People Being Idiots: Stupidity At Its Best | FailArmy

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[Applause] no no no no no [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Applause] [Music] look yo some idiot drove through the whole goddamn house like how did they do this damn on today's episode how [ __ ] up is [ __ ] up oh my gosh this is what are we doing here very bad idea going reverse what do you think are you doing it's illegal what do you think you're doing this is high sorry hey what's up got a camera camera i got it [Music] pissed off what the hell what the hell i don't think that's illegal [Music] oh i'm sorry sir come here get over here get over here and sit down when you create evolved um [Music] is it the right house are we in the right house no we're not good jump off jump off it jump off it yo this lady is pumping gas and she doesn't realize that it's not even connected to the handle bro it fell off if she puts that in there and doesn't realize it i'm gonna lose my mind no way bro no way that is crazy bruh [Laughter] no way bro are you serious she's messing with it like she doesn't even know what's going on damn that's [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay oh my god what's up hey can you get out of there for me please what what i smoke wet [Laughter] [Music] oh i am pushing melissa's car it's in the damn problem by myself who needs a guy when you have me so three hours later of trying to get alyssa's car to work and uh it's clear to say that i had no clue what i was doing and i guess we do need men for because the whole inside of my car exploded and caught on fire go oh dear god [Applause] okay let it rip hit it [Music] [Applause] oh this is stupid oh this is so stupid [Music] [Applause] oh [Laughter] foreign requesting that you get off the flight so you'll need to take your dog with you and i want my money back before i get off this plane no you're going to get off first and then you can discuss getting a refund this is the most awful place this is the worst airplane i have ever been in and we've hey listen you're holding up this whole plane i don't care you are holding me up hey you're going to go to jail or you're i'm not going to go to jail mister you're looking to the wrong lady don't you date my dog you love me stand up it's my dog and i'm gonna sue this country [Music] don't do it [Music] you
Channel: FailArmy
Views: 25,235,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: failarmy, fails, fail army funny, failarmy 2022, fails of the week, fails 2022, fails compilation, fail compilation 2022, funny fails 2022, epic fails, epic fails 2022, funny videos 2022, funny videos, try not to laugh memes, try not to laugh, fails of the week failarmy, fail of the week 2022, car fails, expensive fails, worst fails, truck fails, skateboarding, best fails 2022, 2022, 2021, 2020, cctv fails, cctv footage, cctv fails 2021, animal fails, funny animal videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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