective is imperative oh no get out of here twos are you overcharging yes of course of course of course I am I am a replica of the extra attacks and we'll be wounding you on Tuesday [Music] where Barnes get out of here that is three six nine these are minus three minus three yep my very flammable breath uh Fighters and vulnerable safe oh nice apparently um [Music] why stronghorse they have two damage oh you have killed four though even dealing with that remarkably excellent that was excellent I've got two remarkable two hell Blaster oh hell azriel's hair blasters are going into the are these These are islands tried about a story aren't they foreign oh they missed you a few times but it's okay do you know why it's okay tell me because there's three sustained in there oh that's nice very nice is it loud good old Azrael yeah I'd make it complicated when nothing it looks like I'd make it is that is oh that's gone quite well that is three six nine ten eleven twelve wounds at minus three they are balustari minus three yes right I'm pretty sure I have a six up in one room for the help Blaster I think where where oh my God okay here we go how many um to 12. oh that's [ __ ] how funny no uh pop one two four six one's dead two four six another one's dead there's one Left Alive deadly demise no might not matter so these are all my houses okay hilariously they're all fine oh no one died and no one dies but if they had have died they would get to shoot again which is mad they died they did pretty good though taking out the old um taking out the old Duda right I'm gonna shoot the um this um loudspeed a Vengeance at him as well how many shots do I get with the plasma storm battery yep he hits you twice wound you does wound you twice this is minus three is it now hook I passed one of them damage three okay I would I forgot to mention but we'll declare it the heavy Bolton will go into the Vanguard up on the Gantry oh will it now it will indeed will it indeed sustained okay a singular wound oh one wound yeah yes one is excited clap on the wrist I forgot to do Azrael that was more of a tap on the river it was wasn't it I'll punish myself properly later uh actually I was gonna shoot at the valley story as well okay he hits you once as well he is holding his helmet okay well the lions were you supercharging then his gun's always on super oh it's fine um the lion is going to use I'm a luminous it's plasma his plasma revolver I'm aluminum a plasma revolver so he's got he's got a revolver that's like a bolt and a plasma option so I'm gonna use the plasma option that's the coolest thing I've ever heard of yeah lion he's a pretty cool dude I've just realized what he also looks like and now that he's got that revolver is there a bit because that was Revolver Ocelot looked like that yeah I thought you were going to say Clint Eastwood but he has the mustache and the revolver that's all Gear Solid right there's an exclamation mark above James's head the lion should I mean I have wounded you once oh you have you sure yep ah see ya sorry why why lion more like lie down and have a breather yeah the next land speed of Vengeance we'll try and finish off the bus sorry how many shots do I get it's nine nine no it's seven but still impressive Evan's still good I'm used to playing guard with all the bullets um last bit of vengeance that might be the best this guy he's proving us all wrong about the land speed of entrances well have I said that before the wounds he wounds you twice now minus three oh they do both go through it no six damages but he has prove us wrong he's done two things yeah two bits of things that's more than the way normally does in the whole of ninth Edition right I've done it quite a bit bitterberry battery Firepower and the storm boaters went into the Rangers death they're fine from the Terminator for the Terminators um the talent Master did finish off the Silver hounds he did I was like ah it's just but he actually finished them all off didn't even use his assault cannons didn't need to apparently very accurate um the Nephilim jet buyer has then shot its heavy melters into the Vanguard I've got three wins through you saved them all I'm now gonna do something cool probably stupid okay I'm going to put two black sword missiles into that Giselle yeah and then two last cannons into the other oh very foolish I know to remove could be brilliant could be right the black sword missiles first so that one is he is the Shroud psalmed it doesn't matter so it hits you twice I don't care to zoom through my shroud on my song you win if you want one wound yep hey okay the two last cabins into the other one later on that's Canon wounds you Marked for Death no less the damage hmm hurry up you're all the six ah you're over three you're melon yeah can't really fail but also this looks really cool the lion is going to charge the Rock'em sock'em robots oh he's in or ten we're then gonna charge with the Deathwing Terminators into your breaches okay on a six they will make it in nice let me move everything I just imagine the health bars popped up on everyone's screen the lion is here um he's gonna fight the robots um and all the rest of it he's using his stripe profile three Auto woo oh he's so accurate what's a beast a swordsman or three little hits I should say um the wound you with over a moments and reroll those [Music] so he does drop one nearly a full hoose that's seven wounds minus four