WoTLK Phase 4 Shadow Priest | In-Depth Analysis on Parsing, ICC Gameplay Tips, & More

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hello everyone how's it going my name is salus and welcome to my first ever informational video about Shadow priest and Wrath of the Wich King Classic yeah I hope you enjoy and if you want to watch a specific point of the video Then There are the time stamps in the description below as well as chapters in the video that you can seek across I hope you find informational and let's get started so I'm going to start off with uh Warcraft Vlogs a little about it and parsing and all that so as you can see here this is my character and its ranks and all that and I'm not really here to brag about you know my parsing I only want bring you here to talk about comparing yourselves with other top parsers with than speedruns you know people in your realm all that so one of the biggest factors is you can see here uh between you know people wanting to parse and people don't really want to parse or whatever is item obviously getting more gear and closer to bit you get you know the more damage you're going to do just naturally right so how the game works but another factor is boss kill times and how fast you kill the boss you know the faster you kill the boss the more DPS you're going to get in because you know if you think about burst windows with lust and then averaging out a burst window with you know long drawn out fight where you know cooldowns aren't really used and all that it's it's going to bring down your DPS so as you can see here my fastest forward marrowgar is 228 death whisper 329 s Fang 314 Etc now if you look at the top guy here or you know any of these three guys above me or anyone below me um you can see that the fastest kill here is 207 that's 20 seconds faster than mine and then death BR s Fang is 243 that's almost like 30 seconds faster than mine and this really comes down to does your raid completely main stack and you know want to get the fastest kill times possible so everyone can do pars well or does your guild do splits and your splits is filled with alt aren't very geared we're going to do lower DPS and make the kill time go slower making your DPS a little slower and you know you're going to have to think about all these factors and how much you really care or uh want to parse and another thing is you know does your raid just want to get in and get out get the split get the splits done get the gear or do you want to be in there and your goal's main focus is parsing so uh November 7th my last raid and we were in there for 4 hours we took a bit a little bit to kill witch king um but there's some people in there who are in there for you know 10 hours they focus is just to do parsing and get you know number one on the website and you know obviously you know number one would be cool but it's not my main focus I'm not super stressing about it and I'm want I'm in there for you know half these people and you know they do all sorts of things to get the parse and I just kind of go with the flow you know if I if I get the parse awesome if I don't you know whatever but you know people who are part parse oriented they will you know intentionally wipe over and over and over again just so they get this perfect parse so you have to kind of think about you know if you're just going with the flow one shotting bosses just to get in there and get out get the gear or if you're in there to intentionally parse you know you can kind of think like oh I'm just going kind of going with the flow and I did really good DPS and it was pretty close to this guy who's been in there for two hours on this one boss so you can kind of see like oh you know I might he's just trying to get lucky and even though I didn't get very lucky or whatever my is still pretty good you know you can think about those kind of factors and so yeah I said kill times item level and you know whether your guilds has splits or if it's parse oriented and you're in there for hours and hours or if you're just you just have one run you know if Guild is only doing one run with all mains you know if you're not doing splits then you know any main run is probably going to be better you have to kind of think of your average item level of the rate too like the average item level of splits in my guild overclock is you know usually a bit lower than those people who main stack and have a bunch of of 270 item level people while sometimes maybe in our splits we have some people who didn't who didn't really gear up their characters and our outage item level is only like 259 or 260 or 261 while these people are you know 268 or something you know that's that's something to think about um and it's kind of just going to be a big problem early on in this I phase pretty much any phase in while once it goes on longer people get more gears everything's going to average out but right now it's kind of you know extreme in both ends where people are intentionally gearing themselves or specific people like crazy just to get a parse and you know later on everyone down is going to everyone later down the line is going to have the gear and it know be evened out and you kind of see the uh real competition there so yeah so the next thing I want to show you is my UI and my weak ARs and all that kind of stuff so also my gear uh you can see here I'm pretty geared know 269 but I'm not you know quite as good as some of the people I just showed like 275 you know they they're missing one or two pieces right I get very lucky though and got the L King mace the very first day I was very lucky enough to get it and you know the lot counil 4 gave it to me so as you can see here I just I have you know really good mace the best off hand I'm still stuck with this wand though I've been trying to get the uh I 10man wands but they just don't drop I haven't even seen a single uh wand drop in 25 minut her from R face I got you know spy glass DFO good ring you know play Wear stay pants got that day one no one else wanted it I just got this belt you know um pretty good gear pretty good gear another thing I want to kind of go over is you know gem prioritization so gear is really well itemized this this last tier as you know kind of is every last tier of each expansion they kind of make the gear a little weak early on and then just itemize it really well towards every class so as far as gemming goes you know if it's got a spell power meta bonus you're almost always going to want to go for it except if it's like blue gems right here um you know purified dreadstone is good but you don't want to go for it if it's only like five spell Powers you can see here on my pants you know I went for red which is runin caral Ruby purified dreadstone boil and Reckless Amrine to get the nine spell power bonus nine spell powerus is pretty good like I said five is pretty weak if it's seven uh like it was for a couple items oh even right here you're going to want to go for it um with yellow Reckless amine and R Cardinal Ruby so you're you're pretty much always going to want to try to get that metab bonus except if it's five spell power on like a blue blue socket or something like that even in the ring it's pretty good you know haste becomes really really really valuable it was valuable before but really valuable on acc because of our foret and you know trying to get as much haste as we can and spell power is really good which brings me to my next points uh St prioritization