IDIOTS WITH CHAINSAWS!!! My First Tree Job as a Business Owner

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all right everybody well here we are we've got this big one to fill today this is kind of a special day for me kind of a special project actually because uh this is the last six months or so i've been contract climbing working for various tree companies and this is actually the first job that i've ever done where i'm actually a fully insured llc of my own so it's kind of my first tree job really so it's exciting it actually took me a really long time to find insurance it was a it was hard for me to find insurance it was difficult for me because i was trying to find insurance but that would cover me in all 50 states and i finally did find insurance with a company called arbor risk in wisconsin kevin hamm introduced me to them but it was quite the process trying to find a plan like that so i'm actually um but eventually i did find a plan that worked for me but it took months but anyway so we're here it's this big fur and i'm all legit and i'm gonna follow it and i just wanted to share with you guys this because i was talking about my gear there day i was like man i should show this little kit i actually kind of forgot about it i bought this like five years ago or something a long time ago um i bought it a while ago i can't remember how much this stuff cost but i'll put it in the description when i edit the video i don't have any internet here i can't look it up but so i've got this huge fur i don't know how tall it is it's all of 150 it's big and you can't really tell so much in the video it's nothing crazy but it does lean backwards and uh i'll show you the tree real quick i mean it's a huge fur but there's there's a house right here there's a chicken coop right there it's you know i probably could get it to go over with wedges but you know i'm like 90 sure but it's like i really don't want to smash the house so just to be extra careful i went up the tree i climbed it to set the rope rather than the throw ball just because i with these furs i feel like it's just safer i can just really see the knot you know know that i got a good grab on it i went and i tied it on about halfway up i was tempted to go higher the higher you go the more lever you have but i was like oh this is pretty far away i might run out of rope and i'm glad i stopped about halfway up because i don't have a lot of rope left this is a static line which is better for pulling rope it's august hunnicu's kit um i got these two trees out here this one is right between all these trees so it's not a very direct shot this one if i pulled it that way the house is right there it's a corner of the house so i've got it uh just clipped to the tree right there this is my rigging line and then um i'm gonna tie it off with the port wrap over here i'm actually gonna set this system up it's like a five to one or something i'm not too savvy on this stuff but you know it's called a z-rig or something mechanical advantage you use pulleys you give yourself leverage and this is a really good kit it's really i think it's pretty inexpensive if i remember correctly i mean it's certainly cheaper than a grcs or a winch or anything and let me just set it up and i'll show you why i really like this especially for working by yourself all right so the first things first i need to tie a loop um something i can clip that system to so i'm right here in the middle you know i showed you those two trees i'm going to tie the knot right in the middle i'm going to use a bowline on a bite a lot of people use the alpine butterfly i find it a little harder to um to undo and actually i've broken one like that i was using a winch but i have broke alpine butterfly knot but anyways this is a midline bowline or bowling on a bite it goes by a bunch of names you just take a bite a rope this might look funky when i tie it but once you get it it's really easy to tie and i'm just holding my thumb down i twist it up so i've got this like loop right there you know and i just take this part and i run it like back underneath this loop and then i open this up and it drapes around the whole knot and then when i tighten it this is a bowline now and it's really easy to break no matter how much pressure i put on it it just breaks right there just like a regular bowline i'll tie it one more time hopefully that's pretty clear bowling on a bite give yourself some slack i always start with the thumb down twist it up literally all you do is you just take this part run it up under open this loop up and this loop goes around and you see it's now that loop is down here and then i tighten it all up and it just looks like that i'm gonna go tighten that end up now yeah so this end over here is just it's just like a million wraps and uh that's just i don't know what you call that not but it's fine it's a bunch of wraps now i've got my loop in the middle here and uh and like i said you can see it's right between these two trees because this is my window right here so let's set up this this uh mechanical advantage kit up all right so here is my setup this wasn't like a kit or anything i just saw both these pulleys individually on and i just bought both of them i figured i could put them together and and it works fine so this is um an omni block double double pulley and uh you know it's just like an omni block but it opens up on both sides so that's the one pulley this is some sort of isc um pulley and this one doesn't open up the same way you actually took the carabiner off and this opens up you'll see one side is a pulley and this is where this thing is kind of special when you open up this side it's a pulley but it's also got this cam and this cam actually grabs the rope so it tends to slack so it holds the rope for you so i'll be able to get this tightened up then i'll be able to go and make my cut and this is going to capture the progress and it