Iconic Season 4 Episodes | Kitchen Nightmares

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Providence Rhode Island home to seven colleges and a thriving art scene this Renaissance city is a constant beehive of activity in 2005 Abby and her best friend Rico bought a restaurant called down City smack in the center of town Rico and I were on the beach one day and I told him that I was interested in buying down City and he said I want to own a restaurant too I was spending a lot of money in restaurants eating and drinking I figured why not give myself the money instead make it a double he has a full-time day job and my job is to take care of everything in this restaurant you start with all the specials I'm gonna get the wine okay well I've been in the restaurant business for 33 years so the decisions I make I really don't consult week out about them I just do them and this would go perfectly with the pork special I am the checkbook behind down City and I was putting 100 of my favorites but at this point it's not going well I need more Assets in the seasons I think it's a beautiful restaurant I think our menu is creative and the food is good I don't know what's wrong what's all [ __ ] up Abby has our blindfolds on because she doesn't want to admit that she's part of the problem just give him no let me do it Abby acts like whatever don't argue Cruella Deville I just went an answer when I called something out Abby is a complete psycho [ __ ] [ __ ] I just want an answer which is a recipe for utter disaster I checked it before I left it's like really [ __ ] happening I'm not yelling I'm talking they think that this is a democracy and it's not if you cannot follow my rules then get the [ __ ] out as long as you work for me you do what my way and upset it's basically Abby's way of the highway and it's definitely why restaurants fail me Welcome To My Nightmare if people are complaining about the food maybe there's something wrong with the food it is impossible maybe just Abby's saying it's great does not make it great that's how the plate is prepared do you not like it no she built this 50 item menu that is just horrible they hate the chicken Thai arts what nobody can say anything about the menu because it's her menu she takes it personally maybe they're not the right decision but they're my decisions I have to get Abby on board to move forward because my life is at stake here all I think about is why people are not coming to my restaurant if something happened here where I had to declare a bankruptcy it could very strongly affect my day job that's stress we've got all these bills to pay this weekend that's the stack this week I've called upon Chef Ramsay because of his honesty and bluntness but he's going to have his work cut out for him I guarantee hello Chef Ramsay how are you from down City nice to meet you likewise my pleasure and your first name is Abby Abby good to see you and you're the owner I'm the owner general manager everything my business partner is in here he'll come in tonight okay great though right so you're trained classically in terms of absolutely not you would not want me to cook you anything are you ready and on a scale of one to ten mark the food what would you say where are we it's a 10. wow wow wow yeah yeah I'm starving because the room service next door was shocking wait a minute wait the room service next door was shopping what do you mean it was shocking there's a little hotel next hotel we do the real service from that hotel what was the problem honestly yeah that was embarrassing why what did you have this pissy grainy soup that was Stone Cold hold on it gets worse crab cakes that were stone cold in the center it was just like this ball of mush disgusting disgusting disgusting whoa I was like oh damn he went there he just really went there that's impossible that's impossible of a crappy Stone Cold you're telling me I'm exaggerated I think you're one of those customers that I would fire immediately yeah you're fired customers I have okay well let me sit down and eat can I suggest something I don't need to search anything because if you're now telling me that that room service was you at your best I'm [ __ ] myself before I start eating let me tell you that wow wow I don't know what he's talking about blah blah blah blah blah where would you like me to sit I'm gonna go right over here excellent describe the food for me um comfort food middle of the road middle of the road when was the last time somebody sent food back today oh today oh you did wow wow wow I'm sorry okay um I'll look through the menu is this I suggest something or no you don't want my suggestions if you're going to talk to me honestly fine if you're going to start you know going defensive I'm not going to get defensive I'm just defending what we do here now I've been I'm not here to argue you asked me to come here and look at this place to help you out let's get one thing clear straight away cut the [ __ ] okay you're gonna sit there and start bullshitting I'm not sitting upstairs no go for your balls big time wow when you just told me five minutes ago that the food's 10 out of 10. the room service is perfect basically I'm gonna eat and I'm Gonna Leave unless you start telling me the truth I I don't know where you're coming from I really don't know I absolutely think you're [ __ ] full of [ __ ] I've been here five minutes and already you're in denial I'm not in denial I will back up anything my kitchen does fine I'm open-minded can I order the food absolutely thank you so much go for it appreciate it wow what a welcoming yeah welcome to Providence to know they did female cage fighters holy crap boy I can't wait to Rico gets here hey how are you I'm dropping how are you good good and this is Josh Josh so nice to see that friendly face thank you um is the owner Abby you're always that defensive yeah it's scaring me okay appetizers calamari yeah crispy rings with hot sweet pepper sauce yeah I'll go for some of that okay you don't spell peppers like that either no I guess you don't I didn't even notice that haven't been here three years three years okay uh three-way nachos it says it's a party in my mouth yeah well if it's good enough to be put on the menu I'm gonna try it so I'll go for party in your mouth okay and the um award-winning meatloaf that's our claim to feed thanks Josh you're welcome please my God we don't die in Rhode Island okay this is Gordon Ramsay's order let's make orders move I'm a good cook but uh that is not my menu of course I want to do well but I'm not sure what Chef Rams is gonna think he's like is this how you spell peppers in America three feet because of b-e-p-p yeah there's three peas in there there it is Hi how are you how are you I don't think you're good to see me Gordon good to see you so you're waiting to waiter yes dining room manager yes brilliant and being the head waiter how would you describe the food here below par yeah Abby said it was a 10. so I'm in for a treat yeah okay well this is the crispy kralamari alamari yes and um why does it look so wet uh it's a sauce that they've toss it in just say that again you fry it they fry it and then you and they toss it in the sauce and it's soaking wet all the crispy batter is just coming off you know it's not everybody's cup of tea it's not mine yeah certainly it's not mine either but however I'm optimistic what do you think [Music] I mean look at that oh my gosh I'm done on that one yeah I understand it thank you you're welcome wow soggy chewy disgusting calamari shocking what do you say about it you spit the calamari back up that's hysterical what was he bitching about spit it out I'm gonna like go at his throat today and this is a party in your mouth this is the part in my mouth should be top plate very hot it looks Dreadful I think I've just thrown up in my mouth what a mess oh boy I'm taking it that was one party you didn't want to attend it wasn't a part in my mouth it was like a funeral in my mouth a feeler yeah well it kind of does look like something died what's mad with that that's gross what we're not doing too good here I was ready to light maybe this is the one thing I like he doesn't like anything okay and this is the award-winning the award-winning meme yeah I'm excited thank you you're welcome it doesn't leave on there does it [Music] wow that was disgusting what do we think wow it's not even hot I'm sorry this sort of lukewarmed solidified chunks of crown that's pretty much the norm it must be freaking embarrassing if you just service it is embarrassing I don't like the meatloaf here at all we set our stuff up for disappointment when we put award winning in front of it what was the problem it's disgusting can you be more specific I didn't hear I didn't hear what he said I'm gonna have to ask him I mean and can I have a web of the team it's inevitable it's going to happen so the food was shocking no part disgusting dated [ __ ] so who is there Chef here we don't really have one but I guess you don't have a head chef but I guess I'm the closest thing the closest what does that mean talk to me Abby that means that I fired my other chef and he took over and I didn't want to give him a title until he proved to himself that he could handle the kitchen what you're employing is a ship with no Captain at the helm and the team desperate for guidance no guidance there's no standards no standards there's no consistency so who came up with a menu but this is America comfort food somebody's dreaming here I did I did I take full responsibility for the menu you have no cooking background but you'd put the menu together Abby you've got to understand how frustrating this is it's ridiculous I don't know what to say fix it you fix it oh come on Abby how can I fix it when you stand there in front of your team rating you and your restaurant and your food 10 out of 10. dreamer I don't I don't think it's as bad as you say it okay stop being in denial can you be more specific about meatloaf what did you not like about the meatloaf oh [ __ ] can you say something besides just loopy I've been called worse than that wake up and admitted [ __ ] bring it on oh come on bring it on what you mean Bring It On Chef Ramsay say everything you've done everything that you've dreamed of doing is [ __ ] I was blown away I need some fresh air [Music] yeah after Chef Ramsay's harsh critique the conversation with the one person she believes is always right herself so what do I do like just get out of the restaurant business then obviously my 33 years in the business is like worthless and I have no idea what the [ __ ] I'm doing okay I think I'm gonna open up that hot dog stand down the beach want some tea or something no I believe from the bottom of my heart that he's he's wrong I really don't care what he says well he's completely full of [ __ ] like seriously our meatloaf is like what put us on the map I mean it's great I don't like the meatloaf you really don't I honestly don't we had it the other night together what what didn't you like about it I think our food is mediocre like it's not maybe me seriously are you telling me now you don't like it we eat it because we're here this is not my restaurant choice I will not die near am I off time you're saying for what we serve comfort food meatloaf pasta steak whatever even for that no no so now you're all telling me that you don't like the menu I feel stabbed in the back I guess you're just hitting me with this now do you know we're up against if we even opened our mouth about the menu once every time we opened our mouths [ __ ] off [ __ ] you you don't know anything we're all at a point now where we're just like this is what she wants let's just serve it out we'll take it out of the window and bring it to the table but he's gonna have an opinion about now oh you're so full of [ __ ] no no no no no [ __ ] talk to us without a doubt she's in denial it's an hour before dinner service and down City's other owner Rico shows up hello unaware of what happened earlier but that's quickly about to change oh yeah I don't even know how to answer that one of those days I think it's time for Abby to find out that the outbursts and treating employees badly I think it's definitely time she has someone other than myself telling her you can't be doing this wow ripped make it a double oh how are you okay Gordon good to see you nice to meet you I'm Rico Rico now have you got two minutes sure we're gonna catch up uh where should we go yeah let's go there he may rip me apart too but I just want this restaurant to work so let's