ICC Holy Paladin Tips & Tricks for ALL BOSSES

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yo it's going to be a video where I go through Boss by boss in I explaining some things that I do and some things I figured out during our PTR testing it's uh not going to be a very fancy video no no Super Fan editing or anything like that basically it's going to be me talking over the footage I have um I will probably be rambling on quite a bit so it's going to be a long video and this is of course going to be also with our strategies we use might not be the Strat you end up using so some of this might not help you in your your guild but it's going to be a like basic all about in tips and and tricks yep so we start out with Lord marar um here we have to to use uh beacon on one of each tanks and basically it's my job to keep up DJ pal here um so you you will see me spamming heals on everyone and like overhealing a lot because all that really matters for me is to keep up DJ pal so you don't want to be sto casting to prevent overhealing the fight is short enough that you can be spamming out heals and there's also sort of natural points where you can use Divine plea without much issues um so what we do here we stand everyone standing melee [Music] to free people from the these impales instantly uh I know there's attacked where you stand out with range so to bait the fires better but we found that it was more important to get people out insta from the impales to minimize like DPS downtime uh and also here when it comes to Healing like the biggest pain points aren't really the impales or the impale targets because once people are impaled they stop taking damage from any fire like even if the fire is right under them in an impale they they won't will only be taking impale damage and pale damage is way less than the fire damage if you pay attention to the weight frames uh so I actually prefer to not PR the impale targets it's always the people who are taking damage from the fire since we play kind of kind of risky here with everyone having to move at the same time if we're stacked uh it's very important to have the entire raid move instantly but also be able to heal heal people fast if they take an extra tick or two since they might die with with our gear levels and here you can see me getting impaled which Al also means that my my tank DJ Pala is not going to get healed by me so what we do is that we we call out for pain separation whenever a paladin gets uh gets impaled we I call it out and that DJ Pala needs a pin up if it was Bray it would be the needed the pain up so that's like our way of saving a impale on a on a Healer which uh like tanks are very easily I think that kind wiped it right here other than that there is not really that much about this fight yeah there is this I forgot to say it but this fire it's on the ground uh that's actually Frost damage so so you should be in in Frost uh rest AA to to reduce that damage so yeah later dead [Music] whisper it's not really that healing intensive of fight it's uh 100% about avoiding the spirit ghost in phase two and uh doing whatever you can to mitigate eventual Two Shots like from if you get a double Spirit blowing up or if you need healing after frot volley before a spirit blows up H there are some pain points like if you have uh uh Frost volley right before or during the uh Spirits that's uh where we have assigned our DX and we also have am for some of them uh oh yeah you have the curse here so you yeah stop casting your light so you don't get locked out from holy like light for 15 seconds uh use a weak r or use dbm to warn you about it uh and hopefully your Shaman or the curses can get your curse off fast enough uh one thing to notice here in phase two the spirits when they explode they don't deal Shadow damage so so there's no point to Aros Shadow so that's why I'm sitting in Frost and aring frost Vol only the the Spells school for the spirits is Shadow Frost which means basically that it will do damage equal like the damage is not reduced by your resistance if you have high Shadow rest and low Frost rest it will always take the lowest rest of the two spell schools so to reduce damage from Spears you would need to have like am Shadow rest and am Frost rest at the same time which is not that uh that good to like to use two AR monsters for for one set of uh Spirits so we hope to use Frost RAR instead uh and our moster important uh important overlaps with frost all the spirits uh and yeah all all of these you can see the MRT note in the top left and the weak are telling me when it's my turn to use my Red CD all of those are going to be on on my Discord of course uh and they are they are based off the cast so there's no like if you push the boss one minute faster or slower they will still be they will still be showing up at the correct time but as you can see there's a lot of damage coming out sometimes like they're overlaps with the file Spirits Frost spot Vols if you actually look at the that damage breakdown what damage You Take by far the most damage you take is from frost bot volum so that's why it's really nice to like for this for only five we up to not use anything sadly we have an old Spirit like that's been up for like 5 Seconds that explodes but usually it's the number three Vol that is the most scary that happens like right after a spawn so that's like overlapping very very badly so that's when we use the like n but yeah as you can see there's there's not much going on I get the curse you stop casting wait for this spell then keep casting [Music] and gunship I'm going to be skipping gunship it's a very EAS fight you don't really have anything to do as a Healer if unless you're doing like me you you never have to jump over to our the ship if you're healing you can simply stand on the edge watch out for the fire on the ground and simple heal um yeah there's not much else to say there are some Tre tips and tricks for the entire raid how to prevent these ice blocks on the turrets but yeah you you distract the Mage basically but I think uh take note is making a video that going to go go through the boss is more like in a wider sense not the whole ptin POV so i' suggest watching that so we come to sarine and the first thing you might notice is that we're standing in melee or at