I WON! First Harescramble Experience - CRF250X Wide Open Desert Racing (with Suburban Delinquent)

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this video is actually my first hair scramble that i've ever run so i learned a lot throughout this and i'm going to be giving commentary of like everything that i learned throughout the process and i'll be showing a bunch of stuff explaining how the race works so if you've never done one of these races and you're interested in getting into it this video could be really helpful i didn't know anything about these races i didn't know that district 37 even existed and i wouldn't have ever found out if it weren't for someone inviting me out to this and the person who invited me uh actually many of you may know you may subscribe to his channel he is the one and only suburban delinquent uh representing his other channel the extra delinquent which is his dirt channel yeah he reached out to me and got me on board for the race he just sent me a message on instagram one day and i actually i didn't know really who he was and he just like humbly mentioned hey i'm also a youtuber and here's my channel so i clicked on the channel and yeah he has half a million subscribers so uh that's a bit of a following there so people here probably know him but yeah he invited me out to this one for which i am thankful because as you'll see i had a lot of fun at this race so first of all there were a couple things that happened before the race which i found to be incredibly helpful we met up because we were gonna ride in like the general area we weren't gonna ride the course but we were gonna ride in the general area the day before the race so we got there that afternoon and we were able to do some riding and stuff and just going out there and being able to get a feel for the dirt before racing the next day that on its own was super helpful and another thing before the race that was super helpful was uh we went out we went out the night before the race and just had like a baller dinner at this really good place normally before when i've had opportunities to go racing it's been fast food all the day before traveling that that doesn't put you into prime condition it was a good pre-race experience for sure and then suburban delinquent also rented a camper um and since there was a couple of us that were going to be staying in it we were able to split the cost and it ended up being super cheap it was super helpful to be able to sleep in a nice warm bed in a camper the night before a race that was that just blew my mind alright so getting on to the race the morning of the race as far as sign up costs there were there were basically like three different costs so there was a race entry fee which if i remember correctly was 53 dollars then there was the ama membership if you're already an ama member then obviously you don't pay that fee but i am not an ama member so i had to pay a day pass which i believe was 20 and then there was the transponder fee which in this case is simply an rfid sticker that you buy so it was just a couple bucks once you go to the starting line they do a writer's meeting about 15 minutes before you're supposed to take off and there they just explain to you all the major rules uh they explain everything you need to know and please when we put the banner up shut the motors off don't make us wait a minute and a half like the last group all right the course is marked with pink ribbon predominantly on the right side of the trail glow arrows are for directional purposes turning down arrows signify danger or a drop off day glow warns signifies an object such as a large rock the really really big rocks we didn't mark we didn't mark the sheep either we didn't bark with the dead sheep either it stunk too much as a road crossing we do not cross any major roads but we do cross the car course a couple times so we put the x's up for those car courses and as you know it's got that big in the middle of it so be careful and of course w's you've not chosen the winning pass so yeah they have all these different markings to help you out while you're on the course to make sure you don't get lost or hurt compared to the other off-road races that i've done these courses pretty much like over-marked it was it seemed very clear to me where i needed to be they after the writers meeting they give you a few minutes to warm up your bike so that you don't have to start on a cold engine or anything like that so as i was sitting on the start line i was looking up and down at all the people there and i noticed there was a lot of really nice bikes and a lot of really nice equipment so i was thinking i was going to be like totally outclassed here because there's it's it was just like a load of really really nice equipment and nice gear and all that and i was like oh man i might be a little bit i might be a little bit out of my element here these these guys look pretty legit work what you know how the stars work no what though give your bike that have your bike off uh they drop that start up and go okay yeah you don't have to touch a helmet or anything right nope all right so that's our buddy jake who just explained to me how the starts work so you just have to pay attention to the flag there's no helmet grab requirement or anything like that just when that flag drops you start your bike and you just take off and i wasn't really sure exactly where we're supposed to be going there's you can see like course markings and stuff but it was hard to see if it was if it was like a shoot or anything like that i didn't have a very clear line so i was just kind of plowing through bushes there um and i had just been told a very gnarly story about uh someone almost dying from a bush stab but we'll go over that in another video [Music] but at this point right off the start i didn't really see any chorus markings or anything