get turning it around uh what a day um obviously you weren't here for lunch thing we do during the day I work for Credit Union during the day I do their mortgages for them okay wow Finance yes finance and then you bought a restaurant then I bought a restaurant how's that worked out for you so far oh horribly if let's close this tomorrow what are you in for eign because I'm in the financial field I'm advising people on what to do with their mortgaging and financing their properties and things like that so you're up to there you've got a big stake in distractions and a huge amount of Jeopardy if it fails you're right there's a line that I walk in here a very fine line I have a lot of pets to take but I totally let Abby run the restaurant and maybe this mistake on my phone [Music] with dinner service already underway what about something to drink to get you started Chef Ramsay is eager to spend some time in the kitchen to see how it functions wow tie behind the line so who's in what explain the line to me and then we have our salad today why is the place so messy kitchen normally this filthy the last couple days it's been a lot going on that is foul with the kitchen and disarray Chef Ramsay goes on the hunt to find out what is lurking below [Music] oh my god oh this is gross down here holy crap look at that lamb bones just dumped in there like that what is that chicken carcasses oh my God and while Chef Ramsay has his hands full in the walk-in God knows what that's Abby has her hands full in the dining room Abby I need a new calamari with the sauce on the side because it says it's too mushy can I have another calamari with the sauce on the side please and it needs to be cooked a little more I need a spin dip this is cold I'm going out of my mind right now it's a nightmare can we just 86 this special every single one of them has been sent back uh pretty sure together one minute why is right now like are you kidding me have a look in there look at the state of what they're cooking out of have you any idea what's in what box uh what goes where over here now you've got a little bag of chicken carcasses on this one here you've got some raw chicken cooked pork there this is you with 30 years in the business yeah hold on it gets worse I don't know what that is well look at the cheese or something but what is that there what is that what are you lots of words the place is a filthy mess look what is that Lambos who's organizing this you haven't got a head chef Jimmy is my head chef so we have a head chef before you weren't ready to confirm you was the head chef all of a sudden we discover a mess down here now he's appointed I was talking to Rico has nothing to do with you it has nothing to do with me excuse me what do you think I'm doing I mean you're being a [ __ ] [ __ ] this wasn't like this oh it wasn't like this you're calling me a [ __ ] [ __ ] you stuck up precious little [ __ ] let me tell you something boy here we go listen to me you're in denial yes you are you can't even accept it you'll walk out again [ __ ] you there you go click the bird that's your attitude and that's your partner I'm really sorry but this wasn't like this before I got here just eluded that woman you weren't insane you weren't like that blame me all you want these excuses that you're insane I'm insane you're insane you can't even saying that refrigerator was not like that before you got it you're in denial flip out again I will never allow that refrigerator I would love you to go I will go you are so denial you need therapy [Music] [ __ ] him [Music] right from the beginning Chef Ramsay and Abby have clashed internet I don't think it's as bad as you say Dreamer but after a confrontation over the state of the walking you're being a [ __ ] [ __ ] this wasn't like this you're calling me a [ __ ] [ __ ] Abby has completely lost it you weren't insane you weren't like that blame me all you want these excuses that you're insane I've been saying you're insane and while she has had enough of Chef Ramsay you are signed denial you need therapy he has had enough of her your Discretions of Industry I'll be able to get out of my restaurant are you still here not now guys please please [Music] thank you Chef Ramsay hey guys I need some privacy please this is uh too serious I'm I'm not gonna jeopardize 25 years busting my ass off in this industry to take that from someone so in denial I really don't need this I would rather this restaurant close than have him in here that refrigeration unit was a mess behind the line was a mess I'm really sorry honestly she's got to start listening I I know I and I don't know how to make her do it I really I don't know I think he's coming back tonight isn't it I don't give a [ __ ] wearing those didn't go to hell right there if you want me to leave I'm out of here absolutely not absolutely not okay I need your help I've got my 100 support 100 okay I'm gonna go for a walk and I'll come back okay thank you thank you Abby needs to be on board with us and stop her denial of everything we have to break through it I feel pretty sure how would you feel if someone is telling you that your life's work and everything you've dreamed of doing for your whole life um is [ __ ] now I'm completely questioning myself and I hope we can have a conversation about what needs to be done in this restaurant [Music] after a volatile evening that included a massive blow up with Chef Ramsay and a week dinner service Abby has been clearly humbled and seems ready to finally listen to what Chef Ramsay has to say okay let's agree on something today's been a [ __ ] day yeah absolutely I'm not here to have your face in it let's get that right but Abby you know I've had failure in my life but one thing I'm not in is denial and when I do make a mistake I admit it I understand so tomorrow we need to start being honest and open so I can start rebuilding I can't rebuild on BS [Music] this restaurant to where I need it to be where we know it can be yeah tomorrow we start again get some rest it's a new day and Abby and Rico are on board for change morning morning but before that can happen Chef Ramsay wants to give the staff something they have been rarely given a chance to talk freely without getting fired so this is what we're gonna do I want each of you to write down some questions and direct them to the person you want and to answer this is going to be another hell day for me don't sign your name it's Anonymous I knew that if we were going to do an exercise in talking about the restaurant I knew that it was all going to be directed at me thank you very much okay girls here's the uh the first one wow Abby wine is the menu it's so huge we are just um to give the customer more choices but the amount of dishes is absurd animal dishes the lower the standard Abby and Jimmy the quality of the food needs to improve how can we fix it good question and it all comes down to menu size with as many items that there are if you crap 50 items just for dinner alone and then the dessert menu if you can't prep enough stuff yeah it's like you you just can't do it who's putting all those dishes on there area Abby when I put this menu together I just expected my staff to just do this menu Abby why'd you not allow anyone to express their opinions without it being seen as a personal attack to you [Music] this restaurant I became a defensive [ __ ] I question and I get upset of the fact that you're questioning what I'm doing that's paranoid we do care about this restaurant you are our friends so we want to see you succeed and the answer I've gotten from you in the past is [ __ ] you that's not true we're just here for money we're just here guys we're just here because we can't get other jobs and stuff and it's it's hurtful because when you invest so much time and you we would do anything for you and I completely realized we just got to talk more instead of be yelling and screaming can't just be my show it's not the Abbey show it's the down City show are you ready to embrace change yeah absolutely major change absolutely I think this experience is making Abby realize that she has to relinquish control and I think she's going to do it because I think Abby turning around is definitely Paramount for this restaurant to survive as Abby's menu was clearly bogging down the kitchen Chef Ramsay has gone through it and scaled it back tonight she's going to keep it really simple for tonight's dinner service half the items are off the menu and he's introducing a roasted chicken special let's try the Press fat side down just cut through everyone decided and we can't have another night like the previous few it's time to get it right happy happy makes it a lot more simple big time folks good evening welcome to down City follow me did you guys decide on appetizers we're gonna have an order of the calamari so we're doing two calamaris uh let's get the grilled chicken breasts chicken breasts I've got to get everyone involved if we are going to take down City to the next step to the next level all right here we go salad he slash Dallas make sure everything comes up at the same time tonight's smaller menu is having an immediate impact like the plates please better prepared appetizers are quickly leaving the kitchen that's 37 that's up these um appetizers go to 39. can you help her run and when you combine that with a common under control Abbey at the helm we run this to next table please down City's dinner service is off to a good start oh yeah calamari another frize salad no egg Jimmy we've got to bang all these entrees out I know here you're on apps you're on table 28. this is on where we are for apps you need table 28. I don't even have a 36 up here one two three come on guys there's nothing coming out Jimmy was supposed to be the leader in the kitchen calling out tickets do me a favor get to it oh you're doing something and they just started crossing paths no one seems to know what the hell they were doing back there 29 and 39 yes or no no I'm still waiting on 28. oh [ __ ] warm it's an hour and a half into a dinner service that started out as promising can I have some food up in the window please no dude dude this couscous is runny and gross but unfortunately has declined rapidly they're not even here that's all the way down there they have none of this and not surprisingly diners are losing their patience can I get something up on the line please yeah right now right now Jimmy's doing all three sections he's coming the grill he's coming the salmon he's covering the chicken he's trying to run the kitchens about the same time he's got nothing behind him oh my God what a [ __ ] shell S I know I'm gonna go check on your own tree right now I've got people that had put their orders in an hour and 15 hour and a half some of them where the [ __ ] was that food Let's uh find our server and let's just go did that refried chicken go give it to him I need it right now please come on is it your first time at the rodeo playing them guys I got food dying in the windows Chris please yeah I can't take this it was a disgrace it was horrifying it was embarrassing don't make this they just walk oh my God Jimmy doesn't have any excuses anymore his excuse for months has been our menu is too big so we give them a smaller menu to do and they still can't turn it out so I mean where do we go from here I need one chicken up in the line right now with Abby pushing her kitchen staff I'm not taking this out until it's all up on the line can I have a chicken on the line in my hand okay they still struggle but managed to get the last entrees out there we go enough good night thank you thank you now an unusually calm Abby Jimmy come on here listen to me is about to let loose what I saw tonight was the worst [ __ ] show I've ever seen ever ever seen no I know I know I know it did not go smoothly but they they they Jimmy we were an hour in before more than two dinners went out an hour in disservice I'm almost accepting that none of us know what the [ __ ] we're doing and we can't get to the next step I'm actually considering that after tonight I don't know if I have the staff to get it back I don't know if we can do it tonight's dinner service was plagued by confusion and incompetence in the kitchen can I get something up on the line please I'm confused on where we are come on is it your first time at the rodeo later the problems are obvious to Chef Ramsay but it's time to find out if Abby is still in denial Abby what'd you see tonight what happened is it happens all the time as soon as the line gets hit with a number of