so obviously you want to be hit capped hit cap is 289 if you're looking at your character sheet right here that's uh 11% we get 3% from our talent and 3% from um you know the hit debuff on the boss so you're going to want to get hit CS because that's if you miss your spell that's more DPS loss than anything else spell power is if if you play retail spell power is basically intellect you know the more intellect spell power you have the I'm not going to confuse it here in classic but the more spell power you have only is it what going to determine how powerful it's going to hit and the next uh secondary stat is haste I've always loved haste as Shadow priest even if it in earlier phases it was a little close to crit but especially with our foret now we're going to want a lot of haste a lot and we actually get as you can see here I have 1,200 haste because of how of how much gear I have and I'm just going to get even more closer the this I get as well and crit is right after haste so it goes hit spell power haste and then crit crit is still really good but it's not quite as good as haste because like I said the faster we cast mind the faster our dots tick because our dots are Hast except shower or pain know more damage we're going to do obviously the faster [ __ ] goes more damage going do but crit is also really good and since we have all since items are really well itemized in ACC with with a lot of items having crit and haste you know crit becomes really good because they're on most pieces anyways and after that it goes uh spirit which with our talent down here we get a bit more spell power from Spirit but we don't want to Super prry it at all it's just kind of there on a piece if it's there and then intellect and MP5 or in intellect you just passively get on pieces for Mana MP5 dog [ __ ] you don't want as as a DPS especially Shadow priest or whatever um so on to my wears I personally play with very little we guards um you know you might see a lot other people play with a bunch of [ __ ] on their screen and I just see it all as clutter I have very minimal we ARS so when you can see here it just tells me when I don't have on in fire or uh vampiric Embrace in inside a raid or dungeon I don't do in the open world CU then it would just be annoying I have my DOT trackers down here uh let me Target so I have Shadow paine. tracker dp. tracker VT dot tracker and this is just to track what dots are you know on my target see when they're going to expire Etc uh and then I have button glows so when my gloves are ready in combat I'll do a little demonstration here I'm going to enter combat my gloves are ready you know they're going to Glow green so they're know they're ready I could do the same with berserk ring but it's a 3 minute cool down and usually I Remember by that time gloves are a little more uh faster paced and you know I need to press sometimes I could forget if I'm during doing a mechanic or whatever so I'm going to put up my dots so as you can see here I just uh I'm not quite worrying about the rotation right here I'm just showing my dots uh another thing about Shadow priest is you know how fast your reaction time is so I'll I'll do a real rotation in a second but you know I'll show on the screen that mindf delay which is how fast you cast a spell after mindf is really important and I think that's what makes it break a lot of Shadow priest in how fast they can react to after a mind flight cast and you know if I usually get around 50 Ms or lower or maybe a little higher there's some people who get you know over 100 over 200 over 300 that's just pure DPS loss you can even put it in a shadow priest Sim uh settings how much mindl leny you have put in zero for example that's going to be you know perfect robot play put in 100 you're going to see a couple hundred DPS loss so um excuse me you're going to want to you know react as fast as possible off your spells so I'm going to do a little bit demonstration right here I'm going to open up with Shadow fiend pop some dots so I have this uh wear here that tells me my delay on some you know after you cast some MF I'm doing kind of bad here I'm kind of talking but I'm getting some perfects right here which means you know there's no delay between casting your mindf and your next spell so another big thing is your cast bar does your cast bar show your ticks mine does and I'm using the lvi cast bar I think it's really important to get adquate with your cast bar and get comfortable with it to see when your ticks happen and when you should press your buttons you know kind sounds kind of simple but it's just practice practice practice uh you can see here that yeah I'm getting pretty perfect here but it's not reliable to test this in an open world because in an instance there's a little bit more delay I'm not quite sure what it is but when you're in in the open world There is almost no delay and you can get perfects pretty consistently kind of like I am but that's really difficult in a raid because you know your spell effect visuals and uh raid boss mechanics going on etc etc so as you see I'm not doing the best I miss some some mindlight ticks not very focused on the rotation but uh like I said it's very important to get your action time down so let's go back to my UI for a little bit so as you see you saw the dot trackers and then uh you saw some button glow with the gloves and all that so I do have another one right here I thought it's kind of interesting I made ingc it shows when my shadow fiend isn't lusted when I have it out so it's kind of just like to know during your fight whether or not your Shadow got lusted if you get tilted or not it's kind of like a tilt we car oh [ __ ] my shadow F didn't get lusted because I popped it too late or L was too early or whatever now my D is going to be a little lower you know I don't need the weak car but I kind of just like to know it um so another thing I want to talk about is talents so right now I'm running so I have foret right so I'm not running the Mind blast so you know just typical typical foret with talent build but something I'm doing is I'm putting you know another point in Focus mind so five points are originally here so I'm putting the other five and two for improved ve which kind of means that I can just stand in more [ __ ] and heal myself through it because Shadow priest already take 15% reduced damage through Shadow form and make yourself heal for down here if you look 25 % of the damage you do that kind of makes you invincible to a lot of mechanics not every mechanic but you you don't have to worry as much about um popping personals or whatever I put another point in Focus M for uh Mana C reduction because I found that when I'm not casting mind blast you know you're not giving yourself replenishment so you're not getting a lot of Mana return so you kind of want more Mana reduction and then down here it's kind of unusual and having two out of two improv Shadow form especially IC it's very important and I put the other two points in disc tree to get one point in mental agility so one here one here so to reduce my the Mana cost my spell is even more so basically my devouring plague my sha Shadow word pain if I have the multi dot Etc that will save some Mana especially on a fight like lch King where it's 15 minutes long or whatever another build I wanted to talk to you about is Enlightenment and I'll put it on the screen but I don't have it in my talent build right now that you know that's