least I am uh I know a lot of people prefer to stand in ranged because they don't want to get hit by the blood beasts uh we have uh quite a good um oration with stuns and knockbacks and uh good DPS on the blood Beast so for me threat was never an issue with the buil-in hola in threat reduction and uh we have also deacons assigned to everything to taunt them whenever there are on people they shouldn't be and the stuns and the knockbacks throughout the fight is uh good enough there uh because I do prefer studing in Mele on most bosses simply for the chance to region Mana a different way than simply using Divine ple or relying on innovates even though I know on this fight we don't end up using all inates correctly uh but yeah hitting the boss is so nice for Mana um but yeah this fight mostly is about energy management on the boss like you want to have the boss get as as little energy as possible so what we're doing is that we're bopping off these boiling blood on people because every tick of damage gives the boss energy so we have a rotation where we are boing one player each every boiling blood wave we found out that if you bop all three targets he will simply recast boiling blood at least that was true for our first P session we haven't really tried it again after that if the that was some bug or something uh and all the damage on this fight is physical so the boiling body is physical the Mark is physical obviously the boss is hting for physical damage um and all of these things are reduced by armor so so we are sitting me and Bray with ar are sitting in dor and we are popping dor are almost ready to reduce damage taken as well as using Divine sack all this reduces the the damage taken um other than that it's simply assigning who to heal what Mark so what we're doing is that I am taking care of the first Mark and the third Mark and the way I'm doing it is that I'm beaconing the first Mark keeping healing the tank once the third Mark go out the other healers know that I won't be in the tank anymore I will be full focused on my two marks uh and when the fourth Mark Mark is out it's Bray using his beacon on number two and healing number four and since the D damage taken is physical some targets take a lot more damage than others for example here I have a sham I'm taking care of and that's probably one of the scariest targets for me to heal you can see his health is uh dipping real low here whenever stying is high energy so what you need to know also about this fight is that the damage ramps up a lot when he's gaining energy so at high energy you don't want to be wasting a single gcd not on Holy Light so that means you have to take care of all your globas you need to do you need to judge you need to Peak and you need to s a shield you need to be high Mana you don't want to be D playing at high energy all of those globals needs to be done like before his 50 energy so you need to be on point with that really because as you can see if I spend a global hair it's very likely that one of my my marks die yeah if I for example didn't have a global air for heal he the C would have died and it's sadly it's a insta wipe if you if you let your mark die so you have to be really on point here this is probably one of the more scarier fights as a Healer um maybe maybe the yeah probably the scariest fight because yeah if you fa if you fail your assignment it it's a wipe so rot face not that interesting of a fight as a Healer standing Mele range you spam heal you focus heal the people who get the disease diseased people take 75 reduced healing done so you you really need to be overhealing them uh especially later on in the fight when they there's a lot of going on in terms of explosions there might be vile gas there might be multiple loes around um but yeah you never ever want to be dispelling the disease early because if you dispel the disease he will cast the next disease even faster and it will be like a chain reaction where you get more and more diseases more and more often so you always want to have the disease time out so it's up to the DPS or to the affected player to know where to go sadly in this pool it seems like we have the Big O being attacked by armor of the dead so we are taking a lot of extra damage here generally you don't want to be standing next to the big ooze since it does an a taking damage and you can see I'm I'm hard focusing the the disease uh you don't want to be standing next to the big oo so that means if you get a debuff or if someone else gets a debuff they they shouldn't move out instantly and S next to the big oo and wait for a debuff to tick down from from 8 seconds or whatever they want to be moving out if if you're a Mele player maybe you want to stay in a bit but you want to be moving out to your nextra big ooze and only taking like one tick or two ticks of the big ose damage at the last second of your debuff that reduces the healing you need to take and the risk of dying uh but yeah hard focused uh diseases here you can see me you can Freedom this uh poison on the ground use a debuff that slows you and does damage uh so you can free them that and they can move out more easily um not really that much to say uh when the explosion happens here what you do before the explosion like here we getting call on the uh on voice that the big goose is going to explode soon so I'm looking around where there is a clear PL clear place to me to to be running to because these ooes that come flying through the air are going to go and land on people where they are standing at the end of the cast not start of the cast end of the cast that's important so whenever the cast is finished that's where you go to a position where there has been no player before and you can be sure that you won't be getting hit by by the flying thingies so this go out I know there's tactic where you as a melee and a tank they simply switch the legs sadly we don't use that I think it would have been easier for me personally but this is fine it just the B is so easy so you shouldn't really worry about it slime spray yeah we have Divine sex are assigned to the Slime sprays to avoid the overlaps like damage from slime spray and the disease something like that so we we try to use it for every SL spr except one you free them [Music] there uh yeah most of the damage on this