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[Music] you're never ever ever ever going to feel like doing the things you need to do in order to have what you want you're always going to need to push yourself you're always going to need to parent yourself so what is the net advice on this what what is the bottom line the bottom line is no one's coming no one no one's coming to push you no one's coming to tell you to turn the tv off no one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to write the business plan for you it's up to you and because you're only ever going to do the things that you feel like doing right now or that feel good right now unless you understand that you've got to parent yourself you got to push yourself you're not going to make your dreams come true you're just not we're not wired that way you weren't born that way you weren't that way when you were growing up and you're certainly not that way as an adult and there's a tremendous amount of liberation that comes when you accept the fact that you're always going to need to give yourself a push quicker you could focus on how to fix it the quicker you can learn from your failure the quicker you can anchor those emotions those feelings that's when knowledge becomes wisdom information we can all get it there's more information out now than ever before in history so knowledge is easy to find in today's world information easy to find wisdom ha that's hard to come by because wisdom is when you take knowledge take information put it into play get your ass kicked in some places learn from your mistakes learn from the pain and power through so again this is what i want you to think about i don't care where you are if you hold a grudge shorter than anybody else go shorter if you rebound from a failure quicker than anyone you know rebound quicker successful people rebound fast and while they're rebounding they're actually learning from the horrible experience they had transformed the experience transform the experience from something you call a failure something painful into wow i got that one out of the way i learned from it i know what to do next [Music] need something else that's going to get you off the hook and it has to be that core belief system in your life a belief system that you put in place when you were emotionally sober and you said to yourself i'm making a pledge i do and believe that which moves me towards my goals period not when it's convenient always and that becomes a guiding light in my life if the guiding light in your life is that you only do and believe that which moves you towards your goals when you get into that loop of beating yourself up and thinking that you're worthless or that you're never gonna make it [Music] remember that that belief does not serve you and you don't do things that don't serve you limiting belief that i'm not good enough i'm not smart enough i'm too young i'm too old somehow we have information and experiences that says this is real but what does that really mean what it means is not only does it affect what we do or don't do but it affects the lens by which we're seeing the world we only see the world through the lens of our empowering beliefs or belief so imagine if you had a lens whether it's on your camera or on your glasses and all of a sudden you put a coating on it to take out all the blue light you're not going to see the world the same all the blue light is gone while limiting beliefs or empowering positive beliefs do the exact same thing responsibility to me is it's about understanding and knowing that you have the power to control your destiny that it's about living your life from a place of creation that most people go through life doing what i call living their lives as volunteer victims when you take responsibility for your life it's about knowing that you have to develop yourself that you don't get in life what you want you get in life what you are you have to develop your mind you have to develop your skills you have to have a talent ability that that you are cultivating so that you can create value for the world with what it is you have with your gift [Music] but that's where it starts it starts with the willingness to persist long after it's boring it starts with the ability to focus on your end customer long after you're exhausted it starts with the ability to think about those people that you really want to serve when you're scared and have no idea how you're going to pull it off but you chose to believe that you could do it you chose to believe that and because you chose to believe that you were able to achieve excellence [Music] going out and doing the hard things to see how much of your potential you can actuate pursuing greatness in a very specific direction is i believe the only thing that will make people happy so when i look at depression anxiety all on the rise all rampant people feeling lost not knowing what they want to do where they want to be the answer is decide you're going to be extraordinary at something because it gives you more energy than it takes but get that thing in your life and then go after it with everything you have with total disregard for balance that you pour yourself into it in a way you give yourself over to it and i think we have one more bifurcation you've got the family which provides a similar sense of deep fulfillment and i think that's a perfectly valid choice and then on this side you've got an equal lack of balance all in totally committed do or die i would give myself over to this thing that i'm building right and that's where i'm at i believe that all of us have a responsibility that we want to live a life that will outlive us the work that you're doing there are people that you will never meet whose lives that you've transformed that you you're living a life that will out live you but because of something you say or you interrupt that story of being hopeless and powerless and and not wanting to be here anymore and because they took the time to watch you create an experience oliver wendell holmes said that once a man or woman's mind has been expanded with an ideal concept or experience