what it is you go down to the you go like halfway down the disc tree and get uh 4% increased spirit and 4% spell haste along with 4% flat damage but you lose dispersion Twisted Faith which makes your spirit go into spell power and you also lose a point in improved Shadow form along with pain suffering you lose two points out of that so this this build is strictly just for parsing um um if you're you know your guild is par oriented you probably you want to run this build but you know if you're in a speedrun or you're just in splits you're just going for consistency I don't think it's very good but that being said near B it's about 200 plus DPS increase and you know that's pretty big if you run the enlightenment build so the main gripe I have with it is on bosses like fut blood Queen syn Goa if you only have one point improv Shadow form you're going to get pushed back a lot with your mind fls like you know when you get pushed back with your mind FL here you could potentially lose a tick at some point and that's just it just makes it for clunky gameplay when you're getting pushed back as well as only having a 33% chance of Mind FL refreshing now if you're on a pure single Target boss like saour Fang or marar or whatever it's not really going to be a problem but I tested this build once in a 10man the enlightment build and on bosses where I had a multi dot maybe like slit king or sour Fang or Lady Death whisper sometimes when I return to the boss it would have like 8 seconds left on it and I would spam mind FL to refresh Shadow word pain but it just didn't go through and I had to re mainly refresh Shadow pain spend a whole Global when I could have spent the global on you know another mind FL if I was running the normal pill it just felt weird now I am going to try Enlightenment again because when I did try it I had less gear and it wasn't as big of an increase so like right when you get four piece you shouldn't directly run Enlightenment because it's only going to be like 60 70 DPS increase but the more gear you get um especially the more pieces you have that don't have Spirit on it because you lose Twisted Faith it's going to be a bigger DPS increase so I'm going to try it again but I'm not sure when um yeah that's pretty much sums up my UI show show my we GS and I told you I don't really run with much even during uh boss fight like boss fight wears I don't really run much of that I kind of just use my brain and one that you saw here that was popping up showing my Ms delay I have this on but not during boss fights cuz if I have it on during boss fight and I miss a lot or I have a lot of delay or whatever it's just going to tilt me and it's also distracting just staring at the bottom of my screen seeing how well I did I have it on for trap but I only recently downloaded this as well it's good indicator to see to kind of practice especially in game um but yeah I that pretty much kind of sums up my We R and UI so now on to ICC bosses I'm just going to briefly go through each of these bosses because I don't want this to be a to be 10 hours long get some tips and tricks on how to do more damage give some insight on what I'm thinking during each boss fight and all that good stuff so start first start off with marar marar is pretty pry much just luck um it's kind of like Patchwork where you know there's only one target but there are some bone spikes and you know you could be two kinds of people in this boss you can be selfish and never touch bone Spike which you know is really bad in my opinion or you know you can be team player and hit as many bone spikes as he can but there's a delicate balance between how how much you should hit bone spikes how much you should be hitting the boss so here let's kind of speed up the uh video a little bit so you know got the sard opener you get some cold flame oh another trick is you know if you're standing directly in the middle sometimes you won't have to move for quite a bit during cold Flames like if you stand directly under him in the exact center of his hit box sometimes you don't have to get hit so you know standard opener kind of passw right now and you know these but these three bone spikes are pretty spread out let's see what I do here I think I mind seared a little bit and mind sear is good if they're all really stacked up but I think I mind SE here because I thought it could hit all three which I think it did you can see I put a VT on this one because I noticed that it's not really getting as much damage so I can get a couple ticks of VT off there but the main reason we're all in melee is so you know Warriors can cleave off it death and K can hit it all that kind of thing if you have bone Spikes all the way out here all the time it's just pretty much inefficient for the raid so let try to get one good example of three bone Spikes all piled up I forgot when it happens but I'm pretty sure it does okay bone storm you know he's going to Bone St during the bone storm you know they're all spread out here so I VT all three and go back on the bus because they're getting focused really hard and while VT is helping a little bit I'm not purely focusing them let's just go back to outside of bone storm there that was perfect just saw a three SEC bone storm so this is a perfect example to M sear because you're you're going to be hitting the boss you're going to H the two bone spikes and that's kind of kind of a good damage increase so that's what I do here and pack on boss so it's kind of just to repeat you need to make judgment calls on what bone spikes you should be hitting what bone spikes you should be full focusing especially during bone storm you should be full focusing bone spikes during bone storm especially if it's a Healer or if it's just one single one outside in Africa um but yeah that is Lord marar all right so Lady Death whisper uh it's another fight of just pretty much getting lucky unfortunately because of Mind controls um but this fight is also kind of cringe because especially for those people who just want to parse you know like funnel one person with parses each week um they have you know six ads at the beginning come in seven actually and then three throughout the fight so everyone here wants to do the damage kill yet so they all die super quick as you can see here you know sandard opener uh something I actually need to start doing is standing in the middle over here so I can VT all six ads that come out and then M steer the boss right now I'm going doing three because this just what I did on PTR but if you're standing on the side like I am you know VT these these three and then you just m through the boss you know you can VT another one one of these if you want then you just m through the boss Etc um yeah it's kind ofed phase one and then I get mind controlled yeah so if you get mind controlled especially doing lost if you're Ling off the rip your parts pretty much over and you know I was tilted at first the first two or three weeks if I got mind control but now I'm just like this fight's just kind of cringe and I think it's going to get removed on Warcraft Vlogs anyways um but outside of Mind controls it's pretty standard you know don't kill you and your friends with ghosts and you know kill ads ASAP I'm going to skip to phase two because uh my usual spot is on the stage I really like it because I don't want to move as much from over here I usually VT all the ads as soon as they come out skip to when the new ad come yeah there we go