slips at one time the kitchen folds it goes down in flames and I've lost confidence in my kitchen um honestly [Music] Jimmy I'm not blaming you entirely I'm looking at the tools you've got to work with and it's a disaster behind that line there's no way on Earth this group of cooks can pull off a new menu so seeing how frustrating it's been here I made a call to a very experienced Chef in my team to be here first thing tomorrow morning getting your crew at a respectable level it's cool having his Jeff to help us all out and it's going to be a good experience for all of us tomorrow's comeback day we're relaunching with a new menu let's roll up our sleeves and push it I mean really push it definitely can't wait I'll see you first thing in the morning absolutely thank you good night what to do and how to do it properly because this is it it's not only my kitchen's last chance it's my restaurant's last chance [Music] good morning good morning wow come in how are we good the chef that I brought in James has been here since six o'clock this morning supervising working these [ __ ] with your team getting ready for this menu today your menu will be in keeping with your beautiful restaurants and your great service first up the appetizers come down now these are appetizers squeezing on the eye and fun goat cheese truffle dip honey spice chicken wings meatball sliders delicious wow now we can have a real party in our mouth Abby okay come to the entrees the main events seared Lamb Chop classic lobster mac and cheese bacon wrapped Angus meatloaf thank you oh did you get familiar with the new menu yes get up to speed with those dishes have a little taste awesome that's money the new menu is beyond belief kind of surprised that it came out of my kitchen oh my God that is so good bacon wrapped meatloaf isn't that awesome oh my God it's done unbelievable I had no idea that it could get this good oh my God that's amazing I've been for years describing this restaurant as creative comfort food I had no clue this is creative comfort food oh my god [Music] I've never seen Abby this emotional like she does have a heart embarrass she does have a soul it's amazing there is a God now we're just gonna make it work [Music] it's relaunch night at down City and while Abby and Rico get the front of the house ready for the most important night in the restaurant's history we are going to rock this town tonight let's go let's go let's go back in the kitchen and then we're gonna go here table by table until we have a few picks yes chef James is doing the same with the kitchen staff every dish perfect every time what's how are we doing tonight welcome welcome have you had a chance to look at all the new and fun exciting menu items that we have let's go guys yeah I want to hear you tonight I want to hear you too yes let's go only minutes into the service a locally renowned food blogger has arrived Stacy Place ripped apart her last meal at the restaurant happy you recognize that yeah you know how important she is but Chef Ramsay convinced her to give it another try she has ten thousand followers she Vlogs tomorrow we're ten thousand potential customers back up I've tried everything on this menu today so if you have any questions you feel free to ask any favorites oh yeah definitely the golden cheese truffle dip really stood out for me well that sounds really good [Music] all right right now in the window I need that fishing chip I need that slider tires up Chef a reinvigorated Jimmy has the kitchen moving in the right direction calamari sliders Jimmy John yeah salad on the Fly and the new menu is being embraced by the customers but just when it appears as though it's going to be smooth sailing I need a chowder a calamari a slider Jimmy did you call the calamari for table 30. I just did Abby and Jimmy listen to me are having a communication breakdown cause I need four soups and one chowder up in the line please that's incorrect oh here we go again the repeat of last night the kitchen's going down we're [ __ ] Jimmy focus on 37. yeah this is the golden ticket this is it all right we take it I need a strong full dip trouble dip takes six minutes yes yes sir all right get it in the oven Jimmy look at me we're falling behind to work together come on guys there's nothing coming out the night before your vlogging as we speak I wanted to like just scream come on guys I need some food on the line there's nothing hitting the window come on guys I need to see some food up on the slide it's taking too long literally my kitchen going down in flames listen Jimmy one minute Abigail and there was literally nothing I could do about it Jimmy come on guys 55 minutes into dinner service let's get this food out we've got bloggers live from their table guys and an influential food blogger who can greatly affect the future of down City I need a travel dip up on the line right now still has not received her appetizers I'll be two seconds quickly take over take over let's go Abby waiting for appetizers getting hungry okay this is not [ __ ] now menu's there chefs are there I need you there control it yeah I know what you're capable of yes and it's been tough for the last couple of days granted however you've got to find your voice okay come on all right okay please please it's definitely time to step it up we want everything to go right with that table and we're gonna get the job done listen ing they're already blogging that they're waiting too long for food let's get this book out all right how long on a solo truffle dip urgently please it's over there behind you thank you double dip in a salad Caesar's there with that Caesar I need sliders happy [Music] birthday truffle jet amazing yes yeah come on let's keep it going yes entrees make sure they come together okay fire that table please yeah Jimmy 37 did you fire I did fire so we got everything with Abby focused on the task at hand Come On Let's Get Loud back there and Jimmy in full control of his kitchen you guys can fire that fish and chip quality entrees are quickly heading out to the dining room food looks amazing the food looks obviously I'm so amazing it appears as though blogger Stacy place has reached her verdict and she's not the only one do you like that and those chips aren't they delicious a lot better than last summer yeah definitely how was everything delicious right there everything was great great thank you so much for coming in and we're gonna see you again I was living an absolute kitchen nightmare and my dream just came true I'm absolutely shocked like this is the restaurant I've always wanted those are the last two desserts Jimmy it's awesome thank you it's in new Del City I'm just absolutely loving it right last night I said down City needed to make a comeback tonight we did just that well done each and every one of you pulled off a great service customers loved the food Abby how do you feel babe I feel beyond belief fantastic looking back at it now I was so unprofessional it's out of my restaurant the new Abbey is professional I just want to continue learning it's just made me such a better leader come on in give me a hug you're not gonna ask me you're not gonna ask you that's why I Gordon Ramsay are asking you for a hug come here I absolutely love Chef Ramsay and uh I'm gonna miss him when he goes thank you very much also this restaurant is getting back on the map that it hasn't been on a while and I know it's only going to get better good night thank you thank you without question the biggest transformation this week is Abby which I never expected as Abby goes so goes down City if she can keep her call this restaurant's gonna be a huge success wow party in my mouth please [ __ ] after Chef Ramsay left Chef James stayed on and continued to train the cooks it gets prepped and put away allowing Jimmy the chance to thrive all right now Meatloaf's being plated that sells the lead and Abby rewarded him with a promotion I wanted to introduce to all of you our head chef James Berman eager to spread the word about their upgraded restaurants nice to meet you Abby and Rico hit the town this is a crispy pork belly and a lettuce cup doing some Grassroots marketing by giving out samples of their new menu it's right down the street to walking distance Chef Ramsey save my restaurant he really did but I've got to continue it I promised him that the next time he comes back the food will be a 10. [Music] Pasadena California home to the Kingston Cafe on authentic Jamaican restaurant owned by Dr Yuna Morris who not only is a practicing radiologist but is a three-time Olympian all my life I was able to accomplish the things I really wanted to do and so I started the restaurant because I really enjoy cooking and there were no other Jamaican restaurants around when Negril Jam steak medium rare you know my son is a manager but we don't necessarily see things eye to eye keoni please be quiet I'm talking she doesn't really listen to my suggestions and I've gotten to a point where I can't deal with this everything has to be cooked to order that's you can't cook everything impossible not here she micromanages she's focusing on small details like tablecloths being an inch off it's not even see one side over there is long and little but the biggest focus should be why don't we have any more customers as Tennessee doses all of these have to change see you have to set standard if you don't set standard how you expect something to run well these knife and forks are unacceptable and I don't like how some of these look you see sorry Dr Morris like everyone gets a bit nervous when she's around even myself lots of cooks come in and out they're there for one day then you never see them again remember the salt is one of the most important same thing not everybody can cook Jamaican food we can't sell this I don't like how it tastes at all it's kind of hard for someone to expect you to do a job and then they keep stepping in and not allowing you to do it Mom Mom you gotta you gotta let him work that's not gonna happen when she's in the kitchen it slows things down this cannot be like this the planting is hanging over the edges it creates a conflict when getting plates out and then we have to deal with the customers who are not happy sorry about the weight it's cold the restaurant's drowning we're all going down with it if we don't get no customers be lucky if you get five tables in all day I know it's bad in it if it doesn't change someone it's it's gonna die I cannot sleep because I have so much debt and my money from my retirement has almost dried up kioni convinced me that Gordon Ramsay would help the restaurant something has to be done Chef Rams is my last resort [Music] after a phone call early this morning Chef Ramsay decides to make a detour before heading to the restaurant how are you son I'm all right good to see you Dr Morris's son keoni has requested a meeting and Chef Ramsay has obliged how's it going um difficult times ready for sure I'll be doing about 30 of what we were doing over the summer wow what's the number one problem Security in the restaurant what is it I would say my mother's management ready well she's very much a micromanager and likes to roll with the iron fist if I Implement something she would get angry and she would want to implement her version of way of doing things mixed messages are more importantly how confusing for not just the customers but for the team exactly like you have to realize like she came from Jamaica I'm essentially by herself she's a physician in Radiology she's been to the Olympics Olympics yes that is one disciplined woman all right so she's tough yeah absolutely how tough on a scale of one to ten thirty five oh geez yeah my mom what she says goes and it definitely does have its strain on the business a residence I would have driven right by it hey Mom that's too small that is too small let's go let's go [Music] hello how are you good nice to see you just one Charlie recognizes the Russian out there looks like a house on the outside it doesn't look like a restaurant hey homie where are we going going to the Moon dining room right it's a strange entrance hello Dr Morris how are you I'm really blessing you I'm sorry to catch your name my name is Yuna but everybody has called me a Dr Morris wow okay Doctor good to see you what's that in there that's probably God excellent who made that the chef under the supervision of me wow I know you're always in the kitchen or I do everything just to make sure everything runs runs right lose the head chef that would be me young man nice to meet