IBC Praise & Worship Service 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i will bless the lord at all [Music] as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing i'll bless the lord as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm free [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] together let's do it together [Music] let's do it together let's do it again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is let's do it together [Music] let's is it together let's do it [Music] together [Music] you've been better than good to [Music] than good me me you can better be [Music] have been good to me [Music] [Music] me [Music] for me [Music] me [Music] still good [Music] can anybody [Music] i sure my long time ago [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] is to worship the lord this morning how many know that he's a great guy he is able to do anything he has been my provider my protector my jehovah [Music] [Applause] time and we were already on your mind [Music] you are crazy [Music] i can't explain [Music] worthy [Music] is [Music] ruler of everything [Music] great [Music] you are [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on let's give a shout to god let's give a handclap of praise to jesus amen welcome to worship sunday with the indiana bible college praise team why don't we give them a hand clap i don't know if you know this or not but this is a talented group of students and we're so excited to have them with us this sunday if you want you can go back to your seat really really quick and then when i get done with announcements we want you back to the front uh worshiping because this is worship sunday but just really quick i got a couple announcements that i want to fly through so we can get back to worshiping with this amazing praise team obviously easter is coming up and egg fest is the saturday before easter and what we need from the church family is twelve thousand eggs we need twelve 000 easter eggs because we're going to have a lot of people in the community coming to campus to find these easter eggs so we need 12 000 easter eggs and what we need is um please no chocolate in them um and please individually wrap the easter eggs and tape them clothes and obviously it we've done this before but there's baskets at each information desk for you to donate those easter eggs and i love my church t-shirts are still for sale we do have youth sizes and long sleeves in available amen i know i flew through that but i'm ready to get back to worship aren't you why don't we just go ahead and stand i know we just sat down but let's stand and i'm gonna pray over the offering but before i do um i'm gonna call uh uh mr mike hughes down to the front he has come to to get prayed for for his back and i'm gonna need some ministers to come and pray for him as we as we go into this next song but he has come to the right place and we are ready to rejoice with him for his miracle amen you come right here and we'll get our ministry team to to pray for you um and we're gonna pray for you in just a second but again this is indiana bible college praise team led by dr lindell anderson and he's going to come and take over after i pray over the offering ushers if you would come to the front as well we're going to pray for the offering and then i'm gonna turn it over to him father thank you so much for this wonderful day that you have given us god thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to come into this place to worship your great name god i pray for the remainder of this service that your spirit flow god i pray for everyone that is giving their offering today and bless them in a mighty way god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus why don't you clap your hands and again come bring your offering to the front as we get ready to worship [Applause] again [Applause] [Music] praise the lord everyone you may be seated we're thrilled to be here with you from indianapolis indiana and we want to say a big thank you to the pentecostals of bozo city for allowing us to be here and supporting the educational ministry of indiana bible college by hosting these students and all the many ways that you've already been a blessing to us with our lodging last night and a meal yesterday and we got to hang out with your incredible media uh team yesterday and brother brad crow and your youth pastor last night we had a great time uh while we were setting up here yesterday and we just love being here to worship with you isn't it great when you go to a church and you just feel like from the first note they're ready to worship and we felt that here today and i like that worship sunday [Applause] i want to give honor to pastor and sister uh dean brother jared with gina dean i'm eternally grateful to y'all for in 1981 they hired me to be the music director at the first pentecostal church in jonesboro arkansas and do the math 1981-2021 and i was young i thought they were old back then i don't know they're still going strong though aren't you thankful for your pastor brother and i'm so thankful that they saw something in me and gave me an opportunity and now i've had the last 40 years of full-time ministry and the lord has blessed me with that i also want to give honor to your worship ministry here at this church and especially uh brad and holland crowe and all the ones that were that work every week on the platform behind the scenes aren't you thankful for your worship ministry team here at the pentecost you know whether brad was a member of this group uh in in the fall of 1998 i believe so that's been a while as well he's becoming a senior member around here as well it's also great to be here in worship with my brother jerry anderson here today i'm much older brother and uh i'll get out of the way i just want to mention that we have our table out front we have our recordings uh we actually have uh recordings as far back as when uh brother crows sang on them we still have them they were eight track tapes of just kidding that they were cds or we've made them cds now but anyway uh we have t-shirts if you don't like music don't like our music today just buy a t-shirt or something to support the young people but aren't you uh uh ready to just worship the lord he's been better than good to me that one song said i should have been dead i know that's my testimony there's probably others in this uh room that feel the same way and the lord has been better than good to me so uh just uh continue to worship with us why don't you stand one more time and let's invite the presence of the lord in here again and let's lift him up today be the glory to god be the glory to god be the glory for the things he has done he has done you gave a heavenly breath and now it's air in our chest that's why we're singing it back to you for every battle you want and everything that you've done and everything that you're gonna do see too much [Music] [Music] that's why we came [Music] don't want to wait for