so hey we got the three ads so I'm running up to VT them all they're all vted and if they all stuck on the boss all mines here and you can see here I almost died because this person stood completely still and and um you know just died but Shadow priests I'm healing myself [ __ ] ton and I just take 15% reduced damage kind of invincible it's kind of op right yeah unless you're you're parse following someone and just letting them kill the ads alone then you're not going to do as much damage as you know the rank one or whatever cuz that's what rank one does now um best you can do now is VT all ads when they come out if you're ready to call a pure pure Focus name you should by putting like a shower paint on it if it's living too long and then you know mind FL down whatever keeping your dots up on way death whisper um yeah it's another Super winse and repeat fight after phase two nothing really changing except you know moving from Ghost and all that so I get mind controlled again here you know I'm just like oh my God this it's rud but surely soon it's going to be removed see how VT again they're in mine's here rinse and repeat all right now we're on death PR St F skip gunship cuz who [ __ ] cares you know fight a joke um but I failed to mention this earlier and there are kill videos of marar death whisper sarhang fresh cut and R face on my Channel all rank one videos you want to go watch them U they're pretty cool I do say so myself so death s is pretty straightforward it's kind of Patchwork with some multi dotting so let's skip to the standard opener uh let's go skip to the first ads okay first ad's coming out I'm going to slow it down a little bit uh if I know how to click computer so first ad is coming out so what I do is I just tab Target so tab targeting will pryo you know it goes in an order it's going to pick a Target and then just go down the list until your last Target sour Fang gets chosen so I tab Target first beast and then tab Target five times one two three four five so now all ads have VT and I'm back on boss so the reason I'm not hard focusing a beast right now is because in our our splits um the non- multi daughters focus a lot of s Focus single Target on a lot of the beasts and multi- dotting alone is uh you know good enough this is what our warlocks do they just corruption all them as well but I know if I notice that a beast sometimes is super high Health going towards someone let's see if I do it here like right here I'm going to I'm going to hit it because I don't want them to die and then must to wipe or whatever but another thing about killing beasts on this boss is Spirit tap so in the shadow PR tree the first one very top left you know when you kill something that yous experience or honor you get 100% bonus spirit in my gear that's 300 spell power you get it's like a trinket PR you get 300 spell power for 15 seconds or whatever so if you are can manage a killing blow one of these and get Spirit tap you get like an additional free trinket proc so sometimes you'll see if you watch my streams or or it might be one my kill video I'm not remember I'm not sure but you can see me get a spirit tap by ying a killing blow and that is uh pretty satisfying cuz just the DPS increase and and you know just rinse repeat the rest of fight like I said Patchwork Beast come out multi dot whatever all right moving on to fut fut is pretty much Patchwork for shadow priest um nothing really special there's no multi just pure single Target it's like it's like a DPS race it kind of is Patrick it's a DPS race to beat the berserk timer um so here you know you just pick a spot you s it the whole fight you do not have to do any spores because I'm going to skip I'm just going to skip to one punch bik comes out but yeah you don't have to do any spores because you can just dispersion the pungent blight so you can just stand still the whole fight but another Factor about firsta is it's also kind of RNG as you know most bosses in NC are now they're not all completely standstill and uh just kill the boss it's whether you get picked by a mechanic or not or they have to do a mechanic or not that kind of thing so if you get vgas it's kind of over not if you get vgas once it's not over if you're trying to parse but if you get it multiple times then you're kind of screwed I think one week I got it eight times in a row eight times about guas on on this boss I was just I was so tilted uh so punch of BLS coming up in 10 seconds or so let's get back up to two times speed so yeah punch BLS cominging in two seconds I have no Stacks as you can see here but that's fine because I just dispersion I take zero damage and I'm back to normal and as you can see down here most of this healing down here probably 200k or so is just healing myself because improved ve and Shadow Prest is good Val gas I'm pissed you know whatever so now on to rot face um again kind of like Patchwork a little bit of RNG um the RNG depends on whether you get mutane injection not have to bring the ad over to the tank so you know a tip is is if your tank tanks to where we are now and all the range DPS stand in this Inner Circle you're never going to have to move the whole fight from from like the Slime puddles that come from these valves you can see here they the fight I'll skip forward so one's over there like these range TPS they don't have to move they're just standing there you don't have to be in the complete outside let's skip to where it's behind me look I don't I I'm getting sacks I'm a little too close but it doesn't matter because you're healing yourself through all the damage like I healed myself for 19k in I'm not sure the period 3 or 4 seconds 5 Seconds i h myself for that much because how much damage I'm doing and improved vampir Embrace that Talent see I didn't even move and I'm not even close to dying because of how much I'm healing myself so you I could have been a little further up to take absolutely zero damage but I was just a little too far back that time but yeah as you can see here the Caster next to me uh if you get mutane injection you have run over the tank obviously DPS loss and more NG Etc and rinse repeat this whole fight I kind of almost died there a little risky play I was saying in the [ __ ] and in Slim Spray but sh priest and op and pretty tanky so on the pure side one of the hardest bosses in this raid pretty mechanic heavy but it's a really good fight for shadow priest um so off the rip you know standard opener we don't L here you can get Pi if you're getting Pi on the OIP because as you know Pi doesn't suck with lust so you can just Pi off the rip with if you're not lusting off the rip but if you're you know getting pi and you're Ling off the rip you're going to want to save Pi until 45 seconds or whatever or even a minute if you want to pair it with gloves and potion up to you so you know uh just kind of patch bre till till the first phase or till the first intermission but when these ads come out you know you're going to want to VT them and I Shadow or pain then because of our of our glyph where the target takes increased damage from mind flight if Shadow Pan's on the Target and you know you want to use to die as fast as possible so you know you should put both of them on it and nuke it down I keep devouring plague on the boss because the ad usually doesn't live as long for a full of iron plag so it just gets better value on PR future side so you know you you don't want to keep your dots refreshed as