seven yeah seven I've passed okay past three responsible that is quite a lot more damage okay well I'll do these four at a time uh well doing three at times because he's alive okay now he's not great success uh so then there's another four okay and then another four uh that's all oh no there was one more one more I believe God he takes one word yes all these are they're tough cookies man yes they're a bit it's being two command points to interrupt you are indeed over here scoundrel with my breaches into your Terminators uh but before we do you forgot to fire your um launcher I'll do the crack missiles into your Jazz ale yes hit you once yes how fast a wound what's doing though so you've all seen it it was worth doing right hydraulic claw not this again [Music] like a reroll the one because that's their own ability and it turns into a one marvelous four hits I'll be wounding you here are they topless four or five plus five okay it's four wounds very nice uh minus two minus two hey oh oh what's the damage there yeah that was three damage three oh you killed three oh they popped up oh my goodness oh my goodness me now uh well now it's it's the one of them wasn't even attacking wow the tech crease manipulous oh see ya um what do you hit on Tetris manipulous threes ome threes to wound it's two woo two wounds minus one this time oh lethal hit it oh lethal hits indeed lethal Bizzle that is quiet lethal um they have however hit you all the times well they have have they they have indeed Donna push my luck on reroll because I could get some dreaded ones I'm just gonna be the person normally and I can't be real here which is very nice because oath of moments the Earth must be fulfilled oh that's gone very well that is a lot a lot of a lot of wounds two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen Seventeen wounds okay I wasn't prepared for so many one two three four five six seven eight PPS minus one minus one yeah damage three three up saved oh it's got very well oh you've thought okay four have gone through four have gone through damage three you saved three indeed right so I have to do it right because it might feel no pain does one die no one of the damages that's one of the wounds that there's now one left I can do is all the same time oh no pain oh it doesn't feel much two bits of pain just like this I'm fine chaplain into your last stupid Invincible robot excuse me excuse you won't be excused at the moment hmm ji four times four wounds minus one one goes through one goes through there it's damaged three is it yep hey damaged her fine it's so stupid the Terminators now or what's left of them into the breaches uh they will be hanging on three powerful fists oh you're using a strata agent this is my Bale for Halo therefore Halo so you might just want to wound oh Savage well I've missed you three times okay it's a good start I win you once okay with my powerful fist yes my baby for Halo oh you're fine balayo Grand Master of the death Wing that's Belial this is the gorgeous some fella that's Belial what if I didn't realize um but I'll wound you what's your toughness loans mate uh seven when do you want one yeah mine's two right I'm gonna hit you back with my cantankerous and tankers machine I'm actually gonna go for your Deathwing Knights fair enough I feel like he can quite compute what Lionel Johnson is just light beaming into his eyes they can't quite compute oh he's still alive yeah right I've hit you for three times good punching uh it will be Tuesday wound you though that's nice strength 12. oh you giant [ __ ] uh two Wings he's done pretty well two wounds minus hang on a minute minus two what's the damage three damage two because I'm a thing but you you'd half one you've punched half of his limbs off yeah and he oh no you as he drops to his knee windy the castle castle and monkey he does hit me once the monkey he doesn't want you laundry well that's my turn reasonably successful I mean you've knocked down most of my wall yes are they in them being the wall and my monkey monkey damn your monkey the biggest the only is the monkey's actually the most threatening part of the robots yeah because if he's gone they don't have the form of pain I don't know why he gives them A Flock for no pain it makes more sense with the actual model cybernesca date Smith when it's a monkey it is a bit of a head scratch it can be a data Smith he's a bit of a butt scratcher he is yeah I'm a banana skins um demonic banana skins yeah I'm over there crunched pretty hard where the breaches was yes [Music] um but hey look we're pressing hard on this flank and you've got two objectives over here I do scary stuff over there so the Lions pressing forward to deal with the arcophane and crawlis Aria's ball my objective is to get them into combat with the line yes please I don't care if they won't stand a chance it's the way foreign plugged himself in right now um aside from that um I think that is actually about it and you know what I think that's it oh sorry my um uh monkey abilities are gonna stay the same we're still gonna have the extra extra damn your monkey first things first my custom robot is programmed to retreat over here to make way for the dark master next up cool Osiris will skitter over the pipes over here awkwardly excuse me over to here and then vastall the arcophane or swoop down to meet his Quarry next up the Doom crawler moves forward next up this Doom Rider