you and first name is Daniel the menu was designed by are you doing the menu yes good to meet you all can't wait to taste it thank you next lunch thank you very much and you're survival will be right with you thank you wow bizarre menu like something out of an office filing cabinets hi there how you doing bro thank you how are you I'm very well thank you Matthew great accent thank you how long have you been here almost two years I met Dr um Dr Morris can be a little overbearing sometimes it's just the way she wants everything to be perfect why do we have to call a doctor uh that's just she's Dr Morris but even in a restaurant yes the doctor's office is next door what literally next door literally next door what a headache oh believe me I think she's really taken on too much I personally think she's slowly but surely running herself into an early grave we have salad that needs to take out now it doesn't matter it needs to be done we're taking it right now so I'll go for the Jamaican passes one veg beef dropped to got to go to have the hot flashes okay which is your jerk chicken right that's our secret dish yeah it looks like you're having some hot flushes you're right yeah it's fine here is it yeah plus it's wearing this get up as well I mean I feel like I'm at a funeral sometimes when I come to work wow wow wow wow famous Church Chicken marriages and secret jerk sauce what's the secret behind it uh the owner of the restaurant makes the sauce really the owner pretty much does everything I'm not even sure the cooks even make the sauce seriously the chef doesn't know the secret behind the sauce that can't be right well it must be a phenomenal oxtail at twenty dollars yeah it's good let's have that as well okay excellent now stop sweating yeah and relax ing patties uh one beef one veggie your chicken and one oxtail okay let's go you guys we need to get the Jamaican patties first please yes Dr Morris everything's soulless fits it's slacking charm and it's like eating inside of a an office block not good tell them let's go they're going they can't go any faster do we have the jerk sauce depending out right now dad yes Dr Morris we need the next plate are you working on this yes Dr Morris okay beef patty yep with a little bit of mild gerb sauce there and this is the veggie patty okay I'll leave you to enjoy those thank you absolutely gross the sauce is Dreadful [Music] pastries raw soggy pile of dough they would [ __ ] kidnap me if I served that in Jamaica right now how are the patties and sauce is Dreadful I don't like it myself it's like a gloop the sad news about the Pate the pastry is undercooked hideous hideous let me get rid of these for you and this one is the jerk chicken hot flashes is that the same sauce yes so that way please honey take this way thank you look at my rice it looks like a silicone impact perfectly formed oh guys do not put any more jerk sauce on his music the seasoning there cold how's our signature dish blenders cold chicken the disgusting overcooked rice and when was that chicken cooked I couldn't take it to be honest with you go and ask the doctor that it's dry as hell would it thank you when was the chicken made Dr Forest what he didn't like it no it's a Troy you know why jerk chicken is dry in Jamaica it's supposed to be dry he doesn't eat Jamaican food every day I eat it every day so I don't know what he knows of jerk chicken this is our oxtail student lima beans cartilage everywhere foreign oxtail sadly nothing's been trimmed so it's full of fat Bland and the temperature I mean everything across the board here was sort of barely lukewarm okay what an embarrassment it sucks man like I've made points about this like everything they said you've always said before huh yeah I'm just glad that I was right exactly okay doctor I would like a word with you I'm not afraid of Chef Ramsay I'd like to talk to you and Kerry even if he had horns I wouldn't be afraid of him okay I'm I'm embarrassed I walk in a dining room that felt cold and just flat when the food arrives soulless everything was horrendous barely lukewarm dry and tasteless it's an insult to Jamaica the passes the actual pastry on the side was raw as for the jerk sauce disgusting I'm gonna say this um from the get-go I always felt that everything should be fresh cooked water you could be quiet he's talking okay let's move on shall we I got bigger issues honestly hot flashes isn't that a system of menopause you can not necessarily not necessarily it depends on how you perceive it forget the strange name that's Dreadful Jerk Chicken dry just a minute let me set you straight most Jerk Chicken in Jamaica are dry and Jamaica as a matter of fact let me finish I feel that the jerk chicken that we do are more moist than the one they do in Jamaica now let me tell you something also let me finish my sentence first except dry and edible I can't I'm ready for an argument because I am not going to sit here and kiss your ass for trying to tell me that is a Jamaican jerk chicken trying to literally no no I'm not trying to let you I wouldn't walk into your hospital and attempt to tell you your job I am telling you I don't know what kind of herb from Jamaica you've been smoking but that is disgusting crap [Music] Chef Ramsay came to this Jamaican restaurant hoping to find food rich in flavor but instead it was blandus not surprisingly he had a heated discussion with the owner most Jerk Chicken in Jamaica are dry let me tell you something also let me finish let me finish my sentence first that is disgusting crap still with a bad taste in his mouth Chef Ramsay returns to Kingston Cafe to see how it operates in a dinner service where does the food serve from the window it's right there that's the window there you're kidding me try to work with what we got Jesus Christ exactly stuffed jerk coconut rum shrimp as the first orders come into the kitchen okay let's go you guys let's go Kingston Cafe's complimentary salads get sent out to the diners folks your first course comes with every meal it's difficult the salad I ordered is it gonna be like similar to this it's going to be a little similar it is can I change my order sure what the [ __ ] is that in a martini glass the salad salad Daniel yes who put the salad in a martini glass is there a doctor in the house how many glasses there's trees in the corner there that they take oh my God you are kidding me Jesus Christ who's doing all this oh my good god um Gordon if you continue like that Jesus Christ actually gonna appear I hope so because I think that's what's needy right now dressing a salad takes seconds tell me what's wrong with that it gets soggy and it's fantastic turn around and tell the owner it's soggy and it's nasty it doesn't mean that it's really bad because he's never seen something like this before and when you dress in the salad in a bowl okay okay even though he was just planning on observing Chef Ramsay can't control himself and institutes his first change we've got fresh salads dressed to order and in a bowl well done excellent but Dr Morris make sure it is warm it's still the woman in charge can we give a better piece of chicken micromanaging whenever and wherever possible is that warm Jamaican there's no taste can I have another piece of chicken I don't like it you don't like this okay they didn't like this two old people right here and they're not Jamaican they're not gonna like it Dr Morris doesn't really like to hear a lot of complaints about the food she does what she knows and wants to do what is that there chicken breast Italian yes when was that cooked that was cooked yesterday is Christ doctor yes I can't believe we're doing this that was cooked last night so it looks like a giraffe's tongue okay it makes me feel validated I guess that the points that I've been making for months are the points that he's making now do you have a dog at home don't feed them that honey just come over here okay no you're very upset suppose I punch him out because let me finish please be quiet first of all he wanted to cook everything fresh why can't you do that you can you every day do you understand that mom we'll finish this later [Music] oh my God you are kidding me back's everywhere Christ Almighty oh please what's that in the microwave grapes when I first worked here I was like oh no really bags come on what's the addiction to bags is it a medical thing like donating blood in bags uh everything you've got is like in bags where do you want to put it then if you're not going to tell me that Rice tastes better in a bag inside the steamer Madam I'm really sorry but you've lost the plot I don't like when you disrespect me so if you can tell me where you think I've disrespected you you told me that if I was crazy upstairs I'll tell you why the practices and how you're running a restaurant is with stupidity I didn't say that you are demented didn't say anything like that at all you you specifically say like this that's what you said to me let me finish if I say that to you how would you feel I'm not a delicate dangerous gonna take everything you say personally but let me tell you something the practices are ludicrous can I just show you something ready no answer just just feel that it's frozen it couldn't be well okay okay it should not be frozen okay well it is frozen no no no don't tell me okay okay another show no I've got to finish my sentence frozen solid disgusting overcooked chicken you're resisting it that's fine no no I'm trying to say it should not be frozen if they did it yesterday I understand okay but I've just told you it is right now you're running a hospital kitchen full of bags [ __ ] that I'm out of it he may say I'm crazy but certain things he says about Jamaican food I disagree with him so I'm not crazy I think the doctor needs a doctor [Music] who put the salad in a martini glass after a very revealing dinner service you're running a hospital kitchen full of bags Chef Ramsay knows that Kingston Cafe will never overcome its problems unless Dr Morris realizes she is causing the sickness not the Cure so mission number one this morning is a quick visit to the doctor's office located right next door to the restaurant good morning good morning do you want to come here come on when Chef Ramsay came to my office I was surprised because I did not expect him to come back okay you're so smart but you're unaware of the dramatic change that's needed to reposition this business why are you so stubborn I'm not stubborn the practices you thought were correct last night's or backwards you're in denial well um I'm not in denial because because not in denial I'm not here to find you well I'm here to help you okay just help me understand where you are financially what have you put into that restaurant in the last three years probably over three hundred thousand dollars you know I've just been using my credit card I borrowed money to just to maintain the restaurant so how much longer can you continue along these lines probably a month but that doesn't mean I'm gonna quit well you may not have a choice does your team does your son does your management understand okay my son doesn't tell you the honest truth my son is only telling you what he thinks you want to hear I appreciate you telling me he doesn't tell you that he's not dependable and doesn't show up ready no no you don't under tale I won't understand unless you tell me no you don't understand what I'm going through you ask them to do anything he argues if I say a he asks about B do you know how I'm hurt that I have my kids who I have sacrificed my life for and they don't follow through on things that they need to do and I have to be doing everything well this is a huge amount of pressure on one pair of shoulders isn't keoni worried about you in terms of I don't think he does I think the servers worry about me more than my son does and you know what hurts me is because my mom died when I was 10. [Music] and I didn't have a mom when I grew up and I just grew up and be determined to be somebody when I grew up and you are and you did it and you accomplished it former Olympian radiologist doctor come on don't let the negativity in the restaurant destroy your self-esteem no wonder you're agitated no wonder you're deeply concerned the pressure on your shoulders is ridiculous and you've done everything before this ration right in your life you've got every right to continue without self-esteem and you're not going to be dragged down by that restaurant [Music] this may be the first time in your life doctor that you need help and I'm here to do that