like that i was just following the crowd and when we got to this part to this double track right here a little bit of worry started to settle in right here because i was like okay i'm i'm behind a lot of people and there's some dust and as the day goes on there's gonna be more and more dust so i need to find a way around and typically in races before i would just go ham and like force my way up through the pack and after all the racing i've done and all the poor results i now know that i need to just take a chill pill and make and like just kind of just kind of go at people's pace and then when the opportunities come just pass so that's what i did i did not go out there and try to hammer down or anything crazy i just uh went at the pace of the people around me and picked through the pack as i as i could as i was able to and already right here it started to thin out the like already we are not packed up so that was that was nice to see and i was able to start pushing a little harder so right there you can see they had a flagger with a yellow flag telling you to be careful right there another example of how this this race organization seems to be really concerned with keeping you safe and just allowing you to have a good time right here on these straights it probably doesn't look like it because i'm using uh video stabilization so that you can see what's going on but the straights are over 70 miles per hour i might have no i might not have been going over 70 miles per hour there because it's the first lap and i don't really know what i'm doing yeah over 70 miles per hour and it is just a strange sensation of going over like little shallow bumps and on the back side of them just going weightless and the tires coming off the ground like that just shallow bumps but because of the speed that you have you just go weightless and if it is it feels so cool i didn't think it was very sketchy because they were so shallow there wasn't really there wasn't really danger of bottoming out there was no danger of bottoming out on the face and then no danger of bottoming out on the landings because it was so shallow but you still covered you still covered several feet in the air just because of the sheer speed even though most of them is only like an inch off the ground that you would get a cup an inch or a couple inches off the ground but it was still a really cool feeling and back there where the audio cut out whenever that happens it's just because i'm cursing at myself and i can't put that on youtube so whenever you hear that it's just me screaming at myself right here i blew the turn a little wide which which lost me a little bit of space between myself and the guy in front of me but i think he went to pull his his roll off because we went through that he went to do something with his goggles or maybe it was his camelback or something and that allowed me to stay on the throttle where he had to go one-handed and i got around right there but once once we got into this single track stuff the ground was actually pretty soft the the soil was pretty soft soil because it wasn't packed in and stuff like that double track and i was running a pretty worn out rear tire so you'll hear me like you'll hear me screaming the bike out waiting for the traction because i i i was not running a tire that i should have been racing on i i think um it was the same tire that i had used for the six hours of glen helen and i'd been i'd been riding and practicing and pretty close to needing to replace the tire uh and then went to this race on kind of short notice didn't replace the tire so in all of that single track stuff that we do i will be you'll see me fighting for traction for rear end traction and the bike will just be bouncing off the rev limiter again on these straights there is so high speed that i was having trouble maintaining the speed on my 250. this is a crf 250x in case you're not aware um and the crf250x it has a super uh wide it has a super wide gear spread between fourth and fifth uh because it's like it's like moderate ratio first through fourth but then fifth gear is just way out there for exactly situations like this just so you don't run out of gearing and that was incredibly helpful for this race but also a bit of a struggle because it's like you can't decide sometimes on those uphill straights i couldn't decide between fourth and fifth like fourth was bouncing off the rev limiter and then fifth wasn't pulling so it was always like this tough battle between fourth and fifth gear but still i was glad to have the super long fifth gear and i don't think i don't think i would have wanted to race a bike with an mx transmission out here just because of the high speeds i think it would have been topped out way too soon on a lot of this i don't know though because i haven't tried [Music] there's the classic look back in my last video i talked about the look back um and again i am super guilty of this in this race again as well of doing the look back so it goes both ways but when i see someone do the look back i know that their attention has just lapsed and that it's time to get around them and then later in the race you'll see me do the look back and my attention will lapse and someone will get around me so so uh yeah i am super guilty of all the things that i complain about [Music] out here when we're going through the bushes and stuff i really really enjoyed this it was it was like loose soil sand and it was bumpy throughout it looks pretty smooth because my bike is handling and stuff but whenever you see me get up close on someone you'll see how their their back end is kind of just always kicking around and it's because there's there's like this small chop throughout um you can't see it very well but it's for me it was good to have to have that small chop because it it uh it was like a limiter for me i i wasn't able to push super fast through