over here is going to scoot around this way to protect the objective next the rust stalkers disembark from their Doom Rider and spew forth to bring down this vengeance you know that and finally descending Out of Hell descending Out of Hell sure the accio copter strato Raptor rip riding radical machine has a three thousand yes shooting face yes here we go I'm gonna put some fire into your Deathwing Knights first of all um the last of my gazales is gonna fire into your Deathwing Knight over there I will be receiving cover because I'm not fully visible but yeah it's heavy I hit I don't want to alarm you but that doesn't no that's fine can I wound you oh you giant idiot [ __ ] giant Jazz oh never mind uh my onigo Dune crawler however will do the business starting off with some Trace to my two cognosis it's just oh oh These are the stubbers these other stuff I shouldn't get too cocky about this stuff not my eradication they didn't kill me earlier thing oh um uh two wounds there's no AP here is my dad's ring nights um one takes a wound one is on a wound remaining now means marvelous uh I'm now going to do my eradication Beamer Focus profile how many shots do I get four oh because it's blast very well Diamond blast uh blasting oh good I've hit you once and I went you [Applause] yes I can wound you it's minus three times two that was three that's true we do finish one off eradicate it I do have one more Giselle so it got healed up oh no it's not it's not is it sustained I think that'll be after that no I found you a dice though thank you make it better yeah thank you I'll have that uh we'll do Vash door's claw next very well I like the idea that Vash tour sounds like an infant there is horrible like mechanical grill that yeah one piece of Ashton's claw I do you change the trial that's not how to use it yeah um who in Damages into your no minus two minus two no no no never mind I know clue didn't work so I'll use the solar atomizer from krulisary as ball two well three actually because it's blast weird I'm still about five because my chaplain yeah yeah I hit you oh three times I'm gonna be atomized I'll be wounding you on twos I wound you three times it's minus four oh oh some damage well it's three plus D3 because it's melter ah they're dead aren't they well uh five damage one is dead [Music] four damage one is alive let's see what the archeopter strata Raptor can do when they call an arc Stratton I could Raptor can I have a look what it's actually called I'm gonna shoot you now with it I'm gonna fire that into your black knights and command Squad [Music] [Laughter] so I do get two more hits uh guess what wounding you on fives well well well it's like shut up beard I'm great uh four wounds no in a way I'm glad it's called the archeatopter strata Raptor because it would be lame if it was called big helicopter wouldn't it yeah heavy phosphoblaster oh no yes oh yeah oh no indeed big pants big pants alive uh threes to wound you it is one wound is minus one please save it it's very good and finally my twin the cosmic cognus nope twin Cosmic Cosmic harassment rounding up my shooting yes um I've done the ranges and I've done the uh Vanguard over here I've done one wound into your Deathwing Knights and I've also done a successful wound with my transronic archibus minus two please all aboard oh they remember how to use their Shield deflect the small ammo to your clowns charge phase quick one the rust or because I'm gonna charge into your four wound um Vengeance that's my wall oh no not anymore not anymore of course are his ball is going to charge into the Deathwing Knights just about he crawls over crawling cool and finally that toy charge okay what's nice now zakarium rust stalkers yes the Knights of rust there is a lot of them there's a few a few I it's gonna be a bit of work because um they're not designed to deal with Speeders at all no um they're designed to deal with a pathetic infantry they're gonna do their best they'll give a good go they've got a lot of attacks it's like trying to destroy a car with a Wilkinson Sword is two take a damage and then we have the princess with his transonic blades and cord claw oh yeah I want some Sexes now [Applause] it doesn't go through hey when we left two rooms left hold the phone your restocker dreams Aren't Dead no I forgot to shoot my stubbers from my um Doom Rider yeah he's very kindly allowed me to shoot your guy because that's all we could really because that's all you could really do yes I've got three wins through did you get three runs through I might have to unhold the phone yeah thank you very much um oh yeah yeah ah three words yeah it is a business right we'll move on then to the main event but first we'll do we'll do belazary's course oh he's going first is he I think so very good I think that'd be fun um actually let me just check his card because I think I might get it wrong if I don't have a look oh sorry it's cool yes sorry cruel sorry as well cross horrible yes um I've got seven attacks with my Mecha dendrite Hive first of all would like to just chip a couple of wounds away like that my hive's broken I need ice I've wounded you twice the AP my good man none oh why okay one's got three runes remaining four attacks of my Ark scourge oh I mean it sounds gnarly nothing no I need those sixes really to wound you nope nope nope uh but it is strength five uh so it's three wounds these are at minus one please hurry