boss is like nature and Shadow you can see here how I do it like I'm not going into Big O until last second I even go into the small Lo um most of the damage on rot face is Shadow nature damage so that means your Shadow rest our moner is not going to be doing anything uh as I said before on l dead whisper that when you have a spell that's tune spell schools Shadow Frost or Shadow nature uh you take damage based on your lowest risk so in this case we have I do believe we have nature res R I hope I don't see it in my Buffs though um we have nature res AA so that means that's going to be the lowest rest we have uh if we ever decide to use AR at our rest so there's no point using arer for anything on this fight so fer g h this is the best race for us we want to beat the the second Fant plight uh pungent plight even uh but it's quite an easy theps check to make even with our huge SE gear and no IC gear uh standing in ranged me and other Paladin they assign the stack up markers for these gasps so means we don't have to move so we can just be spamming out heals for for the Tank tank damage ramps up here so at the start you you're not really worried that much about tanks dying it's mostly later on in a fight where you need to be pumping out those seals for the tanks so they don't die other than that uh this fight is not one of those fights where you have double schooled spells like on ftig got that whisper most of the spells on this fight is shadow shadow damage your our do work and we do have them assigned for the gas Bo damage and punch and PR also with with my daack but yeah nothing much to say you spam heal uh tanks uh of course you have to be careful about looking out for goo uh the goo maybe you can see it actually was perfectly behind this uh thing but I didn't get it it uh but the goo whenever it spawns it as you can see down here to the left of my R FR this is the spell effect you look out for so if you have a weak Ora or dbm telling you that there's a goo going out you quickly look below your feet do we have a one of these screen thingies and need to move or am I safe so you don't need to be looking at the actual goo flying in that can probably be bad to be doing even like when it's looks like going for you so always look at the inent of the cast to see if you can see the green thing on the ground this is my tack or almost for Buon blind everyone has three stacks if someone doesn't have three stacks and the the Paladin that's using Divine sack and Bobble and then theack without cancelling and then theack if there's someone outside of the party that needs uh extra damage reduced but with Divine sack and Shadow or almost most people should be fine yeah there is not that much to talk about on this [Music] boss next boss Professor Puri side uh not that hard healing wise but it's quite a complicated fight when it comes to mechanics and having a a good raid would definitely make this a lot easier to heal when people not know what to do uh yes Paladin you don't really have that much to do the most important thing I would say is to be ready for phase three like you want to be entering phase three when the actual tank damage is going out and when there there's a big chance of uh like if you fail then the The Raid is swiping uh so you need to be having every single CD this remaining and high Mana you don't want to be struggling for Mana lost face um yeah when a green slime goes out be ready to heal melee uh this these inter these intermissions we have assigned DX for the green explosions so that's one of the pain points I would say like if uh if you don't have enough people soaking simply reduce that damage but you can see with pets and all of those there is not that much damage going out mostly about being aware of your surroundings be ready to be king the orange slime if you get it uh yeah the orange slime that's might be good to know the orange slime when it uh focuses someone it deals most of the damage is starting out the first seconds of the of this Oak like yeah you can see our lock here has 10 Stacks it's basically correlates to the damage taking he will take so the first sck is like half his he so we need to be care careful and ready to heal him it's taking for a lot during the start of the Fixit but it yeah now it's taking very little damage when it's starting to be the end of this fixate so that's what you need to be careful about uh whenever the orang one is Target swapping now armor lock is going to be taking damage so we need to be careful R to he um yeah phase two basically like phase one but you have V gas being put out near the boss and obviously malabu going out so and the thing about Malibu on this fight is that you don't get the texture on the on the floor so you need to be careful uh but also the Mal Mal can only go out onto people so if you can if you can pre Scout pre determine your position where you want to go after a goo you you don't have to worry about that was going to B you don't have to worry about uh looking at the goo really you can just move start healing but be sure to walk far enough away from them to avoid the damage taken like the you get the cast speed slow from the goo if you're hit straight on but you can get hit and take damage without getting the debuff if you are like 10 15 yards away so you have to be worry about running far enough away uh yeah the vile gas is in melee so that shouldn't ever be a problem for you uh whenever there's a green ooze going out to fix anything you also want to be careful about your position positioning like you don't want to be too close to it and also if you are not moving in to soak the green slime you hold you have to be careful so that you're not standing like 15 yards away so you that you are close to the ose but not getting knocked away because that means if you if everyone gets knocked away and then it explodes and then it goes and fix it you you're going to be way closer to the OST than anyone else so either you soak this D to get knocked away or you you keep your distance to where we're soaking it and be ready for the next next fix site yeah if you can you can be cting the gas cloud into melee so they can easily swap to it uh yeah if you might have noticed we are the Unbound plague is being dealt by with uh a Hero resid trying to take it every time and then just