Ida's Little Flowers in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] do you believe in magic in fantasies flying fishes and dancing flowers oh but you must for only when you believe it will you see it are you ready then let's begin with the story of Ida and her dancing flowers it all starts in the town of quicks ville a place where magic lives toys trees houses even the furniture all comes alive here but there is a catch here now for those who believe in magic are the only ones who can see it right at the center of quicks ville in a big house lived Ida Ida was a sweet little girl who loved her flowers the Roses the carnations the daffodils the tulips those were her real friends but Ida never smiled the fresh fragrance from the flowers the sunshine the morning dew all tried hard but they all failed she talked to her flowers she tendered them with care she watered them every day and yet she never smiled Ida loved to draw her father loved Ida he wanted his beautiful daughter to smile he arranged for lessons in art in their own house all the young and bright minds of quicks ville went there to learn art among them was Henry now Henry was a young boy who believed in magic he talked to the trees and bushes clouds used to come to earth only to shower him with rain nobody believed in his stories but that never stopped Henry one fine day what are you doing there Henry oh I am glad you asked look at this what is wrong with you this is horrible do you even know what you've drawn yeah here this is a man hanging from the gallows he is holding a heart in his hand to show that he had stolen people's hearts away I think that is rather interesting interesting this boy is crazy the other day he says a shooting star is when a star leaves the sky and goes looking out for love of course not enough of this nonsense now how many times have I asked you to stop spreading lies Henry with all due respect sir isn't imagination a child's way to learn things great lessons can be learned by nurturing their fantasies are you teaching me how to teach madam no I'm only that's enough now I am not lying you see a beautiful star told me herself the pen in Henry's hand knotted excitedly but sadly sherry didn't believe in magic and so she didn't see we are getting late to start our art lessons here now where is that girl who never smiles Ida oh no my flowers I don't know what happened to them look why are you always worrying haven't you learned to smile but there is nothing to smile for look at my flowers oh how silly they are of course withering with the what with their ring this means that they are dying oh good golly I was better off as a pianist now now that's only nature everything has to die now keep them aside and let's start with our lesson for today but Ida was in no mood to draw she looked at her flowers sadly what did I do for you to die why can't there be one reason to be happy what should I have done to save you don't you listen to him Ida they are not dead they are only tired from all the dancing dancing oh yes don't you know the castle outside the gates of the city the summer house for our king they all go there in the night to dance I was at the castle yesterday there was not a single flower or a leaf on the tree they don't stay there in the day for the castle keeper is not nice to them he doesn't talk to them or tender them with care they go there to dance for they have a big place there to slide around but they have to be careful about the castle keeper who goes around the palace in the night one flower is always guarding the door as soon as he hears his footsteps he tells the other dancing lot they all hide wherever they can when the castle keeper enters he only smells a bunch of flowers and sees nothing really yes yes then after the ball they all go back to wherever they came from and then they wait for the night again wait are you telling the truth I want to see but I can't go to the castle in the night what do I do hmm let me think I have a plan do you promise to believe me Ida because my plan well let you see the dancing flowers only if you promise to believe [Music] okay great will you go to sleep tonight oh is the door of your toy room that way they cannot leave they will then dance in your toy room but remember to make plenty of space for them to let them swayed without bumping into your furniture you know how they dance at a ball right he was showing me how flowers kids dancing flowers mercy me how can anyone stuff a child's head with such nonsense stupid fantasy no more of this flower dancing story now after the class Ida quickly went back to her room [Music] hope you slept fine sorry Sophie but we will have to sleep somewhere else tonight these flowers need more care they are tired Ida could swear she saw Sophie's face turned blue but who would believe that a doll had feelings after all isn't what everyone believes in supposed to be the truth sleep well now okay and if you go too dense don't tire yourselves much the flowers didn't respond to Ida but she well knew that they were listening to her that night Ida couldn't sleep for a long time she remembered everything Henry told her she had locked the door to her toy room she didn't want her flowers to escape she didn't want them to get into any trouble but more than that she wanted to see them dance and she believes she oh please let me see the flowers jets please finally sleep came what what is that noise it must be the flowers they're dancing I must go and watch and there they all were the roses the daffodils the carnations everyone oh what a splendid view it was the flowers from all the vases of her room swayed and moved across the floor Lily was playing the piano after watching the flowers Ida's toys also couldn't hold back whoa this is the best bite of my life always well when suddenly the long broomstick screamed stupid fantasy [Music] why have you seen my moves I didn't even know I could move like that Ida couldn't move a limb she was surprised beyond belief she looked for her ill flowers she wanted them to also start dancing but then she wasn't the only one who wished that are you won't you dance I don't feel very well dance well make you feel better ah yes let us go dance Brenda yes let us enjoy while we can Oh their color has almost faded and yet look how happy they are we have so much to learn from these flowers just then there was a knock from inside Ida's drawer the chimney sweeper opened the door to find Sophie inside it ah I thought I would never get out of there this is so dark inside what is colleague odd here we're Oh Evan Oh Paul it's a party oh you know with me oh boy you aim so high huh Sophie wanted a handsome flower to ask her for a dance but all the flowers were dancing and singing nobody had time to look at Sophie she then sat upon the open drawer maybe she is invisible to all she thought and yet nobody came finally she decided to enter the dance all by herself but are you okay are you HOT oh you isn't there a handsome bag to come help me up go away I'm fine oh but please let us why are you being so polite to me well of course you gave us your bed that was very generous of you oh um yeah you all are really nice you can keep my bed I won't complain that's really sweet but we can't use it we will be gone by tomorrow oh please don't go we can't stay dear do a thing will you ask Ida to bury us in the garden so that we can come back again every year I will surely tell her Oh what must have become of my flowers oh don't you worry you still look as pretty as ever Ida looked out at the garden and oh what a wonder she smiled the most beautiful smile now that she believed in magic Ida knew what she had to do Ida could now talk to the Sun and the moon she sang with the spoons and danced with the plants for now that she believed in magic magic is what she saw everywhere the flowers too kept their promise they came to it-- a year after year legend has it the town of quicks ville still has flowers that dance throughout the night Ida's flowers who brought magic to quicks Ville and a smile to little Ida you
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 255,211
Rating: 4.6351237 out of 5
Keywords: English Fairy Tales, english story, fairy tales in english, english fairy tale, stories in english, story english, fairy tales english, english fairy tales stories, fairy tales stories in english, english tales, english fairy tale new, dancing flowers, dancing flower, fairy tale in english, fairy tale english, english fairytales, english fairy, stories english, the dancing flower, new fairy tales in english, Ida's Little Flowers in English, Story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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