up please and thank you for some damage one and one killed one he's got wounds remaining okay and then calls on Nissian ax oh shucks Shucks get finished [Laughter] and now wielding Aloft above his mechanical brow being incredibly impressive back to Hannah give it a name the Anvil of the arcophane or something the heart of the demon Falls yeah something cool not that tall Hammer old shatterer yeah I am going to strike you with it fair enough he's not really uh we'll see what happens come on bash or you are your giant [ __ ] your giant fool me because you mocked his hammer don't Hammer that door hammer do free wounds if you finish one off did I do yep yeah that Tokyo one but that you're happy or Last Chance Saloon for the old Terminator is here we're holding the hot Gates yes purpose not bad the powerful fist I'm gonna chat that again get it seem to work well last time power fish uh when's it twice minus two damage two uh minus two you say yes you have done two two damage okay it's fine yeah Belial well I've taken two wounds yeah come on below come on the lion get that again he didn't get it again are you ruined you twice though two minus two terribly sorry just throws his sword shall I hit you back yeah I am actually gonna spend CPN on breakable lines are you indeed I was supposed to declass in the charge phase that was always my intention though because I want to try and keep them alive because they are holding the hot Gates it's absolutely fine thank you thank you hydraulic claw [Laughter] some Hydraulics to pop a Terminator yeah oh not again oh wait that was a force wow wounds these will be damaged two this time because of my unbreakable lines on hydraulicable lines I saved two oh so actually two damage because I've reduced how much I want you kill one just kill the one he is Hydraulics okay it'll be down well being held clamped in the hydraulic press I'm now going to uh run you through with my omniscient stuff oh no omniscient stuff omniscient oh that's like the on the side what should we do today stuff I reckon we go down the hill it's a weird laugh I enjoyed it uh two wounds you have to become the monkey minus one damage one now oh he's Army he takes wind huh didn't see that coming did it the omniscient stuff Absolution time yeah the notes are all going into korosaurus ball because the lion has told them to stand aside he has a point of contention with Mr vashtor and he'll cut his hand and Hammer off right all into Clorox eyes are you doing a um stratagem much like Rihanna I am going to unleash my bear for Halo isn't that Halo hey love that's Beyonce was it yeah I thought you were going to say umbrella yeah a bear full umbrella pretty sure it's Beyonce uh it's definitely Beyonce umbrella [Laughter] a number of times that's good there's no lethal hittings or anything here um I'll be winning you on plus one to wound because my chaplain but your toughness swapped inherently eight also back onto fives yeah oh eat my halo I haven't no I've hit you twice two wounds Mars one that's yours umbrella two worms oh hell uh what's the um the minus one I have one Boom the one went through that's that's three dimash yes it was right well you need something done call your chaplain yeah yeah here he comes twice oh he wounds you twice that's it I'm done it was wasn't so much Absolution there as realizing we know nothing about modern pop music no well I don't apparently um I'm continuing to hold you damn dirty Dark Angels back they are being held back yes this flank is a miles away if not objective you are have a cunning plan does the plan involve the lion cleaving through my back quite possibly that toy don't wait to do possibly maybe okay yeah [Music] [Music] come on face movement phase all sort of done at once just to bring you up to speed um so come on phase wise moment has been put on fashion Lion's time to shine that is so sad not dead so I need to kill bashto that's the plan there um I then also have moved around I've fallen back um because you consult it into me with your rust stalkers with my um loudspeed Vengeance have used in track Sports we can pull back a chute which will be handy in a minute please might as well hit because you Oogie boogied me with a bash tool um the Terminators over there have also Fallen back to allow the Black Knights to be able to shoot at the breaches which we do in a second and then there's been some shuffling with the help blasters and Nephilim jet fighters stayed where he is but now it's time for the Black Knights so I had all the dice in my hand and then forgot how many dice I needed so that's fine I think it's fine you don't grow you're going to be fine thanks man you entertain the audience with a lovely dance it's actually quite impressive right Black Knights into the bridges yeah they will of course be overcharging because I am not an amateur you know that dance is called um the bedbot suspended as generally says before he starts dancing not too shabby it's not great um that's six wounds onto your breaches six wounds is it yes well CDP minus three huh huh uh four go through two damage a pop to our debt yeah because one of them took got power fisted so it would have taken two damage and another one two I dead and one has one Moon left oh splendids the darling master um yeah sure is heavy Bolter um you saved it okay it says in one wound you are quite tough now for twin assault Cannon oh yeah it's it's not bad rooting toot and