it could never be satisfied to going back to where it was until at the end of the program at the end of one of your presentations there are people who their lives will be transformed and they will become a pencil as mother teresa would say in the hand of god and start writing a new chapter with their lives i almost made it but screw butt we all have that we all have something we're all different we all have unique circumstances but the people who make the difference are the ones that stay in the game and have a process to get through the game [Music] [Music] when you wake up in the morning your willpower is strongest when you wake up in the morning you've got a full well of mental focus and we know that focus in our world is even more valuable than intelligence you've got the world to yourself there's no crowds you can think you can plan you can care for yourself in a world where so many people are so depleted the impact i want to have in the world is for everybody to be able to face who they are you can put your life on a billboard you are not ashamed of what life made you what you helped life make you no longer ashamed of stop judging yourself against other people who have hidden it better than you i want you to realize that this world life is one big head game and once you learn to play the head game it's no longer a game anymore at all you can start living your life the only thing that got me out of bed was shame so you have to understand that people had not misidentified me this is not a story of someone who was born extraordinary people just couldn't see it that i was secretly this amazing person who was just waiting for their opportunity to shine this was somebody who was lazy ass had no idea what they were going to do with their life i had no idea how i was going to pull it off i was absolutely terrified every time i looked in the mirror i saw me staring back and i knew how lazy i was i knew how afraid i was i knew how insecure i was i knew that at my core i wanted people to like me and i was terrified that they had every reason in the world not to like me but instead of becoming someone who was worthy of self-respect i was trying to create the illusion that i was something because that seemed like i could do it fast instead of just buckling down and doing the hard-ass work of becoming somebody new in the race of life life's not going to give you a glass of water when you're thirsty you work on mental calcium on a daily basis because you're you know your brain your mind like your brain isn't the muscle so much you will lose it you will lose the ability to suffer in the worst of times if you come out of it for too long because i had one failed misunderstanding i believed that my talent and intelligence were fixed traits i was born a certain way and life was about making the most of what i'd been born with what i did not yet understand is the reason humans are the ultimate apex predator is because we are the ultimate adaptation machine so you have to watch who's speaking unto you you've got to begin to monitor your mind and and you've got to begin to literally be proactive in programming yourself to success being not conformed to this world being transformed by the renewing of your mind you've got to take responsibility to make that happen and as you begin to do that you'll begin to see some incredible changes in your life i understand now when earl nightingale said all of us are self-made but only the successful will admit it as you begin to look at your dreams and look at your goals write this down make know you're a vitamin see most people stop short of their dreams and park and get off the highway of life because of the rejections of life you will always be rejected it's no big deal i can't feel said rejection is a myth it's not like when somebody says no and then they slap you you need to be clear what it is you really want i always tell people you know not only what you want but why you want it i know this is simplistic but most people just don't do the blocking and tackling of their life when you're not sure what you're going to do you're going to hesitate and hesitation kills momentum and momentum is what makes a sports team win it's what makes an athlete a business person win when you get momentous like takes enormous energy to get a rocket out of our you know our gravitational pull of the earth but the solar system is easy once it has momentum it takes less fuel less energy starting a relationship starting a business changing your body it takes so much in the beginning but once you get going it's actually really easy living a dominant culture that is designed to destroy your sense of self to connect with this power that you have within yourself to handle where you are all of us if you're really going for something extraordinary i think all of us are going to fail at least as much as we succeed maybe more and so fearing the low moments is not the right way to think about it recontextualize that failure as a learning opportunity earn people's respect not command it earn people's respect by getting back up on your feet and if you rebound quickly with energy and enthusiasm even if some people take the opportunity to kick you while you're down in the long run people will gravitate towards you because they see that you're real you're not posing to me make know you're a vitamin get excited about the no why because every time someone says no that brings you another step to a yes you're getting closer trust me you will win if you don't quit you will win if you don't quit even a broke clock is right twice a day [Music] earning respect you're going to be getting so good at something that you can't be denied and this is one of those things that i say without judgment i'm not saying that you're not talented i'm not saying that you haven't demonstrated competence but i am saying that if you can be ignored the only way out of that is to continue to get better get to the point show it so many times that it is just self-evident [Music] when something happens to you you don't deny it you defy it and i was defiant that i'm going to beat this i'm going to handle this