it like you'll hear me right now um i'm obviously not i'm not accelerating i'm just cruising at a speed because i know if i go any faster i simply don't have the skill to manage my bike in that in that chop in the chop and in the ruts and stuff i simply don't have the skill to to not crash so having that was probably safer than not having that because i recognized that it was there and i just kept the speeds down a little bit [Music] because i know on on courses that are like really smooth that's that's where i'll be hauling butt and then come up on a rock and just eat it hard and that wasn't the case here it was all i don't know i heard people complaining about this course how it was uh too fast and too dangerous and i can see that i can see that from some people's perspectives especially depending on what kind of bike you're running if you're running something that's made more for uh more for moto like jumping and absorbing huge jumps and stuff like that then obviously this would be a little sketch because the bike won't absorb this chop very well and you'll be fighting to maintain speed in kind of a kind of a sketchy way but for me i really liked it really had a good time weaving in and out of bushes it was like some small shallow whoops it was good like right here some small shallow whoops so get to practice some whoops and this is like this is like mid bottom of fourth gear or top of third gear so it's not crazy fast but it is it's like an enjoyable trail [Music] it had rained the day before so as you can see there's some moisture in it if you see in the ruts you can see some moisture there's like that brown dirt underneath the the top layer of dried out dust and that was that was another thing that was just super helpful a lot of the time the desert is just straight up dry straight up dry and if you start to wash out you're just done but out here if you start to wash out and the tire digs in a little bit there's plenty of chance to save it and that happened to me a couple times or i washed out but saved it [Music] i was i was honestly following this guy a bit [Music] he was a little bit he was going a little bit faster than probably the pace that i'm comfortable with so that's like perfect obviously if it's a race you want to be going faster than you're comfortable with but then like riding riding the edge where you're not gonna crash you know and this guy's pace was just super good it was it was faster than what i would have been doing on my own but it wasn't so fast that we were gonna die or that i was gonna die so i was i was pretty much following this dude just letting him uh letting him choose the choose the line and i was watching his bike to to see how his bike was reacting to terrain and that was allowing me to gauge um if i could to catch up or not [Music] [Music] a couple of times here i ran the risk of letting him get out of sight uh because he was he would at some points he would just turn on the afterburners and gain a couple seconds but i tried i tried my best not to let that happen i really wanted to stick with this guy because i could tell that was gonna be that was gonna be a good pace for me challenging but not stupid sketchy so i really wanted to stick with this guy that's that's a huge help for getting better at riding is to to have have someone there to pace you a little faster than you're then you're comfortable with back there you could hear me say out loud be careful oh here's a guy that was about to pass me [Music] the guy that was about to pass me i believe i think i'm not a hundred percent sure but i believe he was in my class so i signed up in the 450 novice club yeah i'm on a 250 i signed up in the 450 class my my friend anthony he was doing he's on a 450 and he was doing 450 novice and we were riding the day before and he seemed like it seemed like we were on about the same level so i was like yeah i'll just i'll just sign up with in exactly what you sign up that way we can race together and it'll be cool um and yeah that guy just got around me so that's why i was in the 450 novice class and everyone was saying novice class is a good place to start so that's that's where i started it's like they they have beginner class which is like the entry level like you just started writing and then they have novice class or it's entry-level but you've been riding for a while so that's that's pretty much me i've raised a lot of beginner class and had a lot of poor results but this time i stepped it up into the novice class uh oddly enough on a type of racing discipline that i've never done before i've never done a hair scramble before never done a totally off-road race before [Music] so yeah i believe that guy up there he was in my in the 450 novice class and he just got around me but during the race during the race i had no clue of that i had no clue who was in my class who i was racing i didn't even know how the lineup worked i didn't know what classes were on the line uh i knew there was it was a multiple class start but i didn't know which classes were in there so i could only guess as to what position i was in [Music] if you can only guess what position you're in you just you just gotta obviously you just gotta keep fighting for every single position so i kind of had a feeling that i was i was probably ahead of most people in my class just because of how many people were on the start there's quite a few people on the start and i had gotten around a lot of people and i felt i had a i had a feeling that i was pretty far out in front as far as the overall pack goes so i i kind of had a feeling that i was doing well in my class but i wasn't sure so i wanted to make sure that i was still pushing that the guy on the ktm yeah he was he was he put on the afterburners he was out of my league right there uh there was i don't want to say there was nothing i could do because i believe in like