IDIOCRACY Has The Best Opening Scene...

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[Music] as the 21st century began human evolution was at a turning point natural selection the process by which the strongest the smartest the fastest reproduced in greater numbers than the rest a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man now began to favor different traits most science of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent But as time went on things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction a dumbing down how did this happen Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence with no natural predators to thin the herd it began to Simply reward those who reproduced the most and left the intelligent to become an endangered species having kids is such an important decision we're just waiting for the right time it's not something you want to rush into obviously no way oh I'm pregnant again I got too many damn kids thought you was on the pill or some hell no must have been thinking of Britney Britney no you there's no way we could have a child now not with the market the way it is no God no that just wouldn't make any sense come on over here he don't care about you yeah well there must me something he likes over here don't mean nothing to me baby oh it wasn't me it wasn't me well we finally decided to have children and I'm not pointing fingers but it's not going well and this is helping I'm just saying that before I have been be maybe you should be willing to it's always me right well it's not my sperm count yeah yeah I'm going to all y'all That's My [Applause] Boy Cleon is lucky to be alive he attempted to jump a jet ski from a lake into a swimming pool and impaled his crotch on an iron gate but thanks to recent advances in stem cell research and the fine work of doctors krinsky and ALT Schuler Cleavon should regain full reproductive function put your hands off my junk unfortunately Trevor passed away from a heart attack while masturbating to produce sperm for artificial insemination but I have some eggs frozen so just as soon as the right guy comes along and so it went for Generations although few if any seemed to notice but in the Year 2005 in a military base just outside of Washington DC a simple Army librarian was unknowingly about to change the entire course of human history
Channel: Walla Walla
Views: 530,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: idiocracy movie, idiocracy scene, idiocracy, idiocracy 2006, mike judge idiocracy, movie clips, idiocracy movie clips, idiocracy opening, idiocracy opening scene, IDIOCRACY Has The Best Opening Scene, movie scenes
Id: zq6E9BJcs0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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