dying with Soul Stone up another intermission nothing different from the first intermission same thing same thing heal the orange one fast keep the raid healthy so they don't die from the green explosion oh I think here we actually play the Unbound plague and the second theack for the explosion everyone is available everyone is paying attention to the orange slime so here what we're doing is we cting the first application so what is dangerous on L phas is the tank debuff the tank debuff is doing AOE damage your entire raid depending on how how many stacks it is if the tank has one or two stacks it's like you don't even notice damage Three Stacks is where people start taking damage and four Stacks you need to be killing the boss so what we do is that we Bop DK he ta taunts the boss to to grab a stack and then later on we have a warrior also taunting with pop and taking a stack basically prolonging the prolonging the fight because uh yeah if you get all of those stacks on a tank the ra damage is unable uh and here you don't want to be healing anything other than the tanks like if the tanks die the raid the the you you won't kill the boss so Beacon one tank spam he other tank try to not uh be using uh useless globals like every Global should be a whole light whenever there's uh like two more stacks on the tanks and what we do here also is that you can use uh Shadow rest Aura the the damage taken rawi damage taken is shadow shadow damage so you can shadow shadow you can arm that and of course Divine saxs can be used to reduce damage taken not only by The Raid but also by the tanks but yeah this L phas is definitely a race against the debuffs and managing the debuffs with uh with DPS tanking taunting off of course you're still avoiding goo so you need to be good positioning yourself with with the ra group or however however your Strat is yeah there's nothing much else to say other than yeah no no the fight no the mechanics not going to go through those in this video they this is simply the whole parad in POV so the next post we do is the blood conso um very important to have good uh positioning here uh you can see me I'm standing out range of everyone in the raid which some might say is a bad positioning but all I care about here is having one target that I I can heal to be can heal my tank uh and I'm making it as easy as possible for our DPS to spread out for the empowered shock Vortex like this positioning is something you can do as a paladin take advantage of the of the beacon um yep so the three bosses are getting empowered randomly the most important thing is I would say is to keep the tanks alive so your goal as a paladin here is basically to keep up tanks that's all you need to worry about you have three other healers that's going to be taking care of the raid and there is not that much ra damage going out if they're playing properly you can help with some dispels on the fire debuff but you should also be M spelling that so yeah when the boss that the shadow boss is active you have to be paying very close attention to your your tank if he has a lot of debuffs that means he's taking less damage but if for some reason the nucleus are dying or he doesn't have Anor on them you need to be using Cs on him or be very on point with the healing but as you can see the other tank is also taking a lot of damage at the same time since he's tanking both of the other mobs and as you can see like when you start to fight I start to fight on the very edge when the empowered shock cortex boss is done you can can you're free to move into the middle because you know that the next two bosses are going to be either the flame boss where you want to stacking up or it's going to be the shadow boss where it doesn't really matter so preposition yourself in the middle so you don't have to move you want to minimize movement because of the Shadow buff of course but also you want to be able to pump out pump out heels as much as possible uh here we are using fireus R from the Paladin uh tank because the there is the fire damage from the debuff and obviously this damage this damage isn't that big it's mostly about the fire debuff damage which we miss spell but we also use Shadow rest and AR moner uh most of the damage taken on this fight is actually from the debuff so whenever you're having a lot of movement like if the boss is moving or if the B are swapping and the melee has to move a lot then you can Shadow rest or and and people will Taken be taken a lot less damage from the their Stacks um other than that there's not that much to do as a paladin your goal as is said to keep up the tanks and of course make the life easier for your fellow DPS like you you can be the one taking the positions that are far away for the Empower ch Vortex uh this is actually a fight that's kind of RNG you kind of hard like most other fights you can you kind of learn and you kind of get them under control but this is a fight where you can even after doing it many times you you're still you still can't always get it done without deaths for example uh blood Queen what is there to say about blood Queen oh inol actually uh yeah you have a beacon on each tank tanks healing is not that intensive it's mostly about DPS not [ __ ] up their bites and uh meetting the DP check um yeah you you heal the dark pack going out you heal people who get the shadow Flames that are running out with because sometimes they they like to be taken damage from the Flames they're putting out um spread out obviously you're not going to get much value from Soul preserver or when you heal ranged so heal melee if you can well there is what what is there to say yeah we have um thex you we actually use two D sax every blood uh like air face intermission so we can cover the entire room so the the pro Paladin is using in my case the first airace and I'm using it in the back of the room while on the second air phas there's the red Paladin and Bray uh yeah can also be using Shadow rest Aura for the blood bolt AAS that's probably going to be the moment where you need to be the most careful like use your healthstone use your person CDs um and be on point with healing because if people are not spreading out for some reason and splashing each other they can be taking a lot of damage like from double Splash uh we also for the