that there are people who many times when something happens to them that they embrace it from a place of fear and it takes them out and elsie robinson said things may happen to you and things will happen around you but the most important things the things that happen in you [Music] why like if you had to boil it down why did most people fail got it locked the answer is they never start the moment we switch on that system for alert or for emergency um we alter ourselves in some way and and all of that response that we have to an environment that we perceive as threatening or dangerous pretty much causes us to move out of balance and when you're out of balance you're in survival when you're in survival you want to rush to get things done you can't be present you know you uh you believe everything that equal to the feeling of fear or hostility because information is is relevant to you in that emotional state so to people then that they have some type of control over that that that sympathetic response that emergency system that switches on is preparing you for something you can't predict that's an unknown something you can't control that survival system uh causes us to move more into our animal nature so short term it's great but you keep doing it over and over again you start becoming more and more conditioned to that rush of energy so teaching people how to self-regulate teaching them how to move back into the present moment teaching them that they can shorten their responses it's really not that you react i mean we all react the question is how long are you going to react for because if you keep that reaction going then then you can't perceive any change in your environment you won't have any ability to heal so you become more affected by your environment really believe that it's about getting them to understand that you will be happy and fulfilled if you do whatever you do in your life off your own steam you know i think that's for me that the single biggest learning is like don't look for shortcuts don't look for people to give you handouts like go figure it out for yourself because that is what will make you the most satisfied happy person that you can be now the reason that most people never start is because they don't think that they're going to get a result from their actions and then that's going to come down to a belief that they believed about themselves i don't have the natural talent i wasn't born at the right time or in the right neighborhood my parents didn't teach me that the hard thing is taking the first step everything else is just persistence if you want to be great you want to be best ever at which you do you can be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes it takes every second of your life anybody says balance yeah balance is important for a lot of people it is but if you want to go to that edge where people do not like you don't understand you question everything you do you you've arrived when you are misunderstood to the point where people think you're psycho and you're nuts and you're this and that why are you in the gym at one o'clock in the morning you will never understand what is wrong with me it's about when people don't understand you anymore you're in that spot of obsession and drive i don't want to talk to you man because you're not going to get it don't want you to get it failure thing is a really big scary topic for people but it is like it absolutely paralyzes people and i don't know how to explain to you that until you've been to the depths of the canyon of despair like that's where the learning and the growth comes from and you come back so much stronger on the other side and if you haven't done that then you haven't failed then there was no point and but i do feel like you get to a point later in your career for anyone the stakes get higher it gets tougher and if you haven't been through some really shitty times and endured you will not have the intestinal fortitude to handle it [Music] life's beauty and its fragility are interwoven so for every single person the normal experience of life is that we're gonna have illness we're gonna have loss we can have breakups and so when we force ourselves to always be positive we're not living in the world as it is we're living in the world as we wish it to be in other words forced positivity is not healthy forced positivity is denial forced positivity is avoidance force positivity is gaslighting yourself it's basically pretending to yourself that your inner experience is not valid and trying to paper over your inner experience with something else because culture tells us to so our difficult thoughts emotions and stories are actually normal they are part of our body and psychology's way of adapting to threat to looking out for things that might be going wrong we have around 16 000 spoken thoughts every single day and many more thousands that caused our mind you operating from a place of of hustling with your emotions actually takes resources and so you're not able to then bring yourself in a way that's breathing and centered into your experience what's the difference and he said if you're interested you'll do it's convenient you'll come up with stories and excuses and reasons why you can't and you'll use your education as an excuse you'll use your story's excuse [Music] you'll use all of that as your reasons why you can't it says but if you're committed you will do whatever it takes you'll let go of your stories you'll let go of your excuses you'll let go of all the reasons you currently have that are formulating your identity of yourself and you learn how to let that go and become who you are destined to become only belief that matters is that you can learn anything the only thing i want to know who are you willing to become and what's the price you're willing to pay to get [Music] there [Music] [Music] you can use a simple trick the moment you feel yourself hesitate the moment you've got one of those moments where you got to step outside of your comfort zone and you've got to lean into your passion and you've got to really take some risks and you've got to feel the fear and