well on pure side while you're killing volatile loses you don't want them to fall off that's going to be DPS loss and so I get knocked there whatever now we got intermission so our Strat is we kind of loosly Stack up here that way we can both kind of keep our dots up and hit the boss a little bit as well as hit the uses so Shadow PR is really good here like I said because we're multi doting so keep all so keep your dots up on the boss you don't want to keep DP up devouring PL up on the bossing your mission because you want that damage to go into the uh gas CL all tell use that you're hitting cuz you want that die as fast as possible cuz intermission is pretty deadly especially the last one so you know put your dots on the gas cloud or Vol o keep your dots up on future side I should have daring plag up here I'm not sure why I don't but you know uh little little greedy there I didn't want to get knocked back so DPS sometimes you can do that if there's enough melee to soak you can do that because it's not going to be very deadly if all the melee are soaking and there I put I put plague up on it after it fell off pure side but like I said my dots are still up there my VT is still running my shadow pain is still up there I my dots around here are killing this and then gas cl's dead so now we're back here so pretty much phase one again patchwor let's skip across Dodge valuable goo so we bring it over there and just like I said phase one keep keep everything on pure side only vampiric touch and oh I get picked here only vampiric touch and Shadow or pain sorry on the other AD I get picked here so I you know you try to min max your movement I'm keeping both dots up and while dots on P side while kiing and I I could have boots there as well but I realized that it's probably going to die before I really need a boots so I'm saing boots for another emergency so you can see there I uh kept all my dots up while keeping dots up there while kiing that's pretty tough to do but you know the more you practice with multi dying the more you can do it so uh now we have green new it picked me unlucky very unlucky because I was in a really bad spot by greeting a little bit of up time hope I wish it picked one of these range or melee but it's fine because all the melee are going to help me soak anyways I dispersion just just in case uh it's going to do a lot of damage which I didn't and I kind of need the Mana anyways like I mentioned earlier this fight is kind of sus on Mana because you're not hitting uh mind blast to give yourself rep punishment 24/7 so be aware of that especially in uh a run where you your only rep punishment Source reliably is a r like in our in this split here our R is our only reliable source of punishment we have a Marksmanship Hunter we don't have a second Hunter so the only sources of punishment are him and me and since I'm not really mind blasting as much I'm not getting enough Mana that DPS aren't getting enough mana and the healers aren't getting enough Mana so keep your comps in mind as well if you uh are going to skip mind blast entirely um so I so yeah my my dots are up my dots are up you know rinse repeat until intermission same thing for the next intermission uh these puddles are really bad so keep dots up on here keep dots up on future side so as you can see I I have all I had all three dots up on the US I'm killing i d on pure side you see I'm doing a lot of damage and you know a mission same as the first just kill the two guys and then you know we all sack up uh Slams are kind of [ __ ] so we had to adjust our positioning usually he T he's tanked on the other side over there but our puddles were kind of screwed up so you know Patchwork burn until last phase Dodge Goose all the range should be stack Etc all right on to vria I bloodwing just cuz it's the way my VOD went um I'm just going through my VA right now so flia I always heal vria because I get cucked but there there doesn't count anyways and if I was dpsing outside of the Shadow priest just DOD as much [ __ ] as you can M sear the Rott worms uh trying to pad whatever um but healing yeah I us should play Holy just to GS the boss nothing special there not going to go too much over because not shadow uh synr Goa let's skip to syn Goa oh we skipped synos go back to Bing okay so we're going to go to Blood Prince Council Blood Prince Council pre hectic fight I like it because how he it is I like hectic fights I'm crazy um like people don't like syn goosa but I kind of like cnra Goa except the fact that it's RNG to Parson with Unchained magic but I like it because you can cheese it as a shadow priest so you know your range your raid has particular spots your range go to I went to my spot and uh I don't really have to be on orbs because you have a lot of warlocks and a hunter so they just send their pets on all the orbs I don't have to touch them but in case of emergencies uh you should Shadow word death or mind blast the kinetic kinetic bomb sorry the Warlock Hunters on connect bombs so mind FL doesn't work on it instant devouring plague doesn't work on on it cuz those aren't direct damage it needs direct damage which it which is kind of confusing but mind blast and Shadow death fall into that category so if you ever need to help a uh you know kinetic bomb ker or whatever you want to call them with an orb just Shadow or death or mind blast it so kind of Patchwork a little bit but a tip here is that when it goes on toam next let's go skip when it goes to toam you can stand by yourself if you're you know if your raid is calling for people to soak the the orb you know goes through the range to soak you don't have to uh people are a lot of range are grieving here by not stacking they should be stacking to help soak because I you know as a shadow priest you can stand by yourself if it go if the uh empowered flame goes on you sorry then you can just stand still and dispersion it I don't think it happens here it does not but yeah you know if no one was around me and I'm completely by myself I'm going to run back a little bit dispersion and that completely eliminates the mechanic it's DPS increase because you never have to move and you're kind of helping your raid as well by not putting any stress on them with the kind of kind of bomb just don't just don't whiff the uh the dispersion cuz if you don't dispersion or sound cool down or whatever it just said right you know be be careful of that so that is bloodprint Castle so now on to blood queen Blood Queen is pretty much another Patchwork but Shadow PR are really good here because of their self and group healing especially if you have vampiric Embrace two out of two talented um another cringe thing about this boss of Parson is you know since it's normalized on Warcraft logs the bite damage that is 100% increase bite damage the par Strat is to just never get bit so you never never have to move and bite someone else very cringe uh very dumb very selfish especially as a shadow priest when you can heal yourself and your group so much you're wasting so much value not having your your Shadow PR spin but it is what it is the cringe parsers will be cringe parsers so yeah uh you know make sure you f yourself to MPL your group Etc um you know it's Patrick you can see I'm skipping across I'm standing still almost the whole video unless you get swarming Shadows you know take it to the edge whatever like this spin did so let me speed up the video a little bit that sight teror is going to come