shooting it is three hits to wound you I've got twin linked which is a good thing too that is nice for you you were told he fails to injure you again he tried his best though the hellish blasters they're gonna shoot into the rust stalkers okay hey yeah not too bad that's actually gone very well look at you let them go I'm sustained because of asriel blasting away yeah I'll blast my hair living their best life all right to wound you will be what is your toughness four four shall be twos yes quadrant of ones six eight ten twelve fourteen wounds and minus three my body hurts oh thank you thank you very much five I saved six of them uh damage two right yes one two three four five six seven eight are dead though hey you're dead do I explode because potentially I might get to shoot again this is so stupid really weird isn't it um well three explodes hey now on three UPS they just get to do it all again two of them oh yeah three times so weird I've exploded only your death there's Duty ends I love Lego that's fair bazinga land speed Avengers now we'll try and finish off your rocking soccer and Robot Man yes yes indeed yeah um battery four shots I might as well to hit because you spooked to me I did boom sustained indeed wouldn't it's fine it's all fine Joe while we're here yeah this is going to shoot into him too because I've simply had enough of him the the Nephilim jet fighter yes black sword missiles that's a cool name for a missile it's really cool doesn't it to wound you it does wounds mine's too he's fine enough cannons oh she wants the lion oh he's gonna drive by revolvering into this robot won't die he might die not like that it's fine we're gonna go into the charge phase the lion makes the charge that's the bash Oh Good Golly it's time finally he will slay this Arc of veins yeah going for the strike profile is of course of moments to wound you threes we're rolling good thing too yeah okay I dropped one all right seven wounds minus four seven oh that's not gone well oh he's done him four damage reports absolutely murderized him that's tall Hammer I told dead it's stabbing him cow stop it I'm dead time for coolsaries but yes to uh seek Vengeance for battle stop messing around uh this is the mecca dendrite Hive Alexandrite High Times uh I wound you no times okay to the Arts coach come on ball Michael Ball real name oh Debbie wounds damage one uh two three wounds minus one I saved them all very good uh we then have calls on Nissi and ax who are we hitting today I'm missing tax the one there in the green I wish it was an omnipotent ax oh that would be let me just be dead um I do wound you three times that's pretty good minus two Electric Boogaloo I saved one but two go through voices damage well I normally damage two if I just damage one I say one's allowed the knights themselves will fight now into cross Arias yes are you you're not doing your I'm not I'm not doing uh Beyonce's Halo no the Demonic umbrella the wound you then will be four see it's full you know what the noise that I made was yeah what's the name three yeah two and three so how many wins wait what's the AP minus one oh no two goes through two go through so he takes it how many how many moons he's got left he has he has uh six oh the Japanese so the chat well also to know I did do battle shock for these guys they did fail on a double one but that weirdly Works in my favor how many wins did you just do six damage you've just done six down yeah he has six wins left Bandit that means he's dead oh and he's trying to enjoy sure yeah he's killing his corpse yeah his giant corpse Captain would finally do something oh he did why now Chapman why now don't worry about I'll finish him off that was what was that that was six wounds minus one what am I doing here six weeks six wounds X and the chaplain's just done what's that 12 damage because he's damaged four you've atomized him why now that is my turn it is indeed bash door is dead I'm pressing hard on these objectives yeah moving that robot guy will die he just won't die it's refusing all right that's that's gonna [ __ ] sentiment at the moment in my next turn thank you thank you okay so the only thing to do I did in my command phase I've got to mention before I'm in protector imperative again um my um engine Seer finish healing up the Dragoon over there so he's he's nice and healed up um aside from that I've now done my movement I've bundled out all of my Electro priests and looking to take down the lion I've moved up with my Dune crawler to try and put a stop to those Knights uh the robot is re-engaging with his monkey monkey they put over here with my um uh breaches and then did a little Shuffle with my Doom Rider over there to um keep the Vengeance in check and away from my objectives yes now I'm going to move straight into the shooting phase and I'm going to start off with my Dune crawler into your nights very well a bit of pizza patter first of all I have missed you it's a passive it gives me the most fear but it's sustained I don't know uh that is I tell you that's five so three wounds three wounds three weeks yes yes and I've offended from the pizzapata eradication Beamer five oh no here we go baby here we go I mean okay I've hit you a couple of times there sustain D3 oh my goodness it's fine it's fine triple sustained uh strength nine so it's gonna be threes to wound you [Music] uh so that is Five Wounds at minus three damage three oh is it