the rocks to shout we've got a reason [Music] all i want to yeah [Music] that's why we came [Music] every day we're gonna glory [Music] that's why we came it's why we came [Music] me [Music] how many are grateful for the name of jesus i don't know about you but i'm grateful that on a sunday morning i can come into the house of the lord no matter where i'm at and i can lift up that name that name that's above every other name the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] blessings [Music] right [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] you are glorious [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] he's [Music] he's right [Music] is [Music] is [Music] there is [Music] is [Music] there is [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is oh i thank god i thank god that he is touching on time god that no matter where i am at the mention of his name he's going to be right there next to me i could be in the valley and he's going to be right next to me i could be on the mountain and he'll be right next to me doesn't matter what situation i'm going through he's going to send his encampment of angel armies around me to protect me because he loves me because with god whom shall i fear [Music] i shall not feel [Music] nor shall i fear the terror by night [Music] oh [Music] around me [Music] shall i be [Music] angelo [Music] around me [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] so every is [Music] [Music] wow [Music] i [Music] hey [Music] hallelujah are you thankful for a god who watches over you thank you jesus [Applause] a few years ago there was a woman and she was in the last stages of pancreatic cancer and the doctors had told her there's there's nothing else we can do for you you don't have much time to live but she so desperately wanted to see her children graduate this woman had over 200 tumors in her body but she knew a man at her work who knew how to pray and she called him and said would you please pray for me and he prayed for her and he gave her a prayer cloth that had been prayed over and fasted over for three days and she went back to the doctor and they said we don't know what to tell you we don't have any explanation but you are completely healed there is no cancer in your body the doctors don't know what happened science has no answer but i do and his name is jesus and he still heals he still saves he healed in the bible he'll do it again he raised people from the dead in the bible he'll do it again and if he'll heal your body you can do whatever you need him to do today because he's the same god and that is what he is famous for [Music] my fortress [Music] over and over [Music] grace faithfulness my fortress over and [Music] the over walking through the fire do what you are famous for what you are famous for [Music] i believe in you [Music] god i believe in you release your love inside of me unleash your power for foreign [Music] foreign [Music] what you are famous for [Music] oh [Music] he's one thing [Music] [Music] [Music] do what is are famous for [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] do what you are famous for what you are famous for [Music] i still [Music] still believe in [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can yourself my money today [Music] [Applause] [Music] david faced a giant that marked the living god by faith he stood in power and that giant had to fall the israelites [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that makes [Music] [Applause] release the sounds [Music] [Music] the crucified jesus [Music] three times [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] to [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is i stay on this side [Music] can you put your hands together if your things don't know the name hallelujah that's all right we can keep raising this land we love you lord we bless your name jesus i like what i feel in the presence of the lord this morning let me just say what an honor and a privilege it is to be in bossier city louisiana i asked your music director i said okay i don't want to mess up the name of the city i said is it bougie and he was like no no no no and then he tried to get me to say boozer on the platform i mean i did but i'm going to say it's bozier bossier city louisiana we're so blessed to be here and my prayer and i know the prayer of this group for this wonderful and beautiful congregation is that god would send you a great harvest of souls in this city i believe it is god's will for his church to have revival to win lost souls for people to be filled with the holy ghost amen and that's why we're here today we're here to intercede with you we're here to pray with you to believe with you for that great harvest and i know that that burden for lost souls for your lost city can be so heavy some days and that's why we're here and and i just want to encourage you in this place today something that i do to kind of help me because there are days that you know you're thinking about this person and you just wish you could drag them to church you're like i know what you need i know where you can find your answer but something that helps me that gets me through that keeps me praying that keeps me on my knees is i imagine my lost family i imagine my lost aunt my lost uncle my lost cousins coming into an apostolic church walking down to an altar and god filling them with the gift of the holy ghost that's what keeps me going and i just want to encourage somebody here today to grab a hold of the vision that god has for your family that god has your for your city i believe we're going to see this city resurrected in the name of jesus we're going to see this city filled with blessing can you put your hands together if you believe that this morning [Music] as i pray in jesus name my vision starts to change over my family my country my city jericho walls start crashing down i hear revival sound over my family my [Music] i see [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] my city [Music] resurrected [Music] city resurrected [Music] i see my sin filled with [Music] i speak blessings jesus name i see my city resurrected [Music] your name and i find every spirit that is [Music] i [Music] whatever you want to do in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] this i speak morning jesus name i see my city resurrected jesus i speak in jesus name i see my city resurrection i see my family i see my family resurrected and i see my family [Music] i see my family [Music] [Applause] why don't resurrected make that your prayer right now with your hands lifted god i want to see my family in this church oh lord we need you now more than ever oh god to come in and step in [Music] we look into psalm chapter 150 and we see this one theme across the whole chapter it's only six verses but it's saying praise him with the tremble and dance praise him with the high sounding symbols play praise him with the loud symbols praise him according to