second for the first AR face it's very important that no like actually early on in the fight it's very important that no bite dies if someone with a bite of dies it's basically a wipe because early on the way it works it's like you bite one guy and the that guy bites another guy and you bite another guy so it's like it's adding up quite quite fast if you lose a bite early on that you you will be losing a lot of uh of extra damage on the boss so what we do here is we we Bop the targets that are getting bit so they don't take any damage from the actual bite because the bite damage and the random shadowbolt has killed people before and yeah the both boss is gaining Stacks with every bite and that basically means the boss is doing more AOE damage for entire raid so at the end of the fight she will be dealing a lot more damage so you you want to be having some defensive like our DC for the end of the fight uh and of course you don't want to be having zero Mana you need to have some Mana for the Ender fight that's the most important part even though early on in the fight it's more important to keep people alive with the bite of course y there is not that much to to talk about here keep healing spread out nicely try to have the same position every time so you your raid kind of learns where to move where to not move where it's crowded or not I use the protection here in case I get some bra damage T can Divine oh yeah yeah and and as you're killing the boss faster and faster with more and more bite debuffs you can Divine sack these spides I'm standing quite in a poor placement so I'm not reaching everyone but any damage you can reduce is nice and AR is nice for the a taking damage here no one should be dying here because a lot of people are healing themselves with a bite as well yeah basically our DPS DPS race here even though we have once one guy dying we are easily making the burer so the boss you have all been waiting for dream Walker important on this boss is that uh you want to be maximizing your healing output you don't care anything about your your Mana so you can be swapping your trinkets you can be swapping your glyphs so what I'm doing is I'm using flask with the spell power flask I'm using trinkets is using the badge trinket and Solus simply for the spell power and the onus spell power from the bad trinket and I'm using Glyph of seal of light I use seal of light instead um and yeah basically the point of this boss is to grab as many Buffs as you can and heal up the boss of course uh there's been talk about using a red spec with Cheeto light uh I don't recommend that really uh not if you're killing the boss like we are killing it uh the red Cheeto light spec is really op if you're getting a lot of healing Stacks like if you're fighting this boss for five six portals So you you're getting like 30 Stacks or something that's when the red double dip being is insane but as you can see or as you will see in this fight or in this video we are not fighting this boss for very long with our healing output um so yeah I'm flying into this place to get my preassign position to the left of the room so we don't have to be doing much movement grab as M Buffs as you can ideally you want to getting six to eight Stacks per portal uh what if you saw also that you can use Crusader Aura and Aura moner it and you will be flying a lot faster inside the portal room and grabbing as many Buffs as possible H what you can do here as you can see we're going we are eight healers here going uh all as a group so we can all get the debuff but what you can and should do what we did lat dra is that you have one a resid for example or a druid going the other way and picking up orbs that we will not be reaching like usually you come and you reach like 3/4s of the room and these orbs are never soaked but the thing is about these orbs is that they deal damage to dream walker uh they take for 8K damage uh throughout the fight so an orb that's un soaked can be delayed up to 500k to a million damage depending on how long the fight is like for us one orb did 400k damage but that's also because we are we have a really fast fight so if you can soak those that's that's a lot of less healing needing needing to be done but yeah we're soaking these and what you're going to see is that we we only go two portals after this we are going to be sending it and and important if you didn't notice is that before I enter this portal here you want to be refreshing your beacon you want to be refreshing your judgment of light because you're not going to be casting those two globals again the only thing you will be casting from here on on is the is Holy Light spam you don't want to be wasting globals on non-healing globals so yeah we take all these orbs how many stacks do I end up at 16 or something 15 stacks so we have 15 Stacks some people have 17 Stacks 16 but yeah you send the blood lust there uh we as you can see I am not using my wings yet I I can see that the gon spirit is not up for 20 more seconds and my healing debuff is for 30 more seconds so I I am in no hurry to use my wings I can use Wings when there's 20 seconds remaining on my buff and the entire buff will have my wings which is what's important but by waiting with using my wings I get more up time of my wings during Guardian spirit so I should be using my wings soon here yeah I use my wings here and what I use is a Swifty one shot macro with wings and a trinket and potion of wild magic uh so you have all of those running at the same time as you have blood lust as you have wings as you have big healing Buffs and as you can see on the healing meters it's we're pumping out a lot of healing here uh and yeah we are healing a tenacity pet uh little gorilla is helping us heal the boss uh the the pet has 40% healing increased taken but as you can see my beacons are not healing for the same amount as the 40% increased holit so the transfer to Beacon is not affected by the healing increase from the from a pet but what's important here is that you have your glip of Holy Light so your GP of Holy Light is doing 10% of your Holy Light in healing so any increase of Hol light healing will increase Glyph of Hite as well but there is also a double lip with Glyph of Hite so you're in reality you're doing 30% 40% of your glyph 40% of your ho light is