oh it's all right well done you finish one off because this would be now be damaged too and another one takes two damage all right okay so still hanging on in there right my uh about a story over here is on his gazelle once again into your nights two finish one off yes just nailed once again um we'll now move on to my breaches over here I'm gonna fire my torsion cannons into your Terminators okay I'll be hitting you on fours okay now these are anti-inventory two oh oh no oh dear uh there's three wounds uh minus one goes through okay what's the damage damage two one has a wound remaining lovely we'll then do the uh the the Magna rail lamps from the tech freeze manipulous oh it's a hit it's all my death uh minus two it's three oh he's dead oh just a lion on his own right before we get into the charge phase just to do a bit of summaries over here um all the Terminators are slain only by Lyle remains from the uh the breaches down there um my strata Raptor caught to 3000 has put all of its Firepower as well as the robot and the Doom Rider over there into your Vengeance so I've done one word I forgot I forgot it was so close the objective which is the whole point of the mission um so yes that's all everything done in the shooting phases now the charge phase these breaches are going to go into Belial real quick yeah yeah um my priests are gonna go into the Lion a lion yes yep um and my robot is gonna try and show that work into your speeder over there I need a 10. yep no I'm gonna use a CP yep our last one I did spend a CP uh before uh trying to re-roll yeah [Applause] okay that's fine that's fine that's fine let's go let's look it's okay charge the lion have we yes we have he will be doing the sweep profile on fieldie it's like running into a blender 16 attack sustained hits one oh there's a little ones in there but there is four sixes so I end up with 17 hits oh that's nice it's quite nice lots of hittings I need more Dice and what is your toughness here uh three excuse to win oh come on now oh come on two four six eight ten eleven wounds eleven yeah eleven wounds at minus three okay in vulnerable stage save a couple couple I do have a four up feel no pain damage too because of my tech freeze oh damage too ah uh I'll just do this again basically so you've basically you've only killed three so far ridiculously three four five six you killed seven of them that's reasonable but yeah it's even safe yeah right the breaches and my Dominus uh manipulate are fighting uh Belial he's lost three damage so fast three wins remaining and you're um omniscient staffers talking to him again how is the AP here uh the AP is one I've done two woots oh one goes through what's the damage two so he's got wound remaining one left now oh man strikes of Retribution yeah because you've done six attacks for me it's mapped out my strikes retribution on a two up the s102 up take that many Mortal wounds please how many five five yeah yeah what is it Yep they're dead you killed both of them really yeah because oh God why isn't he like that when he actually fights I don't know [Music] foreign the loudspeed a vengeance is eligible to shoot um come down transform what not so it is the guys got out and he's priming the charges now because he's oc3 and that's oc2 he's currently holding that objectives I can hang on to that now and it not die yeah then in theory I probably blocked the whole Pipeline and the dark mega down we're gone to that end the lion is sent forth as around the hell blasters and the chaplain to make sure the job is done he on the other hand is just charging towards the enemy he's gonna draw their fire draw all their vitriol and make the opening um did that affect oh the moments being put on the castle and robot and Azrael is gonna as they're moving towards the objective I will not die I will protect my pipes please die you pike monster right um oh it's the moments being put on him and the hell blast is overcharging shooting everything they have at him I understand oh three of them are dead incidentally which we forgot from him okay um nice little surprise for Beard um but cool the rest of them are going to over the moment into the robot okay re-rolling all the misses a couple of sustained in there too which is very nice for all Jim jam oh baby very nice for Jim gem too I can add two to the pot here you go look at look at them look at them go right five out of five J's surely I reckon so yeah um your tablet is nine yeah so fives and sixes but otimoti good thing two the moat is Deep full of Terror full of OT biscuits that's translated all right let's go okay it's gone okay oh my God it's actually gone very well four days out of five that one two four six eight minus three damage two invulnerable save it's not gone well what's the damage too right damage two one two three okay fine how many wins have I got left three leave yeah all day baby light work no he's dead I mean just yeah you did you did don't kill him though and I think unfortunately have also killed my monkey have I yes that's a real knife in in the in the back that is yeah if not as well [Laughter] so I've shot the Black Knights at your archetype um heli shooter and it's down to two damage remaining yes so the two black sword missiles from the Nephilim jet fighter are gonna go into that and the two last cannons are going to go into the Dune Rider because they're intractable I fall back but I'm still able to shoot