also has the ability to release the progress too so to set up super easy this is like an old crappy carabiner the gate's broken but it's just a chunk of steel so i use it for this and it's it's fine you know um it's still like the steel is really strong i haven't said this up in a long time i gotta think for a second so oh yeah so first things first when you set up the z-rig one end is gonna end up kind of in the air and the other end is gonna be by the base and you always want this by the base because this is the one where the cam is which you want to have access to because to you know undo the system you have to be able to access this and if you set this one over there then it's going to be stuck in the air and you're going to have to cut your rope or something so first i'm going to switch my gopro so it's first person here all right this is super easy to set up first i'm just gonna take this omni block and i got a steel carabiner i always use steel for rigging it's just because it's stronger we're gonna clip it right here this might be a little funky because of the rig i got going up it's gonna have a little bit of stretch ideally you're just around the base of a tree but working with what i got here now this rope is gonna be like five legs your four legs or something going back and forth so i can't set it too far up there because i actually need kind of a lot of rope for this system so the idea is i'm gonna yes i'm only like halfway up the tree that's such a tall tree any higher i wouldn't i'd really be lacking rope here so we're gonna go over here well yeah this should be i don't know i'm like 25 feet away let's just see how this works i might have to redo this knot i'm just going to tie another bullet on a bite right here all right now we're gonna clip this right here all right so that's there so we're gonna take this rope i'm not really going to explain mechanical advantage too much because i'm not quite smart enough to but basically we're going to put the rope in here just like so this is about half inch line i think and we're gonna run this up here see i'm already look how close i am yeah i'm going to tie the knot further out because what's going to happen is i'm going to set it up it's going to look fine when i get it really tight those two are going to meet with each other and then if these two touch then i can't pull anymore i'm just going to tie another knot a little higher yeah pretty exciting i'm insured now i can do tree work in the lower 48 states i i have to work under the tree companies insurance if i'm in hawaii or alaska but you know i can like fly to basically any state now or drive cut a tree down and be insured so i'm really excited about that so that's set up it's not set up would i say that all right here we are so we're gonna pull this tight and we're gonna come over here and every time we go back on the rope every time we zigzag back and forth we're adding rope to the system meaning we have to pull more rope through but we're gaining strength so okay now because this cam is going to grab the rope we want to run the rope through the cam side last that way the cam is holding as little pressure as possible you know because the further down the system you put the rope grab the less pressure there is on the rope so first i gotta undo this this pulley actually kind of confuses me all the time so that opens up this is gonna go in here like this all right i'm gonna clip that back on so the carabiner actually holds the this thing together all right make sure the rope is underneath this thing it's it's really easy to set this up wrong all right i'm already gaining mechanical advantage here looks like we're gonna have just enough rope i think i haven't set this up in like a long time um so this is already a really good mechanical advantage kit we got a lot of pull only problem is i gotta cut the tree i can't stand here and hold this forever dang i might not have enough rope for this you know what i'm gonna do man i don't have enough rope oh you know what i can do hold on i can get more rope doing this i think that static line is 200 feet long i guess i wish it were a little longer for this but i also could have used this rope up there because this one's 300 feet but i like to pull it over with the static line and get that lit okay so i bring this back all right so now here is the magic i'm gonna open up this one and this is going to run in it just like that close this up just goes back in there okay now you'll see this is engaged so when i pull this it's going to go this way but it's not going to go that way so it's going to keep my slack i got to go tighten this thing back up man i hope this works that'd be really awkward if it didn't okay so in theory this should be a five to one meaning i should have the strength of five men plus this is going to capture the progress so i'll be able to get it really tight go and make my cut and it should all go great let's see let's see this is going to be in the air pretty soon so i got to make sure i'm kind of set up right because i'm gonna be able to reach it yeah now it'll be fine all right start pulling yeah see i i can't even reach it now you always want this by the base because this is the one where the cam is which you want to have access to better hope i got it set up right i'm actually getting a lot of pull on all this all right there it is it's all holding five to one is set up might be affordable one somebody's probably gonna correct me i'm really not good at all the this rope smart people stuff i just know that this is really strong and i can walk away now so i'm gonna do i'm gonna go cut my notch and then once i get that chunk of wood out of the front i'll see if i can get a little tighter before i do my back cut [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so see i i scribed a little line just a little low in the back cut so you know i didn't cut deep because if you cut deep on