soon blah blah blah you know Mass spell your group and make sure you're spread you know I'm not tell you how to do the boss but no real Shadow priest tips here look how much healing I'm doing without the bites I get bit soon though uh by this Mage I think yep there it is so refresh your Shadow or pain as soon as you get bit because uh the damage modifier of 100% it's not going to automatically update for you it only updates on spell power with M play so you need to manually press Shadow paint again on the boss to refresh it to get so it does 100% increased damage uh what I usually do is if the dots are really low timer uh I let them expire and then reapply my dots 100% but if I just refresh my dots and I just get bitten then I'm just going to override them because you know 100% increase damage on Fresh dots is going to do more than waiting out the 10 seconds without the 100% increased damage um but yeah let's skip to the end of the fight see how much healing I'm doing with 100% increased uh damage so this person dies because they just weren't healed so I just take their place although I should have just moveed I usually would move back over there like I said that's a lot of uptime or yeah a lot of uptime loss losing DPS by having move over here so that's why the the cringe to parsers don't get bitten especially Shadow priest is stum so boss is almost dead look I'm chilling I'm going over four 4,000 HPS as a shadow priest is a DPS keeping my group up very healthy if you uh watch through my VOD a little more you can see like the exact he you know you know what I'm trying to say if I if I mind boss the boss you can see their health Spike up a little bit so it's kind of cool to see that all right onto synr Goa so synr Goa another cringe fight uh The Parson because it's entirely depend on on how many unchain M Magics you get even if it's a shadow priest wi you can cheese it it's entirely dependent because you still have to stop casting at some point you still have to maybe run out you still have to run out of your raid and least have time um but it's probably going to get removed so you don't to worry about too much worry about par Sy goes to too much so uh let's watch it a little bit here so I get Unchained I'm still standing in the raid I'm not moving out and you might be panicking but uh you know you got you got to strategically plan so I now have seven Stacks I don't want to blow anyone up H they boots away I was going to boot away but you know I'm running away anyways dispersion just in case I don't want to hurt anybody and then you know I know thing I completely forgot about is as you can see I'm not I don't really have many wears on my screen I have you know my my DOT timers when I say wears for boss fights you know I mean like mechanic wears as in you know a bunch of timers a bunch of random [ __ ] on my screen that I see people have I just think it's clutter I think it's dumb you know use your brain don't have the game don't have weak guards play the game for you but that's just how some people do and that's my opinion sorry if it avenge you but but it is what it is um I I I have dbm for timers they're usually pretty good um I like to use my brain when I'm playing and kind of based but you know I I don't really get Unchained in this fight that much um looks like I only got that one time but I think I do get it in the last phase here and that's kind of what I wanted to show as well so I get Unchained right at 35% so something I saw that I could do is that since the tail isn't working because blizard is a $5 company and I get Unchained in the last phase you know unchain the last phase pretty deadly I go to complete Africa and get you know to be completely by myself so you know I'm getting Mystic Buffet Stacks I'm taking a lot of damage but it doesn't matter look how much my health just doesn't move even with Stacks even with the frost are ticking how I'm completely by myself you keep your yourself up and this is just in case uh you you know your plan your plan goes a bit wrong and you bow up your buy yourself if you don't hit dispersion you're dead but you know you obviously need to hit dispersion when you're cheesing with completely High Stacks as the shadow priest um oh I guess I forgot to mention that the general cheese Strat Shadow priest is just go to infinite sex and dispersion but the main thing is watch the pulling timer and don't blow up your raid um if you still have un the chain debuff right here and you know you're walking out of the poing you can you know spam devouring plague to refresh it you can hit Shadow or pain or not not Shadow pain Shadow or death and delay it until you completely by yourself or you can dispersion but don't blow up your R troll which I actually did one or two weeks ago and I felt I felt really bad about it yeah I'm still I'm I'm still complet sorry I am still keeping myself up and pretty healthy and and I have 18 sacks and I dispersion and I completely by myself but now I need to go clear my sacks right I need to actually play the game I'm getting kind of sus here s on health but healers keep me up which I appreciate I clear my sacks I'm back on boss and you should be multi doing the tombs I'm not sure why I didn't there I did here I did on this one but I didn't do it on that one but you should be multi dying into tombs and you know help your friends focus them if they're not being focused you need know you need to make a judgment call again a lot of playing this game is making judgment calls if it's if it looks like it's being focus and his health is going down really quickly you don't need to focus as much right but just keep an eye on it keep an eye on Boss Health your dots Etc keep your dots up while being on an ice tomb or focusing ice tomb on CA Etc and yeah I only got two unchanged that fight just pretty good pretty good but not quite as good as zero um um and that is syn Goa and finally wi King so you know I love this fight it's it's great um I don't know what to say about it it's a longest fight right so you get two lusts off the rip and sometime in phase three whenever Guild wants to do it but you know it's phase one's pretty boring just only need a shadow trap but let me skip ahead to what I do to get a little more up time because you're Shadow free so if you're if you have a uh you know two saacks the milon ranged you can go by yourself and cheat towards the middle like I'm doing here we're almost phasing I'll show you the reason here so you know usually they want us to say stay stacked up but I'm completely by myself and you know why cuz he's going to run to the middle in just a second completely refresh your dots and dispersion out of there so you get Mana regen as well as Dot uh refreshing for maximum damage so you know back back to phase two what I do to help out the guild you know it's up to the up to how many people you put on orbs or not is I usually VT each ice sphere because it's like um blood beasts look I got it right here if you get a killing blow on the ice spheres you get Spirit tap which is again like 300 spell power and that's like a couple hundred DPS increase for uh 10 15 seconds yeah 15 seconds with spe tap so ivt mainly to get spe tap but also because sometimes we struggle on Ice spheres and you can see sometimes I even mind FL them because they they just need to die right this fight is so so long and pretty tough that you know you just don't want to wipe and do it again so being a team player here is definitely