getting better and um not not saying there's there's no way i could have done better but yeah on that day dude smoked me right there [Music] so the guy that i just got around you saw him do the look back [Music] you saw him do the look back so whenever you see the look back from either from anybody it pretty much means a pass is about to happen somehow the guy that i just got around i believe ended up being in vet hex vet expert class but i had no clue as far as i knew he could have been someone that i was supposed to be racing against i had no clue but this is where this right here was probably the most difficult situation for me the guy in front of me is too far out to where i can't see how his bike is reacting to the terrain i can't see what lines he's choosing so i'm having to totally gauge everything on my own [Music] i was because of that i was getting a little discouraged so you can hear me right there i said okay regroup because i was mentally i was fading i was getting a little discouraged i was like i don't i'm i'm out of my element and i know i can ride faster than this but um i had a mental block because i didn't know what was coming up hadn't hadn't memorized the chorus very well on the first lap because the first lap is just kind of madness just kind of trying to fight for position so it still kind of felt like everything coming at me was new on this on this lap too and here i was with no one in front of me nobody to follow and gauge off of and i could hear the guy behind me the guy behind me was he was pressuring me so that was that was keeping me trying to push but i i was freaked out i really was back there i slowed up for that group i didn't know what was going on i didn't know that there was a bunch of observers on the course with their bikes out there so i thought maybe someone crashed so i slowed down for a second to take a peek but i don't think that was the case i think that it was just a bunch of observers that were just cheering people on this is yeah i think that was the finish line the finished shoot so this is the beginning yeah i'm sorry before i was saying i was on the second lap but no that was still the first lap so all that stuff coming up was still it was brand new to me now we're on the second lap see even watching it i'm confused so you can imagine how how uh how not what do you call it not oriented disoriented i was out there actually riding so this is the second lap starting here [Music] but again i kind of have a vague idea of where i'm at but because i was not paying attention to the course very much on the first lap i'm pretty much disoriented right there i was telling myself to let those arms breathe um something i've been practicing a lot is managing numb hands [Music] there you go [Music] from back there when i was started to get on my own on the the course that i hadn't gone through yet i got tense in the hands well basically when i get tense it manifests in my hands i grip too hard and that stresses out my forearm muscles and my hand muscles and it feels like it cuts off circulation so a thing that i've been practicing since i did the six hours of glen helen was uh managing that so yeah i'm doing a thing called letting my arms breathe it's this weird thing that i'm practicing but really seems to help where i just i'm transitioning the muscles that i'm using to hang on basically so right here i'm still trying to get feeling back in my hands and the guy behind me got around me because of that i was fighting really hard to try to get feeling back in my hands which made me slow up way too much i went through all that that wide open stuff in like mid-fourth gear which is that's way too slow i i should have um i should have just put it in fifth because my thing with numb hands is i can't hold the throttle open very much with the numb hand so if i if i'm in fourth gear i can only get so much out of fourth gear but if i would have put it in fifth gear i would have been probably way better because a little bit of throttle in fifth gear is a little bit is a is a little bit better than a little bit of throttle in fourth gear ah what was i saying about the the letting the arms breathe so basically i like transition from the different muscles that i'm focusing on using it it definitely takes my mind off the race so i slow up but it allows me to be safer the thing that i have struggled with in racing definitely is being safe i mean if you've watched any of my other races i am just i'm just always crashing [Music] so the thing that i've been practicing is not crashing like managing my ability to stay in control of the bike and just not crash and just make it through the whole race at a decent pace [Music] right there i got hit with some rocks and they hurt they hurt so bad i thought they had actually like pierced my skin they hurt so bad but they didn't i have i have all sorts of bruises from them but no no broken skin well a little bit of broken skin one of them's bleeding but [Music] i'm yelling at the bike and then yelling at myself to go faster because this uphill it's that battle between fourth and fifth gear fifth gear not pulling fourth gear on the rev limiter such a struggle [Music] i was super excited to have pulled that off [Music] that guy the guy behind me i think i think he was on a 450 i don't know for sure but at the time i i was pretty sure he was on a 450 so having passed him i was like yay i accomplished something [Music] this section was was really cool because it was like a deeper type of sand it wasn't hard packed in that was fun to just throttle through that after the race everyone was talking about the lake and that back there that was the lake people were saying how they if the if someone was next to them or behind them they they just go straight in the middle of the lake and then just blast them with mud so that's that's fun those are the fun things about racing