for you okay I appreciate that let's not Clash I'm here to help okay okay I appreciate that good and I'm sorry I appreciate your honesty don't be sorry come on come here come here come on I really feel like I can trust him now and that really means a lot to me because I'm I'm not used to asking for help [Music] yuna's in pain she's desperate and she's got so much riding on her shoulders the big question for me is how committed is her son to helping his mum [Music] CUNY yeah I'm gonna get straight to the point what do you want out of these restaurants and how much are you committed to helping it turn around if you would have met me when the restaurant first opened it would have been a completely different vibe what way I mean like I was really passionate about this thing I really was I was like look Mom this is a viable business and I pushed so hard for it and I wanted her to see that I was right but she doesn't want to approach the business in a way that'll make it work you seem to be in competition with your mother it's it's the nature of our relationship be aware of the financial mess that your mother's in she won't tell me this place is days away from closing she has horrendous credit card bills right her retirements in jeopardy and let me tell you something the most important lady in my life is my mother right and what she's done for me has been extraordinary hasn't your mum done more than you could ever imagine absolutely and that's coming from a lady that had no mum so drop the bravado and focus on your family because if this restaurant goes down you're going down with it got it all right thank you he's definitely right and I know that she needs help love my mother to death and I'm not leaving you know her to handle this by herself after important breakthrough conversations with Yuna and keoni oh my gosh Chef Ramsay looks to energize the restaurant and improve the quality of the food so tonight's dinner service will feature a barbecue on the patio with keoni at the helm that's what you'll be wearing later don't dirty it all right everyone in the neighborhood lifting their windows up and wow where's that smell come from by running a delicious barbecue outside Chef Ramsay wants Yuna to realize the merits of serving Jamaican food that is not only completely fresh but rich in flavor so the restrooms running in the restaurant and the barbecues taking place on the patio any questions no Chef Okay jump in have a little taste wow that looks amazing it smells good out here the chicken is good it means a lot coming from you because I like the chicken it's different but it was good I would give him a B plus but I'm worthy because people come in like the other one also so you don't want to change too much okay are you excited yeah yes sir good let's go because we're only half an hour as the doors open for dinner customers are offered the regular menu in the dining room or the special barbecue menu served on the patio at any time you can just go up and start serving yourself roasted corn with chili lime butter the colors and the smells everything was vibrant and exciting that looks so good it's pretty phenomenal it's a really good idea though while fioni oversees the barbecue which is already generating excitement I need shrimp they're defrosting right now head chef Daniel and the kitchen staff are unfortunately stuck in their same old habits what in the [ __ ] is that cups and bags cups and bags I thought the only thing went in bags were bodies I hate those bags oh gross so where's the fresh rice for tonight we're using the same rice that we made yesterday [ __ ] hell I'm extremely frustrated I wanted to make fresh beans and rice today it was not the decision Dr Morris wanted to make we've got no fresh rice on there okay apparently doctor's orders are use the old rice in the bag I'm sorry [Music] in spite of the frequent use of the microwave guys it's been 20 minutes on an order of Rudy shrimp we're just waiting for it the kitchen struggles to get food out to their customers I could have grown a beard by the time they bring my meal in the dining room the the atmosphere was a little like down where the food kept taking so long people just weren't generally happy whereas when I poke my head outside to the patio people were laughing they were having fun it was almost like two different restaurants tonight great news look how popular Barbies were coming right and that smell nice makes you feel like you're back in Jamaica from Jamaica to depressing after what seemed like an eternity customers in the dining room are finally receiving their food but it doesn't appear to be worth the wait the fish is really dry overcooked okay I'll let them know right now what's wrong with that they said it's too dry it's just Cornell Daniel what she just wants to try something else she's recommending the barbecue we've got a stunning piece of salmon out there you want to try that don't get it now quickly drying over cut is that still is that the Frozen stuff yes it's a frozen stuff it's robbery she's absolutely right thoroughly frustrated Chef Ramsay jumps into action and puts together an entree of barbecue salmon let's hope she enjoys I can't believe we're serving barbecue food in the dining room here we are Chef Ramsay plated it for you oh my god there you are okay thank you you're welcome oh my God next time patio enjoy [Music] change is not easy you know but I was really impressed with how many people enjoy the barbecue tonight so I'm willing to allow him to tell me how I can make it better okay tonight A Tale of Two restaurants everybody's out in the patio we're very pleased inside that was different inside everything was bad yeah you're right we did confirm the barbecue worked clearly tonight we added something but we might have to take something away because it's been bugging me from the first minute I walked in here hang on a second yeah irritating bloody hell what is it does anybody know what the [ __ ] is going on oh gosh [Music] fed up with the amount of food that has been reheated oh my God you are kidding me Chef Ramsay have to take something away hang on a second yeah is determined to get rid of this damaging practice [Music] there's more plastic here from Beverly Hills say goodbye to your bags [Music] looking at all that food first thing that comes to me was dollars Yuna yes I want you to succeed tonight it stops we get rid of the bags we have a simple practice of cooking raw ingredients on the day and serving them trust me if we don't make major changes on relaunching this restaurant we don't stand a hope in hell good night see you in the morning good night thank you Jesus it was kind of hard to take I think it's really going to work out Dr tomorrow but he wants me to trust him so I'm gonna do that with Dr Morris seemingly on board Chef Ramsay and his team spend the next nine overnight hours bringing the Caribbean Spirit into Kingston Cafe boy good morning here on this very patio we had a taste of success right yeah yep now the idea is to get that success in through there ready yeah let's go we go straight through oh my god oh my god wow this is fantastic Chef Ramsey transformed this entire room into the Caribbean let's start with the Caribbean Blue we remove the artwork from the walls and got that Cabana effect that Caribbean feel yes oh my God I feel like I'm at the beach you know all I need now is a nice cocktail in my hand and it'll be a great day oh my God Uno if you say oh my God any more times trust me he'll appear the person who said to me when I arrived good guards if you continue like that Jesus Christ actually gonna appear oh my God have a look at the table tops gone is that white linen it's a casual exciting fun inviting dining room we've got some really nice woven still placemats and beautiful China and look what's on every table yeah that's brilliant [Music] mountains pretty phenomenal it's completely happy for my mother you know that's the biggest thing [Music] along with the new Decor Chef Ramsay has replaced the tasteless uninspiring old menu and in its place a tasty Fresh menu that celebrates Caribbean cuisine please take a look at the Kingston Cafe new dishes that is so beautiful just have a look at the vibrant colors first off yes it's really beautiful more importantly it's fresh a taste of Jamaican platter everything on there you could wish for in a Jamaican restaurant yeah the patties are phenomenal the Kingston special barbecue that will be done from outside barbecue chicken King Fish and a Tamarind marinated skirt steak it's beautiful it looks good right yes yes so you can look good because we have a little fun with these beautiful yes yes look at that and that's when you swept in Black we won't see it thank you yes yes now hold that pass them along we've got your names in there this shirt's definitely more casual feel than the white shirt and tie and I really think this has got to go start tasting that fish is perfect yeah it really is this is the best Jamaican food I've ever had this is actually probably the best food full stop I've ever had I love it is this Chef Ramsay has opened so many avenues for me that I could never ever repay him for his kindness one more little surprise come through when I first arrived driving by I missed the place it wasn't clear enough time to make a statement Pasadena ready [Applause] [Music] it was really exciting seen a new sign that was so visible and colorful thank you I appreciate it so much now there's no way that anybody cannot see the sign let's make this service an amazing service yes okay with Chef Ramsay's Vision complete it's time to relaunch this Pasadena restaurant how are you guys today welcome to the new and improved Kingston Cafe as you can see we've got the new menus down I'll go with the jerk chicken the barbecue we're going to do a taste of Jamaica all right here we go all right you guys we've got a tasty Jamaican platter barbecued jerk chicken barbecue Tamara skirt steak may I have some chips please only minutes into dinner service Imani appetizer platter appetizers are leaving the kitchen at a steady Pace tuna Ceviche and lobster fritters are gonna come it's really good and more importantly customers are thrilled with what they are receiving that is so good isn't it but the real pressure is about to hit been backed up on tickets Jesus roast I'm head chef Daniel is already a little flustered come on guys K13 K13 they already got their food K13 already got their food oh no k-13 has already had their food why are we sending food twice who's organizing this it is me I need one person to start taking control yes I beg you yes what tables go next please so P4 good so let's let's all sing off the same page yes and we send P4 together yes I was mixing up some orders sending things to the wrong tables and that's that's unexcusable let's do the red snapper I've got that here I feel good okay oh no it's black as hell why it overclocked look at me just tell me why he's not gonna help you I so want you to succeed not serving food like that you don't launch night at the Kingston Cafe and after a promising start oh no head chef Daniel has lost his composure Jesus Christ and his standards he's black as hell things just weren't going the way we thought they would it overcooked and you gave it to the girl to send all right let me redo it [Music] that table over there they were seated after us and because they've already eaten the food wasn't coming out in time and it made us look bad it was going downhill fast gosh I'm sorry about this guys I'm going to show you it is coming out okay Kiana what a lot of people been here for an hour mom what can you do just two seconds look two seconds come here I need someone getting a grip of this now I'm [ __ ] waking them up because we make herself look stupid right yeah Dan's gonna step over the plate yeah I'm you need to get them together a little bit Yeah relevant round yeah all right yeah we're sinking and we're falling behind all right Dan please just make sure that anything that you're doing you're doing two up or three um of the same [ __ ] page yes yeah this is what I need you guys start doing getting rolls of chips and we're gonna start giving them to the table so they can munch on them while they're waiting on the food okay thank you thank you thank you everybody gets chips there's a little chips to hold you over this is really good hey guys there's also dessert that's floating around okay so make somebody else come on give me the ticket I take it in the back and get it done no you're not knowing what's going on