your first go then it messes up your wedge and you're trying to pound it so this is really just in the bark this line right here [Music] all right you see it's a fine line it's like the more wood i cut the more i can pull but also the more likely it is to fall on me so i cut a little bit into the back cut there's loads of wood left you know um just a little for a little piece of mind one down there yeah there's a lot of wood left but all the same so i'm gonna go down there and this will be my last trip down here because once i get it tight this time you know i only want to walk under this thing so many times you know so i'm going to get it as tight as i can by myself keep in mind i've got the strength of five men with the weights rigged up and then i'm just gonna be up the hill and we're just going to be committed to it so let's tighten that up a little more okay so i actually moved it quite a bit just by myself just cutting getting that wood out of there the tree's able to move a little bit i actually did move it a few more feet i see and it's too high up it's too late now and it can't do anything about it it's a little messy right here i should have lined him up better before i tightened it all up because i'm also finding a little bit of friction for the rubbing but the friction is pretty insignificant when you consider the fact that it's yeah i think it's a four or five to one i don't know there are four there are four legs of rope there one there i don't i don't know how it works honestly but i know this is really strong and i feel pretty good so i'm gonna go do some more wedges more cutting and if it doesn't go then i at least know i can come down here and pull this more if i really need to you know so it's nice to have that piece of mind i'm not just relying on my wedges but i shouldn't have to come back down um but like i said it's good to have options so let's go do the back cut now let's get this tree on the ground it's actually a really big stump it's my 42 inch bar and it's actually a little bit short i'm going to be short on the that cut here i mean my bar's already buried all right let's get this thing on the ground let's get out of here this is three hours from my house this took me a long time to get here um [Music] uh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] this thing is uh like way more stubborn than i expected i really expected this to go over easier i hate to do this but i got to go down there pull that rope a little bit wish me luck all right well this is not where i wanted to end up but you know it could be worse at least i've got a little bit of slack to work with and uh that's all i got going for me all right this is scary man at least it's capturing my progress as i go uh okay so i'm not sure when my gopro died but it well here this is really disappointing well the tree's down i didn't get it on film i tell you what you know i don't even know if i'm gonna ever make this a video this is just embarrassing this was oh my goodness this was so bad i did so oh man this tree leaned back so hard i couldn't believe i messed with these wedges for like an hour and a half i'm three hours from my home i maxed out with the homeowner and the homeowner helped me pull the line all the way and then it maxed out the thing down there that i was showing you you know how it was all like air getting smug at the beginning of this video oh this is so easy i had the customer help me it could not get any tighter i'd mess with these wedges forever i even cut little pieces of wood to try to like stack the wedges on top of look at look this is every wedge i had except i had a few like single taper i couldn't stack those they weren't the right kind look how low i am so remember once again i was like oh you know scribe it online see it's low i'll go up a little bit i don't know what i did i stuck the saw remember i scribed the line and i was like oh describing it and i'll cut a little higher and somehow i i got the saw back in scribe and i ended up it's not that it's low it's low it i was so scared i was like man i do not want to cut any more wood and i'm glad i didn't it's actually a pretty nice strip of hinge but this tree was so deceptive it leaned back so hard and i used every one of those weight i'm not kidding it was like an hour and a half i i stopped filming with my phone i literally called gordy with west coast saw and i was like dude i might need a tree jack man i just i got no more wedges i might need to leave and go buy more wedges or put a tree jack on it i've got a rope it's maxed out and uh i hung up the phone with him said a prayer literally said a prayer and dude i found this wedge in my car on the floor of my cart and i was like no way and i came in here and i stuck it right here and the tree went over it just went over and i wasn't using my phone i didn't think it would work i was like well i found one more wedge and i put it in there and it went over and i just can't believe it i could have cut more wood but who knows if it if it fails and go sideways or backwards dude that the rope was tight this that one's all buried it's 48 inches in diameter the customer measured it so remember how confident i was in the beginning of the video this was like dude the customer had their kids and they were all watching they were excited and then they had to like leave this took me hours i'm so embarrassed but look how big this tree look how big this thing dude i cannot believe how far back it looked um but you know what dude the house everything's fine dude it went the right way by the grace of god literally by the grace of the lord almighty i got that i was like so the tree's down my stupid thing was you know so the system i showed you actually does work really well um the problem is that i stuck the rigging line just like just super low on the dude i should have used my longer rope and stuck the line higher in the tree and then i would have had