when you when you get into a battle like that and you start getting creative to to try to win the battle uh that's that's good fun obviously out here it's like a really family-oriented atmosphere which is just so cool because people are still battling but nobody is battling sketchy i didn't see any sketchy battling out here no nobody's taking you out in the corners like in all the moto that i've raced that i've raced the motocross people straight kill me in the corners and it's just frustrating people just try to take you out of the race like put you out of the race here there's none of that everyone's everyone's respectful it's really cool [Music] back there i was telling myself careful careful careful um when i need to tell myself when i need to get myself to do something and i really need to get myself to do something i'll just say it out loud over and over during the race it's like it's like a part of the brain that's that's involved with writing gets too focused on writing and won't listen to my internal voice and it's like there's this total disconnect between two different parts of my brain like the communication consciousness side and the like physical like athletic side i don't know uh so like i'll be thinking do something do something and it won't happen so i have to say it out loud and then it's like it's like the other part of my brain responds it's like okay it's weird it's it's that moto meditation where your your brain is so so working so hard on on the task at hand that that these weird malfunctions like that start happening so yeah that's what i do i'll when i need to tell myself something i'll tell myself something out loud [Music] i was sketched out going over those crests um i just i wanted to make sure that i wasn't gonna crash like i said earlier my whole my whole focus lately has been on being able to do decent pace without crashing because that's what i've always struggled with i've always done decent pace with crashing now i'm working on decent pace without crashing and in this race it seems to be working because i'm i'm i'm pretty far out front [Music] [Applause] so this whoop section right there uh you won't be able to see it because something happens to my camera in a bit but at one point i went hauling way too fat it was the last lap i went hauling way too fast through there at basically top speed and saw my life flash before my eyes but i was in a battle with someone and it was the only way to keep that person from getting around around me so i just i did it but it was super sketch man you can see me just fading pretty bad and it's not but the thing is the thing that i'm kind of proud of is that it was not like i'm running out of breath and i'm dying and i need to hit the gym i'm like my whole body was good and i was just playing it smart i was i was just concentrating on managing the numb hands that's like pretty much the only physical problem i was having at this point anyway so i was just focusing on managing that and just keeping a decent pace which is [Music] is nice it's nice to be in that situation compared to racing that i've done before where i'm just all jacked up you can hear someone from behind pressuring me [Music] and i let it i let it push me to go faster a little bit but again i was trying to stay smart and not crash because i knew that crashing would be a whole lot worse than simply losing a one position battle i've been down that road way too many times i've learned that lesson way too many times i went off course a little bit right there kind of surprised i didn't get passed but my suspicion is the person behind me was kind of following and did the same thing [Music] you can hear him in my video you can hear him behind me he i'm i'm holding this person up this person this person is at a faster pace than i am and i am just this roadblock right here [Music] and he got a lot of room with no bushes right here so guess what that person's like see ya [Music] [Music] people on the sides were were giving you indications of what position you were in and i don't know if it comes up in the video because of my camera issue coming up in a bit but at one point i came up to a a spot and a guy was like third overall i was like third overall he was talking to the guy in front of me but i was like third overall holy cow i had no clue i was that far up front so that that means i was in fourth overall but yeah so that blew my mind and that actually got me to start charging a little harder but i'm not sure if we get to see that because of the camera issue there's the camera issue freaking butterfly hit my lens and then later on after that i got hit with a rock and shattered the lens so another gopro lens down so here i am i put in a couple clips with the jacked up lens right back there i was in a battle you could hear the person uh right here i did a look back and that was pretty much game over a person gained on me real quick and just flew around this is the end of the second lap i think kind of hard to see through yep end of the second lap so coming out of this shoot is starting the third lap which is the final lap they had waved a white flag for us so we knew uh the way it works is it's an hour long so there's no set amount of laps that you will do but it's an hour long and when they when they know you're not going to make another lap they wave the white flag and then the checkered flag when you're finishing so that right there that pass that i just made that was my first place pass that put me in the lead uh for the class i didn't know it at the time i thought it was just another pass but yeah that was that was a pass for the win basically on the last lap i made that pass and then a guy just went past me so i i think i was in third overall after the pass for the first place in class i was third overall but then the guy got past me and i was fourth overall [Music] and then right here