Mom I definitely want my mom to understand I can make this thing work around talk to the guests you're more important I can't talk to them no no no no you can't mom you cannot argue with you you like to argue this isn't an argument okay what number is this okay seven eleven mom mom stand away from this area you can't help her not right now I need two seconds with you please the shrimp um came back right now got to let him do it got to let keoni do it he's trying thank you yeah he's showing that level of commitment let him do it excuse the dying room okay 30 seconds bobbing around each little table okay let him do it let him find his voice I just want to finish this order right here guys it's going too slow Dan yeah I understand that you can put more shrimp in there than that right no I see cool you can at least fit one more in there this is almost an hour on this ticket there you go gionee's leadership has helped stabilize the kitchen can you work on 4B patties and two jerk Wings allowing customers to finally get a taste of the New Kingston Cafe [Music] we just need to finish this how is everybody doing we love it we're enjoying just that good I really appreciate that I guarantee to you if you're gonna be so much faster and better okay the fact that I've opened up and is committed to keep his menu that's a big thing for me well let me tell you I grew up on patches in Jamaica in Kingston that is squash plant it was absolutely amazing it took it back from a childhood really yes thank you guys great all right guys dinner service is over yeah okay what a night yeah but we had a buzz out there on the patio and a buzz in the dining room right the customers clearly love the food that's good clearly we did have our problems but there was one person that did step up and helped in a big way to turn things around kioli thank you yes thank you good job tonight Kiana really stepped up to the plate I'm so proud of them he did a fantastic job to all of you cook your hearts out serve with a smile good luck thank you thank you a little word with you through there yes thank you it's been a gigantic step forward and we are only going to get better now Kearney he proved he's capable I know he is very intelligent young man I know but you have a tough decision in front it came part of the business then commit to doing that [Music] either you make him feel like a partner in the business or you let him go you cut the Apron Strings one or the other okay okay your decision okay now there's one more thing [Music] do you fancy a race oh you want to run yeah okay come now I'm joking initially I did like Chef Ramsey I'm telling you let me finish but now I realize that he has a wonderful heart he's gonna be so proud of us when he comes back what a week my goodness me I only hope that this Olympian doctor mother can now add successful restaurant tour to a resume why because she deserves it big time let me finish let me finish shortly after Chef Ramsay's departure Yuna decided to encourage keone to concentrate on his education and step back from the restaurant and you know I'll always love you don't care you and I fight tonight of course [Music] we're dedicated than ever she is committed to cooking fresh collaborating with her staff and maintaining the standards Chef Ramsay put in place it's ensure it as long as I follow what coach Ramsey explained to me what we need to do it has to look good and it has to taste good the future of Kingston Cafe looks great located on the Mississippi River not far from the Gulf of Mexico is the New Orleans suburb of Metairie a tight-knit community that is home to zekes a neighborhood restaurant opened in 2002 by a charismatic entrepreneur named Zeke uchnust Zeke was six foot four big and Goofy but you know what the man knew how to have a good time and he knew how to run a pretty good restaurant everyone came to Zeeks when it first opened because it was just a good vibe in this place good people food was always good we used to do 750 people in here on a Friday night but in 2005 Zeke tragically died during Hurricane Katrina and the ownership and the direction of the restaurant was up in the air after Katrina this place was in limbo so the cortello saw that and they pretty much took on the place hi guys how are y'all tonight welcome to Zeke's when we bought Zeke's we chose to keep the name because Zeke's did a very good business and that just made business sense to us all right guys first guest when Daryl first took over pretty much changed everything cut staff he cut products he went to lesser quality wouldn't feed that to your dog and then on top of that he raised the prices it's a little over the top I feel as though I'm completely handcuffed in the kitchen I'd love to do steamed clams that's not us I don't think that's us I'm always trying to beg him or plea him can we try that can we do this and Daryl doesn't allow it trying to make chicken salad out of chicken [ __ ] I asked myself all the time why do I even stay here I know sitting on the job servers here are all talked down to or disrespected people just don't feel appreciated Daryl got my pay in the last six months I can't afford races right now and it's made me work more hours since he cut my pay zyro we got three orders of green tomatoes left cutting them a little thick too I tell you that I'm not looking to squeak by I'm looking for financial rewards in this business kind of offended a lot of Zeke's regulars and this is just steadily declined meatballs playing and playing unless he's got a pot of gold stashed somewhere there's no way this restaurant would last you know a month all right payroll was today happy we do that's not a good question financially we are not doing great well we got to catch up somewhere it's not happening we're not going to make it's not really working physically emotionally it's been hard I have put everything I can possibly put into ZX but seats aren't full so something's going on and we're killing ourselves trying to find out before heading to Zeke's Gordon has arranged to meet some Metairie locals to gain some insight into the restaurant and the neighborhood oh it's doing good how are we doing this morning very well indeed thank you morning how are we now tell me about the area Metro what does it uh what does it stand for both of town on East Bay they got a lot of people that got some good Russians up there and have you heard of Russian called Zeeks we used to go there quite a bit I haven't been there in a while but before Katrina we used to go there quite a bit [Music] food got a pricey an average oh really yeah the quality has gone down quite a bit Yeah and uh the atmosphere wasn't the same they had lost the magic the feel of the restaurant right now it just changed yeah thank you thank you after hearing unfavorable reviews Chef Ramsay heads over to Zeke's to continue his investigation and there is nothing more telling than lunch hello well hello Chef friendly welcome to Zeke's I'm very happy to be here nice to meet you come right this way all right guys I think we got a special guest heard that I heard that help me get up to speed you are the owner yeah you run the business with Zeke my husband no my husband is Daryl Daryl he is in the kitchen so who seek physique was the original man who opened the restaurant um passed away right after Katrina and we purchased it from his estate so we've had it for almost five years what did you change after you bought it the menu items are similar okay we've definitely taken some off and changed some recipes and the chef is the same Emil is the kitchen manager yes whose decision is it with the new dishes my husband Daryl he's got a couple of his recipes on the menu and where does he train as a chef he's never trained as a chef [Music] if you're not a chef why would you put dishes on the menu does the chef agree with those dishes or is it just because he's the owner that's why he gets them on let's talk to him about that okay let me look at the menu okay thank you wow hello Hi how are you today how are you doing well I'm so happy to be in Louisiana my first time good thank you your first name is Candace Candace I saw on the menu the oysters quartello it's an inventor dish for our restaurant the cortellos is Daryl and Ellen so they made they made it up so the owners have named an oyster after them yes they have we bought the restaurant now you want your name on the menu yeah sounds like someone's struggling for power I've got to try one okay yeah I must have some boiled shrimp boiled shrimp and what specials do you have my darling we have a chicken fried steak today let's go for it we do have also traditional bread pudding let's go for that and I think we're done okay thank you what I got all right here we go when Daryl got here he kind of implemented his own menu it really gets frustrating because Dara really has no idea culinary wise what he's doing Candace you're ready I'm gonna take out the boiled trip to him Chef Ramsay is going to love this food it's simple food it's basic food it's feel good food but it's done very well in French okay boiled shrimp thanks honey my first Louisiana shrimp yeah everything's soft they should peel easily and sort of pop out of the shell but I'm struggling to peel them I mean that is nasty what I'm struggling for here is the lack of freshness they feel and taste slightly mushy which is a big disappointment Candace where are the shrimps fresh they're fresh frozen fresh frozen I know it's kind of an awesome one but you can buy fresh shrimp even a mouth Yes yes the frozen shrimp tastes like [ __ ] sorry crap he wanted to know why we would get frozen shrimp when you can go to like the market and get them fresh every day it's not uncommon to have frozen shrimp because some things are okay Frozen I will look on the oysters coming right now all right wow that back wall is hideous what a mess you got two seconds please yes and what's with the uh the swamp they call whose idea was that um mine and my husband to eat in a swamp for children or for adults for both for both [Music] that's not working [Music] all right here we go okay thank you all right what the hell is that he's with the oysters portella oysters so I suppose you go like that oysters named after the owner I certainly wouldn't put my name on that I wouldn't even put my enemy's name on that take it for you okay thank you as depressing just terrible oysters quartello I don't know what to say about that I eat them myself I think they're delicious absolutely delicious Daryl what do you say oyster cortello just ain't working [Music] I know what he's saying this is the fried chicken snake right correct thank you you're welcome Bland as anything seasoning no care look at that Candice what the hell is that it looks like it's just had a giraffe's tongue cut out and deep fat fried people complain that the quality of the food here is horrible unbelievable Daryl's not listening to the feedback that he gets and he's going to do what he wants to do Daryl said that it looks like somebody cut out I'm not going to agree with that it didn't look that way to me I mean that's what normally goes out it's a good product they look like we cut out a giraffe's tongue wow wow wow Jesus thanks look fantastic but it tastes delicious who made that email what makes sense I'm just so happy that Chef Ramsey likes in a bread pudding it feels great to end on a good note love the bread pudding you like the breadboard there we go loved it I took full responsibility for red pudding that is all me Daryl doesn't really have influence on that thank God thank God he likes something I did I'll take that to any day hello hello chef and this is Daryl the owner introduce me to your uh Brigade Chef Emil Marcos Emil good to see you buddy Jason good to see you there's a lot of things that that need changing and you know Daryl is one of them can I talk about lunch yes my God what a disaster the food is below standard why wouldn't you buy fresh shrimp simply don't have the time to go to the market excuse me where are we come on marlins come on Big Boy chicken fried steak disaster what cut of meat was that not a very good no are you proud to serve that food was that the same quality of steak that we're using years ago no sir and why have you changed the standard it's up to Daryl is that a Cutting Corner method to say no no Chef everything is [ __ ] to you but we had diners eating our lunch full dining room boy nothing sent back do you honestly think just because they don't send it back that your food is [ __ ] amazing that's good enough for