glyph feeling which is uh really insane which is why we use the pet but yeah spam heal still have judgment still have a beacon don't need to press those and the boss is healed and the boss fight was 2 minutes and 40 seconds is long so that's the optimal way to do dream walker uh sinra Goa you can see by my weak era resist enchant on wrist uh very nice to have some extra Frost resistance if you can get it h I used the frost resistant enchant to the wrist and in phase three I swap to the flask for resistance as well um yeah this this boss is uh can be fun and can be very boring depending on RNG with the magic debuff um if you get the magic debuff yeah you have a strat that you're following what you want to do but most of the time you will be doing no healing basically with the debuff up uh important things in phase one yeah have your dation for every prising cold have these sex for the frost beacons don't be casting abilities like here for example I know I'm going to be stacking up soon behind ice Dooms so I don't want to be casting in the spells to get uh stack of Unchained magic I do get one because I I'm assigned to Divine sack here but the damage is like the there's no no fear of dying at this point what you do here if you have been lucky enough to not get any unchain magic and you have been spam healing the tank and spam Healing The Raid you simply hit these items and you should be you should be getting full Mana every intermission or every [Music] airace we are using three people with frost Rara that's mostly because we are ready to be using the arer also the the pro Paladin is using frostar because he's most likely to be in range of of the tank while sometimes as you can see here Hans are running out and not actually in range of the tank sometimes but yeah the boss is very straight forward face one pH two you what I like to do here is that I really only heal two or three stacks then I don't heal and before every Bing cold I don't heal at all because I I don't want to be casting like holy shocks to extend and it it's uh it's not worth it in my opinion now the VIS call was delayed a lot so my unchain magic actually expires before the blistering cold almost but yeah I I get it again but yeah you can see you can be refreshing your archain magic with SEC shield with h shock you never want to be exploded in the raid do a couple of heals here I saw that the aist is coming so I don't want to be getting Stacks I want to be stacking up and be ready to move into Frost Beacon position if I get it here we can preh heal people between the damage sck and before theune if you don't have unchain magic that is but yeah this is what it's going to be like sometimes you get zero unch Magics and you do can do a lot of healing sometimes you get every single Unchained magic and you you're not going to be doing a lot of healing but yeah phase one phe two is pretty straightforward going to fast forward a bit until still sub I don't even know 35% so here the most important thing in the last phase here is positioning like you don't want to be taking Mythic Buffet Stacks so you need to be find in this positioning positioning very fast and be very comfortable so you can heal the tank while still avoiding the AOE from the from the boss uh what I like to do is that I only stand on the left side or on the tank side I I don't go to the other tomb on the right side um because that's way too much movement and way way too hard to find the position where you want to be easier if you decide on one side and only stand on that side that also means that you're moving back and forth to same position all the time um yeah assigning the DXs assigning the Orris to the frost beacons because whenever is a frost Beacon Landing usually people are getting Stacks because they're waiting for the ice Doom to refes their Stacks so that's a perfect opportunity to use a d our monies before they can reset their Stacks the stacks are basically increases your damage taken from the from the frost Aura uh and as a paladin you can bubble off the debuff uh so whenever you get a debuff in last phase you should you should first of all not use your bubble before phase three so so you have it available and you don't want to be using wings before like right before uh uh one of these goes out so so you don't have forbearance from it but yeah you saw me you saw me bubble that one here I I'm getting Unchained magic insta bubble just continue healing uh I like also to keep the beak gun on the same tank depending on often you tanks swop and uh whenever they're tanks spping you're healing both tanks at the same time depending on if if there's like a late taunt he has to move or something like that so you're healing both tanks even if you're going to be overhealing one of them and then once the new tank is established and you know he's going to be tanking for a while then you can swap the beacon to the new tank and and start raid healing there's also an issue sometimes with raid healing is that people are L sighting you so that's also why it's nice to sometimes direct heal the tank especially during tank SWS when when you need to be like other healers might not be ready to heal uh fast enough so you're basically the the the guy keeping the tank up while people are getting adjusted so Le King as you you can see by the note that we have the MRT note uh DX and our monsters are very powerful here so you want to be using those for I lagged out in game uh you want to be using those for the infests they are one of the main things to look out for in Phase One and phase two uh and obviously the tank healing is insane at some points so you have to be on point with that as a paladin I am basic basically always healing the off tank with Beacon on Main tank um with occasional heals like here on the on the Fest but you have to be paying attention to the shambling horrors if there is more than one up then you definitely don't want to be spam Healing The Raid uh and if they're about to get enraged and might get a hit in them the tank before they get stunned or dispelled uh from the h puv here it's a lot about the Mona management Mona management uh after doing the fight a lot of times you you kind of get into a groove or of when you're using your CS so what I like to do is I start with my Al trinket Aran turret at the