he got past me putting me into fifth overall [Music] when that guy on the yamaha got past me it was no competition he blew past me and he didn't look back he was just gone and then once again i was all on my own pretty much for the rest of the lap and this is the finish line you obviously can't see anything this is super lame but this is the finish line i just gotta make it through this shoot and that's the end of the race at the end here they give you a little pin for finishing oh that was good yeah nice nice riding that was a good pace to get around you dude yeah so that's the guy that flew past actually that's fun both of those guys flew past me i don't know how well i finished i did well right here at the top you're like in the top 10. oh sick man thanks yeah that was fun i've never done one of these before that was super fun oh yeah thanks [Music] i topped my bike out 78 all pinned out pretty wide oh yeah it was really fast you said the next one's technical okay i might i kind of left it all out there i got to see how i feel in a minute how was it there's suburban delinquent he was in our race too that course was dangerous dude i just went for it dude uh i overshot every major corner was it was not like up there coming down it looked like you weren't supposed to go up and down to the left it looked like it wanted you to go to the right yeah every every major intern i did too someone was really fast these turns the funny part is i messed up so consistent in every single lap that i just bought my own tracks back i don't think you're in luck no you're not i passed some people dude guys did you get any little battles at all i gave everything and that's how i felt too i felt like i i i gave it all there um that's the end of the race i did not end up doing the second race my shoulder felt like it was falling out of its socket i have a shoulder injury i pressed my shoulder in and broke my collarbone and stuff so i have a jacked up shoulder and it was it just stopped working after i stopped moving i couldn't i couldn't even lift up my shoulder so i did not do the second race i just called the quits and i had no i still had no clue how i finished but as it would turn out i had gotten first place in my class and that is the first time i've ever gotten first place in anything never won anything before in my life so it felt really cool um next time i'll be going up into the the faster class no more beginner and novice stuff for me it's just it's gonna be intermediate and expert from now on which is just a big big accomplishment um i'm super happy with it can't wait to do more racing this just this makes me so hungry i've been doing this stuff for over a decade and never had a result like this mediocre results over and over but i finally did it and yeah just makes me so much hungrier i'm gonna i'm gonna practice even harder now and just fight even harder and just keep progressing yeah i hope you enjoyed the video i hope that was helpful if you're trying to get into racing there's a lot more footage from the weekend but i'm kind of holding in a reserve it's probably all going to end up being part of the big 24 hours of glen helen project that's how we ended up coming together suburban delinquent and i because of the the 24 hours of glen allen project where we're gonna we're gonna race that thing yeah so we're doing that and a lot of the footage from this weekend is part of that story anyway thanks for watching it's just gonna play through the whole race again with no commentary so feel free to watch that again if you'd like see you around uh oh [Music] um [Music] you don't have to touch your helmet or anything right nope all right all right [Music] wait 17 minutes or thus thank you um foreign hmm um um [Music] um um to me [Music] hmm [Music] go down um so um uh hmm [Music] [Music] um three worst thing so foreign [Music] um do um [Music] [Music] uh good [Music] um so foreign um [Music] god [Music] [Music] you um [Music] [Music] uh [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] got this there you go [Music] me so so oh so oh [Music] um come on hmm so [Music] um terrible um music [Music] so [Music] uh um [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] blue [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me me [Music] [Music] um um so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so um [Music] [Music] um oh oh that was good yeah nice nice riding that was a good pace dude yeah that was good racing man that was fun i don't know how well i finished i did well right here at the top and you're like in the top 10. oh sick hey you're good man thanks yeah that was fun i've never done one of these before that was super fun oh yeah thanks [Music] i topped my bike out 78 all pinned out pretty wide open oh yeah it was really fast i might i kind of left it all out there i got to see how i feel in a minute how was it i didn't react that course was dangerous dude i just went for it dude i overshot every major corner is it was it just like up there coming down it looked like you weren't supposed to go up and down to the left it looked like it wanted you to go to the right yeah every every major intern i did too someone the funny part is i messed up so consistently every single lap that i just bought my own tracks back i don't think you're in luck no you're not i passed some people dude nice did you get any little battles at all [Music] i gave everything i had myself
Channel: Torture Test Magazine
Views: 67,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meltdown, Long, Term, Review, CRF230F, XR250R, CBR500R, Mods, Upgrades, Top Speed, Wheelie, Riding, vs, hill climb, torture, test, magazine, reliability, how, reliable, is, Suburban Delinquent, crf250x, harescramble, racing, race, desert race
Id: J1JF5jNu8fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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