um you know important so let's go to phase two so so I'll go through each situation here we got two valks so we got a warlock picked right keep your dots up on L King VT and Shadow or pain both uh valky and then hard Focus the valkir whichever one's higher whichever one they're calling for ETC but keep your dots up on L King don't super hard Focus him um see I let my dots fall on which king completely because these valky needed to die that happens um I could have easily just put a a casted mindful can keep up my shadow or pain but I was focused on killing the valks and the file was up pretty close so no [ __ ] happens and let's skip to the next Valk here so I think we get three here yeah three so let's uh let's see here so I VT all three and usually you don't have to move you only really need a vtl 3 if they're all stck because they're all getting super aied but depending on how good your guil DPS is you you might have to Shadow pain them all I Shadow pain them here because I was moving I only did it because I was moving I wouldn't normally do it but what you do is you vl3 and then the tank should be dragging the L King with the valkir and the reason for that is there we go he puts it on them now you mind sear the L King so M here is hitting all three targets with uh VT up see I'm I'm refreshing VT on all them and I only got one M here off because of the the defile movement that was a really bad defile by that person let's see if I get another three here I do so I vl3 this one didn't get a sun we're playing really bad here but I still M see here because they're kind of all in range now now I'm single tarting them because they're just split up this is kind of a bad kill with some people who were really paying attention again two VT and Shadow pain them so on so let's see we got three SEC here three SEC so VT the all it's a good example and now I'm channeling M Seer now I'm channeling M Seer on the L King and that is a lot of damage and then refresh when they're falling off right this one goes all the way by the S but it's almost dead and I realized that so I only Dam dot up these and man manually M FL them down so same thing for here while everyone else is going to the edge you can just chill in the middle near the middle ref press your dots and dispersion out uh get that Mana back cuz it's a long fight you're going to need mana and then you know kill the kill the Raging spirits still help the ice spheres because they spawn even quicker um yep and then phase three he pulls Us in so you can do two things here you can either be a parse Lord or you can just be uh completely focus on where you're going you you can do both right but it's tough so what I what I do here when I mentioned parsing is you target a spirit and you mind steer them because these Spirits do need to die it's not like you know you're being a complete pars cringe Lord they need to die because they come at you right but you target one my I could figure out a better camera angle here to Target them better but right now I just have it top down and Target my name plates so I see a wicked spirit and I usually M Ste them but if they're all alone I just devour and plague them because it's instant damage and they have Royal Health they only have like 8K yeah they have 8K so if they already have health and you devouring plague that should kill them well that also grants you is Spirit tap so you get you're getting Mana regen as well while you're in frostborn if you're getting killing blows and these things so you can see here I'm M searing which kills them these do count on logs so um if you have a lot of people in here killing Spirits you're not going to get as much damage but if you're a parse cring Lord like I've seen some logs where there's only one person doing damage on these then you know that's going to affect pars but I already mentioned cringe a lot and there's already cringe going on in these bosses so yeah kill these raing Spirits ASAP right any specific Shadow priest tips you know if your guild calls you to soak and we go down and frost again same thing you know Shadow priest is really good for soaking the tank called that he was going to soak here so he did but when they're all grouped up let's go to an example when they're all grouped up let's get out of frostborn okay they're all so earlier in the video they were all grouped up you know or um you know you have an Earth dely on it Army whatever then you know dispersion go soak or if they're call for they call for it to to uh go soak as a shadow pron you should right just kind of comes down to what you want to but yeah Shadow priest is really good if you know tank can't do it like you can see here I'm I'm I I just dispersion to help SL because they were all pretty clumped up since dispersion is only 6 seconds it is kind of sus to soak if they're all spread out because if your dispersion runs out and there's still one or two more spirits and you didn't time it right then you're just dead so you need to be careful there we had a m that M so help silk as well and rinse repeat nothing really left special on this boss but yeah uh I did kind of go in depth on each boss but I probably can do a little more if you ask for it that was l king and that's I'm going to do for ICC so so last thing I want to talk about is I mentioned earlier the shadow Bruce analyzer and I was going through some of my gear and as well as the Sim so just going through wildad uh you know wildad pretty stereotypical I have not agreed with the abys list from Mad from the first three phases but the fa the abys list for phase 4 is accurate because there's really no other alternatives for example in TGC uh I made my own b list where you used the Barb of teras as horde and everyone else was using um that Ma sufferings end or whatever but the DPS set I made was more DPS than the ma set um the dagger set I was using was better so anyways just you know um like I said the the wildad Miss list for shadow Bree is you know perfectly fine like I said there's really no other option you know you want tiar from Head Shoulders chest and gloves your off piece is pants because they're they have hit crit spell power and you want haste like I said haste is better than crit so your off piece is going to be this um now hit CIT spell power is on the gloves but they have less stats than legs right you know there are certain items that have more stats than others like chests have more stats than a um shoulder piece you can see here 369 Armor 277 armor 195 spell power 150 spell power right so you're going to want to go with the strongest off piece that has haste which is this one and hit so as I was saying you know you want four piece you know you want the best snck from blood Queen like I said there's really no other options here I tried to mess around with getting a better b list but there really isn't um yeah I pretty much agree with the Bist here as you can see I was mentioning gems earlier this is a nine spell power bonus so you're going to want to suck at Blue this is only five spell power so you just socket a red excuse me this is five spell power but it's yellow so you can suck it in a reckless amine for spell power and haste because haste is still really good um same thing here you know five spell power but it's yellow etc etc yeah in the ring you only have a five spell power blue and you're not you like I said you don't want to put a purified in there because it's just going to be less efficient than just a