I WON A MYSTERY BAG FIRST TRY! || Lucky Leo's Arcade!

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[Music] howdy guys we're at the seaside heights lucky Leo's and neuters it's amazing yes my two bucks this is a hoverboard it shouldn't be amazing that would make up for bed okay [Music] three one pocket yeah again what it's closed there's less than founded okay poachy looks like okay that it's better if I get brave of this yeah all right right right there [Music] okay yes yes got it nice it's a howl report I'm going to die curse it 10,000 points all right not bad tickets again yeah we won again those boxes are people working the best bar [Music] [Music] [Music] how curious just how it was yeah that's gonna be different you can win either an iPad or two Apple watch or a $350 Best Buy gift card that's awesome out of these crimes bags or $10,000 ranging from $10,000 that's all 5,000 points 10,000 points sorry I wish was down yeah which was dollars - he said all three games for four bucks again that's not bad correct four dollars it's 3d and [Music] okay I'm thinking this blue one right on the edge yeah the spins right doesn't stab the green one in the back okay interesting the claws different it's not as it's not the same as the other one yeah that one's weird yeah shoot not even picking him up this huh there's a rat mystery bag right on the edge I think we're gonna get it I think we get it first try somebody might have tried then and dropped it there and then we ran out of money or something amazing let's try like I don't want to come on what's in it we've ranged from 10,000 tickets to the prizes in the back yeah that'd be awesome come on let's get one of those on this shelf okay here goes what do we got number 11 all right okay that means something 10,000 take this alright not bad [Music] [Music] that's alright it's 10,000 pics I'm gonna say him [Music] cool 10,000 points like one more try almost right last try move on another machine [Music] yeah right over oh thank you want it it makes you want to do it that's for sure yeah this it moves it mostly he's don't even moving they just drop my Hill yeah this one's good I think that it was Friday right [Music] people weren't down yeah three hours I'm sorry get this machine tablets come on like this one more freaking 10,000 10,000 okay 3,000 ticket still out of it that's thirty thirty thousand okay oh my god okay bring it over I like that Fred Flintstone is cool okay okay ten thousand tickets rates forty thousand out of this one machine that was pretty fast you did that pretty that was quit I do we didn't get a tablet but maybe we can exchange it in for some sort of tablet like four out of six tries you got that I'm curious does this is the only bad one here what if the green ones an iPad okay cuz it looks really easy but the claws weird well I hope it is maybe I thought the claw is bad anyway see we got got a thing 10,000 take that right all right cool I can't believe we got that so easily okay a lot of 10,000 for sure it just doesn't close all the way we just found this giant right there okay okay let's hit it pretty good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay here goes okay nothing just got it over that one kill it all right [Music] it's just moving it around that's that's good time yeah dinner movie all right watch it oh I see what you're here wow you're kidding me try again [Music] okay yeah helps a little I think yeah guys porque el works better [Music] [Music] yeah take that Hillary ten thousand [Music] yeah okay sorry oh okay got one is one more split second I'm gonna win over that little took a little bit of a incline there you know okay okay we got [Music] breadbox and it is 10,000 tickets again now I try for that blue one over there matters see you later right very very nice and we got 10,000 tickets probably probably 10,000 points nice awesome they get that orange one on the side and I bill to get that push it down yeah yeah looks like I got a feeling close and who freaking knows positive see of course the iPad minis in the back and you'll win that purse first well maybe that person or something well they all have so let's be able to trade it in [Music] Thanksgiving when we're trying punish pushy all right you're freaking go man are you going for the minor prize for the you see what happens yeah okay nice loot sprinkled donut that's awesome yeah you totally do nice that to come look guys if you liked this video leave a like and dislike leave a dislike really enjoyed subscribe thanks for watching that we mystery for mystery prize magic one machine that's awesome look Elios arcade seaside New Jersey awesome we got a bunch prizes so far think it's watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Claw Craziness
Views: 7,408,824
Rating: 4.3417549 out of 5
Keywords: claw, machine, how, to, win, on, the, crane, game, arcade, hacks, funny, cool, ptw, time plush wins, warrior, games, kicker, carson claws, claw craziness, claw crazy, craziness claw, claw machine hack, keymaster, how to win keymaster, mystery back, new jersey, whats inside, unlocked, coin pusher, tower of quarters, macbook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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