you to continue now you can't be that [ __ ] stupid point taken if they want to be that stupid you've got no chance [Music] I don't buy the fact that it's bad quality food that's [ __ ] I have to believe this was once a great place [Music] after receiving some harsh words from Chef Ramsay the food is below standard Daryl has some words of his own you know chef says everything is [ __ ] embarrassing there's nothing good about the menu you know I don't buy that [ __ ] I will never believe the food is [ __ ] you're not going to commit I've been eating this food all my life Chef Ramsay he doesn't know the world's food that's it food 91 1. it's an hour before dinner service and Chef Ramsay hopes a private meeting with the Two Chefs Emil and Jason can shed some light on the restaurant's main issues okay so I don't get it some of the things I encountered there today were just awful that can't be your wish to cook with frozen ingredients we talk about every day and you'll just get swept under the table I tell him the second he starts cutting the cost you get a cheaper product yeah you know it's going to taste like [ __ ] and try and explain that to him yeah you know it's like talking to this wall right now and how long has it been going on like that since the right amount of time he took over the only thing Daryl and Ellen see is money and that's what scares me their whole purpose is money money money money we feel like our hands are so tired as far as ordering goes everything goes the only other option was to leave me and him both go you know what do you do just walk out the place I mean we got a lot of personal memories in this place just to walk out of it granted I I get that but it doesn't stop you from having your voice everybody here is just kind of waiting for the place to belly up and go find a new job somewhere else I'm here to help put this freaking Place back on the map yes so you're absolutely right we have only two options Chef Ramsay or God and I don't think the second comments happen anytime soon thanks for the ketchup thank you thank you [Music] after gaining some insight from Jason and Emil hey I need shrimp portions Chef Ramsey is eager to see how this restaurant functions in a dinner service how does this work uh when were these done um last night why are they backed he forces them out to order ready [Music] what's the idea of putting everything in bags portion size portion size I like to have everything in quantitative perspective if I give too much you get a happy customer here you don't get a good customer you're happy because they're getting three times what they should be getting I'm getting nothing so I don't make money on that it's food you know we're not cutting uh piping for bathrooms hi welcome to Zeke's how many we have in the party it's Chef Ramsay's first time in Louisiana come right this way please and not surprisingly Zeke's is completely booked and tonight our specials at lasagna lasagna I got a Seafood Flat and no oyster sub shrimp I'm at the Expo station I like to see all the food go out inside of new potatoes down I uh make sure every dish goes out like I wanted to go out can I run anything nope standing here and saying nothing is another oh no it's an hour into dinner service and the first wave of food is finally making its way out to the customers sorry about the way they are backed up everybody let me get uh your server my apologies and the food isn't the only thing that's getting a chilly reception can I ask something do you mind not standing there like that it's so dour yeah I think you can be more proactive I don't want to hover you know but you can make yourself busy okay I got it I'm ready thank you [Music] all right look what I got what's that one lasagna lasagna when was it lasagna made last Thursday last Thursday and today is Thursday right correct serving the stuff from a week ago help me to understand that uh that stupidity made the pan we didn't sell at all it's wrapped up proportions I thought that's a bad thing lasagna it's all done fresh cooked and uh we'll wrap the portions up separately we'll put them in the freezer it works is the best lasagna you're going to get is this special right yes it is okay so how the [ __ ] is that special in your tiny mind when it was cooked a week ago I'm telling you have a tiny mind it can't be that special if you're going to stand here and tell me that especially the product is good Daryl runs his kitchen with 90 bravado and you know the other 10 he just Wings it this is a good product this is good food my gosh it's getting worse yeah he's a tough nut your uh expediter so we have a special today when do you think that lasagna was made today I made lasagna right last Thursday I could be that special when it's from a week ago well you know it's frozen so it's not like sitting there getting mildew on it and our customers absolutely love the lasagna I don't think that's our biggest issue is lasagna I mean that's absolutely incorrect what do you think they would feel like if you told them today's special was cooked a week ago Frozen I don't know I mean I'm sure they would probably be surprised that it was so good and that it was made last week in Frozen [Music] shall I ask them all do you like me to walk with you I know I'm not gonna walk or stand up and shout oh really [Music] foreign [Music] would you expect that lasagna to be made today yeah ladies and gentlemen how many of you have ordered lasagna today's lasagna that's been served was made a week ago humiliating after making a shocking discovery about today's special last Thursday Chef Ramsay made an announcement today's lasagna that's being served was made a week ago that is not sitting well with customers my apologies to those that have ordered the lasagna have a look at the potential other specials Bon Appetit thank you humiliating it's absolutely better of course when it's fresh and served right out of the pan but it's not horrible I just told the customers that today's from a week ago the feedback was shock horror 86 lasagna yes sir yeah with Chef Ramsay's announcement fresh in their minds get the check okay customers have seemed to have lost their appetite did y'all eat already yeah I have the lasagna after witnessing a dinner service full of problems you got two seconds please yes absolutely Chef Ramsay is anxious to have a chat with the owners oh dear did you hear the customers tonight I told them lasagna was a weak hole did you hear what happens cook lasagna and it doesn't sell you throw it away no we don't throw it away we wrap it I'm here to help but I tell you what I can't help you when you're standing there and trying to come up with excuses to why can't pay good money for Frozen [ __ ] they cooked a week ago and you call it a special we don't feel like it puts out an awful product [Music] you don't give a [ __ ] about food it's not true your passions about portion control measurements Frozen Foods reheating of microwave Russians don't run like this disagree I disagree with that also definitely trust me you are not a [ __ ] restaurant you're the owner you're paying rent here when you start dealing with all this crap and your name's on that list then you tell me what you want to do [Music] [Music] after being stonewalled by owners in denial good morning Chef Ramsay is called a staff meeting two minutes please hoping to bring all the restaurants issues into the open okay I want you to tell me the frustrations the anger and the things that really upset you the most Emil um I I just feel as though I'm getting pounded with a mallet constantly when I walk into this place I went from working 40 hours to work in about 50 for 400 a week that pisses me off I feel that we don't get any respect I'm here all the time I don't get to eat lunch I should have a meal I should have a shift meal this is messed up we are talked down to like we're dirt and it's not right listen um I really appreciate the openness and the honesty and it was bad but I didn't quite understand it it hit that level of hurt I think it's just sad that we're all sitting here and that we actually have to even beat at this point I think we all the whole group of us here are pretty much struggling no one's getting that message across I need to get through to them down and Ellen are about to arrive I want you to tell them everybody was saying what they wanted to say and getting it off their chest but it's kind of different from telling Chef Ramsay versus telling Daryl don't be nervous I don't need to be afraid I've got your back okay and here they are good morning morning I've been here having a stop meeting um we've gone through some issues this morning that's been bothering them but rather than me trying to tell you how they feel I think they should speak certainly who's gonna go first [Music] I'll go first I don't feel as though we are gained much respect around here and I don't think that you as an owner have our back Candace Ashley is that how you feel you really do talk to us like dirt sometimes my intent is not to talk down to somebody but that's how it comes out Jason talk to Daryl please my biggest problem that I have is just I don't think you have a clue as to how this place runs me yeah wow I think that you're so stuck on the numbers the actual essence of having a restaurant and serving good food and giving customer service and happy employees that's gone I don't understand we hear it every single night every single day from our customers what needs to be changed and why they don't come back we let you know these things and you don't give a [ __ ] nothing's done you don't care wow okay pass is ridiculous here I really don't break down because I I've been here a long time and then I can please check [ __ ] but somebody be here that long [Music] I've been here since 2006. why haven't I never got a pay raise okay let me say something real quick because we're all telling the truth first of all Daryl and I have taken thousands and thousands of dollars out of our personal account to pay your paychecks so why not just close the place down we're not giving up we don't want to give up if you want to give up that's fine this isn't your business we don't want to leave each other because we all love each other we don't want to leave not at all but I need to make money to support my family you know what so do we y'all are acting like it's us against y'all and it's not [Music] this is a business we have constant expenses and I'm out but you can go on five vacations in the summer and you're struggling for money right that is [ __ ] up period if you don't want to be here don't be here after Chef Ramsay arranged for the staff to air their grievances I don't think you have a clue as to how this place runs the defiant owners are not having any of it if you don't want to be here don't be here [Music] if I were piling on money back there then I could see you being pissed off but we're not piling that money back there I can't show appreciation in dollars at this point they maybe have this picture of me with this pile of money going nobody's going to get it we don't have the money I'm accepting the choice from you guys accept it from me please [Music] things aren't going well I understand that but in terms of morale there's an era of discontent they feel abused and I'm not saying the staff are perfect but you're the owners and you set an example we have to fix what's broken within so how about starting over again and turning the page and the beginning of a new chapter I understand those frustrations you are wonderful people so I want you all here and you will have my respect I guarantee that from me and there's a lot of love for you guys from Ellen and I and I truly mean that yes we did make some progress video is clearer okay it's a new day here at Zeke's I've got some ideas that I need to uh put into place to really start putting this place back on the map thank you honestly I don't think that Daryl and Ellen heard what what we were saying he was just saying what was right just to get Chef Ramsay off of his back we'll see what happens after attempting to open Daryl and Ellen's eyes to the staff morale problems Chef Ramsay has devised a plan to test the chefs and showcase their abilities okay it's been so obvious that you've been handcuffed by Darren and here's what I want you to do show doubt how creative how inspirational how exciting you can be with seafood there's a grocery store literally two miles away from here okay have a look at the ingredients get inspired come back get creative I want to see that on a plate yeah