his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness everything that hath breath praise ye the lord so this next song that we're about to sing is kind of it kind of encapsulates exactly what that is praising god because he is worthy it's based the song is based off of revelation chapters four and five where john the revelator is seeing a vision in heaven of people coming or of angels tens of tens of thousands worshiping saying worthy is the lamb blessing honor glory and power unto the lamb but the amazing part about this song and that chapter that verse is that we don't have to wait until we get to heaven to worship right here right now in this moment we can worship god not because of what he's done but because of who he is and he alone is worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] worthy splendid cold and much you reign in victory [Music] holy king of glory [Music] away my chairs [Music] me [Music] you are jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my you're so worthy lord [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] holy you are worthy of all praise [Music] he comes down with his glory if you have a need in this place whether you want to be filled with your spirits whether you need a healing whether you need encouragement if you will reach out to him right now he is more than able to meet you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] he is here whatever you need from him he will provide let's just worship him for just a moment god hear some words god you're so wonderful god you're magnificent holy [Music] scripture says in first peter chapter 5 and verse 7 casting all your cares on him for he careth for you he cares for you he cares for you he cares what you're going through he cares exactly where you're at whether your need is big or small my god is here today and he is willing to solve all of your needs it reminds me of a story that my mom told me when i was little she said she wasn't in church and she said that she was looking for something more she didn't know of a god her family was was raised kind of in church kind of out of church but she didn't know what the meaning of life was or what the purpose of anything was so she was searching and in the midst of that searching fear and anxiety began to creep in to her life because she was trying to raise a family and she was so uncertain of the future she was so uncertain of what could happen tomorrow what she was looking for was a provider was a protector what she was looking for was a savior that can't be found in anything else and so moving all the way down from middletown new york into a little town a little town called in fuquay verena north carolina she moved right next door to our sunday school director of the church that i attend currently [Music] 600 plus miles away and she moved right next door to someone who knew a provider who knew a protector who knew a savior and so if you're looking for any of those three things here this morning god is willing to meet every single need and as they begin to sing if you need to know who the savior of the world is if you're looking for something more if you're in turmoil and you don't know how to get out right here at this altar right here a miracle can happen in this place as long as you are able and you are willing god can meet every single need so if you would just lift up the hand in the air you don't have to come down to the altar you can make an altar right where you're and at miracle can happen in your life if you want to know who he is just slip ahead there are ministers who are waiting to tell you exactly who he is [Music] he wants you to express to him god i'm so empty without you i cannot do anything in this life that is productive or meaningful without you god so with hands lifted let's see a miracle can happen in this place [Music] he's right here ready to meet your knees [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i had a request this morning to pray for a dr patton i don't know dr patton but uh lauren brought us this request and i think there's a connection with him and jennifer is that right at dr hughes's office jennifer watches us online you may be watching now i want to ask this entire body i think dr patton has a big tumor in his shoulder i feel the holy ghost mervin just found the holy ghost right here [Music] [Applause] i want this entire body of believers to pray over this town for dr patton i want you to call his name out in the name of jesus father we're doing something they did in the bible in acts 19. let the holy virtue of god go with this hell let the anointing of god go with you dr patton jesus has healed you [Music] bring glory to the master o god through this anointed doubt this morning bring glory to your name these young people have been singing bring glory [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] please [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] trust me right now when i tell you god's moving all over all over the church house all the way in the back trust me when i tell you something special is happening right now you need to claim your miracle you need to claim your miracle you need to claim your life change today today i start a brand new life i'll never be the same again i claim a miracle right now say it judy say it judy i claim it right now today's a brand new day don't look in the rearview mirror please let's look to the front let's look forward today's the first day of the life change seeing it again and when they sing it this is your miracle for you they sing about your family this is the miracle for my family this is the miracle for my marriage [Music] this is the miracle for my hurt my hang up my habit starts right now starts right now sing it miracles could happen to you i believe in you you're the [Music] in god jesus [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] is [Music] i believe in you baptized in jesus name start your life and have all your sins remitted washed away in the blood of the lamb we have robes for you to wear the water is warm we have people ready to baptize you in the name of jesus i'm just telling you that will complete your new journey that'll start your new journey amen just look at somebody beside you and say i want to be baptized today in the name of jesus something special is happening right now i'm out i believe in you god thank you ibc praise what an amazing day what an amazing day for the lindell anderson you've done a great work sir got people all over america because of what you've done in indiana thank you we're all indebted to you the kingdom is just keep praying as long as you want [Music] amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 846
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, ibc praise and worship, ibc praise team, ibc praise songs
Id: iSO8lVsHoqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 49sec (4849 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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