so I'm doing the frantically we'll get started the blacks will miss us okay Xing hit you once okay last one missile does wound you minus two the damage six damage ah it's a dog fight hey the dumb blew me up oh no I didn't blow up oh crashed and burnt um right the last cannons into that thing okay what's it called uh Doom Rider oh yeah one hit okay oh no wounds it's okay it's okay everyone so right I don't want to shoot the lone rust or who's going to use him as a slingshot so the Lion's gonna shoot um I'm luminous easy for me to say into the giant monster in front of him yes hit you once okay wounds you mine's two minus two minus three actually minus three uh I do I actually fine because he doesn't have a four pin Runner will save well there you go um he's now going to charge you may may be a problem for him slow you down with style as well [Applause] uh the Chaplin and the Deathwing Knight I gotta charge the single rust talker okay they will indeed that should get them much needed movement frightened a lion knows this might be tricky but he knows he'll draw the Firepower of the beast at him and protect his men that's why he's done this this is a commander engine technically oh yeah oh Savage well I'm gonna stab it in the face tears to hit you oh he's getting a bit tired he's been doing a lot of fighting today he's two lethal hits though so that's nice I knocked that one over he does have five faces he does I've still got hits for each face [Music] the lion come on that's quite nice nice Five Wounds five six is no less yeah five minus four one for each of his faces oh that's good though that is good so two goes through that's four damage of Pop okay taken eight wounds I do have two two three wounds left three wounds left respectable yeah and Chaplin bring down this rust stalker yep his favorite thing to do it is he's powering up now to start with he's a bit nervous a bit tentative I mean the three wounds minus one damage three he's dead how many movies did he just do well how many did you fail three oh nine he's got the heaven full blade it has one to his dad it's like yeah it's Matt it's such a good Relic or enhancement now with that he is destroyed and that means I can go towards the objective yes for these guys the all-important objective and what's key about that is I'm pretty sure now that means you can't destroy the Vengeance I can't because I can't I can't fall back and shoot with my uh doing cool over there my um Giselle over there won't be able to see it I could Advance over but I still don't have enough OC to take the objective back yes so you have successfully destroyed my Forge you've killed my Vash tour you have slain my cruel Rosario's ball and the victories are always this day thank you sir really goes to the lion there though he's really powered up this game which is good he did very well um I I thoroughly enjoyed him taking out the seven priests yeah also was wild is he did a lot of her work bear in mind that most things had a four up field of pain as well he did a lot of if he gets on a roll he's a real monster so should we see if the the Dune color explodes when he does eventually kill him no because I think yeah yeah for the lion I think you'd be too precise oh that's true he wouldn't want something oh that it just gets sliced in half and separates yeah and the lion just walks through and all the others yeah yeah nice stuff well done well done well done because that was a little bit that was great that was I do enjoy the dark Mecca really fun they're really fun because they are dark Mech they are dark and that's great running them with ashore is really cool as well it feels like that's where he belongs yeah so For the Love of All That's holy just make a dark mechanical Army please Games Workshop I was literally just about to say why are you it's really really ridiculous that vastra doesn't have a rule of Darkness because damn it duck is this no they don't they don't but yeah it's a ton of fun I think yeah the some of the combat stuff you can do with them is actually surprisingly spicy yeah which is always nice to see yeah um like those breeches just crushed those things um we do have actually a lot more dark Mechanicals so I've still we've still got stuff to try out which is exciting which is really cool it is very cool again massive shout out to Phil for just being an absolute hero fill the ledge Henderson yeah what an absolute hero thank you for being with us here today like you said before we've got two more dark Mechanical Battle reports on demand for you to check out right now up against the sisters of battle and also against gray nice gray nights which is a hilarious game that was very very funny games um thank you for the game thank you thank you for watching thank you to our Servo skull oh one more thing we should mentioned oh God if you've enjoyed seeing the lion Rampage around killer stuff yeah soon maybe even when the disc goes out maybe next week oh yeah there's a Primark fight yes so if you want to head over on demand to see that yeah it's going to be Stella yeah that's gonna be great indeed well until next time we'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 107,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, tactics, age of sigmar, AoS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 11sec (5351 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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