thank you good right now I'm pretty jacked out from Gordon Ramsay himself say Jason time for you to be inspired go let it happen let's see what you guys all right let's see what they got fresh how may I help you redfish fresh just put it out hour and a half ago that's what we're looking for it's extremely liberating to have this freedom to Showcase and do what we want to do cook good food very nice to meet you thanks guys I am looking for red onions with asparagus red pepper this will be the last thing I get when you're ready to rot there it is there it is Showcase the skills [Music] I think of something creative and really let it go yeah yes okay off we go guys yeah yeah I'm gonna do a chicken fried steak at the same time okay brilliant own it yeah yeah sure you can put a little lime juice in there yes yes I'm not done yet with it okay good I love the idea for bacon and Shadow nice so in terms of the inspiration tell me what it is try to keep it Southern with the Grits fresh with the salmon and classic with the Capers with onions with the tomatoes good keeping it with the New Orleans steam redfish and then grilled vegetables fresh rice fresh ingredients just a fun dish pretty good job the difference is night and day let me tell you that beautiful you didn't cook them I understand yes okay let's go come over guys please wow look at that you think of Louisiana first thing you think of is freshness but when I walked into your restaurant what I didn't expect was frozen Seafood so I got my team to get some ingredients for me it's like you both just have a little taste taste the freshness a beautiful child called salmon done with grits creamy tasty it's absolutely phenomenal can I ordered some redfish marinated zucchini with some rice and a really nice mango salsa oh my gosh this redfish is delicious phenomenal it's absolutely phenomenal phenomenal absolutely watching them eat my dish and not knowing that it was mine and to say that you know it looked like it was from their heart I'd like to have a little taste of that chicken fried steak I just lightly pounded it and then fried it twice so it should just melt in your mouth it does literally literally melted chip I couldn't believe how good it was the presentation was beautiful and it was fresh ingredients and they tasted wonderful they're all absolutely phenomenal you taste the difference absolutely there's something you need to know about the seafood dishes I didn't cook them the Two Chefs put those dishes together wow the seafood dishes are your boys [Music] delicious absolutely wow but not they really are they're phenomenal it really opened my eyes to what I I wasn't letting them do honestly food is Art and I was not letting them create their art these aren't just delicious they're beautiful and they come from right Society I know that you did a fantastic job it feels really good that Daryl and Ellen recognized my potential and I think that my abilities have been shown and hopefully this is the first step forward this is the new six I can see that's what we're looking for and all I could really think to myself was about [ __ ] time you see it pretty good job well done after finally having at least a small breakthrough with the owners Chef Ramsay decides to have his teamwork through the night on the biggest restaurant makeover they have ever done right good morning morning chef excited are you ready to see the musics yes let's go welcome to the Newsies here we go oh [Music] my god let's start with the walls gone is the swamp look at all the the other old doors reclaims doors they've got that Nostalgia and it's got that Comfort field right look at this you've got the most amazing chairs brand new chairs it just feels authentic let me say this please you have found our identity wonderful this is wonderful us I'm astonished I mean truly I didn't really have any expectations but this has surpassed anything I could possibly imagine there is one more thing I'd like to show you you're going to start peeing your pants there we are our boil house oh my gosh from shucking your oysters to cooking your shrimp this is going to be a substantial part of the menu and a meal it's gonna take so much pressure off you and Jason this should just run on his own and it should almost double the turnover did I see you smile again that's the second time in 24 hours huh they're going to arrest you for being too happy Jeff Ramsey has given this staff this place my family our friends our customers a new beginning unbelievable honestly when people would ask me where I work I would never say Zeke's I just say I'm a cook now I'm proud to say that I work here A New Beginning and a new identity for Zeeks along with making the decor more inviting Chef Ramsay has replaced Zeke's outdated stale menu with a modern update of classic New Orleans Cuisine oh my gosh my goodness me this is gonna put zincs back on the map be careful it's fresh every dish is absolutely beautiful okay let's start off top of the table Zeke's house boil yes bucket of shrimps yes bucket of the blue crabs great sharing festive localized bucket push them okay back in the menu the entrees pecan crusted catfish so with a classic tartar sauce and a herb salad country fried steak big hit say no more such a gravy delicious slightly heated in that gravy it's got a nice little burn on the back of your throat blackened alligator wonderful Creole sauce absolutely delicious because this has now become not the old Zeeks your Zeeks thank you you've got your identity now make it yours absolutely incredible beautiful [Music] the way Chef created the menu and the dishes they don't have a menu like that around here dig in enjoy so not only do we have something great to put on the table but it's not anywhere around nobody else has it oh my God I mean he was phenomenal and we're proud to have it and excited and can't wait for everybody else to come in and try it it's delicious I feel right now we have the most diverse Louisiana Southern menu I mean we very well may have the best menu Richard flavor rich and texture wow [Music] hi guys welcome to Zeke the community of Metairie had a love affair with this restaurant that went sour enjoy enjoy enjoy shrimps are amazing Chef Ramsay's revamp and tonight's relaunch will be a strong indicator if it's possible for this love affair to resume I'm gonna try your smile I'm gonna try the black at the alligator and with so many changes in place and so many people in the dining room Chef Ramsay is hoping the boil house will take some of the pressure off the kitchen no nothing in the board house already so get hold of the waitresses call them in and say right start pushing them and we've got to use that place you've got to get used to that let's go great sell boil food okay sell one to a big table please tonight we have a um special it's boiled lobster for two I don't know if you saw it on the menu but sell it by the bucket just bring it right up two buckets of laughter for table five two bucks please let's go put a little bit of butter on there give it a nice little glaze okay that's it two lobsters let's go look what I have for y'all y'all enjoy wow with the broil house now being utilized and satisfying customers it's clearly allowed some breathing room for the kitchen you're eight minutes on baycraft at 33. however it's now up to Daryl to manage the time wisely I worked hard today let's make it happen you've got to focus on that window communicate with these guys one take one even one table working so we don't get bumped down yes yes chef the alligator I need a strip give me three minutes on that let's go we need to push food out there and cook it as fast as we can great tomatoes you're talking about ices we need a fat let's try that get three chops an alligator hold on one second Daryl on the chop how do you like it Daryl slow down for one minute let us catch up huh [ __ ] hell with Daryl calling multiple tickets at the same time red smash sweet potatoes and more focused on speed than anything else what ticket is it for the kitchen is now completely confused how's my pecan catfish where's my New York strips gotta go just put them in the window and we'll figure out how to Plate them yes whatever you got make sure it's done huh I was being told that I need this this and this right now and I just try and move as fast as I can and get the food out so it just looks like crap do you agree yeah no garnish no it was in a window like that Daryl has managed to get the cooks producing the food at a much quicker Pace thank you it should be so is that cooked is it excuse me can I get another one sir yeah guys the fish is raw everybody stop what a joke [Music] it's relaunch night at Zeke's mother chop how are we looking and with Daryl pushing the cooks food is leaving the kitchen quickly can we give you another one son unfortunately it's also coming back quickly guys the fish is wrong not tonight oh man just stop everybody stop I'm here Jason come around I'd rather be three four minutes later than Rush food out there and the shit's coming back not tonight an expediter should definitely set the tone for the rest of the kitchen I think Daryl lost control today uh it's just a big catastrophe what we've got to do is focus on one table at a time we've got to communicate no talk to me don't get smart where you at don't what day were you on Darren take responsibility I had to stop refocus let's get these tickets out one at a time I need to do a better job of communicating very simply all right guys let's focus where you at now Daryl pecan catfish and black and alligator in his hand down table one let's go move to the next ticket I got 33 black and alligator pecan catfish coming right now though let's go following Chef Ramsay's advice of focusing on one table at a time what's up with table 10 yeah Daryl and the chefs are now in sync please let's get this to uh 31. [Music] perfectly cooked dishes are leaving the kitchen and are being enjoyed by thrilled customers that's delicious now that this restaurant is on its way to a successful relaunch Chef Ramsay is ready to spread the word what happened with the restaurant before why did you come here this place was legendary um it lost his wife it's now back on the map from two new owners that are going to start their own beginning of a new chapter what is the feedback security getting for tonight that the food is fantastic I mean the menu is fabulous I highly recommend that you come in and try it let's finish let's finish somebody get this the 14 please yeah no more tickets come in let's get this stuff out of here delicious that's a wrap Jack standing tonight the way it ended made you feel good I think Daryl showed more personality than night than he showed in the last few years we still have some improvements to make but you can see it's on the right track nice job night ladies thank you thank you so much okay tonight was about establishing a new Zeeks and you achieved it yes it's my first time in New Orleans [ __ ] me did you give me a challenge [Music] and it happened what am I darling I don't think I would have really believed it let's have a quick word with you too amazing look at this place the potential is huge I know fantastic it's now your Zeeks run with it and Daryl you do care and you do have a heart a big heart show it to your staff indeed I will don't hide that I'm ready to do things the right way ready to get moving into new it's a new life it's new energy good job good night good night good night [Music] we had a lot of issues here when I first arrived the staff were at war with the owners the food was miserable and the restaurant was seriously struggling for an identity but what I witnessed was a phenomenal comeback and how fitting is that that it took place here in the most resilient city across America New Orleans we called lasagna not so special in the weeks that followed a glowing report on the local news as a family as a restaurant it's back on the map right a surge of customers to the restaurant Hi how are y'all Daryl and Ellen are doing their best to raise staff morale you all did an excellent job I can't do this without you guys and are reaching out to the community that we really thank you all for coming it means a lot to us thanks with Zeke's back on the map [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 2,729,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: kDzwCNWMqro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 24sec (7284 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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