you got to do it anyway that's the moment where you just woke up and now you got a decision to make are you going to drift back into the habits are you going to awaken your prefrontal cortex and drive forward and focus and do something new you have two voices in our mind and boy i know they're true i've heard them i hear them now and they're real it's that one voice that voice i used to love in here that we love to hear it's that soft [ __ ] it's okay it's that calling voice you want to be hugged and nurtured that says it's going to be okay well there's another voice that wakes you up in the middle of the night it's not your girlfriend it's not your boyfriend it's that demon [ __ ] voice you're not good enough you gotta work harder you haven't put enough time in with that voice you want to run away from it's that voice you don't want to hear but guess what it's that voice you need to listen to should i quit should i give in i'm constantly i spent the first five years daily contemplating quitting it wasn't fun and and even there's just a part of you i think in anything you're doing when you're struggling is this really for me is this my destiny should i be doing this and we misread failure from some sign you know is this a sign i shouldn't be doing it you know is this a sign i am you know not cut out for this instead of looking for signs that you can win right so i spent the first five years literally trying to find ways to quit trying to find ways to get out struggling and struggling and struggling and i believe the very meaning of life is to find out how many skills you can acquire that have utility and then put that utility to the test in service of someone else i've worked my ass off for this set of skills they are unique to me and they help other people and in being able to help other people with something that i worked very hard for i feel good about myself and i will make you guys one promise right here today the game you're playing please listen to this the game that you're playing is not success the game you're playing is not money the game that you're playing is brain chemistry it's about fulfillment the only thing ultimately that's ever going to matter in your life is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself i think everybody has fear all wrong people have so many theories about fear they talk about well i'm afraid of success no i'm afraid of failure i'm afraid of intimacy i'm afraid of heights i'm afraid of this i'm afraid of that i'm afraid of the other thing there's actually only two fears only two life is about persuading people life is about influencing people and fear is the invisible force that will make you ineffective at that it will stop you impossible is not a fact it's an opinion things are impossible until somebody does it but most people have strategies available or they could get them or you could create them but the problem is you got a story and your story is why it isn't working oh i've got this great idea but i just don't know if it's the right time you know what i say to them i say yeah you know you're right the recession it's it's huge you should wait those dreams yeah put them on hold that's right you you should you should stay in that job you can't stand just a little bit long you get college bills to pay i mean you know what you're doing it's fine you're busy right you know that's right you know exactly what you want and the only thing that you need to do is to admit it now this may sound weird because i know most of you came in here because you're like i know what i want i'm here at success i'm trying to figure it out i'm talking about something bigger much bigger that's the decision you already know i could go backstage now there's something you've been hesitating on there's a contact you need to make isn't there there's a job you need to quit there's a relationship you need to engage in maybe there's a relationship you need to leave i don't know what it is but i know there's a decision that you need to make to take you to the next level just like i know that's true for me because decisions shape our destiny when they're backed up by some massive ass action okay but you can't take the action if you don't decide people avoid being desperate think of the fact they come here tonight and they're down they're not where they want to be financially their relationships aren't what they want maybe they're in a desperate place and you might think that's a negative thing but when you're in a desperate place you take the best actions desperation is a great place to be those of you that are achieving one of the reasons the achievement has slowed down is you've allowed yourself to feel less desperate when you are broke and starting your business or when you are brand new in your relationship when you remove desperation all this [ __ ] creeps into your life where you think you have to have the perfect plan and look the perfect way and have the perfect thoughts and be all zen and perfect what you need is to be desperate [Music] and one of the things i emphasize that changing is not easy but changing your life changing habits reinventing yourself picking yourself up after life has knocked you flat on your back i've got to say when life knocked you down try and land on your back because if you can look up you can get up well that sounds cute but that's not easy so i've got to dig in and got to fight more because at the end of the day life is a fight for territory and once you stop fighting for what you want what you don't want will automatically take over and so it's a fight it's a challenging mind every day and what we have to do is embrace it what we have to do is see it as a project to be worked on it i've read something once that i live by said in life you will always be faced with a series of god-ordained opportunities brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges and if that's the game that we're playing if i can construct my belief system if i can choose at any moment believe something that's more empowering than i was believing the moment before and that that will actually find its way into my actions allow me to