more leverage but i was like i want to use the static line because you get better pull with the static line but because i had to go so short i ended up losing a lot of leverage and dude we had we couldn't get the line any tighter i'm just uh oh man i'm just my first job with my own insurance nothing's damaged but it was like the scariest i've ever been and i actually hit the gopro that i had set up down here um and it's fine but the battery had died because like i said it was like an hour and a half of me messing with those wedges trying to get them over i just didn't have i need to i need to get more wedges i just this was like the most this was probably the most stressful tree job oh i literally told the customers i was like maybe you should like take the kids and leave oh man but i do promise the mechanical advantage thing does usually work if uh it's not just a gigantic tree leaning back super hard i just i think it was those heavy limbs i should i can't believe i you know what it was i told the customer i i was like if i if i can just follow it i'll do it for 500 bucks if i have to climb and piece it out then it's a thousand this is like three hours from my house and they're like cool and i actually climbed the tree to set the line in it and i should have just like pieced it all down but i was like no that'll charge a customer too much money i can fall it and then i almost just destroyed their house trying to do it as cheap as possible i'm just like i'm like having so many emotions right now i'm relieved that the tree's down i'm bummed i didn't get any of it on footage i'm super embarrassed there is like a whole crowd of people here that came to watch this happen and anyways thanks for watching that was a horrible video dude look at this just look at all these wedges this is dude this is what you got to keep in mind when you're watching my videos if i'm doing tutorials and stuff like keep this in mind dude i i love tree work i love climbing and cutting and pruning and rigging and you know felling i'm just not good at it like even after all these years man i just struggle so much you know in these videos i'm just i'm just trying to share with you the stuff that i think is fun and neat and interesting i love tree work you know but just you know if you think i'm telling you how to do something you know just just picture this there's my broken gopro clamp just you know picture this look i i i don't know what i'm doing man i'm just 12 years and i'm just still just winging it i'm just really i'm just really trying but you know i just i just love sharing my passion for cutting trees and i'm really trying to get better but it's just it's just so hard you know it's so hard to judge the weight it's so hard to make these cuts line up like i'm like a goofy kerf there i'm low here i am happy i didn't cut any more holding wood but look at the wedges and i'm shoving wood in there too oh man just when i do how-to videos i'm just sharing the way that i do things and what i think is interesting i never try to tell people how they should do stuff i don't know the best way to do tree work and that's largely why i'm trying to travel around and stuff too because i'm just curious i really like watching different people do tree work in different areas you know so for me it's all about learning i'm just trying to learn i'm trying to sort of like share things as i go because this is what i just love doing you know i just feel like i was like born to do this job but i'm just i'm just not good at it and so just you know keep that in mind don't sometimes guys they compliment me a lot and it's you know it's kind of nice to hear people some people look up to me and stuff but dude i i'm i'm not the guy you know i'm just i'm just a guy trying to figure it out you know don't uh don't idolize me too much because like i said i'm still trying to figure it out i certainly don't like getting negative comments you know nobody does but sometimes people will really like they just really think i'm like the bee's knees and i sort of struggle like you know when i'm editing these videos like i don't want to bore you with having 20 minutes of pounding wedges in there so i'll edit it down so it's like 10 seconds of wedging um we're like cleaning up my face cut i'm not gonna i don't leave like the whole clip in there because it's boring to watch that long you know um and so like i'll cut it up and then people they just assume that tree work comes easier to for me than it actually does they think that i'm just like banging out my face cuts really fast they think i'm blown through my back cut really fast and i i go back and forth side to side in the tree i spend a lot of time cleaning up my face cut the vast majority of the day is cut out of the video you know and so just keep that in mind it's it you're not watching the real world here you know you're watching i'm trying to trick you into thinking that i'm like you know like really skilled at this but you know you just you got to keep that in mind i'm i'm cutting all the stuff that makes me look bad like tripping and fumbling around and [Applause] i'm really rambling now all this to say don't believe everything that you see online you know all right yeah i'm done now
Channel: Guilty of Treeson
Views: 298,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, arborist, tree work, logging, logger, tree felling, tree topping, wood, wood working, construction, demolition, blue collar, manly stuff, wood cutting, chainsaw carving, tree, trees, dangerous jobs, extreme jobs, climbing, climber, Landscaping, arboriculture, send it, omni block, idiots with chainsaws, tree cutting fail, logger accidients, tree cutting, mechanical advantage, snatch block, pulley, rigging, simple machines, husqvarna, 395xp, Jacob rogers, Jake rogers, tree company
Id: bROI5-DEB34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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