pure spell power um but that is pretty much b list I could go through the bis list in depth but that could be another video if you want it not going to on to the shadow Prest analyzer so know this is my current gear I have sets you know my phase three was I can show you here this is my phase three this is my dagger set TGC everyone else had sufferings end but I had a bar toask this is my current gear this is my clone alt called Junior and you know phase four B phase five b um So currently I'll show you example you know I'm simming at 14.6k in my current gear this is at 3 minutes with a 20 second uh over under duration uh I have 50 Ms clip delay which is usually about how I play um I'm usually around 50 Ms if not lower I think the lowest I've ever done is 43 or something like that I'll show you that later I'm usually around 50 so that's realistic I could do zero but that's not uh super realistic so I play at 50 um my demonic Packa is at 580 because that's usually around what RS is I'm not sure it's at 600 yet um I don't think we're at that gear level yeah settings are here you know I'm a troll blah blah blah talents I'm running you know the one I just showed you um I can show you Enlightenment here so I'm going to show you that it is a DPS increase on a pure Patchwork fight this isn't coming this isn't accounting push back this isn't accounting having to do mechanics this isn't accounting the fact that your shadowed pain might trap because you have two multi dots so in pure single Target like death bur sa Fang marar Fester gut Ral face um minus fer gut actually take out fer gut so fer gut does not count because of the PUSH Pack you know it's going to be almost 200 DPS increase and your B when you put on the B and simit it's like 250 DPS increase so the reason I mentioned festergut and fights like blood konal are bad because of push back like I I mentioned this earlier but you're going to have push back cuz you only have one out of two you know you have 35% from improved Shadow form one out of two when normal you have two out of two and conara is like 30% so that's 100% right there but with 35% and only 30 or 35% with conara you're not at 100% And that could be ticks lost it's going to feel clunky and you're going to get some DPS loss and I mentioned earlier you know you only have 33% chance to refresh Shadow word pain um that's going to feel really bad on Multi do fights like Petri side Lady Death whisper um even even l king you but you never want to run the spec on L King I'll get to that um yeah having to manually Press Your Shadow or pain again just cuz it fell off and you didn't get lucky it just sucks but it's it's a risky it's a risky build to play it can pay off but that needs to be with your own judgment if you're going to go for a parse run or whatever you know it's it's entirely up to you um like I said this is the set I run this was before foret um but yeah rotation you know mind blast isn't in the rotation I pre-cast My Touch sometimes I actually pre uh pre-cast mind blast but you know it's it's it's it's like a it's like a 30 DPS difference if you uh let's we can just test it here actually it's not that much of a difference between what do you what what you pre-cast but does make a little bit difference and so you know ideally I Shadow fiend off the rip we get blood lust in one second and you know you want your Shadow feed lusted right so it comes out before blood lusts berserkering paired with um lust you know etc etc um so pre-c casting mind blast instead of empiric D was only 43 DPS which is you know decent decent amount but it's not going to make or break a fight a fight's pars especially if they're mechanics like future side um yeah that is my analyzer or sorry Sim and onto the analyzer so this is what you can see here if you want to see how well you're doing so I have Shadow I have death Brer sang on the screen this is really really good I didn't get any early mindl Clips I didn't get uh get any clip dots my average Ms delay is 53 Ms which is what I showed you on the analyzer it's around 50 right um but I don't always play perfectly like this like this is really good example if I go to something like feser cut you know I play kind of bad there oh wait I actually didn't I still had some mind fight clips I still had a really good delay I C thoughts but there was one fight where I didn't do very well let's see here I think it might be lonell lell is always kind of a [ __ ] because of her push back um if you're not in range of conara yeah I I still CP my mind flight early on some bosses because it's mostly greed and um it could also be having to move for mechanic as well you could ALS some of these could just be you had to move for mechanic um but you can see my mindf delay is usually pretty good it's pretty low um there are some fights you can't really trust the analyzer on kind of like synr Goa with the air time and Ice Toms wi King with so many ads and how long the fight is ETC sometimes they do but this usually is pretty accurate uh where marar still pretty decent so I'm going to put on the screen now an example of what you don't want to see in your analyzer so this person um they they still had pretty good mindf delay it's pretty low but they have a ton of early mindf Clips a ton of clip dots and that is just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of DPS you're putting you're losing out on and just putting on the table that is what you want to avoid you can use this analyzer to um see where you went wrong especially if you record yourself or you streamed you can go back in your VOD and see where you screwed up so for example I clipped early uh M flight early twice here so I can see I can go down here you know I can go to a mine flight oh it's red the delay is pretty bad here I didn't clip it but the delay is pretty bad I go to a m play somewhere down here I only have two here it is two out of three hits this was an early clip 547 Ms is almost almost there like I CL I clipped my mind FL right before the tick was about to go out and that's just a DPS L right 547 is really bad clipped early true as you can see right there um but yeah that's what you want to avoid generally but yeah that pretty much sumbs up this video so I hope you liked my first ever ever informational video about Shadow priest if you want to see more or if you want to see something different you know make sure you're putting something in the comments below uh leave a like you know all that YouTube Blingo Etc I am in the shadow priest classic Discord you can uh add me or you know DM me or whatever some questions I'll try my best to answer them but no promises um the gameplay I'm doing right here is pretty bad but I promise I'm good I promise anyways yeah so thanks for watching and you know maybe I'll do some more some more of this in the future if you like it uh if not then [ __ ] me I guess anyways see you
Channel: Celoras
Views: 4,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, WoW classic, Shadow Priest, Top World Shadowpriest, Overclock, Celoras, Celorasx, Icecrown Citadel, ICC, ICC25hc, Icecrown Citadel 25 Heroic, Guide, Parsing, 100 Parse, ICC Guide, ICC Tips Parse, Shadow Priest Sim, Shadow Priest Analyzer, Wrath Classic, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, WotlK Classic
Id: TLxGyTfiDbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 57sec (3837 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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