The Shrewd Farmer Story in English | Bedtime Stories | English Fairy Tales

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a shrewd farmers story once upon a time there lived a farmer who worked far from his home in the fields of a rich baron in the past gangs of bandits hid in the mountains rising behind the plains said the Emperor had sent his soldiers to find and kill and now the area was safe and quiet oh my another weapon every once in a while however old weapons from past battles could be found in the fields while he was chopping a stump one day the farmer found a bag full of gold is it gold now the farmer had only ever seen silver coins in his life and he was so astonished to find all that gold that when he started walking home it was already dark what must I do with so much gold on his way home the farmer thought about the problems that his sudden wealth could cause him but how can I use this gold everything found on the Barons territory will belong to the Baron by law the farmer had to hand the gold over to the Baron the farmer decided that it was much more fair for him to keep the treasure the Baron has a lot anyway I am poor and I need this money more than him so I shall keep it but he realized the risk he would run if anyone found out about his luck I must not tell anyone about it but what about my wife she cannot keep her mouth shut or keep a secret for God's sake and as soon as she opens her mouth I will be thrown into jail now what must I do he thought the problem over and over until he found a solution and he did find it so before getting home he left the bag full of gold in the foot next to some pine trees and the day after instead of going to work he went by the village to buy a few nice trout some doughnuts and a rabbit in the afternoon he went home and said to his wife get your wicker basket and come with me yesterday it rained and the wood is full of mushrooms we must get to them before someone else does ah mushrooms let's go hurry up the wife who loved mushrooms picked up her basket and followed her husband when they got to the woods the farmer read to his wife shouting look look we have found a donut tree and he showed her the branches he previously loaded with Donuts oh oh my donut from the tree yeah who would have thought anyway go find the mushrooms in the grass over there the wife was astonished but she was even more puzzled when instead of mushrooms she found trout in the grass today is our lucky day my grandfather said that everyone has one lucky day we might even find a treasure in addition to being a gossip the farmer's wife was also a sucker so she believed her husband and repeated while looking around this is our lucky day this is our lucky day and she kept finding fish in the grass the basket of the woman was full of fish by now when she and her husband reached the banks the farmer ran ahead of her looked into the thicket and said yesterday I laid out my nets and I want to check whether I've caught any fish or shrimps a few minutes later the wife heard the husband's excited voice run and see what I've caught what extraordinary luck I fished a rabbit they were walking back home and the wife kept talking excitedly about the great dinner with the doughnuts the fish and the rabbit the farmer smiled and said [Music] let's go by the wood again we can find other doughnuts ah yes let's go they went to the spot where the farmer had hidden his gold coins the farmer pretended to find something look over here there's a strange bag and it's full of gold what are you saying yes I guess this is an enchanted forest we found the donuts on the trees then we found the trout in the grass and now gold the poor woman was so excited that tears filled her eyes she could not utter another word and gulfs as she touched the shiny coin yes dear at home after dinner neither of the two could fall asleep the farmer and his wife kept getting up to look over the treasure they had hidden in an old boot the day after the farmer went back to work but first said to his wife don't tell anybody about what happened yesterday of course not I am NOT a fool and he repeated the same recommendation every day after that pretty soon however the entire village had heard about the treasure the farmer and his wife were hired by the Baron and when they went in to see him the farmer tried to stand behind his wife I heard you found a treasure oh we sure did saya can you please tell me where and home in an enchanted forest his wife at the request of the Baron spoke first of the doughnuts then of the trout on the grass and lastly of the rabbit in the river meanwhile behind her the husband kept tapping his forehead with his and gesticulating to the Barents the Baron began looking at the woman with pity and then I bet you found a treasure there - that's right sir the Baron turned to the farmer and tapping his finger on his forehead sympathetically said I see what you mean unfortunately I have the same problem with my wife the farmer and his wife were sent home and no one believed their story and so the shrewd farmer didn't go to jail and spent his money wisely [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 197,875
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Keywords: English Fairy Tales, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids, fairy tales stories, The Shrewd Farmer Story in English
Id: K8Vw5U3ziu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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