start we can go back to that uh so what I like doing is starting off with you see my trinket together with Aran torent to get that CD rolling and once I've stacked up 20 stacks of my trinket and I can see that my Mana is not going to be capped out I used my Divine plea early I use it without wings because I want to be using Wings later on with a Divine plea uh actually I probably ended up using Wings on pull later on uh because I we started using a bubble sack rotation on the tank in the base one so yeah that's changed for me personally but yeah it's very important to have your Mana CDs rolling this is a very mon intensive and healing intensive fight uh I do take one inovator at the start but I am I am not taking any more innovates they are all reserved for our disc discs in this case uh you want to be using Divine elimination before you need to refresh your beacon so ideally 20 seconds or 15 seconds remaining on your beacon then you divine elimination and you use your beacon refresh at the end of the Divine elimination because then it lines up better for the next time you divine elimination so yeah you fresh your beacon durin Divine elimination tanks I can see there's a lot of things wrong right now with our auras for example we have me in doraa I'm not not in Divo so our Pro needs to go Divo with is improved I need to be going Shadow w v need to be going Shadow rest but yeah this is what happens when you are going straight into l king without without wiping and without preparation these things happen but hopefully we fix them soon so what we do here is that we have assignments for bubble and Sack on the off tank once we get two shambling hor shambling Horrors we notice that it's a lot less risk for a tank to be having a like a sack running on him and to overlap reduce the amount of procs we got from the AR Defender so I start with my bubble d obviously my wings is now on cool on so I should be using Wings on pull because there's all must been two minutes so I I could get one more use of the wings um yeah follow the DC rotation follow the am rotation use your mod region spam heal off tank with Beacon or main tank and of course the usual strats of this this boss fight is to avoid Shadow traps be in range of the Shad horor so you don't stand too far away from them so you can easily drop off the disease if you get it Thea care we're soon going to be facing uh so I need to be starting to move out closer and closer to Edge so I don't do a lot of movement at the very end at the same time as everyone else uh so I'm I'm doing a bit of pre-moving here or the rest of the healers are standing back a bit so moving on we could invest right before transitions it's kind of bad but that's mostly because we had the the therapist dced for start the fight so we get one more infested than we usually do uh here I like to hold my beacon a bit um simply because if I Beacon later here that means I can need a beacon later in phase two H if I Beacon insta here I noticed that it overlapped very poorly with I think it was valkur and a lot of things going on at the same time so beaconing later here like not having Beacon up for a while kind of fixes that problem I ran into you could also Beacon twice but I wanted to save as much Mana as possible as you can see I'm I'm already at 10K Mana but hopefully we can make it 10 more minutes this intermission nothing much going on watch out for the conal pain and suffering so you don't stack it up on melee and yourself at the same time so you're taking double cones you want to have be having three distinct groups and yeah you're playing as specific spec here with improved Hammer of Justice um so you can stun every single V wave here and I'm assigned to the orange stand the orange uh preposition yourself you're ready in case defile comes on you you definitely don't want me dropping that one uh I guess that was kind of okayish defile but yeah if you can place it as far away as possible always use your nit boost for it SP me off tank Beacon or main tank there's there's not that much to to say really hit the boss for Mana when Whenever there is down time like whenever l king is casting like chaning spells he's not attacking the boss so that's a a good thing to know like if you want get the swing in for some Mana D here for the invest yeah keep youra CDs rolling like Divine ple on CD you should Wings if you if you need to swing if you see the tank is using big CS like if he has ice 4ud or something up you can get in some swings on the boss currently yeah now now we Tong SW like I find a lot scary to be healing the pro p and the DK tank like DK tank is barely taking damage from Soul Reaper with ice spawn up so we put beacon on the DK tank instead he's going to be tanking at least for us he's going to be tanking most of the fight the fight is coming ready to run here I'm hitting you can see you can hit these once in the air because I saw that he was he was going to have pain Separation on so I I I knew it was going to be totally fine so I'm hitting hitting these Valkyries in the a for a lot of Mana instead of having to run behind the boss and then run back it's like minimizing movement as much as possible not exactly sure what's going on with our DX I think because of the extra infest in Phase One kou are kind of desync so so the infest are hitting harder than they should really stand the orange pre move out for defile and yeah in this face when you only have one tank and you had a beacon on the main tank you're free to spam heal Fest uh but what you can see here what I'm doing is I'm not swapping my beacon basically it's a Mana conservation thing because I know that our R is going to be tanking Ling most of the time like he he our propad basically took one Soul Reaper and then the DK tanked T back so that's why I didn't swap my beacon it's just one less Beacon for 10 seconds or 15 seconds is okay and a transition 40.5% or something like that here you want to be taking avoiding to take the remot as winter damage so you basically want to be on the edge before that and you can also pre jump before the cast is done like at less than one second because the platform is actually already built at that point you do your stacking in groups [Music] once you have learned how to deal with the wild spirits and how to do the froston room it's