do things that i couldn't do the moment before any moment you can choose to believe something new about yourself now the weird thing about belief is as soon as you change that belief it becomes true [Music] turn your wounds into wisdom you will be wounded many times in your life you'll make mistakes some people will call them failures but i have learned that failure is really god's way of saying excuse me you're moving in the wrong direction partly because you have something valuable to bring into the world it's the thing about being an individual as an individual you have a light that you have to bring into the world and then if you don't bring it into the world the world is a dimmer place and that's a bad thing because when the world is a dim place it can get very very very dark you need to take care of yourself because you're in the best position to do that when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe young man then you will be successful in any area of your life i i truly believe that thoughts are the greatest vehicle to change power and success in the world everything begins with us hard thing to accept but in our lives we are getting out of our life right now exactly what we believe we're worthy of exactly what we think we deserve our life is a direct reflection of our identity which is the thoughts concepts beliefs values and worth we hold true to be about ourselves and so as hard as it is to accept we're getting out of life right now what we believe we're worth fighting yourself to maintain positivity is the hardest fight you're ever gonna have and it's like that struggle to just stay my course to you know be the person in the world that that i wanted to be no matter what people said i started to call it offensive positivity weak people are a problem in general and i don't mean physically weak i mean cowardly let's say and deceitful because i'm thinking it more in terms of moral weakness don't make your pathway if you don't pick a forthright and useful and noble pathway through life then you'll become bitter and too hurt by the tragedy of existence and then you tend to seek your revenge wherever you can get it and that's not good and what you have to figure out if you're stuck is are you the kind of person that is guilty of needing wanting and waiting for external forces people an event some outside force to kick you in the ass that you'll finally do the stuff that you've been dreaming about doing i want to tell you something no one's coming no one create the highest grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe if you can be still long enough in in all of your endeavors the good times the hard times to connect yourself to the source i call it god you can call it whatever you want to the force nature allah the power if you can connect yourself to the source and allow the energy that is your personality your life force to be connected to the greater force anything is possible for you responsibility for it that you make it happen that you don't give up that you don't take any objection or disappointment or defeats personally that you keep on keeping on that you don't decide that i can't make it because you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel that you realize that's a part of the program and here's something you've got to resolve say this to yourself every day see as long as you're breathing you've got a shot at your dream that's the way i resolve say this please it's not over till i win the victim mindset it is real in the sense that there are definitely people in the world that have a harder situation than others that's fact there's no debating that point that there are people who have it are harder than other people and in our small bubbles our hardship feels like the worst thing that could ever happen and that's the craziest thing about pain is that you only think pain is bad when you're really going through it and we compare our pain with other people's pain we so the reason why i encourage people to get out of that mindset is because that's just a one-way ticket to a lifelong commitment to sadness disappointment lethargy complacency and feeling stuck and lost there's nothing gained out of feeling sorry for yourself and we believe we're worth it because of these patterns and our identity the highest level is to choose the emotions we want to experience and to begin to run patterns that serve us and eliminate the ones who move us further from them life life is an openness that is closing isn't it death is a closure life is a possibility if you're just alive everything is open this all people are doing to themselves i like this guy i don't like that guy this is somebody i love that's somebody i hate this is belongs to me this doesn't belong to me they're just killing themselves step by step they're planning to die in installments if you want to live here you are you must make up your mind whether you want to live or you want to die you want to know the certainty of death in life this is called belief this is called belonging this is called identification because you are trying to find the certainty of death in the seamless process of life not weakness vulnerability that's that's a whole different thing to admit to to admit to the fact that you're vulnerable that's a form of courage that's not a form of weakness but that leads you to take whatever steps are necessary to deal with that properly it isn't some facade that you're invulnerable no one is invulnerable by any stretch of the imagination and to stand up and face that is is the best route that you have where other people are seeing a failure or setback or even a little problem you want to look for the gold live your life from truth and you will survive everything everything you will survive everything if you can live your life from the point of view of truth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Absolute Motivation
Views: 110,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #AbsoluteMotivation, #MotivationalVideo, #SelfHelp
Id: vLyJ5HQPjFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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