actually the phase two that's the hardest part because uh in phase three you no longer get the infest so basically all your healing in phase three is the is the tanks um but I guess from a raid perspective it's not that easy so yeah Quake phase three starting you don't have to be moving here you can stand still you're going to get sucked in by the Harvest soul in a few seconds most important thing here is that you don't let your tank die uh while you're in the froson room it's like almost like a downtime uh unless you're taking a lot of extra damage you shouldn't be and this damage is not that bad uh this is part where we Shain some Aura moners we're calling them out whenever we feel like we need them uh we basically have all Ds already assigned so it's all all it's only my own DC that's like free to be using in in panic situations but most of the time this is a like down time where you can use Divine ple you can refresh your judgment of light or your attachment of your p r and think about what what's going to happen next like now the file is going to come straight out of this so you need to be pre-positioning yourself and while he's casting of course tank is not taking damage he's taking a lot of damage here but soon is going to be casting the vile spirits and that's also a point where you can be running or you don't have to be healing rather so take full advantage of the V Spirit cast of the defile cast of anything like that to either regen Mana or refresh your your Buffs that you need to have up because you do want to be healing spam healing a tank all older times and yeah you need to be having also C rotation on a tank for Sol Reapers here but that's not really the Paladin job uh here I opted to use Beacon on the ad tank like we were off tank the reging spirits far off so he that tank is going to be out of range a lot of the time so that's why I use Beacon on the add tank and then I single Target to light the the main tank uh and you don't really want to be healing anyone else than those two Targets another inter another Frost face we like to to DC when we're coming out of the this place usually so that the the tanks are buff with DC for this like there's a lot of movement right here while the of tank is taking damage and while there might be damage going out so these is nice for for the exit and also for the entry to prevent some damage from the Harvest Soul our Sher is soaking a lot of M here I would prefer to use Spirit of Sansa here but uh we didn't prebuff Spirit of Sansa in this run so I only had one of them which I used before I mean in start and on C go I use SW to flask of resistance so that's where I lose it ideally you rebuff spirit ofans for this boss but because Movement Like This movement here if you can reduce that as much as possible it reduces is the chance of your tank dying and here yeah there are it's kind of scripted the fight is kind of scripted like you you leave the frostman room you run to the edge while Spirits are coming in they get soaked VI Spirits are spawning you go other side they're soaked then you get VI Spirits again but they won't activate until after the frost Moon you will be getting like after this cast these guys won't activate so you can just stand planted below them and spam heal because they don't activate until after the Harvest soul is and the the frost room is done but a lot of the Le fight is like learning that how much you have to heal the tanks and minimizing downtime in in whole lights like they you want to be getting them out constantly and as you can can see my Mana is 100% fine because this downtime here is the best time to use Divine plea and regen Mana so you have like a natural point where where you get back a lot of mana and it's it's about one 1 minute 40 between the the rooms so you shouldn't be using Divine ple outside of the rooms really you need the healing output most of the time uh defile goes out spirit is still of Tanked so RI is going out wild Spirits are being soaked and what we do here as well is that we have you usually have uh two V Spirits then the room two V Spirits than the room so we have the sheries always take the first one and then you have the Paladin a paladin backup for every second one so the first one is taken by the red Paladin then the second backup is taken by Bray in this case and a third backup is taken by me and basically what you do is that you have to touch them run through the spirit bodies like they they are kind of annoying sometimes but they first they need to activate and then they run into watch raid then you bubble and try to soak them as best as you can and you can use BS on them you can use holy rat on them you can use a very nice tool which is Target Dy which makes them group up they won't explode in tmy but it makes them easier to then run into when you're in bubble and also if you have nital Boost still you haven't been Target by a defile that makes it a lot easier to soak all of the spirits is there anything else important here not really like here yeah we killed the bus what was the yeah we killed the boss what else is there to say yeah I mean the we car I use here to have all our assignments it's going to be on my Discord I mean the MRT note this is not a weaker this Martin not sorry for all rambling like I had no script or anything when doing this I just try to think about things uh on the Fly which I I mean I'm sorry but I I'm not the kind of guy that makes detail videos or detail guides with super fancy stuff hopefully there was something you could pick up in all this uh rambling I did uh a lot of it is quite obvious a lot of it might be things that doesn't work for you in your guild with your healing comp or with your Strat that to use but I think I got all my thoughts out about every boss might have missed something and uh there also might be error errors like uh incorrect information about things but that's just how it's going to be it's how we have done it thanks for watching
Channel: holypalaswe
Views: 51,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: holypalaswe, ldw, dbs, bql, queen lana'thel, lanathel, heroic, lk, healer, strat, guide, nota, none of the above, wotlk, wrath of the lich king
Id: 0k-mct8UVI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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